TRUMP APPROVAL 52% in latest poll

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He was the only one that picked Trump...FOR THE WIN...No matter how much you try to spin it...ROTFLMFAO!!!
Dumbfuck, for the win of the popular vote. How can you be so retarded you can’t understand that?
Asswipe. Did he predict Trump would win and nobody else did....fucktard, dont stop looking like a ass with your bullshit nitpicking, especially when you are
Dumbfuck, how many times do I need to say this until it penetrates your titanium armor of ignorance??

Rasmussen predicted Trump would get 2 percentage points more of the popular vote than Hillary would get. He was wrong. She got 2 points more. Did it help her win the election? No, of course not -- but that's what Rassmussen predicted. And they were the only ones to predict Trump would get more of the popular vote than Hillary. They were the only ones who were -- wrong.

And he got more than 2% in the electoral vote cocksucker he was right TRUMP WON no matter how you little fucking mental case try to spin it 232 for the murderous felon and 304 for DONALDO THE MAGNIFICENT!!!!....PUSSY....ROTFLMFAO!!!!

WTF does that have to do with the reality that Rasmussen was wrong?

You're having a hard time dealing with reality, ain'tcha, Vagisil?

Did he call it for Trump, you stupid troll...:abgg2q.jpg:

And what is the difference between a MATTER and an INVESTIGATION...WAITING FROM YESTERDAY!!
ROTFLMFAO....LOVE the baby deer gross stupidity....what makes me keep coming back....Rasmussen THE ONLY ONE that called it for TRUMP...who care how he got there, he was RIGHT....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO!!!!!!
You have popular vote confused with illegal votes, Faun. Trump won the popular vote of actual American citizens... :)

Suuuure .... let's see you prove Hillary got more illegal votes than trump.........

In Colorado, the do monitor the voting. They did find voter fraud. All two of them. Both done by Republicans. One of the Republicans was the Chairman for the State Republican Party using his Ex Wifes mail in ballot. She voted in another state and when they cross checked, She said she did NOT mail in that ballot. The signature was definitely his. He is getting a bit of Bubba Time right about now who he is Bubbas new wife.

Voter Fraud is almost impossible to get away with. Well, I can think of one way and that is using Voter ID. I can get a Voter ID for a person that is on the voter role for only a few hundred bucks and vote with it. I can be an illegal, legal, criminal, 14 year old, it doesn't matter. That Voter ID, if it's the defining factor will contribute to Voter Fraud. At least the way it is in most states, you need to prove you have a valid address with a Utility Bill. Or you can have a valid drivers license which also can be spoofed. But it appears that it's hard to spoof like that. Voter Fraud is almost completely non existant.
Dumbfuck, for the win of the popular vote. How can you be so retarded you can’t understand that?
Asswipe. Did he predict Trump would win and nobody else did....fucktard, dont stop looking like a ass with your bullshit nitpicking, especially when you are
Dumbfuck, how many times do I need to say this until it penetrates your titanium armor of ignorance??

Rasmussen predicted Trump would get 2 percentage points more of the popular vote than Hillary would get. He was wrong. She got 2 points more. Did it help her win the election? No, of course not -- but that's what Rassmussen predicted. And they were the only ones to predict Trump would get more of the popular vote than Hillary. They were the only ones who were -- wrong.

And he got more than 2% in the electoral vote cocksucker he was right TRUMP WON no matter how you little fucking mental case try to spin it 232 for the murderous felon and 304 for DONALDO THE MAGNIFICENT!!!!....PUSSY....ROTFLMFAO!!!!

WTF does that have to do with the reality that Rasmussen was wrong?

You're having a hard time dealing with reality, ain'tcha, Vagisil?

Did he call it for Trump, you stupid troll...:abgg2q.jpg:

And what is the difference between a MATTER and an INVESTIGATION...WAITING FROM YESTERDAY!!
ROTFLMFAO....LOVE the baby deer gross stupidity....what makes me keep coming back....Rasmussen THE ONLY ONE that called it for TRUMP...who care how he got there, he was RIGHT....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO!!!!!!
No, you dumbfuck. They didn't call the election for Trump. That's the part you're too stupid to comprehend. The electoral vote wins the presidency, not the popular vote. And it was the popular vote that Rasmussen predicted and he got it wrong. And Rasmussen was the only one to get it wrong. Dayum, you might just be the dumbest poster on this forum, Vagisil. Only a retard can't understand this.
Wanting to protect the american people. Between this and supporting killing babies after birth. You gonna make Trump a shoe in 2020!
We already have walls and fences to protect the American people. Rebuilding them will not make us safer.
There are parts that don't. Democrats are publically stating they don't want to make america safer. In fact they want to reduce the number of illegals being contained. Therefore letting criminals out on the streets. Also 5 billion is like 1% of the budget, they waste more than that daily.
Democrats are staring no such thing. Your hysterics are noted and discarded.

This coming from a person with severe TDS. Do you not have walls and doors in your home? Would you be safer without them?
The walls keep my roof up.

You don't lock your front door?
He opened back up after Pelosi said she would negotiate if he did. Well he did and she isn't.
She did negotiate. Her negotiations did not include money for the wall. Trump is shutting down the government yet again because he’s not getting his way. But again, good luck blaming Pelosi. :lol:
Nope pelosi knew Trump will close the goverment over the wall and she won't do it for political reasons. Anyway there are other ways Trump can get the wall. The democrats aren't gonna look good when the wall goes up and crime goes down. Tell me, don't you get tired of Trump kicking your ass daily?
You keep saying he’s kicking my ass but you still can’t articulate that.
Tax cuts
Ended the illegal mandate
Approval rating of 52% after the shutdown
Oh, and has the economy tanked yet?
Tax cuts increased my take home income.
ObamaCare still lives.
52% is over. It was the peak of his short lived SOTU address bump, it was in one poll only while the rest have him in the 40's, and it's already falling.
No, he's still riding the Obama wave.

Not exactly kicking my ass. I knew you couldn't articulate your delusions. :mm:
Liberals said he would tank the economy. What happened?
Wanting to protect the american people. Between this and supporting killing babies after birth. You gonna make Trump a shoe in 2020!
We already have walls and fences to protect the American people. Rebuilding them will not make us safer.
There are parts that don't. Democrats are publically stating they don't want to make america safer. In fact they want to reduce the number of illegals being contained. Therefore letting criminals out on the streets. Also 5 billion is like 1% of the budget, they waste more than that daily.
Democrats are staring no such thing. Your hysterics are noted and discarded.

This coming from a person with severe TDS. Do you not have walls and doors in your home? Would you be safer without them?
The walls keep my roof up.
Then open your door and say welcome in, or shut the fuck up. Seriously.
We already have walls and fences to protect the American people. Rebuilding them will not make us safer.
There are parts that don't. Democrats are publically stating they don't want to make america safer. In fact they want to reduce the number of illegals being contained. Therefore letting criminals out on the streets. Also 5 billion is like 1% of the budget, they waste more than that daily.
Democrats are staring no such thing. Your hysterics are noted and discarded.

This coming from a person with severe TDS. Do you not have walls and doors in your home? Would you be safer without them?
The walls keep my roof up.

You don't lock your front door?
I'm sure he does, but he doesn't want you to.
Big deal. One outlier poll shows him with a pretty good score. The average of polls for that week show him well below 50% and a disapproval rate well above 50%. His temporary rise in one poll is a glitch, just like his election.
Umm, 52% is not a “pretty good score.” It’s barely over half. And it’s from a pollster who intentionally omits a large segment of Americans; which is why it’s the only poll over half. And it’s been negligibly over half for one day.

The funniest part is how excited the rightards are over it.

Obama was at 48% at the same time in his presidency on Rasmussen. So I guess Obama's score was really bad. :2up: Obama didn't go over 52% until he won his 2nd term, but the poll numbers went back down to the high 40's in 2013. He went down to 43% in November of 2013.

Point is, your comment that 52% is not a good score is disingenuous. That score is right on the mark as compared to Obama before he won his 2nd term and it's in line with a President who is generally viewed favorably by his own party.

Obama Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports®
”Obama didn't go over 52% until he won his 2nd term...”

Liar. Obama was as high as 67% in his first term.

From the point he was at 48% dumbass. Point is you got owned on your comment about 52%.

No, moron, I didn't. Why? Because my point wasn't that Trump's JAR is historically low ... it was how excited the right got from his SOTU bump in one right leaning poll which pushed him negligibly north of 50%.

You can whine all you want. Trump will still be President when you wake up tomorrow. Judging by the clowns democrats have running so far in 2020, Trump will get another 4 years.
We already have walls and fences to protect the American people. Rebuilding them will not make us safer.
There are parts that don't. Democrats are publically stating they don't want to make america safer. In fact they want to reduce the number of illegals being contained. Therefore letting criminals out on the streets. Also 5 billion is like 1% of the budget, they waste more than that daily.
Democrats are staring no such thing. Your hysterics are noted and discarded.

This coming from a person with severe TDS. Do you not have walls and doors in your home? Would you be safer without them?
The walls keep my roof up.

You don't lock your front door?
To keep my dogs in. One of them knows how to open it.
She did negotiate. Her negotiations did not include money for the wall. Trump is shutting down the government yet again because he’s not getting his way. But again, good luck blaming Pelosi. :lol:
Nope pelosi knew Trump will close the goverment over the wall and she won't do it for political reasons. Anyway there are other ways Trump can get the wall. The democrats aren't gonna look good when the wall goes up and crime goes down. Tell me, don't you get tired of Trump kicking your ass daily?
You keep saying he’s kicking my ass but you still can’t articulate that.
Tax cuts
Ended the illegal mandate
Approval rating of 52% after the shutdown
Oh, and has the economy tanked yet?
Tax cuts increased my take home income.
ObamaCare still lives.
52% is over. It was the peak of his short lived SOTU address bump, it was in one poll only while the rest have him in the 40's, and it's already falling.
No, he's still riding the Obama wave.

Not exactly kicking my ass. I knew you couldn't articulate your delusions. :mm:
Liberals said he would tank the economy. What happened?View attachment 245548
The economy he inherited is too strong.
We already have walls and fences to protect the American people. Rebuilding them will not make us safer.
There are parts that don't. Democrats are publically stating they don't want to make america safer. In fact they want to reduce the number of illegals being contained. Therefore letting criminals out on the streets. Also 5 billion is like 1% of the budget, they waste more than that daily.
Democrats are staring no such thing. Your hysterics are noted and discarded.

This coming from a person with severe TDS. Do you not have walls and doors in your home? Would you be safer without them?
The walls keep my roof up.
Then open your door and say welcome in, or shut the fuck up. Seriously.
I do. My lawn guys and my pool guy are illegal aliens. They’re sometimes in my house. Nice people. And they work real cheap too. Then there were these folks who replaced my gutters, pretty sure they’re illegal too. I invited them in to cool off and have a drink of water when they finished and it was time to pay them.
There are parts that don't. Democrats are publically stating they don't want to make america safer. In fact they want to reduce the number of illegals being contained. Therefore letting criminals out on the streets. Also 5 billion is like 1% of the budget, they waste more than that daily.
Democrats are staring no such thing. Your hysterics are noted and discarded.

This coming from a person with severe TDS. Do you not have walls and doors in your home? Would you be safer without them?
The walls keep my roof up.

You don't lock your front door?
I'm sure he does, but he doesn't want you to.
You’re welcome to lock your door. See that? You’re wrong again.
Umm, 52% is not a “pretty good score.” It’s barely over half. And it’s from a pollster who intentionally omits a large segment of Americans; which is why it’s the only poll over half. And it’s been negligibly over half for one day.

The funniest part is how excited the rightards are over it.

Obama was at 48% at the same time in his presidency on Rasmussen. So I guess Obama's score was really bad. :2up: Obama didn't go over 52% until he won his 2nd term, but the poll numbers went back down to the high 40's in 2013. He went down to 43% in November of 2013.

Point is, your comment that 52% is not a good score is disingenuous. That score is right on the mark as compared to Obama before he won his 2nd term and it's in line with a President who is generally viewed favorably by his own party.

Obama Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports®
”Obama didn't go over 52% until he won his 2nd term...”

Liar. Obama was as high as 67% in his first term.

From the point he was at 48% dumbass. Point is you got owned on your comment about 52%.

No, moron, I didn't. Why? Because my point wasn't that Trump's JAR is historically low ... it was how excited the right got from his SOTU bump in one right leaning poll which pushed him negligibly north of 50%.

You can whine all you want. Trump will still be President when you wake up tomorrow. Judging by the clowns democrats have running so far in 2020, Trump will get another 4 years.

I’m not the one whining. I’m the one pointing out how rightarded y’all look celebrating a short lived bump in one poll, as if that makes Trump look like a godsend, which is already starting to fall back down.

Poor baby deer, he has finally gone inssne....ROTFLMFAO

Trump lies to you and you b’lieve him?


Rasmussen was still the only pollster to wrongly predict Trump would get more of the popular vote than Hillary. Doesn’t matter if you’re too stupid to comprehend that. Doesn’t matter if Trump lies about it.

I used to enjoy how Republicans would use Rasmussen polls to show how unpopular the Great Obama was
There are parts that don't. Democrats are publically stating they don't want to make america safer. In fact they want to reduce the number of illegals being contained. Therefore letting criminals out on the streets. Also 5 billion is like 1% of the budget, they waste more than that daily.
Democrats are staring no such thing. Your hysterics are noted and discarded.

This coming from a person with severe TDS. Do you not have walls and doors in your home? Would you be safer without them?
The walls keep my roof up.

You don't lock your front door?
To keep my dogs in. One of them knows how to open it.

So for the record if you did not have dogs you would
Not lock your front door?
There are parts that don't. Democrats are publically stating they don't want to make america safer. In fact they want to reduce the number of illegals being contained. Therefore letting criminals out on the streets. Also 5 billion is like 1% of the budget, they waste more than that daily.
Democrats are staring no such thing. Your hysterics are noted and discarded.

This coming from a person with severe TDS. Do you not have walls and doors in your home? Would you be safer without them?
The walls keep my roof up.
Then open your door and say welcome in, or shut the fuck up. Seriously.
I do. My lawn guys and my pool guy are illegal aliens. They’re sometimes in my house. Nice people. And they work real cheap too. Then there were these folks who replaced my gutters, pretty sure they’re illegal too. I invited them in to cool off and have a drink of water when they finished and it was time to pay them.

So you use illegals to save yourself monies rather than pay Americans? When I hire laborers I first and foremost ask if they hire other citizens. If not I dont use them. I likely pay More but I am OK with that. To each their own. My lawn company is owned by vets and the employees are vets.
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