Trump decertifies Iran deal

Now Iran can build all the nukes they want AND we gave them their BILLIONS as start up capital. Sounds like a fucking winner!

What do you think they're doing now? Why do you think I ran demanded the right to continue to enrich uranium? The left made the same excuses and remarks after Clinton gave North Korea to reactors. The nuclear weapons fairy didn't simply bring them nuclear weapons overnight.

What you think they are doing vs what you can prove is 2 different things. We inspected and found they weren't developing jack shit.

Of course to you that's your chance to use the old Iraq war excuse "inspectors haven't found any weapons but I swear they have them...let's war!"

They've complied with the deal and because you don't like it, you try to say it doesn't count.

Inspectors are blocked from inspecting.
Meanwhile, Net-n-yahoo is behind the scenes telling Trump to Decertify so the U.S. and Israel can bomb and invade Iran!!!!!!

Netanyahu thought Obama was a dumbshit too.
Typical republican plan
Are you still commenting about this subject? I thought you would have given up once you were schooled about history and how the Democratic party presidents appeased and basically gave North Korea its nuclear program start.

How did the Democrats attempts to deter North Korea from getting nuclear weapons workout?

Keeping weapons out of the hands of this nation's enemies has not been a strong suit for the Democratic Party, as Barack Obama proved.

He financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended, and protected the terrorists Muslim Brotherhood, Isis, and Al Queda. He armed Mexican drug cartels.

He did all of that while North Korea continued to work on it nuclear weapons and missile technology programs.

And Obama eliminated many obstructions from Iran's way preventing them from further developing its nuclear weapons program by forging his own personal unconstitutional treaty with Iran, a deal that lifted sanctions, allowed other nations to trade with them again, and provided them with a wealth of funding. Thanks to Obama, Iran can continue to enrich its uranium undeterred.

So please tell me, snowflake, how do you undo all of that damage?

Let me hear your plan...
Iran is a lost cause. The appeasement that has been made, the lifting of sanctions and handing them back all of their money, agreeing to allow them to continue to enrich uranium, the unconstitutional personal treaty Obama made with Iran - they are all 'done deals' now.

There is no going back, there is no putting the genie back in the bottle.

Iran will get nuclear weapons, just as North Korea did after being appeased and given nuclear reactors.

Obama also started a nuclear arms race in the Middle East by doing this, as other other Middle Eastern Nations begin to look into developing their own programs.

Many, as we see on this board, are in denial about this thinking it will never happen, just as people said North Korea would never get nuclear weapons.

Once it sinks in, once it happens, they will see that what has just happened is the leading supporter of terrorism in the Middle East has been given the ability to create and build nuclear weapons - dirty bombs at the very least.
The nuclear arms race was the result of the GeeW Doctrine

Get nukes as fast as you can, cuz if you disarm the USofA will invade you as in Iraq

We now have the new trump Doctrine and it has gotten worse

Do not agree to any arms treaties, cuz the USofA is not to be trusted and will cancel them.
Now Iran can build all the nukes they want AND we gave them their BILLIONS as start up capital. Sounds like a fucking winner!

What do you think they're doing now? Why do you think I ran demanded the right to continue to enrich uranium? The left made the same excuses and remarks after Clinton gave North Korea to reactors. The nuclear weapons fairy didn't simply bring them nuclear weapons overnight.

What you think they are doing vs what you can prove is 2 different things. We inspected and found they weren't developing jack shit.

Of course to you that's your chance to use the old Iraq war excuse "inspectors haven't found any weapons but I swear they have them...let's war!"

They've complied with the deal and because you don't like it, you try to say it doesn't count.
As I pointed out, the media reported that Iran was breaking agreements during negotiations...
The agreement contains a number loosely worded requirements on all parties but they are not part the certification requirement. Iran has clearly met requirements for certification. Any party to the agreement that believes there are violations other than certification can request arbitration thru the arbitration committee. Neither the US nor any other party to the agreement has made such a request.
The one thing the Idiot-in Chief has done is send a message to all governments on this Earth that the word the United States commits to in any agreement is subject to the whim of any future President after a number of years have passed. That fucking NARCISSISTIC FOOL has done grave damage to the reputation of this Nation and is unconscionable!

Old news. Abandoning S. Vietnam did that decades ago. Which Idiot-in-Chief are you talking about?
The Vietnam war is Old News. We got our ass's kicked by farmers! Another example of how Whitey foolishly believed they could beat anyone.

We didn't get our asses kicked by anybody. S. Vietnam and US soldiers were betrayed by politicians and civilians and we just got rid of an anti-American alleged president. Like I said-nothing new.
Democrats won two world wars

republicans lost Vietnam, Korea & Iraq

republicans won in Grenada
The one thing the Idiot-in Chief has done is send a message to all governments on this Earth that the word the United States commits to in any agreement is subject to the whim of any future President after a number of years have passed. That fucking NARCISSISTIC FOOL has done grave damage to the reputation of this Nation and is unconscionable!

Old news. Abandoning S. Vietnam did that decades ago. Which Idiot-in-Chief are you talking about?
The Vietnam war is Old News. We got our ass's kicked by farmers! Another example of how Whitey foolishly believed they could beat anyone.

We didn't get our asses kicked by anybody. S. Vietnam and US soldiers were betrayed by politicians and civilians and we just got rid of an anti-American alleged president. Like I said-nothing new.
Democrats won two world wars

republicans lost Vietnam, Korea & Iraq

republicans won in Grenada

Is this what they're teaching in your high school these days?

Odd, that. No wonder you people are so fucked in the head.
Typical republican plan
Are you still commenting about this subject? I thought you would have given up once you were schooled about history and how the Democratic party presidents appeased and basically gave North Korea its nuclear program start.

How did the Democrats attempts to deter North Korea from getting nuclear weapons workout?

Keeping weapons out of the hands of this nation's enemies has not been a strong suit for the Democratic Party, as Barack Obama proved.

He financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended, and protected the terrorists Muslim Brotherhood, Isis, and Al Queda. He armed Mexican drug cartels.

He did all of that while North Korea continued to work on it nuclear weapons and missile technology programs.

And Obama eliminated many obstructions from Iran's way preventing them from further developing its nuclear weapons program by forging his own personal unconstitutional treaty with Iran, a deal that lifted sanctions, allowed other nations to trade with them again, and provided them with a wealth of funding. Thanks to Obama, Iran can continue to enrich its uranium undeterred.

So please tell me, snowflake, how do you undo all of that damage?

Let me hear your plan...
Always glad to help

Do not elect republican presidents

You are welcome!
The one thing the Idiot-in Chief has done is send a message to all governments on this Earth that the word the United States commits to in any agreement is subject to the whim of any future President after a number of years have passed. That fucking NARCISSISTIC FOOL has done grave damage to the reputation of this Nation and is unconscionable!

Old news. Abandoning S. Vietnam did that decades ago. Which Idiot-in-Chief are you talking about?
The Vietnam war is Old News. We got our ass's kicked by farmers! Another example of how Whitey foolishly believed they could beat anyone.

We didn't get our asses kicked by anybody. S. Vietnam and US soldiers were betrayed by politicians and civilians and we just got rid of an anti-American alleged president. Like I said-nothing new.
Democrats won two world wars

republicans lost Vietnam, Korea & Iraq

republicans won in Grenada

Is this what they're teaching in your high school these days?

Odd, that. No wonder you people are so fucked in the head.
How much did it piss you off that Obama killed bin laden?

Old news. Abandoning S. Vietnam did that decades ago. Which Idiot-in-Chief are you talking about?
The Vietnam war is Old News. We got our ass's kicked by farmers! Another example of how Whitey foolishly believed they could beat anyone.

We didn't get our asses kicked by anybody. S. Vietnam and US soldiers were betrayed by politicians and civilians and we just got rid of an anti-American alleged president. Like I said-nothing new.
Democrats won two world wars

republicans lost Vietnam, Korea & Iraq

republicans won in Grenada

Is this what they're teaching in your high school these days?

Odd, that. No wonder you people are so fucked in the head.
How much did it piss you off that Obama killed bin laden?



We got some loose intel, but what did it really change?
The deal was supposedly to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons that could be a threat to anybody in the world. In the case of Iran we know that they have been giving nuke and missile technology to the Norks, who have threatened to attack the US and our allies. God only knows what the hell they are going to do to stabilize the Middle East when they finish their program.

It did that. Iran doesn't have a nuke and they are complying with inspections. now they can throw the inspectors out, if they want to.
The deal was supposedly to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons that could be a threat to anybody in the world. In the case of Iran we know that they have been giving nuke and missile technology to the Norks, who have threatened to attack the US and our allies. God only knows what the hell they are going to do to stabilize the Middle East when they finish their program.

It did that. Iran doesn't have a nuke and they are complying with inspections. now they can throw the inspectors out, if they want to.
flush is a racist imbecile. republicans will throw ANY trash up against the wall. If anything it is the other way around.

North Korea helping Iran.

North Korea’s Deadly Partnership With Iran
The one thing the Idiot-in Chief has done is send a message to all governments on this Earth that the word the United States commits to in any agreement is subject to the whim of any future President after a number of years have passed. That fucking NARCISSISTIC FOOL has done grave damage to the reputation of this Nation and is unconscionable!

Old news. Abandoning S. Vietnam did that decades ago. Which Idiot-in-Chief are you talking about?
The Vietnam war is Old News. We got our ass's kicked by farmers! Another example of how Whitey foolishly believed they could beat anyone.

We didn't get our asses kicked by anybody. S. Vietnam and US soldiers were betrayed by politicians and civilians and we just got rid of an anti-American alleged president. Like I said-nothing new.
Democrats won two world wars

republicans lost Vietnam, Korea & Iraq

republicans won in Grenada

Oh, please! Neither politicians nor political parties win wars. Soldiers, Marines, Sailors and Airmen win wars and we didn't "lose" any of those.
It would have been nice if that shithead Obama had cared as much about the US as he cared about those filthy ass Muslim countries.

I'm sorry, exactly how is making a deal with Iran helping Americans one way or the other.

I mean, the Jews hate this deal, but Americans, meh, not a big deal.

Are you really that dumb or are you just confused?

The deal was supposedly to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons that could be a threat to anybody in the world. In the case of Iran we know that they have been giving nuke and missile technology to the Norks, who have threatened to attack the US and our allies. God only knows what the hell they are going to do to stabilize the Middle East when they finish their program.

The deal was terrible and did nothing of substance to curtail Iranian nuclear development and production while giving them hundreds of billions of dollars.

That dumbass affirmative action asshole Obama made a terrible deal that only enabled the Iranians. Not only did the stupid deal require almost a month's notice for inspections but no military facilities were to be inspected and no American inspectors. Sweetheart deal for the Iranians, huh?

Obama gave away the store to the Iranians and good for Trump for having the courage and intelligence to get the US out of the deal. Of course that piece of shit Obama made sure the Iranians got all their shit up front so what the hell do they care?

The Moon Bats were idiots electing Obama. That sonofabitch was a disaster.

The US is still in the deal. He didn't leave the deal. He decertified it, and it's now with the GOP led Congress to decide what to do.

But it doesn't matter. Russia , China, the Europeans and Iran aren't interested in adding on whatever the warmongering GOP wants anyway. If the deal falls apart and everyone ignores the GOP's whining, then Iran will have a nuke AND trade with the world.

The GOP fucks up everything.
It is highly unlikely that Senate would decide to blackout of the deal. Trump could have backed out instead just refusing to certify it. Had Trump withdrawn the US from the agreement after the UN inspectors had certified that Iran has met all requirements, a peacefully solution with North Korea would be impossible. North Korea has maintained that the US can not be trusted. Withdrawal from the Iranian Nuclear Agreement would just prove they are right.
The one thing the Idiot-in Chief has done is send a message to all governments on this Earth that the word the United States commits to in any agreement is subject to the whim of any future President after a number of years have passed. That fucking NARCISSISTIC FOOL has done grave damage to the reputation of this Nation and is unconscionable!

Old news. Abandoning S. Vietnam did that decades ago. Which Idiot-in-Chief are you talking about?
The Vietnam war is Old News. We got our ass's kicked by farmers! Another example of how Whitey foolishly believed they could beat anyone.

We didn't get our asses kicked by anybody. S. Vietnam and US soldiers were betrayed by politicians and civilians and we just got rid of an anti-American alleged president. Like I said-nothing new.
Democrats won two world wars

republicans lost Vietnam, Korea & Iraq

republicans won in Grenada

Oh, please! Neither politicians nor political parties win wars. Soldiers, Marines, Sailors and Airmen win wars and we didn't "lose" any of those.
By the way, your red states also lost the Civil War, so according to you the Confederate soldiers really sucked.
Iran is a lost cause. The appeasement that has been made, the lifting of sanctions and handing them back all of their money, agreeing to allow them to continue to enrich uranium, the unconstitutional personal treaty Obama made with Iran - they are all 'done deals' now.

There is no going back, there is no putting the genie back in the bottle.

Iran will get nuclear weapons, just as North Korea did after being appeased and given nuclear reactors.

Obama also started a nuclear arms race in the Middle East by doing this, as other other Middle Eastern Nations begin to look into developing their own programs.

Many, as we see on this board, are in denial about this thinking it will never happen, just as people said North Korea would never get nuclear weapons.

Once it sinks in, once it happens, they will see that what has just happened is the leading supporter of terrorism in the Middle East has been given the ability to create and build nuclear weapons - dirty bombs at the very least.

the approach to imperialist Iran will take KNOW-HOW, INTELLIGENCE, CREATIVITY and---balls. I hope that
Trump chooses and heeds----GOOD ADVISORS
Good advisers don't work for idiots who refuse to take their advice.

How do you sleep being a racist and a jerk? Why are you that miserable?
Do you have the balls to use the N word outside your house?

No, you are confused Moon Bat.

The racist jerks are you idiot Moon Bats that elected that dumbass Obama just because he was Black. You thought it would be cool to elect a Negro and you didn't even bother to check out his qualifications. What the hell were you idiots thinking? He was an extreme far Left dumbass that only got his degrees through affirmative action and not because he knew his ass from a hole in the ground.

Speaking of racism you nitwits elected the sonofabitch knowing that he attended a church for 20 years where they preached hate against Whites and Jews so you can just shut the fuck up about racism.
I didn't vote for Obama. And yes you are a racist.

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