Transcript of killing of Jamal Khashoggi paints a gruesome picture...


Khashoggi the jihadi won a Darwin award. So fucking what?

Do you think trump or Pompeo will read this? I doubt it. They will say again...."I have no reason to listen to the audio." They refused to listen to the Turkish audio of the journalist killing.
Why would they want to listen to a snuff tape?

What would you expect them to do, get off on it and cackle in delight like Hillary watching a video of an elderly man getting beat, tortured, sodomized with a bayonet and shot in the head by jihadi AQ scum?

You people are sick.
So if a reporter covers the jihadi, that makes him one of them?
:rolleyes: Yeah, that's just a large pen he's brandishing.

And when he was weeping after he heard that UBL was killed they were tears of joy, right?
Now you are entering silly territory
All these responses are LAME. A Journalist was killed, brutally murdered. The CIA and Intel say there is credible evidence that MBS was involved and NOTHING. Not even a slap on the wrist. trump doesn't care and that "so called" Christian, Pompeo puts his hands over his ears....the US can never in good faith criticize brutality in any other country as long as they turn their back on this brutal murder.

The worship of trump has become nauseating. He has pulled the greatest Con Job in US history. He has inflicted hid lack of moral standards on the United States. We are well on the way to holding the same standards for human rights and Russia, his boyfriend's country.

So what will Pocahontas or Sleepy Joe do to Moe Salman and the Kingdom of the Saudis if the prevail next year?

The answer is absolutely nothing.

The Democrats don't really give a shit about Khashoggi, they are just trying to beat down the Trumpster with this phony issue.

I suppose that someone jammed into the Democrat Clown Car might care. But even they would do anything. Would you want to bomb Saudi Arabia over this execution, jim?
If I were investigating this, I would be curious that this man was tortured, murdered, his body dismembered and disposed but...

Somehow, the victim recorded the entire thing on a secret recording device that was never discovered by the torturers, and miraculously smuggled out of the Embassy to make it's way to the CIA and the press.

Kind of a huge plot hole in the narrative.
I heard that was not true

Turkey had the place bugged and didn’t want it known

Which is kind of why it's ridiculous to try and prosecute these kinds of extra-judicial killings by state assets in a regular court of law.

The rules of evidence examination and discovery can't be enforced.
If I were investigating this, I would be curious that this man was tortured, murdered, his body dismembered and disposed but...

Somehow, the victim recorded the entire thing on a secret recording device that was never discovered by the torturers, and miraculously smuggled out of the Embassy to make it's way to the CIA and the press.

Kind of a huge plot hole in the narrative.
I heard that was not true

Turkey had the place bugged and didn’t want it known

it doesn't matter. The trump regime will ignore the evidence and kiss the hand of the murdering crown Prince....cause trump is a very large piece of shit....
According to (unnamed) "Turkish officials"? Is this another case of classified documents (like we just saw with CNN) intentionally leaked by agents of foreign governments on the anniversary of 9-11? Shame.
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I expect the next thing the trump regime will do is change history books to read that the Iranians were behind 9 11.

While we all know the attackers were Saudis.
Does anyone honestly expect me to feel sad when a piece of vaguely humanoid muslim debris gets killed by other muslims? After 60+ generations of first-cousin-inbreeding (per Mohammed's example) it's good for the human gene pool when a muslim toilet-bowl-floaty is no longer with us.
I expect the next thing the trump regime will do is change history books to read that the Iranians were behind 9 11.

While we all know the attackers were Saudis.

But you've never sniveled about all the money they've given the Clintons over the decades, have you? That's because you're just another discredited hack shill poster, and have never been anything else. You could care less about this guy.

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