TRUMP APPROVAL 52% in latest poll

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Democrats are staring no such thing. Your hysterics are noted and discarded.

This coming from a person with severe TDS. Do you not have walls and doors in your home? Would you be safer without them?
The walls keep my roof up.

You don't lock your front door?
I'm sure he does, but he doesn't want you to.
You’re welcome to lock your door. See that? You’re wrong again.

I have kids so ofcourse I lock it. Illogical otherwise and your insurance may not cover theft if you do not. Read your policy.

Poor baby deer, he has finally gone inssne....ROTFLMFAO

Trump lies to you and you b’lieve him?


Rasmussen was still the only pollster to wrongly predict Trump would get more of the popular vote than Hillary. Doesn’t matter if you’re too stupid to comprehend that. Doesn’t matter if Trump lies about it.

Rasmussen was the only one to pick just cant stand that you are .

AGAIN....ROTFLMFAO!.....WELL so far it is a few days where you refuse to admit you were a horses ass, and keep coming back to make yourself look like a baby deer in a tantrum!!!..... You and the rest of your ABNORMALS CAN GET TOGETHER AND YELL LOUDLY.....

You notice you're right up front yelling with your bunch of anti-American supportrts.....Lolololol

And still refuse to tell us the difference between a matter and an investigstion....perhaps you should contact that fat bastard. Loretta Lynch and finally get an answer....You are my entertainment early in the morning .

Poor baby deer, he has finally gone inssne....ROTFLMFAO

Trump lies to you and you b’lieve him?


Rasmussen was still the only pollster to wrongly predict Trump would get more of the popular vote than Hillary. Doesn’t matter if you’re too stupid to comprehend that. Doesn’t matter if Trump lies about it.

Rasmussen was the only one to pick just cant stand that you are .

AGAIN....ROTFLMFAO!.....WELL so far it is a few days where you refuse to admit you were a horses ass, and keep coming back to make yourself look like a baby deer in a tantrum!!!..... You and the rest of your ABNORMALS CAN GET TOGETHER AND YELL LOUDLY.....

You notice you're right up front yelling with your bunch of anti-American supportrts.....Lolololol

And still refuse to tell us the difference between a matter and an investigstion....perhaps you should contact that fat bastard. Loretta Lynch and finally get an answer....You are my entertainment early in the morning .

That pic is hilarious
I used to enjoy how Republicans would use Rasmussen polls to show how unpopular the Great Obama was
You mean the Surrender Monkey, or another apt name for him would be the RED LINE LIAR!!!....ROTFLMFAO....2 ABNORMALS IN A entertaining!
Seems The SOTU speech hit the mark with many what Marxist/Socialist/Communist/DemonRAT will be his opponent and TRYBTO RUIN OUR ECONOMY in thec2020 election.....From the far away I hear a singlevvoice yelling.....BERNIE if Hildebeast didn't cheat he might be president today!!!

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-seven percent (47%) disapprove.

Trump's highest level of approval since shortly after his inauguration.

The latest figures include 39% who Strongly Approve of the job Trump is doing and 39% who Strongly Disapprove

Read more at ...
You mean 52% of a thousand people ask for the poll, hardly representative of the entire nation.
Democrats are staring no such thing. Your hysterics are noted and discarded.

This coming from a person with severe TDS. Do you not have walls and doors in your home? Would you be safer without them?
The walls keep my roof up.

You don't lock your front door?
To keep my dogs in. One of them knows how to open it.

So for the record if you did not have dogs you would
Not lock your front door?
Maybe, maybe not. I live in a safe neighborhood.

Poor baby deer, he has finally gone inssne....ROTFLMFAO

Trump lies to you and you b’lieve him?


Rasmussen was still the only pollster to wrongly predict Trump would get more of the popular vote than Hillary. Doesn’t matter if you’re too stupid to comprehend that. Doesn’t matter if Trump lies about it.

Rasmussen was the only one to pick just cant stand that you are .

AGAIN....ROTFLMFAO!.....WELL so far it is a few days where you refuse to admit you were a horses ass, and keep coming back to make yourself look like a baby deer in a tantrum!!!..... You and the rest of your ABNORMALS CAN GET TOGETHER AND YELL LOUDLY.....

You notice you're right up front yelling with your bunch of anti-American supportrts.....Lolololol

And still refuse to tell us the difference between a matter and an investigstion....perhaps you should contact that fat bastard. Loretta Lynch and finally get an answer....You are my entertainment early in the morning .
”Rasmussen was the only one to pick trump....”

... to win the popular vote.

Making Rasmussen the only ones to get it — wrong

Poor baby deer, he has finally gone inssne....ROTFLMFAO

Trump lies to you and you b’lieve him?


Rasmussen was still the only pollster to wrongly predict Trump would get more of the popular vote than Hillary. Doesn’t matter if you’re too stupid to comprehend that. Doesn’t matter if Trump lies about it.

Rasmussen was the only one to pick just cant stand that you are .

AGAIN....ROTFLMFAO!.....WELL so far it is a few days where you refuse to admit you were a horses ass, and keep coming back to make yourself look like a baby deer in a tantrum!!!..... You and the rest of your ABNORMALS CAN GET TOGETHER AND YELL LOUDLY.....

You notice you're right up front yelling with your bunch of anti-American supportrts.....Lolololol

And still refuse to tell us the difference between a matter and an investigstion....perhaps you should contact that fat bastard. Loretta Lynch and finally get an answer....You are my entertainment early in the morning .
”Rasmussen was the only one to pick trump....”

... to win the popular vote.

Making Rasmussen the only ones to get it — wrong
You can't even admit a KNOWN FACT....YOU are being driven insane by THE TRUTH.. .I SO ENJOY watching a HEAD ABNORMAL going out of his mind by the TRUTH....GO BABY DEER, GO!....ROTFLMFAO.....AH, MATTER and INVESTIGATION...STILL refuses to answer.....sooner or later he will be driven from this thread....hope it is later....LOLOLOL
I think The State of the Union helped. Democrats didn’t clap when DJT stated that America would never be a Socialist country and when he introduced the Holocaust survivors and their rescuers and when he announced the capital of Israel being Jerusalem. They clapped when they heard self serving dialogue about women in power. IMO DJT won many votes that night.

The people who were listening were largely Trump supporters. He already has their votes.

If that's true, then the boost came from somewhere else. Where?
This coming from a person with severe TDS. Do you not have walls and doors in your home? Would you be safer without them?
The walls keep my roof up.

You don't lock your front door?
To keep my dogs in. One of them knows how to open it.

So for the record if you did not have dogs you would
Not lock your front door?
Maybe, maybe not. I live in a safe neighborhood.
You live in a wet cardboard can't fool us!.....:asshole::dance:
Rasmussen overpolls Republicans. Rasmussen uses automated polling and as a result cannot call cellphones because of laws about robocalls. They can only call landlines. Large numbers of rural voters and older voters use landlines. These are largely Republican voters. The Democrats won the generic House votes by around 8 or 9 points. Rasmussen had Republicans with a 1 point lead. They missed by 9-10 points. That is a massive miss.
They also only poll likely voters, which eliminates many young voters, who typically lean more Democrat and Independent.

If they don't vote, they're not exactly voters, are they?

Poor baby deer, he has finally gone inssne....ROTFLMFAO

Trump lies to you and you b’lieve him?


Rasmussen was still the only pollster to wrongly predict Trump would get more of the popular vote than Hillary. Doesn’t matter if you’re too stupid to comprehend that. Doesn’t matter if Trump lies about it.

Rasmussen was the only one to pick just cant stand that you are .

AGAIN....ROTFLMFAO!.....WELL so far it is a few days where you refuse to admit you were a horses ass, and keep coming back to make yourself look like a baby deer in a tantrum!!!..... You and the rest of your ABNORMALS CAN GET TOGETHER AND YELL LOUDLY.....

You notice you're right up front yelling with your bunch of anti-American supportrts.....Lolololol

And still refuse to tell us the difference between a matter and an investigstion....perhaps you should contact that fat bastard. Loretta Lynch and finally get an answer....You are my entertainment early in the morning .
”Rasmussen was the only one to pick trump....”

... to win the popular vote.

Making Rasmussen the only ones to get it — wrong
You can't even admit a KNOWN FACT....YOU are being driven insane by THE TRUTH.. .I SO ENJOY watching a HEAD ABNORMAL going out of his mind by the TRUTH....GO BABY DEER, GO!....ROTFLMFAO.....AH, MATTER and INVESTIGATION...STILL refuses to answer.....sooner or later he will be driven from this thread....hope it is later....LOLOLOL
Dumbfuck, “the known fact,” is that Rasmussen wrongly predicted Trump would win the popular vote.
This coming from a person with severe TDS. Do you not have walls and doors in your home? Would you be safer without them?
The walls keep my roof up.

You don't lock your front door?
To keep my dogs in. One of them knows how to open it.

So for the record if you did not have dogs you would
Not lock your front door?
Maybe, maybe not. I live in a safe neighborhood.

Aha. So if you lived in NYC you would lock the door.
Rasmussen overpolls Republicans. Rasmussen uses automated polling and as a result cannot call cellphones because of laws about robocalls. They can only call landlines. Large numbers of rural voters and older voters use landlines. These are largely Republican voters. The Democrats won the generic House votes by around 8 or 9 points. Rasmussen had Republicans with a 1 point lead. They missed by 9-10 points. That is a massive miss.
They also only poll likely voters, which eliminates many young voters, who typically lean more Democrat and Independent.

If they don't vote, they're not exactly voters, are they?
They’re called “young voters” because they do vote. They’re just not old enough to have voted enough to fall under the category of “likely voters.”
The walls keep my roof up.

You don't lock your front door?
To keep my dogs in. One of them knows how to open it.

So for the record if you did not have dogs you would
Not lock your front door?
Maybe, maybe not. I live in a safe neighborhood.

Aha. So if you lived in NYC you would lock the door.
Maybe, maybe not. Don’t know since I don’t live there.
Rasmussen overpolls Republicans. Rasmussen uses automated polling and as a result cannot call cellphones because of laws about robocalls. They can only call landlines. Large numbers of rural voters and older voters use landlines. These are largely Republican voters. The Democrats won the generic House votes by around 8 or 9 points. Rasmussen had Republicans with a 1 point lead. They missed by 9-10 points. That is a massive miss.
They also only poll likely voters, which eliminates many young voters, who typically lean more Democrat and Independent.

If they don't vote, they're not exactly voters, are they?
Give him another hour or 2 to get in touch with the other ABNORMALS to get a consensus on

Poor baby deer, he has finally gone inssne....ROTFLMFAO

Trump lies to you and you b’lieve him?


Rasmussen was still the only pollster to wrongly predict Trump would get more of the popular vote than Hillary. Doesn’t matter if you’re too stupid to comprehend that. Doesn’t matter if Trump lies about it.

Rasmussen was the only one to pick just cant stand that you are .

AGAIN....ROTFLMFAO!.....WELL so far it is a few days where you refuse to admit you were a horses ass, and keep coming back to make yourself look like a baby deer in a tantrum!!!..... You and the rest of your ABNORMALS CAN GET TOGETHER AND YELL LOUDLY.....

You notice you're right up front yelling with your bunch of anti-American supportrts.....Lolololol

And still refuse to tell us the difference between a matter and an investigstion....perhaps you should contact that fat bastard. Loretta Lynch and finally get an answer....You are my entertainment early in the morning .
”Rasmussen was the only one to pick trump....”

... to win the popular vote.

Making Rasmussen the only ones to get it — wrong
You can't even admit a KNOWN FACT....YOU are being driven insane by THE TRUTH.. .I SO ENJOY watching a HEAD ABNORMAL going out of his mind by the TRUTH....GO BABY DEER, GO!....ROTFLMFAO.....AH, MATTER and INVESTIGATION...STILL refuses to answer.....sooner or later he will be driven from this thread....hope it is later....LOLOLOL
Dumbfuck, “the known fact,” is that Rasmussen wrongly predicted Trump would win the popular vote.
But did he pick, and was the only pollster to pick Trump would win?..... doesn't matter how he got there the OUTCOME is what is IMPORTANT...DUMBFUCKER!.....ROTFLMFAO.....SO MUCH ENTERTAINMENT THIS AM!
You don't lock your front door?
To keep my dogs in. One of them knows how to open it.

So for the record if you did not have dogs you would
Not lock your front door?
Maybe, maybe not. I live in a safe neighborhood.

Aha. So if you lived in NYC you would lock the door.
Maybe, maybe not. Don’t know since I don’t live there.
Another UNINFORMED OPINION....God I love this ABNORMAL!!!
Rasmussen overpolls Republicans. Rasmussen uses automated polling and as a result cannot call cellphones because of laws about robocalls. They can only call landlines. Large numbers of rural voters and older voters use landlines. These are largely Republican voters. The Democrats won the generic House votes by around 8 or 9 points. Rasmussen had Republicans with a 1 point lead. They missed by 9-10 points. That is a massive miss.
They also only poll likely voters, which eliminates many young voters, who typically lean more Democrat and Independent.

If they don't vote, they're not exactly voters, are they?
They’re called “young voters” because they do vote. They’re just not old enough to have voted enough to fall under the category of “likely voters.”
To keep my dogs in. One of them knows how to open it.

So for the record if you did not have dogs you would
Not lock your front door?
Maybe, maybe not. I live in a safe neighborhood.

Aha. So if you lived in NYC you would lock the door.
Maybe, maybe not. Don’t know since I don’t live there.
Another ININFORMED OPINION....God I love this ABNORMAL!!!

WTF is wrong with you? You have some kind of mental deficiency. How could I know what I would do in a city where I’ve never lived? What’s the home invasion rate per capita in NYC? Do you even know?
Rasmussen overpolls Republicans. Rasmussen uses automated polling and as a result cannot call cellphones because of laws about robocalls. They can only call landlines. Large numbers of rural voters and older voters use landlines. These are largely Republican voters. The Democrats won the generic House votes by around 8 or 9 points. Rasmussen had Republicans with a 1 point lead. They missed by 9-10 points. That is a massive miss.
They also only poll likely voters, which eliminates many young voters, who typically lean more Democrat and Independent.

If they don't vote, they're not exactly voters, are they?
They’re called “young voters” because they do vote. They’re just not old enough to have voted enough to fall under the category of “likely voters.”

What a pity you can’t charge me rent for living in your head, huh?

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