Trump Being Compared To Hitler

They had plenty of warning for the attack at Benghazi and Hitlery and her State Department did nothing.

That's what killed those four men. If they had beefed up security or pulled our people out like the Brits and the Red Cross there would have been no Benghazi.

After how many investigations and all you can do is lie about the facts.

Benghazi: CIA detected no ‘credible threat’ before terror attacks

DHS chief: No credible threat of terrorist attack in US

Defense: No 'credible' threat to Benghazi

I wonder if the GOP would be up for releasing all of President Bushes PDB throughout the summer of 2001?

Unlike you I don't need an investigation to know incompetence when I see it.

If Hitlery and her State Department had gotten off its fat lazy ass and either beefed up security or pulled our people out there would have been no Benghazi.

I understand you're a partisan hack, so of course it's in your nature to denigrate the other side to the utmost of your ability. The ends always justifies the means with your type doesn't it?
I love it when a lefty defines himself. Thanks for letting us know you are a partisan hack. :2up:

Did you ever answer the question about the congressional authority you claimed Bush had on 9-11-01?
but we can say that hitlery killed four americans in Benghazi.

Sure you can, but can you say Bush killed nearly 3000 on 9-11-01 right here in the homeland?

Well, only a moroonie would believe either one!
Certain people compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. I've seen people doctor up photos that give Trump a Hitler mustache and Swastikas.

I bet you missed all the doctored photos of Obama made to look like Hitler, right? For the past 8 years.

Hitler was an evil maniac. Because of him, thousands and thousands of people ended up dead.

Thousands and thousands, eh?

Just thousands and thousands. Ummm...where did you attend school? I want to make sure I NEVER live anywhere near there.

Where are the trenches of dead bodies that Trump is responsible for?
Elect him, and we will find out!
If Bush took action to the August 6th memo, 9.11 could have been prevented. See how hindsight vidion works?
if clinton had taken care of them when he was in office, we wouldn't have had to bother with bush. see how that works? keeps coming back to hitlery.
Try not to be so stupid. Clinton was attacked by the right as being devious when he proposed creating a domestic counter-terrorist group to prevent an attack like 9.11.

He was attacked as being a jackbooted thug for wanting to step up investigations of domestic terrorist threats AFTER the Oklahoma City bombing.
actually it was after the attempted bombing at the twin towers in the garage. All was known and something was expected and nothing ever came to be. Like the US destroyer that was bombed in port. nothing done. no retaliation. zip. all Clinton bubba. All clinton all day.

You're ignorant of the facts. Clinton wanted to look into rightwing militias, since McVeigh had associations with them, and rightwing special interests including the NRA threw a fit.
but he had al queda bombing buildings and ships. and did absolutely nothing.
Certain people compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. I've seen people doctor up photos that give Trump a Hitler mustache and Swastikas.

I bet you missed all the doctored photos of Obama made to look like Hitler, right? For the past 8 years.

Hitler was an evil maniac. Because of him, thousands and thousands of people ended up dead.

Thousands and thousands, eh?

Just thousands and thousands. Ummm...where did you attend school? I want to make sure I NEVER live anywhere near there.

Where are the trenches of dead bodies that Trump is responsible for?
Elect him, and we will find out!
you should buy a lottery ticket, you are clairvoyant.
Certain people compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. I've seen people doctor up photos that give Trump a Hitler mustache and Swastikas.

I bet you missed all the doctored photos of Obama made to look like Hitler, right? For the past 8 years.

Hitler was an evil maniac. Because of him, thousands and thousands of people ended up dead.

Thousands and thousands, eh?

Just thousands and thousands. Ummm...where did you attend school? I want to make sure I NEVER live anywhere near there.

Where are the trenches of dead bodies that Trump is responsible for?
Elect him, and we will find out!
you should buy a lottery ticket, you are clairvoyant.
We'll all have to be clairvoyant since Trump isn't going to be elected.

Oops. There I go again. Predicting something.
Certain people compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. I've seen people doctor up photos that give Trump a Hitler mustache and Swastikas.

I bet you missed all the doctored photos of Obama made to look like Hitler, right? For the past 8 years.

Hitler was an evil maniac. Because of him, thousands and thousands of people ended up dead.

Thousands and thousands, eh?

Just thousands and thousands. Ummm...where did you attend school? I want to make sure I NEVER live anywhere near there.

Where are the trenches of dead bodies that Trump is responsible for?
Elect him, and we will find out!
you should buy a lottery ticket, you are clairvoyant.
We'll all have to be clairvoyant since Trump isn't going to be elected.

Oops. There I go again. Predicting something.
it's what the left does. I just wait for it to happen and then say I told you so.
Certain people compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. I've seen people doctor up photos that give Trump a Hitler mustache and Swastikas. This is what I have to say about comparing Trump to Hitler. IT IS RIDICULOUS. Hitler was an evil maniac. Because of him, thousands and thousands of people ended up dead. Trenches had to be dug and dead bodies were tossed into the trenches because of the huge amount of casualties.

Where are the trenches of dead bodies that Trump is responsible for? THERE ARE NONE AND EVERYBODY KNOWS IT! I will admit that Trump is not perfect. He has flaws. If I were to say that Trump is the greatest politician who has ever lived, I would be a liar. Trump is not perfect but he is not another Adolf Hitler and people know it.

Before anymore Trump haters compare Trump to Hitler, they should examine Hillary Clinton. She has flaws just like Trump. It is unfair of people to condemn Trump and praise Hillary. People call Trump corrupt. Hillary is corrupt. Many people are aware that she is corrupt but I wish that everybody was aware of it. Trump is no angel but neither is Hillary.

People also used Swastikas when George W. Bush became President Elect in 2000. People tried to make Bush look like Hitler also. Bush wasn't a fantastic President but he was no Adolf Hitler and neither is Trump.
Didn't Mexico compare him to Hitler?
Certain people compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. I've seen people doctor up photos that give Trump a Hitler mustache and Swastikas.

I bet you missed all the doctored photos of Obama made to look like Hitler, right? For the past 8 years.

Hitler was an evil maniac. Because of him, thousands and thousands of people ended up dead.

Thousands and thousands, eh?

Just thousands and thousands. Ummm...where did you attend school? I want to make sure I NEVER live anywhere near there.

Where are the trenches of dead bodies that Trump is responsible for?
Elect him, and we will find out!
you should buy a lottery ticket, you are clairvoyant.
We'll all have to be clairvoyant since Trump isn't going to be elected.

Oops. There I go again. Predicting something.
it's what the left does. I just wait for it to happen and then say I told you so.
Oh, I see. It is the LEFT which makes predictions. Of course.

YOU never make predictions...

Oh, wait.

when Trump wins will the people have spoken?
They had plenty of warning for the attack at Benghazi and Hitlery and her State Department did nothing.

That's what killed those four men. If they had beefed up security or pulled our people out like the Brits and the Red Cross there would have been no Benghazi.
If Bush took action to the August 6th memo, 9.11 could have been prevented. See how hindsight vidion works?
if clinton had taken care of them when he was in office, we wouldn't have had to bother with bush. see how that works? keeps coming back to hitlery.
Try not to be so stupid. Clinton was attacked by the right as being devious when he proposed creating a domestic counter-terrorist group to prevent an attack like 9.11.

He was attacked as being a jackbooted thug for wanting to step up investigations of domestic terrorist threats AFTER the Oklahoma City bombing.
actually it was after the attempted bombing at the twin towers in the garage. All was known and something was expected and nothing ever came to be. Like the US destroyer that was bombed in port. nothing done. no retaliation. zip. all Clinton bubba. All clinton all day.
It wasn't determined who was behind the bombing of the Cole until Bush was in office. But you're right, there was no retaliation for the U.S.S. Cole.
Certain people compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. I've seen people doctor up photos that give Trump a Hitler mustache and Swastikas.

I bet you missed all the doctored photos of Obama made to look like Hitler, right? For the past 8 years.

Hitler was an evil maniac. Because of him, thousands and thousands of people ended up dead.

Thousands and thousands, eh?

Just thousands and thousands. Ummm...where did you attend school? I want to make sure I NEVER live anywhere near there.

Where are the trenches of dead bodies that Trump is responsible for?
Elect him, and we will find out!
you should buy a lottery ticket, you are clairvoyant.
We'll all have to be clairvoyant since Trump isn't going to be elected.

Oops. There I go again. Predicting something.
it's what the left does. I just wait for it to happen and then say I told you so.
Oh, I see. It is the LEFT which makes predictions. Of course.

YOU never make predictions...

Oh, wait.
there are moments in a race that say over. at that time, it was over. no prediction just fact. Yes, it is the left that predicts everything. AGW for example, Trump loss, and all that. you have zero momentum to make any such predictions, but you do look foolish. thanks.
nope, he had congress backing. that's on congress, which again puts all those numbers on Hitlery. nice try though.

What Congressional backing did President Bush have on 9-11-01 when terrorist launched their assault?


Neither President Bush nor Sec. Clinton killed anyone.

They had plenty of warning for the attack at Benghazi and Hitlery and her State Department did nothing.

That's what killed those four men. If they had beefed up security or pulled our people out like the Brits and the Red Cross there would have been no Benghazi.
If Bush took action to the August 6th memo, 9.11 could have been prevented. See how hindsight vidion works?
if clinton had taken care of them when he was in office, we wouldn't have had to bother with bush. see how that works? keeps coming back to hitlery.
Try not to be so stupid. Clinton was attacked by the right as being devious when he proposed creating a domestic counter-terr
If Bush took action to the August 6th memo, 9.11 could have been prevented. See how hindsight vidion works?
if clinton had taken care of them when he was in office, we wouldn't have had to bother with bush. see how that works? keeps coming back to hitlery.
Try not to be so stupid. Clinton was attacked by the right as being devious when he proposed creating a domestic counter-terrorist group to prevent an attack like 9.11.

He was attacked as being a jackbooted thug for wanting to step up investigations of domestic terrorist threats AFTER the Oklahoma City bombing.
actually it was after the attempted bombing at the twin towers in the garage. All was known and something was expected and nothing ever came to be. Like the US destroyer that was bombed in port. nothing done. no retaliation. zip. all Clinton bubba. All clinton all day.
It wasn't determined who was behind the bombing of the Cole until Bush was in office. But you're right, there was no retaliation for the U.S.S. Cole.
bullshit and bullshit. that was easy.
I bet you missed all the doctored photos of Obama made to look like Hitler, right? For the past 8 years.

Thousands and thousands, eh?

Just thousands and thousands. Ummm...where did you attend school? I want to make sure I NEVER live anywhere near there.

Elect him, and we will find out!
you should buy a lottery ticket, you are clairvoyant.
We'll all have to be clairvoyant since Trump isn't going to be elected.

Oops. There I go again. Predicting something.
it's what the left does. I just wait for it to happen and then say I told you so.
Oh, I see. It is the LEFT which makes predictions. Of course.

YOU never make predictions...

Oh, wait.
there are moments in a race that say over. at that time, it was over. no prediction just fact. Yes, it is the left that predicts everything. AGW for example, Trump loss, and all that. you have zero momentum to make any such predictions, but you do look foolish. thanks.
You really suck at this clairvoyance thing. I'm not a leftist. I am old school Reagan conservative.
What Congressional backing did President Bush have on 9-11-01 when terrorist launched their assault?


Neither President Bush nor Sec. Clinton killed anyone.

They had plenty of warning for the attack at Benghazi and Hitlery and her State Department did nothing.

That's what killed those four men. If they had beefed up security or pulled our people out like the Brits and the Red Cross there would have been no Benghazi.
If Bush took action to the August 6th memo, 9.11 could have been prevented. See how hindsight vidion works?
if clinton had taken care of them when he was in office, we wouldn't have had to bother with bush. see how that works? keeps coming back to hitlery.
Try not to be so stupid. Clinton was attacked by the right as being devious when he proposed creating a domestic counter-terr
if clinton had taken care of them when he was in office, we wouldn't have had to bother with bush. see how that works? keeps coming back to hitlery.
Try not to be so stupid. Clinton was attacked by the right as being devious when he proposed creating a domestic counter-terrorist group to prevent an attack like 9.11.

He was attacked as being a jackbooted thug for wanting to step up investigations of domestic terrorist threats AFTER the Oklahoma City bombing.
actually it was after the attempted bombing at the twin towers in the garage. All was known and something was expected and nothing ever came to be. Like the US destroyer that was bombed in port. nothing done. no retaliation. zip. all Clinton bubba. All clinton all day.
It wasn't determined who was behind the bombing of the Cole until Bush was in office. But you're right, there was no retaliation for the U.S.S. Cole.
bullshit and bullshit. that was easy.
Sure, hiding your head up your ass is always the easy way out.

Here's what you call bullshit...

Clinton predicted on January 22 that it is "highly likely" that a terrorist group will attack on American soil within the next few years. He is using this risk as the excuse to create a Domestic Terrorism Team headed by a military "commander in chief," with a $2.8 billion budget. We should not underestimate the deceit and deviousness of Clinton's plans to use aggressive presidential actions to wipe out public memory of his impeachment trial.

Clinton's Post-Impeachment Push for Power -- March 1999 Phyllis Schlafly Report
After how many investigations and all you can do is lie about the facts.

Benghazi: CIA detected no ‘credible threat’ before terror attacks

DHS chief: No credible threat of terrorist attack in US

Defense: No 'credible' threat to Benghazi

I wonder if the GOP would be up for releasing all of President Bushes PDB throughout the summer of 2001?

Unlike you I don't need an investigation to know incompetence when I see it.

If Hitlery and her State Department had gotten off its fat lazy ass and either beefed up security or pulled our people out there would have been no Benghazi.

I understand you're a partisan hack, so of course it's in your nature to denigrate the other side to the utmost of your ability. The ends always justifies the means with your type doesn't it?
I love it when a lefty defines himself. Thanks for letting us know you are a partisan hack. :2up:

Did you ever answer the question about the congressional authority you claimed Bush had on 9-11-01?
but we can say that hitlery killed four americans in Benghazi.

Sure you can, but can you say Bush killed nearly 3000 on 9-11-01 right here in the homeland?

Well, only a moroonie would believe either one!

Is that you confessing to being a Maroonie?
Unlike you I don't need an investigation to know incompetence when I see it.

If Hitlery and her State Department had gotten off its fat lazy ass and either beefed up security or pulled our people out there would have been no Benghazi.

I understand you're a partisan hack, so of course it's in your nature to denigrate the other side to the utmost of your ability. The ends always justifies the means with your type doesn't it?
I love it when a lefty defines himself. Thanks for letting us know you are a partisan hack. :2up:

Did you ever answer the question about the congressional authority you claimed Bush had on 9-11-01?
but we can say that hitlery killed four americans in Benghazi.

Sure you can, but can you say Bush killed nearly 3000 on 9-11-01 right here in the homeland?

Well, only a moroonie would believe either one!

Is that you confessing to being a Maroonie?
I thought it was youse
Certain people compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. I've seen people doctor up photos that give Trump a Hitler mustache and Swastikas. This is what I have to say about comparing Trump to Hitler. IT IS RIDICULOUS. Hitler was an evil maniac. Because of him, thousands and thousands of people ended up dead. Trenches had to be dug and dead bodies were tossed into the trenches because of the huge amount of casualties.

Where are the trenches of dead bodies that Trump is responsible for? THERE ARE NONE AND EVERYBODY KNOWS IT! I will admit that Trump is not perfect. He has flaws. If I were to say that Trump is the greatest politician who has ever lived, I would be a liar. Trump is not perfect but he is not another Adolf Hitler and people know it.

Before anymore Trump haters compare Trump to Hitler, they should examine Hillary Clinton. She has flaws just like Trump. It is unfair of people to condemn Trump and praise Hillary. People call Trump corrupt. Hillary is corrupt. Many people are aware that she is corrupt but I wish that everybody was aware of it. Trump is no angel but neither is Hillary.

People also used Swastikas when George W. Bush became President Elect in 2000. People tried to make Bush look like Hitler also. Bush wasn't a fantastic President but he was no Adolf Hitler and neither is Trump.
Didn't Mexico compare him to Hitler?
I think they were talking about hitlery.....

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