Trump is incredibly p*ssed off no one believes his Obama wiretaps story, says adviser

Oh! It's the NY Times. It can't be trusted!
I'm glad you agree.

Putin knows the Clintons can be BOUGHT....just the way he and his ex-KGB buddies bought Bill Clinton and Podesta. Hold a bag of money out in front of them and they would sell their own mothers.
Could it be because he's a liar?

Donald Trump Met Russian Ambassador During The Campaign, Despite Repeated Denials | The Huffington Post

On April 27, Trump met Sergey Kislyak in Washington, D.C., before a big foreign policy speech.

You have no proof that Donald Trump knew who the Russian ambassador was. In 2016 Trump said he didn't know who Vladimir Putin was. In this case ignorance of world leaders, and foreign policy gave Trump an advantage when it comes to denying he ever met somebody.,
And you voted for him? He didn't even know who Putin was in 2016? You're a fucking idiot.
He, trump, bragged about knowing about Putin during a nationally televised 2015 debate. He said they were "stablemates" because they both appeared on the same 60 Minutes TV news program.
Who fucking cares. Don't you tools have a life outside of bitching about Trump?

He won, deal with it & grow the fuck up.

Yeah, just like no one bitched about Obama for EIGHT years. You deal with it - like we did. We are now the disloyal opposition - just like you NaziCons were. Grow the fuck up.
Obama lied about Obamacare, he would lie about wiretaps.
AKA..."I don't got shit..."

AKA...Obama lies. Why should I believe his ADMIN wasn't spying on Trump?

Because there is NO EVIDENCE that he did? None. Where is the evidence you didn't murder your wife?
My evidence is my wife in my bedroom sitting on her ass playing skylanders.... Have anymore stupid questions ?

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