Why was the Green New Deal yanked from Ocasio-Cortez's website?

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
The story behind the comedic and unsuccessful rollout of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal demonstrates a congressional office in utter chaos with no one — or everyone — in charge.

The document appeared on Ocasio-Cortez's webpage on February 7 and by nightfall had been unceremoniously deleted. This was after a day of mockery and outrage at some of the more unrealistic, even silly proposals the document detailed.

The "explanations" offered by her staff ran the gamut from the document being a "draft" to charges by one of her main advisers that Republicans had planted the document to make her look stupid.

Seriously? After a few weeks in the public eye, it should be obvious that Ocasio-Cortez doesn't need the GOP to look stupid.

Washington Examiner:

The communications staff has so far not responded to an inquiry about the now-missing blog post.

But on Saturday morning, chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarti tweeted that the FAQ page was indeed posted by the Ocasio-Cortez staff but was done so in error. He called the page "an early draft of a FAQ that was clearly unfinished and that doesn't represent the GND resolution got published to the website by mistake (idea was to wait for launch, monitor q's, and rewrite that FAQ before publishing)."

What is Mr. Chakrabarti doing still working for the congressman? That level of stupidity and incompetence would have cost any other chief of staff on the Hill his job. Chakrabarti is listed as one of the founders of the Justice Democrats organization, who played a key role in electing Ocasio-Cortez. His Hill administrative experience is apparently lacking.

Then there's an Ocasio-Cortez policy adviser, Robert Hockett, who told Tucker Carlson that the document was a GOP dirty trick:

Read more at americanthinker.com ...

I just can't help myself....she IS ADDICTING in a twisted sort of way....

Great job! You are better at lying than Obama was at his early stage.

You are earning your paychecks from the Deep State and me!

Destroy the evil America and Trump with your Green Dreams, aka nightmares.


I’m in love with those eyes. Does our Congressional Health insurance cover that operation? If so, where do I sign up?




One photo of her at the SOTU looks like she's in a fucking straight-jacket! HAAA HAAAA!

GO DemonRATS, GO.....Just too funny....the Truth about the ABNORMALS usually is!...ROTFLMFAO!!!!!
It was yanked because it was documented proof of the Dem-Progs agenda to turn the USA into a Socialist-SlaveState.

They don't want voters to understand the true agenda until it is too late to stop it.
It was yanked because it was documented proof of the Dem-Progs agenda to turn the USA into a Socialist-SlaveState.

They don't want voters to understand the true agenda until it is too late to stop it.
Lots of democrats all ran to stand next to the kook AOC, like that idiot Ed Markey and my two shit-for-brains senators (Wyden and Merkley). As Winston Churchill once said of someone in Parliament who stood up and crossed over to the other side (I paraphrase) a rare example of a rat swimming towards a sinking ship.

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