Trump Turned up the Sun to Roast Little Kids of Color


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
It is satire, but barely discernible as such. This article was written just after she converted to feminist Islam.

How Donald Trump turned up the sun to deliberately dehydrate and burn hundreds of innocent refugee children of color while leaving white babies across the nation unaffacted.

How Donald Trump turned up the sun to deliberately dehydrate and burn hundreds of innocent refugee children of color while leaving white babies across the nation unaffacted.

As everyone agrees, Donald Trump is literally Hitler. It’s sad to say that the uneducated trash of our country voted him in, but here we are. The least I can do as a citizen of the world is to expose him.

You see Donald Trump and the heteronormative patriarchy have weaponized climate change to their advantage. They seek to roast Mexicans and other innocent refugees who attempt to cross the border, because it’s cheaper than building a wall.

A Brown University study shows that it costs the US government $1850 per illegal immgrant per day to keep them detained, and the study also found out that Donald Trump, in collusion with the World Bank and the secretive Bilderberg society, decided it was cheaper to simply manipulate racist UV rays to deliberately target people of color more frequently than white people.

You want proof? Here’s your proof. Most people who are burned in the sun coming illegally across our southern border are people of color and NOT whites. Prove me wrong on this issue? See? You can’t! The sun, has become a racist vehicle of violence for Trump hatred and it’s murdering innocent people of color.​

Come on people! It is satire!

Do realize how remarkably difficult it is to satire the far left?

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