Triton/Hydro-Man: Civilization Sacraments (Apologetics)


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Sep 22, 2013
This is a modernism-fable about water-guns and submarines involving Triton (Greek underwater god) and Hydro-Man (mutant superhuman comprised entirely of water-molecules).

It was inspired by The Hunt for Red October.



As mankind evaluated its two most 'symbolic' civilization trophies, the water-gun and the submarine, Triton and Hydro-Man prepared to debate about the two relics/items. The water-gun is a kids' toy meant to promote nonviolence through fun imaginary fight-play with harmless squirting water. The submarine is an advanced underwater military vehicle capable of travelling at great speeds and with handsome stealth to deploy an arsenal or transport soldiers or facilitate military operations and communications (with some underwater sonar-auditory technology). Triton and Hydro-Man appreciated how the water-gun and the submarine both symbolized man's bold quest to 'invent' toys/gadgets related to the water, which is otherwise the most 'vital' of Earth's natural elements.


A debate between Triton and Hydro-Man about the water-gun and submarine would illuminate potentially valuable ideas regarding the ethical 'fancifying' of water-use and water-environment borne ingenuities. Triton was after all an underwater god who wielded powers of focus and force. Hydro-Man was after all a mutant superhuman capable of ingesting or expelling great amounts of water since his body was completely fluid and malleable. Triton and Hydro-Man were concerned about whether or not the water-gun and submarine were creating the right 'kinds' of science-fiction oriented and war-themed storytelling/folklore in modern civilization.


TRITON: The water-gun is an item of great joviality.
HYDRO-MAN: The submarine is a vehicle of ominous power.
TRITON: The water-gun is ubiquitous in the metaphysics of competitive behaviors.
HYDRO-MAN: The submarine is an achievement in martial ambitions.
TRITON: The water-gun reminds us of the fun of water.
HYDRO-MAN: The submarine reminds us of the challenge of environmental mastery.
TRITON: The water-gun is silent and colourful.
HYDRO-MAN: The submarine is silent and fearful.
TRITON: The water-gun reminds us of Toys 'R Us and children.
HYDRO-MAN: The submarine reminds us of IBM and the Cold War.
TRITON: The water-gun is a totem of consumerism propaganda!
HYDRO-MAN: The submarine is a tech-vehicle of apocalyptic proportions...
TRITON: The water-gun reminds us about the evil of eco-pollution and acid-rain.
HYDRO-MAN: The submarine reminds us of the value of guardianship.
TRITON: The water-gun makes me feel idealistic about Starbucks.
HYDRO-MAN: The submarine makes me feel paranoid about North Korea.
TRITON: Playing with water is akin to prayer...
HYDRO-MAN: Making water-vehicles is akin to genetic engineering.
TRITON: Kids can play with water-guns with their parents.
HYDRO-MAN: Philosophers and politicians can argue about the ideals of submarine warfare.


After Triton and Hydro-Man concluded their seemingly never-ending debate/discussion about the polarity in civilization between toys (water-guns) and weapons (submarines), they concluded that ingenuity in man generates both playful recreational activities symbolizing praise of socialization; and also deadly military inventiveness representing pure ambition. The water-gun and the submarine truly were diametric opposites, and Triton believed in the 'magic' marketing of toys such as water-guns, while Hydro-Man continued to respect the awesome military bravado behind the manufacturing of incredible war-oriented 'synthetics' such as submarines. Triton and Hydro-Man concluded that the nation that monopolized both water-guns and submarines would literally rule the Earth!


After Triton and Hydro-Man concluded their archaeologically-symbolic debate/discussion about the civilization consciousness behind water-guns and submarines, they decided that the water-gun and the submarine were both 'civilization sacraments' useful in the formulation of 'modernism apologetics.' Consumerism (e.g., toys) and military technology (e.g., sonar-submarines) were after all both modern 'ideology.' Triton and Hydro-Man continued to wonder, however, if the water-gun and the submarine would be categorized as 'mankind's vanities.'



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