Erik Erikson's RED STATE disinvites Trump after "blood" comments about Megyn Kelly


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
Donald Trump Megyn Kelly had blood coming out of her wherever -

Donald Trump's latest controversial comment was so alarming that he's been disinvited from a conservative gathering Saturday in Atlanta.

At issue: Trump's comments on "CNN Tonight" about Fox News' Megyn Kelly, who moderated a GOP presidential candidate debate Thursday night. During the debate, she pressed Trump about misogynistic, sexist comments he made in the past.

Trump slammed Kelly, saying "she is a lightweight. I couldn't care less about her."

"You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes," Trump told CNN's Don Lemon on Friday night. "Blood coming out of her wherever."

That remark crossed the line, said editor Erick Erickson. He disinvited Trump from the RedState Gathering, a conservative event featuring GOP presidential hopefuls this weekend in Atlanta.

"I have tried to give a great deal of latitude to Donald Trump in his run for the presidency," Erickson wrote.

"He is not a professional politician and is known for being a blunt talker. He connects with so much of the anger in the Republican base and is not afraid to be outspoken on a lot of issues. But there are even lines blunt talkers and unprofessional politicians should not cross. Decency is one of those lines."

For the unititiated, Red State Gathering is a pretty darned large event and Erik Erikson is a stalwart Conservative from a state in the Deep South.

You know that Donald Trump has trouble when even staunch Conservatives disinvite him.

Also being reported here:

Trump dumped from conservative event in Atlanta over inappropriate comments Reuters

And this is a fun quote:

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was dumped from a prime speaking role to an important gathering of conservative activists on Friday for his criticism of Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly after a combustible debate performance.

Trump was scheduled to deliver the keynote address on Saturday night at a conference in Atlanta organized by Red State, an influential conservative group.

Red State chief Erick Erickson said he had disinvited Trump from the event because of what he described as "demeaning" remarks about Kelly who was one of three moderators during the first major Republican debate on Thursday night in Cleveland.

"While I have tried to give him great latitude, his remark about Megyn Kelly was a bridge too far," Erickson said, adding he had invited Kelly, one of Fox's highest profile anchors, to attend his conference in Trump's place.

Trump was unbowed by the dumping.

"This is just another example of weakness through being politically correct," his campaign said in a statement.

"For all of the people who were looking forward to Mr. Trump coming, we will miss you. Blame Erick Erickson, your weak and pathetic leader. We'll now be doing another campaign stop at another location."
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You ARE worse than a gossiping old lady

if Kelly had come after Hillary the way she Trump. your all freaking heads would spinning and spewing green slime. none of you on the left should be allowed to VOTE for our LIVES

are we suppose to give a shit over someone nobody KNOWS
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I have to say, I am enjoying this greatly.

Conservatives in USMB will defend Trump no matter what he does, but I prophesy that once he has crashed and burned, they will start saying that he was not Conservative enough, yadayadayada....

Fun, fun, fun.

And in the meantime, Trump just provided the Clinton team with a cost-free AD for Hillary Clinton. No one is smiling today more than Hillary Clinton herself. If this continues, instead of winning the female vote by +20, she may win it by +30. :D

Imagine how millions and millions and millions of women, including Conservative women, are going to respond to this. The story just broke last evening and is just hitting the "waves" today. This will be ALL over the talk-shows tomorrow: Donald Trump and Megyn Kelly's female parts.

Donald Trump gets pissy with a debate moderator, completely forgets his place in a debate, goes out of his way to trash her more than once afterward. He looks like a 2nd grader throwing a temper-tantrum. And then to say that she was menstruating during the debate and this is why he thinks she was so "nasty" to him. Oh, well, at least he didn't say she would look better down on her knees. But who knows, the day is young....


Lord, how stupid Righties can be.
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You ARE worse than a gossiping old lady

if Kelly had come after Hillary the way she Trump. your all freaking heads would spinning and spewing green slime. none of you on the left should be allowed to VOTE for our LIVES

are we suppose to give a shit over someone nobody KNOWS

So, we all know that you are as dumb as a box of rocks, but did you even read the OP, Stephanie?

Do you not understand the meaning of what the OP is about?

Or are you just completely brain-dead?

Here, I will help: it's about an ARCH-CONSERVATIVE group that has now disinvited Donald Trump.

Fun, fun, fun...
You ARE worse than a gossiping old lady

if Kelly had come after Hillary the way she Trump. your all freaking heads would spinning and spewing green slime. none of you on the left should be allowed to VOTE for our LIVES

are we suppose to give a shit over someone nobody KNOWS

^ ^ ^
Witness, everyone, Stephanie's stupidest post yet.
Repubs think women can't handle criticism. Soon they'll be patting Kelly on the head and giving her a cookie.
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I just want to point out that we are seeing a major pattern here:

someone says something that Trump doesn't like and then he, "The Don", goes for the jugular in like no time at all.

In under 36 hours, he has strongly attacked three Conservative figures with ugly words:

Megyn Kelly - FOX anchor
Frank Luntz - Conservative pollster
Erik Erikson - Conservative commentator, founder of Red State.

How can you win if you keep attacking your own team?

Trump say that Kelly was bleeding out of her vagina during the debate. He says that Luntz, whose special survey group suddenly turned on Trump, was a "low class slob". His campaign calls Erik Erikson a "weak and pathetic leader".

Damn, Clinton couldn't get better support in dismantling the GOP than with a loose cannon like Trump. 2016 is going to make 2012 look like child's play. :D

Watching this happen is like a dream come true for Democrats.

Is there anyone on the Right who does not understand this?

And you watch: within 2 weeks, polling will show a temporary bump for Trump among Republicans, maybe, but he will completely tank with Independents and will be hopelessly so far behing Clinton that -15 behind her will start to look like a close election...

and now, candycorn - you know why I've made my prediction, and based purely on math.... :D
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o please grandma...that is like picking a turd outta the outhouse...there are many more just as stinky

you should know about stinky and outhouses. you start threads on what color dicks women politicians like. you people are small human beings
o please grandma...that is like picking a turd outta the outhouse...there are many more just as stinky

you should know about stinky and outhouses. you start threads on what color dicks women politicians like. you people are small human beings

AWESOME MELTDOWN, Stephanie, and so earrrrrly in the morrrrrning!!!

Now, gotta link to cough up with that weird accusation, or was the booze doing the typing for you?
Turds and dicks, always high-minded here at USMB.

that's thanks to the left who has taken over this board with sickening threads like this

Uhm, no.

You are truly stupid.

This is a factual event, a current event.

This thread is not sickening.

What Don Trump did is sickening.

Learn to discern. Well, as soon as you can find 2 brain cells to rub together.

Now, back under your rock you go...
Personally, I'd like to see Trump go 3rd party, as soon as possible.

Let the GOP work out who their candidate is going to be

and let Trump put his foot in his mouth for the next 6-12 months before he pisses everyone off, and drops out completely
Personally, I'd like to see Trump go 3rd party, as soon as possible.

Let the GOP work out who their candidate is going to be

and let Trump put his foot in his mouth for the next 6-12 months before he pisses everyone off, and drops out completely

Is always a possibility. But I suspect that Trump is going to be around for a while....
Personally, I'd like to see Trump go 3rd party, as soon as possible.

Let the GOP work out who their candidate is going to be

and let Trump put his foot in his mouth for the next 6-12 months before he pisses everyone off, and drops out completely
I wonder if he's going to get bored. Professional politicians seem to thrive on this bullshit, but I don't know about a guy who is used to getting his way. We'll see.

Turds and dicks, always high-minded here at USMB.
that's thanks to the left who has taken over this board with sickening threads like this
I dunno, Red State seems like a pretty important group, this is a legitimate story.


I've heard of him. But he's not someone I go to for my Politics. so saying he's upset is like saying Chrissy Mattews has lost his tingles for Obama

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