Trump cancelling government subscriptions to fake news nyt and WA post


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
President Trump has proposed a plan to cancel all government subscriptions to the New York Times and the Washington Post, saying that it will save hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Trump Cancelling Government Subscriptions to ‘Fake News’ NYT and Wa. Post

We told you leftist pigs when nObama adn Clinnto TOLD YOU assholes who the sources were they told you who to trust so they could FILL YOUR FKD UP METNAL HEADS with their dictatorship ways so you could help strip this nation faster. Wake up idiots!!

The source we grew up to trust are ALL THE SOURCES YOU DON'T watn to trust today !!! they lie annd have lied to keep you sheep thinking just what you do.

what will you retard assholes do when you finally realize you helped legalize pedofillia because your to fkn stupid ot pay attention. Just like you were to fkn stupid to figure out why OBAMA ANDN CLINTON STOOD UP THERE AND TOLD THE WORLD JUST HOW TRUST WORTHY SNOPES WAS/IS . LMFAO!!!
and the DIE hard sheeple idiots to this day still got to snopes omfg!!

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