Trump Obstructed; Barr Covered Up (again)


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Yes, Trump Obstructed Justice. And William Barr Is Helping Him Cover It Up.

"It is widely believed that Barr had already categorically ruled out charging a president with obstruction.

"In a June 2018 memo, shared with Trump’s lawyer before his nomination, Barr argued that the theory of obstruction he believed Special Counsel Robert Mueller to be adopting would not be proper.

"But in that very same memo—on the very first page!—Barr conceded, 'Obviously, the President … can commit obstruction in [a] classic sense of sabotaging a proceeding’s truth-finding function.'

"Barr envisioned that if a president 'suborns perjury, or induces a witness to change testimony … then he, like anyone else, commits the crime of obstruction.'

Obviously, Trump does little else other than sabotaging truth-finding as evidenced by the thousands of lies he's told since becoming POTUS.

"That’s important, because we know that Trump has been involved in getting his aides to lie.

"His own lawyer, Jay Sekulow, reportedly edited the prepared statement Trump’s longtime personal attorney Michael Cohen gave to Congress about an effort to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.

"Cohen goes to prison in May, in part, for telling lies that Sekulow reviewed."

Trump obstructed Mueller from shredding attorney client privilege? Really?

Trump obstructed Hillary from the White House -- still not a crime
There is no proof of obstrauction. Your link is FAKE NEWS!
How do you know there's no proof of obstruction when the entire report has not been made public?

How much of Bill Barr's history of covering up for Republican presidents are you familiar with?

Cover-up Attorney General Bill Barr strikes again

"Was the Iran-Contra criminal conspiracy limited, as Reagan and Bush insisted (and Reagan confessed on TV), to later years in the Reagan presidency, in response to a hostage-taking in Lebanon?

"Or had it started in the 1980 campaign with collusion with the Iranians, as the then-president of Iran asserted? Who knew what, and when?And what was George H.W. Bush’s role in it all?

"Walsh (Special Prosecutor) had zeroed in on documents that were in the possession of Reagan’s former defense secretary, Caspar Weinberger, who all the evidence showed was definitely in on the deal, and President Bush’s diary that could corroborate it.

"Elliott Abrams had already been convicted of withholding evidence from Congress, and he may have even more information, too, if it could be pried out of him before he went to prison. But Abrams was keeping mum, apparently anticipating a pardon."

And there's also a previous cover up of selling WMD to Saddam Hussein:

"So Bush called in his attorneygeneral, Bill Barr, and asked his advice.

"Barr, along with Bush, was already up to his eyeballs in cover-ups of shady behavior by the Reagan administration.

"New York Times writer William Safire referred to him not as 'Attorney General' but, instead, as 'Coverup-General,' noting that in another scandal — having to do with Bush selling weapons of mass destruction to Saddam Hussein — Barr was already covering up for Bush, Weinberger, and others from the Reagan administration."
Yes, Trump Obstructed Justice. And William Barr Is Helping Him Cover It Up.

"It is widely believed that Barr had already categorically ruled out charging a president with obstruction.

"In a June 2018 memo, shared with Trump’s lawyer before his nomination, Barr argued that the theory of obstruction he believed Special Counsel Robert Mueller to be adopting would not be proper.

"But in that very same memo—on the very first page!—Barr conceded, 'Obviously, the President … can commit obstruction in [a] classic sense of sabotaging a proceeding’s truth-finding function.'

"Barr envisioned that if a president 'suborns perjury, or induces a witness to change testimony … then he, like anyone else, commits the crime of obstruction.'

Obviously, Trump does little else other than sabotaging truth-finding as evidenced by the thousands of lies he's told since becoming POTUS.

"That’s important, because we know that Trump has been involved in getting his aides to lie.

"His own lawyer, Jay Sekulow, reportedly edited the prepared statement Trump’s longtime personal attorney Michael Cohen gave to Congress about an effort to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.

"Cohen goes to prison in May, in part, for telling lies that Sekulow reviewed."

/----/ How do you cover up something that never happened?
Yes, Trump Obstructed Justice. And William Barr Is Helping Him Cover It Up.

"It is widely believed that Barr had already categorically ruled out charging a president with obstruction.

"In a June 2018 memo, shared with Trump’s lawyer before his nomination, Barr argued that the theory of obstruction he believed Special Counsel Robert Mueller to be adopting would not be proper.

"But in that very same memo—on the very first page!—Barr conceded, 'Obviously, the President … can commit obstruction in [a] classic sense of sabotaging a proceeding’s truth-finding function.'

"Barr envisioned that if a president 'suborns perjury, or induces a witness to change testimony … then he, like anyone else, commits the crime of obstruction.'

Obviously, Trump does little else other than sabotaging truth-finding as evidenced by the thousands of lies he's told since becoming POTUS.

"That’s important, because we know that Trump has been involved in getting his aides to lie.

"His own lawyer, Jay Sekulow, reportedly edited the prepared statement Trump’s longtime personal attorney Michael Cohen gave to Congress about an effort to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.

"Cohen goes to prison in May, in part, for telling lies that Sekulow reviewed."


Considering the source!

Trump obstructed Mueller from shredding attorney client privilege? Really?

Trump obstructed Hillary from the White House -- still not a crime
Trump lied about attorney client privilege too?

Yes, Trump Obstructed Justice. And William Barr Is Helping Him Cover It Up.

" Attorney General William Barr revealed that he would not charge President Trump with obstruction of justice over his efforts to thwart the investigation into whether his campaign conspired with Russia to swing the 2016 election.

"In order to do so, Barr performed a remarkable gimmick that allowed him to not only break promises he made during his confirmation process, but also gloss over the crimes that Trump is suspected of committing."
Yes, Trump Obstructed Justice. And William Barr Is Helping Him Cover It Up.

"It is widely believed that Barr had already categorically ruled out charging a president with obstruction.

"In a June 2018 memo, shared with Trump’s lawyer before his nomination, Barr argued that the theory of obstruction he believed Special Counsel Robert Mueller to be adopting would not be proper.

"But in that very same memo—on the very first page!—Barr conceded, 'Obviously, the President … can commit obstruction in [a] classic sense of sabotaging a proceeding’s truth-finding function.'

"Barr envisioned that if a president 'suborns perjury, or induces a witness to change testimony … then he, like anyone else, commits the crime of obstruction.'

Obviously, Trump does little else other than sabotaging truth-finding as evidenced by the thousands of lies he's told since becoming POTUS.

"That’s important, because we know that Trump has been involved in getting his aides to lie.

"His own lawyer, Jay Sekulow, reportedly edited the prepared statement Trump’s longtime personal attorney Michael Cohen gave to Congress about an effort to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.

"Cohen goes to prison in May, in part, for telling lies that Sekulow reviewed."


Considering the source!

Considering the source!
Yes, Trump Obstructed Justice. And William Barr Is Helping Him Cover It Up.

"It is widely believed that Barr had already categorically ruled out charging a president with obstruction.

"In a June 2018 memo, shared with Trump’s lawyer before his nomination, Barr argued that the theory of obstruction he believed Special Counsel Robert Mueller to be adopting would not be proper.

"But in that very same memo—on the very first page!—Barr conceded, 'Obviously, the President … can commit obstruction in [a] classic sense of sabotaging a proceeding’s truth-finding function.'

"Barr envisioned that if a president 'suborns perjury, or induces a witness to change testimony … then he, like anyone else, commits the crime of obstruction.'

Obviously, Trump does little else other than sabotaging truth-finding as evidenced by the thousands of lies he's told since becoming POTUS.

"That’s important, because we know that Trump has been involved in getting his aides to lie.

"His own lawyer, Jay Sekulow, reportedly edited the prepared statement Trump’s longtime personal attorney Michael Cohen gave to Congress about an effort to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.

"Cohen goes to prison in May, in part, for telling lies that Sekulow reviewed."

/----/ How do you cover up something that never happened?
How do you cover up something that never happened?
What never happened?

Yes, Trump Obstructed Justice. And William Barr Is Helping Him Cover It Up.

"And Trump has repeatedly dangled pardons to subordinates under investigation, reportedly including former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn, former campaign chair Paul Manafort, and Cohen.

"Indeed, in a hearing in February, Mueller prosecutor Andrew Weissmann argued that Manafort lied about the details of sharing Trump campaign polling data with the Russian political operative Konstantin Kilimnik on August 2, 2016—knowing that the data would be passed on to others including other Russians—specifically to 'augment his chances for a pardon.'"

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