Trump is incredibly p*ssed off no one believes his Obama wiretaps story, says adviser


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Trump is incredibly p*ssed off no one believes his Obama wiretaps story, says adviser
Trump is incredibly ‘p*ssed off’ no one believes his Obama ‘wiretaps’ story, says adviser


Trump is incredibly ‘p*ssed off’ no one believes his Obama ‘wiretaps’ story, says adviser reported that CEO Christopher Ruddy published an essay on Sunday attacking Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer (NY) and praising his boss’ performance through a week rocked by major revelations regarding Trump and his staff’s communications with agents of the Russian government during the 2016 campaign and White House transition.

“I’ve been watching Chuck Todd’s ‘Meet the Press’ as I write this. There is actually little talk about this unprecedented wire-tapping and even less worry over it,” wrote Ruddy.

On Sunday morning, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told “Meet the Press” emphatically that the wiretapping does not exist. It never happened, he said, “There was no such wiretap activity mounted against the president-elect at the time as a candidate or against his campaign.”

Ruddy said, “I spoke with the President twice yesterday about the wiretap story. I haven’t seen him this p*ssed off in a long time. When I mentioned Obama ‘denials’ about the wiretaps, he shot back: ‘This will be investigated, it will all come out. I will be proven right.’”

This is what happens when you're a liar and make shit up! People call you on it! Grow up Donald Trump.
Trump may be delusional.

He may believe what he is saying.

God help us all.
I actually do not believe it. Donald Trump and those working for him need to prove Obama did wiretap Trump and until they offer concrete evidence this is nothing more than tabloid nonsense.

Trump need to prove it to be true because if he fails this hurt him and not the left...
Oh, gramps: America is dealing with Trump, yes.

Bruce is dead on above. Trump either saves himself or he is in deep doo doo.
Trump is incredibly p*ssed off no one believes his Obama wiretaps story, says adviser
Trump is incredibly ‘p*ssed off’ no one believes his Obama ‘wiretaps’ story, says adviser


Trump is incredibly ‘p*ssed off’ no one believes his Obama ‘wiretaps’ story, says adviser reported that CEO Christopher Ruddy published an essay on Sunday attacking Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer (NY) and praising his boss’ performance through a week rocked by major revelations regarding Trump and his staff’s communications with agents of the Russian government during the 2016 campaign and White House transition.

“I’ve been watching Chuck Todd’s ‘Meet the Press’ as I write this. There is actually little talk about this unprecedented wire-tapping and even less worry over it,” wrote Ruddy.

On Sunday morning, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told “Meet the Press” emphatically that the wiretapping does not exist. It never happened, he said, “There was no such wiretap activity mounted against the president-elect at the time as a candidate or against his campaign.”

Ruddy said, “I spoke with the President twice yesterday about the wiretap story. I haven’t seen him this p*ssed off in a long time. When I mentioned Obama ‘denials’ about the wiretaps, he shot back: ‘This will be investigated, it will all come out. I will be proven right.’”

This is what happens when you're a liar and make shit up! People call you on it! Grow up Donald Trump.

Sounds like Adolf Trump has been enraged all week. The man-child is insane!

‘Nobody Has Seen Him That Upset’: Trump Reportedly Furious Over Sessions Fallout
The guys insane...needs serious medical help.
I agree, you do. Start with your split personality & go from there.
^^ limp wrist retort.

Trump brought this on himself and got flattened.
I'm not talking about Trump dumbass. I'm not interested in the gossip of teenage girls.
I was talking about the op. The man who used to talk shit on "*******&wetbacks" with every other post. The man who pretended to be a conservative. The man who now claims to be a moderate yet only bitches about one side. The man who pretends to be married. The man who can't keep his bullshit positions straight from one month to the next.

So you, fraud #2, can fuck off.
Trump is incredibly ‘p*ssed off’ no one believes his Obama ‘wiretaps’ story, says adviser

He has nobody other than himself to blame. He has the authority, if need be, to declassify any FISA-related wiretap authorizations a court granted. The instant he does that, everyone will his statement about the wiretaps.

It may even be that Trump Tower was "bugged" and in the process of securing the place, the Secret Service found the "bugs." Those bugs, if they existed and were found, could have been planted by Russians, thus allowing them to have whatever it they have on him (others too perhaps) that is the reason for Trump's bizarre support for Putin.

It could also be that Russians have info on Trump obtained via hacking. That wouldn't be hard to do. All someone had to do was give him a USB drive or an email attachment and tell him it had something flattering on it, perhaps a congratulatory "e-card" or something, and Trump's ego would not have been able to resist inserting the drive into his computer or clicking on the attachment. Let's face it, flattery will get one everywhere with Trump. In games such as that Trump is so out of his depth he doesn't even know it, and he's up against a former KGB agent.
"Trump is incredibly pissed' that "no one believes" him is the OP.

He got bitch slapped, ass slapped, face slapped: he got the crud beat out of him.
Who fucking cares. Don't you tools have a life outside of bitching about Trump?

He won, deal with it & grow the fuck up.

It's not about him winning. That's done. That won't change. But hell Grampa - can't he AT LEAST ACT MATURE AND PRESIDENTIAL? Is that too much to ask for?

Not everything is about losing or winning the election.
President Trump spent the weekend at “the winter White House,” Mar-a-Lago, the secluded Florida castle where he is king. The sun sparkles off the glistening lawn and warms the russet clay Spanish tiles, and the steaks are cooked just how he likes them (well done). His daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner — celebrated as calming influences on the tempestuous president — joined him. But they were helpless to contain his fury.

Trump was mad — steaming, raging mad.

Trump’s young presidency has existed in a perpetual state of chaos. The issue of Russia has distracted from what was meant to be his most triumphant moment: his address last Tuesday to a joint session of Congress. And now his latest unfounded accusation — that Barack Obama tapped Trump’s phones during last fall’s campaign — had been denied by the former president and doubted by both allies and fellow Republicans.

When Trump ran into Christopher Ruddy on the golf course and later at dinner Saturday, he vented to his friend. “This will be investigated,” Ruddy recalled Trump telling him. “It will all come out. I will be proven right.”

“He was pissed,” said Ruddy, the chief executive of Newsmax, a conservative media company. “I haven’t seen him this angry.”

Much More: Inside Trump’s fury: The president rages at leaks, setbacks and accusations

It sounds like Trump is really losing it. How could he handle a major national security crisis? No wonder Obama is staying in town. He was probably asked to.
Trump is incredibly ‘p*ssed off’ no one believes his Obama ‘wiretaps’ story, says adviser

FWIW, I don't actually believe he's ticked off about folks not believing him about the wiretap. I think he's laughing contentedly because the "Russia-gate" story is now not front and center again.
I repeat from the OP:

Trump was mad — steaming, raging mad.

“He was pissed,” said Ruddy, the chief executive of Newsmax, a conservative media company. “I haven’t seen him this angry.”

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