Trump set to order construction of Mexican border wall

I would be more receptive to the idea of building a wall if the American tax payer didn't have to foot the bill initially. I don't trust the liar in chief. I'd like to see him take a few years to extract funds from Mexico without tapping into federal funds at all.
hHdden costs such as regular maintenance and repair will add billions more over time

If the tight wad Republican House gives Trump the funds to build that wall, estimated to cost about 30 billion +, they will have reneged on their promise to curb federal spending.

I don't care how much it costs. Just get it done. They spent us into a $20 Trillion mess, and i saw nothing out of it. Apparently some have benefited from it, but i haven't. So now it's my turn to get something out of all the spending. I want the border secured and Obama's dismantled Immigration System rebuilt. I don't care what it costs. It'll be money very well-spent for a change.
Only true national socialists, say that. Even the left is trying to learn how to merely use capitalism, for all of its worth.

a market friendly visa would be more effective since it relies on capitalism, not socialism.

Secure the border and rebuild Obama's dismantled Immigration System. That's why i voted for Donald Trump. I expect action. And i really don't care how much it costs. They're gonna spend the money anyway. It's about time i get something out of it. Spend whatever it takes to get it done. Period, end of story.
SPEND SPEND SPEND, that is all you republicans do when you get into power.

True. And now it's time for me to get mine. They're gonna spend the money anyway. It's time for me to get something out of all the spending. I haven't seen anything from their $20 Trillion Debt. It's my turn. Spend whatever it takes to achieve border security and fix Obama's Immigration mess.

You will get yours alright. By the time Trump gets through, we al will get just won't be what you expect!
I looked at the vide three times
Too bad you didn't look at history three times. I did. I was there when Obama adamantly stated that it was "not a tax" (nothing about increase). And I was there again when his people argued before the Supreme Court that it was "not a tax".

"In other words, the Justice Department is essentially arguing that the penalty is not a tax, except when the government says it is one."

Arguing That Health Mandate Is Not a Tax, Except When It Is

“The minimum coverage provision,” that is, the individual mandate, is “independently authorized by Congress’s taxing power…The minimum coverage provision appears in the Internal Revenue Code and operates as a tax. It is projected to raise billions of dollars in revenue each year.”

Obama Administration: Obamacare's Individual Mandate 'Is a Tax'

It's ok snowflake. Everyone can see that this debate is over. You just weren't wise enough to stop while you were ahead. You'll learn as you get older sweetie.
You are aware that foreign aid to Mexico is only $51.5 million per year. At that rate, it would take 20 years to pay for the wall. And amount wouldn't even cover the staffing and upkeep.
Don't hurt yourself complicating the issue....Mexico will pay....
Poor girl really struggles....doesn't she? She's not even capable of accounting for the amount of money the U.S. will save in not educating illegal aliens, not providing food and housing to illegal aliens, not providing healthcare to illegal aliens, not requiring the law enforcement on a daily basis to deal with illegal aliens, etc.

"Illegal immigration costs federal and local taxpayers $113 billion a year" (link)

So basically - the wall pays for itself in 2 months and then "makes" the U.S. over $113 billion per year for eternity. Seems like one hell of a deal to me.

And again - I'd like to be very clear for the 10,000th time on USMB - I am not for the wall. I oppose it because I do not think it will be effective. But certainly resolving our illegal immigration problem will save the U.S. more than a trillion dollars over any given decade.
You are a blathering idiot, STFU
That 's a bad analogy. Obamacare was a republican idea to begin with and the "blueprint" was already known.
How sad that you have to blatantly lie. There was literally nothing about Obamacare that was known before it was passed into law. Obama and the Dumbocrats refused to allow the American people to see it.

Nancy Pelosi infamously stated: "We have to pass it before you can find out what's in it".

Bullshit. There were 2000 pages to the law. It was published for everyone to read, but most couldn't be bothered. It was never hidden.
I looked at the vide three times
Too bad you didn't look at history three times. I did. I was there when Obama adamantly stated that it was "not a tax" (nothing about increase). And I was there again when his people argued before the Supreme Court that it was "not a tax".

"In other words, the Justice Department is essentially arguing that the penalty is not a tax, except when the government says it is one."

Arguing That Health Mandate Is Not a Tax, Except When It Is

“The minimum coverage provision,” that is, the individual mandate, is “independently authorized by Congress’s taxing power…The minimum coverage provision appears in the Internal Revenue Code and operates as a tax. It is projected to raise billions of dollars in revenue each year.”

Obama Administration: Obamacare's Individual Mandate 'Is a Tax'

It's ok snowflake. Everyone can see that this debate is over. You just weren't wise enough to stop while you were ahead. You'll learn as you get older sweetie.
Your original argument was that the PPACA mandate is unconstitutional. I simply reminded you that a republican, Justice Roberts, wrote the majority decision saying the PPACA penalty was a tax. The mandate is not a tax it was a requirement to get insurance through private health insurance agencies. THE PENALTY FOR NOT DOING SO IS A TAX.
Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids!
You are a blathering idiot, STFU
Bwahahaha! After getting obliterated by facts, the typical fascist response is "STFU". Tell me - how does it feel exactly to be my personal bitch on USMB? :lol:
You don't even exist as far as I am concerned. And your "facts" are just a series of giddy bluster and barely coherent grunts.
Except that while you spew uninformed opinion, I add links showing everyone what a little child you are...
Have fun, snowflake... Trump has some more executive orders to sign.

This is Priceless Rube....Right over the White House

Why is it "priceless" my precious little high school dropout? Nobody is "resisting". Trump was voted into the White House by the overwhelming majority of this nation. The best you were able to do is have a few transvestites march and make a fool out of themselves - pushing even more people over to Trump's side. :lol:

Sure.You keep telling yourself that.
That 's a bad analogy. Obamacare was a republican idea to begin with and the "blueprint" was already known.
How sad that you have to blatantly lie. There was literally nothing about Obamacare that was known before it was passed into law. Obama and the Dumbocrats refused to allow the American people to see it.

Nancy Pelosi infamously stated: "We have to pass it before you can find out what's in it".

Bullshit. There were 2000 pages to the law. It was published for everyone to read, but most couldn't be bothered. It was never hidden.
Bullshit....liar. Even the Democrats in Congress were complaining that they didn't have the right version of the bill when it was time to vote on it because there were so many floating around. The next time you get your facts straight will be the first time that ever happened sweetie.
Mexico is paying for the
CNN -- Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto said Wednesday his country "will not pay for any wall," despite the claims US President Donald Trump has made.
Few people on USMB are as stupid as TyroneSlothrop. Listen, my gentle little snowflake - all we have to do is withhold our foreign aid to Mexico and put it towards the wall. Boom! Mexico just paid for the wall (that money was going to them anyway so we're no worse off). Then we tell them they never seen foreign aid again unless they reimburse us. If they don't, the wall not only built itself - it saved us hundreds of billions over the next century. If they do - they paid for the wall just like Trump said they would. Either way, we win. How dumb are you not to see how simple this is?

You think it's as simple as that? I guess a simple mind like yours can;t grasp something more complex. (get someone to tell you what that word means.)
You must have been born yesterday. Apparently you were NOT around when Justice Roberts saved Obamacare by declaring the mandate to be a tax. we already saw that movie, time to change the reel! poor little ignorant and gentle little snowflake. Taxes can only be generated in the House of Representatives. The Obamacare bill that passed was crafted in the Senate. You just made the case that Obamacare was 100% unconstitutional. You're clearly ignorant of the U.S. Constitution and how your own government functions. And you're clearly out of your depth debating with me. Are you sure you don't want to stop now before you dig yourself any deeper? There will be no shame - everyone else already realizes it would be the smart move here.

The bill did not originate in the Senate. Yet more evidence you're as dumb as they come.

The bill was H.R. 3590

Have some child explain what the "H.R." stands for.


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