trump jr and giuliani served with suit for witness intimidation

No it does not. Nice try but there is all kinds of evidence that show at least 4 swing states elections had 0 integrity.

Yes it does. I can link you to site that are filled with scientist telling you how the establishment pushes their lies about the earth being flat. There are 1000s of them.

Come November there will be people elected that will do something about it.

I am really looking forward to next year when these people get elected and nothing about the 2020 election changes. Watching your despair will be so much fun
Calypso Jones said:
That's the favorite tactic of the left. keep aggravating and filling peoples' lives with bullshit suits.
"It's the only time the corrupt GOP have felt like democrats."

are you stating the left keeps filling peoples lives with bullshit suits?

Finally, some honesty.
That's the favorite tactic of the left. keep aggravating and filling peoples' lives with bullshit suits.

No, that’s Trumps tactic. Let’s see how he likes the taste of his own medicine.

Way to go Alex, take those worthless pieces of shit for every dime you can squeeze out of the traitor asses.
Yes it does. I can link you to site that are filled with scientist telling you how the establishment pushes their lies about the earth being flat. There are 1000s of them.

I am really looking forward to next year when these people get elected and nothing about the 2020 election changes. Watching your despair will be so much fun
Knowing you support the end of democracy and freedom is hardly compensation but I guess it will have to do for now. You are simply an anti-American POS.
This tempest in a teapot wouldn't have anything to do with covering up prominent police union president being raided in his home for misappropriation of funds now would it? hmmmmm.

or Joe's very bad handling of the russian ukraine thing on top of the afghanistan withdrawal?

Or putting up a fence around DC to stop the American people from congregating and protesting? hmmmm.

what else is going on today that they don't want us to notice??

or this?

are you freakin' kidding me Golfing Gator?? YOU NEED A LINK??? LOLOLOL

Do you read anything other than your bathroom joke book?

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