Liberal thugs ambush peaceful Trump supporters

The trumpers started the fights and got the crap beat out of them. Nothing new.

Violence breaks out at pro-Trump rally in Berkeley

As usual. Trump freaks are the scum of the Earth.

Tolerance and Diversity, doth thou people preach.
If the alt right would be peaceful, I am sure the love lefties would be nice to them.
Absolutely. And if she didn't wear that skirt...
Trump supporters were peacefully conducting a march when liberal thugs ambushed them.

Violence breaks out at pro-Trump rally in Berkeley
Marching in favor of a polarizing president such as Donald Trump was a provocation to people in such a liberal community as Berkeley.

Does this mean that next time I'm in Orange County, I can beat the shit out of a liberal?
Were I you, I would not try manhandling a Latino in Santa Ana or Tustin.

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