Trump decertifies Iran deal


Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2011
This took guts. I applaud President Trump for doing it. The iran deal guaranteed us that Iran would get Nukes after ten years, at best. Trump was right that it was the worst deal ever negotiated.

Obama got blisters on his lips from kissing the Iranian's asses so much.
The Iranians have sworn to kill Americans and to remove Israel from of the face of the earth.
Obama is a traitor.
The one thing the Idiot-in Chief has done is send a message to all governments on this Earth that the word the United States commits to in any agreement is subject to the whim of any future President after a number of years have passed. That fucking NARCISSISTIC FOOL has done grave damage to the reputation of this Nation and is unconscionable!
The one thing the Idiot-in Chief has done is send a message to all governments on this Earth that the word the United States commits to in any agreement is subject to the whim of any future President after a number of years have passed. That fucking NARCISSISTIC FOOL has done grave damage to the reputation of this Nation and is unconscionable!

Trump no choice. The stakes are too high. We can’t let Iran get nukes.
Excellent speech. Another regime placed on notice. Considering the wider global situation, one can easily speculate whether there may be a "Michael Corleone Solution" in the top drawer as a contingency.
The one thing the Idiot-in Chief has done is send a message to all governments on this Earth that the word the United States commits to in any agreement is subject to the whim of any future President after a number of years have passed. That fucking NARCISSISTIC FOOL has done grave damage to the reputation of this Nation and is unconscionable!

Trump no choice. The stakes are too high. We can’t let Iran get nukes.
How in the world do you think backing out of this deal helps them not get nukes. The deal had measures to prevent them from developing nukes. And what of all the other countries, our Allies, who were part of this deal? This wasn't an Obama/Iran thing, it was a joint effort.

Trump knows that congress isn't going to go through with the decert. He is just posturing and trying to send a message that he is a tough guy, IMO
This took guts. I applaud President Trump for doing it. The iran deal guaranteed us that Iran would get Nukes after ten years, at best. Trump was right that it was the worst deal ever negotiated.

Okay. So since the other five nations that were part of this deal all think Trump is full of shit, we've essentially just thrown away our only bartering chip with IRan (Trade) so that Trump can make the Jews happy.

How is this a good thing again?

Here's the thing about the Iran Deal. The rest of the world wants to trade with Iran. They got some neat stuff.

So we've got the rest of the world to agree, they won't trade with Iran unless Iran agrees to inspections.

But if we unilaterally walk away, there's no pressure on them to keep up sanctions. Hey, they kept up their end of the bargain.
The one thing the Idiot-in Chief has done is send a message to all governments on this Earth that the word the United States commits to in any agreement is subject to the whim of any future President after a number of years have passed. That fucking NARCISSISTIC FOOL has done grave damage to the reputation of this Nation and is unconscionable!

Trump no choice. The stakes are too high. We can’t let Iran get nukes.
How in the world do you think backing out of this deal helps them not get nukes. The deal had measures to prevent them from developing nukes. And what of all the other countries, our Allies, who were part of this deal? This wasn't an Obama/Iran thing, it was a joint effort.

The deal guaranteed they would get nukes. Let’s face it the only thing that will stop them is war. Cripple them financially and when the time is right go for the kill.
This took guts. I applaud President Trump for doing it. The iran deal guaranteed us that Iran would get Nukes after ten years, at best. Trump was right that it was the worst deal ever negotiated.

Okay. So since the other five nations that were part of this deal all think Trump is full of shit, we've essentially just thrown away our only bartering chip with IRan (Trade) so that Trump can make the Jews happy.

How is this a good thing again?

Here's the thing about the Iran Deal. The rest of the world wants to trade with Iran. They got some neat stuff.

So we've got the rest of the world to agree, they won't trade with Iran unless Iran agrees to inspections.

But if we unilaterally walk away, there's no pressure on them to keep up sanctions. Hey, they kept up their end of the bargain.

They publicly execute people, hang gay folks off bridges and other assorted abhorrent behavior. Thats not neat stuff.
This took guts. I applaud President Trump for doing it. The iran deal guaranteed us that Iran would get Nukes after ten years, at best. Trump was right that it was the worst deal ever negotiated.

Okay. So since the other five nations that were part of this deal all think Trump is full of shit, we've essentially just thrown away our only bartering chip with IRan (Trade) so that Trump can make the Jews happy.

How is this a good thing again?

Here's the thing about the Iran Deal. The rest of the world wants to trade with Iran. They got some neat stuff.

So we've got the rest of the world to agree, they won't trade with Iran unless Iran agrees to inspections.

But if we unilaterally walk away, there's no pressure on them to keep up sanctions. Hey, they kept up their end of the bargain.

Full blown antisemetic much?
Great so now Iran is free to develop all the Nukes they want and when the US asks for a deal they'll say "A deal? LOL"

So now Iran has all that money and no more deal to stop them
The one thing the Idiot-in Chief has done is send a message to all governments on this Earth that the word the United States commits to in any agreement is subject to the whim of any future President after a number of years have passed. That fucking NARCISSISTIC FOOL has done grave damage to the reputation of this Nation and is unconscionable!

Yup, that's what happens when a dumbass (Obama) makes an agreement.
They publicly execute people, hang gay folks off bridges and other assorted abhorrent behavior. Thats not neat stuff.

So why is this our problem again?

Look, we dealt with horrible people for years all over the world- Somoza, Pinochet, the Shah, Marcos, who did stuff that was just as bad.

The Saudis publicly execute women for adultery... and they are our best buds in the world!

No, we are mad at the Iranians because 40 years ago, they threw out the Shah and spanked us.

We need to seriously get the fuck over it.
The one thing the Idiot-in Chief has done is send a message to all governments on this Earth that the word the United States commits to in any agreement is subject to the whim of any future President after a number of years have passed. That fucking NARCISSISTIC FOOL has done grave damage to the reputation of this Nation and is unconscionable!
except given our history this is pretty normal these days. esp when we're busy catering to extremes on either side of the equation and letting them "drive". next election, next extreme comes in and wa-la, we can't move forward we have to disassemble. sorry johnny 5.

as long as we're a culture pushing this, our presidents of the times will keep doing it.
No that is what happens when T gets involved and want to nuke someone. That was their money. Europe, China and Russia is not going to put up with Ts crap.

He has the nuke trigger. He is a crazy loon.

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