Trump, the Revolutionary


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
If people are paying attention, Trump may be revolutionizing politics. Trump has tapped into a nerve in the US, we are surrounded by politicians who are afraid to speak the truth, like we see with illegal immigration. Is Mexico sending us their best? No, they are sending their poor, their destitute, and their criminals. If they were not, they certainly would not be risking the border cross.

So what is wrong with saying that? And what is wrong with admitting that the Mexican government is encouraging this? They are, so why should the Mexican government be called out on this and be fined to force them back into the country? I guarantee that is Mexico started to have to pay for each one coming across the border, Mexico would build the damned fence.

But I digress. The problem is that Trump is not a real candidate. He says stupid things that ultimately make him a joke. But just imagine someone getting up their and attacking McCain for his corruption instead of attacking him for being a POW. My guess is that Trump is just a Hillary troll, who if nominated, will continue to say stupid things which will propel Hildabeast to the Oval Orifice. Either than or Jeb will win the nomination and do the same as the conservative base refuses to vote for him. Either way it will be Hillary, but what of the next election?

If people are paying attention, Trump may be redefining the accepted method of trying to obtain votes, which is being PC and trying to offend as little people as possible.

Americans are simply sick of it.
Here are just a few other issues that should be tackled appropriately.

1. Why does America abort their own flesh and blood on the premise we can't afford them, but then pay billions to poor illegal immigrants?

2. Why do we say we want the state out of the bedroom, but then turn around and deny a polygamist the right to marry? In fact, why is the state even involved in marriage? If they are involved, they are in our bedroom. Why divide America as to what is proper sexual conduct?

3. Why does the US take away weapons from it's citizens and even military at home, but then give nukes to Iran and Israel?

4. Why do we let lawyers run our lives? Why is everyone who is elected to office a lawyer? I thought lawyers were crooks who robbed us blind, which brings us to the marriage issue. With about a 50% divorce rate, divorce is simply a stimulus package for lawyers. They come in after a tragic end of a relationship and then strip the entire family of their wealth. Why would we expect legal reform since lawyers make our laws? They won't even touch legal reform in health care let alone anything else.

5. Why does the President have so much unchecked power? He signs treaties and then says they are not really treaties. If he admitted it was a treaty, he would need the approval of Congress which he knows he would not get. Likewise, when he attacked Libya he simply said it was not a war, otherwise, he would have needed the approval of Congress, which he knew he would not get. Is anyone else sick of this? Why is there even a Congress?

But I digress. Who can come up with some more nonPC topics that need to be tackled?
Some would argue that Trump can say what he wants because he does not have to pander to people with money because he is already rich. But look at Jeb Bush. He has more money than Hillary and still will lose to her.

Trump has proven that if you want to get ahead of the pack, you must say something outrageous that taps into a nerve in the American culture that rings true.
Trump tapped into stupid? The GOP has been doing that for years.

Strong and Wrong versus Weak and Right

Say what you will, but even after saying "stupid things" he owns the lead in the party.

It's time to face the facts, the accepted method of running a campaign is antiquated and dying.

It's time to offend!!

Absolutely! I'm behind you and Trump 100%. Yes, his stupidity has him #1 in GOP primary polls (like President Herb Cain and President Michelle Bachman were at this time).

What does that tell you about GOP Primary voters?
Unlike Herman Cain and Michelle Bachmann, Trump is sucking all the air out of both the republicans and democrats.
Votto, Here are just a few other issues that should be tackled appropriately.

1. This is a personal family decision has nothing to do with immigrants and any help they may get.

2. The state is involved in marriage because marriage creates responsibilities and only law and the state have the authority to enforce justice in this area. As for polygamy, lots of reasons why not but if you like start a movement.

3. No one is taking anyone's weapons in the US, and lots of nations have nukes, all developed locally. No sensible point here.

4. You obviously know little about law and its functions.

5. Our current republican congress is useless, you have a point here but tell us why.

Votto, But I digress. Who can come up with some more nonPC topics that need to be tackled?

Education support
Infrastructure rebuilding
Manufacturing in America
Trade policies that screw American workers
Minimum wage or a living wage
Healthcare for all
Science support
Fair tax so those who benefit most pay a fair share
Immigration reform
Pollution and cleaning up a nation that looks like a dump in places
Inner city jobs that pay a fair wage
Lots more.

Oddly Trump touches on some of these items.

"Here's the problem, though: Donald Trump is the essence of contemporary Republicanism. It's a distilled essence, boiled down to a viscous and sour consistency. But if you want to know what Republicans believe and who they are, you don't need to look much further. He's a walking caricature, but it's a caricature created from everything Republicans believe." Donald Trump is the personification of the Republican id

Trump start min 4.


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