Trump decertifies Iran deal

It would have been nice if that shithead Obama had cared as much about the US as he cared about those filthy ass Muslim countries.

I'm sorry, exactly how is making a deal with Iran helping Americans one way or the other.

I mean, the Jews hate this deal, but Americans, meh, not a big deal.

Are you really that dumb or are you just confused?

The deal was supposedly to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons that could be a threat to anybody in the world. In the case of Iran we know that they have been giving nuke and missile technology to the Norks, who have threatened to attack the US and our allies. God only knows what the hell they are going to do to stabilize the Middle East when they finish their program.

The deal was terrible and did nothing of substance to curtail Iranian nuclear development and production while giving them hundreds of billions of dollars.

That dumbass affirmative action asshole Obama made a terrible deal that only enabled the Iranians. Not only did the stupid deal require almost a month's notice for inspections but no military facilities were to be inspected and no American inspectors. Sweetheart deal for the Iranians, huh?

Obama gave away the store to the Iranians and good for Trump for having the courage and intelligence to get the US out of the deal. Of course that piece of shit Obama made sure the Iranians got all their shit up front so what the hell do they care?

The Moon Bats were idiots electing Obama. That sonofabitch was a disaster.
It would have been nice if that shithead Obama had cared as much about the US as he cared about those filthy ass Muslim countries.

I'm sorry, exactly how is making a deal with Iran helping Americans one way or the other.

I mean, the Jews hate this deal, but Americans, meh, not a big deal.

Are you really that dumb or are you just confused?

The deal was supposedly to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons that could be a threat to anybody in the world. In the case of Iran we know that they have been giving nuke and missile technology to the Norks, who have threatened to attack the US and our allies. God only knows what the hell they are going to do to stabilize the Middle East when they finish their program.

The deal was terrible and did nothing of substance to curtail Iranian nuclear development and production while giving them hundreds of billions of dollars.

That dumbass affirmative action asshole Obama made a terrible deal that only enabled the Iranians. Not only did the stupid deal require almost a month's notice for inspections but no military facilities were to be inspected and no American inspectors. Sweetheart deal for the Iranians, huh?

Obama gave away the store to the Iranians and good for Trump for having the courage and intelligence to get the US out of the deal. Of course that piece of shit Obama made sure the Iranians got all their shit up front so what the hell do they care?

The Moon Bats were idiots electing Obama. That sonofabitch was a disaster.

The US is still in the deal. He didn't leave the deal. He decertified it, and it's now with the GOP led Congress to decide what to do.

But it doesn't matter. Russia , China, the Europeans and Iran aren't interested in adding on whatever the warmongering GOP wants anyway. If the deal falls apart and everyone ignores the GOP's whining, then Iran will have a nuke AND trade with the world.

The GOP fucks up everything.
GOP's warmongering at fever pitch. The flopped and failed Iraq War didn't teach them a thing.

That asshole Obama was at war every day of administration. He fought the war in Iraq for three years, escalated the war in Afghanistan and bombed Libya that was never a threat to the US. When you Moon Bats complain about war mongering you just sound like hypocritical shitheads.

Obama finally ended the failed Iraq War, killed OBL , and admitted later that his actions in Libya were a mistake. To this day, very few GOPers will admit that their Bushtarded era foreign policy was a mistake.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Obama fought the war for three years, managed to lose it and then sent more troops back in. What a fuck up.

Bush handed him a victory and all the asshole had to do was not fuck it but he couldn't even do that.

Obama was a dumbass that was never qualified to be a shoeshine boy no less President of the US. He was an affirmative action Negro that didn't know jackshit about anything. He may know something about basketball but he was a dumbass when it came to running this country. No wonder he never released his college transcripts. It is obvious he passed on his race and not because he ever learned anything. The Moon Bats that elected the shithead were absolutely crazy.

This economic program for the US was a disaster and his foreign policy was an embarrassment to any American.

Trump has a hellva job to undo all the damage that shithead did to the US and to the world.
Now Iran can build all the nukes they want AND we gave them their BILLIONS as start up capital. Sounds like a fucking winner!

What do you think they're doing now? Why do you think I ran demanded the right to continue to enrich uranium? The left made the same excuses and remarks after Clinton gave North Korea to reactors. The nuclear weapons fairy didn't simply bring them nuclear weapons overnight.

What you think they are doing vs what you can prove is 2 different things. We inspected and found they weren't developing jack shit.

Of course to you that's your chance to use the old Iraq war excuse "inspectors haven't found any weapons but I swear they have them...let's war!"

They've complied with the deal and because you don't like it, you try to say it doesn't count.

Inspectors are blocked from inspecting.
Meanwhile, Net-n-yahoo is behind the scenes telling Trump to Decertify so the U.S. and Israel can bomb and invade Iran!!!!!!
I think if we have the right to own nukes others should too. What gives us the right to go around telling others what to have and what not to have? And leave them vulnerable for us to invade them at anytime?
Birth Privileges Have Led to Decade After Decadent Decade, Generation After Degenerate Generation

What gives backward races the right to claim they are equal? If advanced people don't get rid of the powerful and malignant Whiteys Hating Whitey preaching suicidal ethics to us, we deserve to be conquered by savages.
Sweet heart without the Persian civilisation you wouldn't be living in the world you see now.
there are details of the "agreement" that seem to be important -------actually involving the legality of the
"agreement" itself. There are people implying that it was
never entirely valid because it was not ratified by the congress. Iran, itself, as an entity COMPLETELY adherent
to "agreements" has a record that easily disqualifies it----ie
a history of LOTS OF TREACHERY

whatever... as someone else pointed out, most of our agreements aren't ratified by Congress.

So how about answering the question- If we are seen as the people sandbagging the agreement, what impetus is there on our allies to enforce the parts we want enforced?

Never negotiate out of fear, always force your enemies to negotiate out of fear. Russia and China won't risk anything for those two basketcases. So NoKo and Iranistan will be all alone when the lights go out.

That's actually kind of retarded. The Russians have a vested interest in Iran. Iran is propping up their ally, Assad, and giving them warm water ports in the region, and Russia reached a 2.5 Billion deal with them recently.

Similarly, China has a lot invested in North Korea.

SO there will come a time when people realize that the Orange Shitgibbon is full of bluster and not much else.

LOL what impetus should ANYONE have for adhering for ANY agreement with IRAN? Circa --1950 ----IRAN STOLE
the British interests in the BRITISH DEVELOPED oil fields of
Iran----at the behest of the CLERICAL PIGS--------and then in 1979 ---the AYATOILET PIGS completed the theft of foreign assets in Iran and DECLARED DEATH TO ALL THE NON-SHIITE shit in the whole world. Are you afraid that the ayatoilets will fart out DEATH TO AMERICAL ALLAHU AKBAR??
GOP's warmongering at fever pitch. The flopped and failed Iraq War didn't teach them a thing.

That asshole Obama was at war every day of administration. He fought the war in Iraq for three years, escalated the war in Afghanistan and bombed Libya that was never a threat to the US. When you Moon Bats complain about war mongering you just sound like hypocritical shitheads.

Obama finally ended the failed Iraq War, killed OBL , and admitted later that his actions in Libya were a mistake. To this day, very few GOPers will admit that their Bushtarded era foreign policy was a mistake.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Obama fought the war for three years, managed to lose it and then sent more troops back in. What a fuck up.

Bush handed him a victory and all the asshole had to do was not fuck it but he couldn't even do that.

Obama was a dumbass that was never qualified to be a shoeshine boy no less President of the US. He was an affirmative action Negro that didn't know jackshit about anything. He may know something about basketball but he was a dumbass when it came to running this country. No wonder he never released his college transcripts. It is obvious he passed on his race and not because he ever learned anything. The Moon Bats that elected the shithead were absolutely crazy.

This economic program for the US was a disaster and his foreign policy was an embarrassment to any American.

Trump has a hellva job to undo all the damage that shithead did to the US and to the world.
How do you sleep being a racist and a jerk? Why are you that miserable?
Do you have the balls to use the N word outside your house?
Now Iran can build all the nukes they want AND we gave them their BILLIONS as start up capital. Sounds like a fucking winner!

What do you think they're doing now? Why do you think I ran demanded the right to continue to enrich uranium? The left made the same excuses and remarks after Clinton gave North Korea to reactors. The nuclear weapons fairy didn't simply bring them nuclear weapons overnight.

What you think they are doing vs what you can prove is 2 different things. We inspected and found they weren't developing jack shit.

Of course to you that's your chance to use the old Iraq war excuse "inspectors haven't found any weapons but I swear they have them...let's war!"

They've complied with the deal and because you don't like it, you try to say it doesn't count.

Inspectors are blocked from inspecting.
Meanwhile, Net-n-yahoo is behind the scenes telling Trump to Dertify so the U.S. and Israel can bomb and invade Iran!!!!!!

tell us more of what you learned in yesterday's KHUTBAH JUMAAT FECES FLING
You people amaze me.... you shit your pants over the Russians who at the of the day, we have no real issues yet fawn all over a country that has openly declared they want us all dead.
GOP's warmongering at fever pitch. The flopped and failed Iraq War didn't teach them a thing.

That asshole Obama was at war every day of administration. He fought the war in Iraq for three years, escalated the war in Afghanistan and bombed Libya that was never a threat to the US. When you Moon Bats complain about war mongering you just sound like hypocritical shitheads.

Obama finally ended the failed Iraq War, killed OBL , and admitted later that his actions in Libya were a mistake. To this day, very few GOPers will admit that their Bushtarded era foreign policy was a mistake.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Obama fought the war for three years, managed to lose it and then sent more troops back in. What a fuck up.

Bush handed him a victory and all the asshole had to do was not fuck it but he couldn't even do that.

Obama was a dumbass that was never qualified to be a shoeshine boy no less President of the US. He was an affirmative action Negro that didn't know jackshit about anything. He may know something about basketball but he was a dumbass when it came to running this country. No wonder he never released his college transcripts. It is obvious he passed on his race and not because he ever learned anything. The Moon Bats that elected the shithead were absolutely crazy.

This economic program for the US was a disaster and his foreign policy was an embarrassment to any American.

Trump has a hellva job to undo all the damage that shithead did to the US and to the world.

Obama left Iraq under the agreement made between Bush and the Iraqis. It was a good agreement that got us out of a war that we never should have been in. Obama did TRY to renegotiate it, in order to keep US troops in longer , (a mistake, imo) but the Iraqis wanted us out. They refused to renegotiate it. So Obama followed the Bush agreement and withdrew. So when conservatives whine about Obama leaving Iraq "too soon" , they are actually whining about a Bushtard era agreement. Bush, the cross eyed war monkey, fucked up the war from the get go. The mistake was that we went into Iraq at all , not how we left.
I think if we have the right to own nukes others should too. What gives us the right to go around telling others what to have and what not to have? And leave them vulnerable for us to invade them at anytime?
Birth Privileges Have Led to Decade After Decadent Decade, Generation After Degenerate Generation

What gives backward races the right to claim they are equal? If advanced people don't get rid of the powerful and malignant Whiteys Hating Whitey preaching suicidal ethics to us, we deserve to be conquered by savages.
Sweet heart without the Persian civilisation you wouldn't be living in the world you see now.

Persian civilization was destroyed by the JIHADIST GENGHIS KHAN and the arab invasion------which transformed it into the pile of shit that it is today Real Iranians know that fact. Consult the Zoroastrian community of Mumbai
You people amaze me.... you shit your pants over the Russians who at the of the day, we have no real issues yet fawn all over a country that has openly declared they want us all dead.
Why do conservatives get made at the rest of Americans simply because their failed suicidal ideology bullshit!!!
You people amaze me.... you shit your pants over the Russians who at the of the day, we have no real issues yet fawn all over a country that has openly declared they want us all dead.

Fawning? Over Iran? Nice try. We all want to see them end the mullahocracy, treat women better, etc... But we also understand why they want nukes: To protect themselves from a GOP led America, and conservative America's buttlove for war on Muslims.
You people amaze me.... you shit your pants over the Russians who at the of the day, we have no real issues yet fawn all over a country that has openly declared they want us all dead.
Why do conservatives get made at the rest of Americans simply because their failed suicidal ideology bullshit!!!

It is clear that English is not your mother-tongue----what
are you trying to babble?
You people amaze me.... you shit your pants over the Russians who at the of the day, we have no real issues yet fawn all over a country that has openly declared they want us all dead.

Fawning? Over Iran? Nice try. We all want to see them end the mullahocracy, treat women better, etc... But we also understand why they want nukes: To protect themselves from a GOP led America, and conservative America's buttlove for war on Muslims.

FORCE-----and is doing a very extensive job of imperialist
aggression ------Russia is its ally------as are the BAATHIST PIGS OF THE WORLD----and all of the world's SHIITE SHIT
It would have been nice if that shithead Obama had cared as much about the US as he cared about those filthy ass Muslim countries.

I'm sorry, exactly how is making a deal with Iran helping Americans one way or the other.

I mean, the Jews hate this deal, but Americans, meh, not a big deal.

Are you really that dumb or are you just confused?

The deal was supposedly to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons that could be a threat to anybody in the world. In the case of Iran we know that they have been giving nuke and missile technology to the Norks, who have threatened to attack the US and our allies. God only knows what the hell they are going to do to stabilize the Middle East when they finish their program.

The deal was terrible and did nothing of substance to curtail Iranian nuclear development and production while giving them hundreds of billions of dollars.

That dumbass affirmative action asshole Obama made a terrible deal that only enabled the Iranians. Not only did the stupid deal require almost a month's notice for inspections but no military facilities were to be inspected and no American inspectors. Sweetheart deal for the Iranians, huh?

Obama gave away the store to the Iranians and good for Trump for having the courage and intelligence to get the US out of the deal. Of course that piece of shit Obama made sure the Iranians got all their shit up front so what the hell do they care?

The Moon Bats were idiots electing Obama. That sonofabitch was a disaster.

The US is still in the deal. He didn't leave the deal. He decertified it, and it's now with the GOP led Congress to decide what to do.

But it doesn't matter. Russia , China, the Europeans and Iran aren't interested in adding on whatever the warmongering GOP wants anyway. If the deal falls apart and everyone ignores the GOP's whining, then Iran will have a nuke AND trade with the world.

The GOP fucks up everything.

No Moon Bat, you are confused.

That asshole Obama fucked up everything when he championed a deal that did noting to stop Iranian nuclear proliferation but yet gave them money and legitimacy. It never would have happen if that piece of shit Obama and his Iranian Ho bitch Jarrett hadn't wanted to enable the Muslim Iranians.

Obama loves his Muslims buddies and did everything he could to kiss their ass.

Democrat foreign policy is always a disaster. Just like their economic policies that produce decreased family income, tremendous debt, dismal economic growth increased income disparity and increased poverty.

Only an idiot would vote for a Democrat.

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