Trump: Judge blocking new immigration order is UNPRECEDENTED judicial overreach


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Donald Trump responded to the federal judge in Hawaii who froze his latest executive order restricting immigration just hours before it was supposed to go into effect.

Donald Trump responded to the federal judge in Hawaii who froze his latest executive order restricting immigration just hours before it was supposed to go into effect.

Speaking from a rally in Nashville Wednesday night, the president said it was “unprecedented judicial overreach.”

Trump: Judge Blocking New Immigration Order Is ‘Unprecedented Judicial Overreach’

Donald Trump responded to the federal judge in Hawaii who froze his latest executive order restricting immigration just hours before it was supposed to go into effect

Everything that is wrong the radical left want nothing more than to make it right. You can't make wrong's right you morons.
We are already seeing diseases in our Country that haven't been here before or haven't been around for a long time.
That's why you Vet them you idiots. This is just one issue of many.
obama went to hawaii right before, judge was his appointee

another plane on the tarmac like clinton?
Donald Trump responded to the federal judge in Hawaii who froze his latest executive order restricting immigration just hours before it was supposed to go into effect.

Donald Trump responded to the federal judge in Hawaii who froze his latest executive order restricting immigration just hours before it was supposed to go into effect.

Speaking from a rally in Nashville Wednesday night, the president said it was “unprecedented judicial overreach.”

Trump: Judge Blocking New Immigration Order Is ‘Unprecedented Judicial Overreach’

Donald Trump responded to the federal judge in Hawaii who froze his latest executive order restricting immigration just hours before it was supposed to go into effect

Everything that is wrong the radical left want nothing more than to make it right. You can't make wrong's right you morons.
We are already seeing diseases in our Country that haven't been here before or haven't been around for a long time.
That's why you Vet them you idiots. This is just one issue of many.
He should take them to court! :rofl: :rofl:
Too bad Trump spent his entire campaign attacking Muslims and convincing his followers he would punish. Or his EO's might have stayed in place. The orange moron can't keep his big mouth shut!
------------------------------------------------- thats silly , thing is that the black robed tyrant should not make judgements based on prior words that were said . The order is legal based simply on what the order itself says . Anything else is akin to mind or intent reading or guessing . Same goes for the first order OldSchool .
Donald Trump responded to the federal judge in Hawaii who froze his latest executive order restricting immigration just hours before it was supposed to go into effect.

Speaking from a rally in Nashville Wednesday night, the president said it was “unprecedented judicial overreach.”

His first travel ban was halted, now his second travel ban is blocked and he says that blocking the second is unprecedented.

How can it be unprecedented when his first one was blocked. Unprecedented means it hadn't occurred before, but blocking his travel ban had happened before therefore by definition it isn't "unprecedented".

Maybe he meant "unpresidented"?

Going beyond the four corners of what was before him to include past statements is unprecedented. Judges are supposed to rule on what is before them.
Judges using campaign rhetoric to infer intent instead of plainly evaluating the law as written is a dangerous development. Also because the public can witness the selective use of this trick, it undermines confidence in the judiciary at a time when the judiciary can’t afford too much erosion of trust.

“Feelings” isn’t even a good song, much less a sound basis for overturning a legal executive order.
5 Problems With Hawaii Judge's Block Of Trump's Travel Ban I dont see how this gets upheld.....I hate
Trump isnt a legal argument germane to the issue
Donald Trump responded to the federal judge in Hawaii who froze his latest executive order restricting immigration just hours before it was supposed to go into effect.

Speaking from a rally in Nashville Wednesday night, the president said it was “unprecedented judicial overreach.”

His first travel ban was halted, now his second travel ban is blocked and he says that blocking the second is unprecedented.

How can it be unprecedented when his first one was blocked. Unprecedented means it hadn't occurred before, but blocking his travel ban had happened before therefore by definition it isn't "unprecedented".

Maybe he meant "unpresidented"?


Because it is a Presidents right to do so when he feels allowing illegals into our Country is a threat to our nation to put it simply. These ppl are not coming in Legally.
xhange of subject or what WWatcher eh ??

No, just humor.

(As long as you think that Trump not understanding what "unprecedented" means is funny. :lol: )

------------------------------------------- I don't think that its important so like I said , seems like an attempt to change subjects a tactic that is often used on message boards . The same thing happens when spelling mistakes are pointed out WWatcher .
Too bad Trump spent his entire campaign attacking Muslims and convincing his followers he would punish. Or his EO's might have stayed in place. The orange moron can't keep his big mouth shut!

Asswipe...nothing he said during the campaign matters, his executive order is Constitutional....the judge is an asshole.....
Unprecedented will be when the prisoners get more clued up than they are now about a post-media world. For example, Paul Craig Roberts, a psychopath voted as the top ten of alternative news media on the web. Here is a current taste of this dipshit:

Federal Court Says Foreigners....
'....Ninth Circuit Court's of US citizens to non-citizens, apparently on the basis of due process and religious discrimination arguments....Identity Politics requires "America's First Black President" to be supported at all costs, and Trump, a white, heterosexual male billionaire, to be hated at all costs. 'We have already mentioned how the prisoners got screwed the first time, and that was the deceptive use of prepositions in the U.S. Constitution. Once again, the vetting process is tough enough even without the psychic religious baggage that wants to and has to, spread itself around the planet, Hippocrates meant "let thy local food be thy (local) medicine." When "American" Indigenes are prevented from performing their religious ritual at the Washington Monument, the schizo in White Eyes such as Roberts (any relation to Oral?) is revealed. There are at least two Obama Japans, Nuke Breath.
The phrase "hated at all costs," are Craig's last quoted lip movements in the message above.
Too bad Trump spent his entire campaign attacking Muslims and convincing his followers he would punish. Or his EO's might have stayed in place.

Too bad we have idiots like you in America making such false assertions.
Too bad Trump spent his entire campaign attacking Muslims and convincing his followers he would punish. Or his EO's might have stayed in place. The orange moron can't keep his big mouth shut!

No some people FEEL he attacked muslims. The judge based his rulings on feelings, not the facts of the EO.
this ruling should be thrown out, this is nothing more than a game being played by the Left, they will keep finding other tool judges to block whatever they can. This is Tyranny of the court, its no better than any other type of tyranny.

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