True Love is hated by the human ego


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Which is real love; One who knows something but is affraid to tell you because you will be angry and persecute them, so they hold it back.
one who reveals what they know that is unpopular but true that you weren’t studied to know or privy to knowing, so they sacrafice being the hated messenger to reveal it to you so you’d be safe?
Not many people really stood up and dared to tell you the facts of life, because they didn’t love you enough to risk doing so or bother to waste energy doing so, and it’s because of how you treat them when they do. Thus it’s you and that human ego who hates yourself and is to blame for not recognizing true love over people using you or people who are silent to your foibles.
Sometimes people can't recognize real love which is unconditional love, from phony love which is riddled with conditions or a facade. For some see people like me as a pain, but real love is willingness to be unpopular and face the sacrifice for the sake of giving you what you need and not what you wish to hear. That's true love, although people don't see it as such or realize it. This sacrifice for the unpopular truth to be proven right in the future is a lesson taught on Chanukah and is in Genesis /And the Torah portion for this is called the "Mikeitz" probably
because =Dan 10:21.
It's one's hardest task in teaching the unpopular truth that won't be recognized as love till the future and time is right. It’s also why Israel is called the suffering servant throughout Isaiah, because to hold the covenant of God and the laws in a world which is riddled with transgression and iniquity is truly a sacrificing task. It’s necessary although to assure the will and promises of God is fulfilled and that the teachings would eventually purify all nations and not just Israel.
ok-----but that Mikeitz thing is kinda in the occult-----
as if danny was into mushrooms

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