Zone1 Trans Supporters: If you can be Trans-gender, can people also be Trans-racial or Trans-age?

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
It's an honest question, because it follows the exact same logic, which is very simple:

"If I feel it, it is, and should be respected by all, or else you're a bigot"

That's basically the mantra, I don't think any leftist/woke LGBTQ activist could deny it.

So, if you can "feel" a different sex/gender, can you "feel" a different race? Can a white girl "feel" like she's an oppressed minority black woman? Can a 65 yr old man "feel" like he's 25 and demand to be called as such?

And if you say no, aren't you a bigot for denying their supposed right to feel how they believe they are?
A legitimate question (sad as it is that we even have to ask these kinds of questions, but that’s a whole other topic) as there are already people calling themselves transabled. Claiming a disability they don’t actually have.

It's an honest question, because it follows the exact same logic, which is very simple:

"If I feel it, it is, and should be respected by all, or else you're a bigot"

That's basically the mantra, I don't think any leftist/woke LGBTQ activist could deny it.

So, if you can "feel" a different sex/gender, can you "feel" a different race? Can a white girl "feel" like she's an oppressed minority black woman? Can a 65 yr old man "feel" like he's 25 and demand to be called as such?

And if you say no, aren't you a bigot for denying their supposed right to feel how they believe they are?
:backpedal:I tied to think about it in analogies but I got lost:

1). If Michael Jackson was white then why couldn't he produce white children? So, was he trans-racial? I don't think so.

2). If Mulvany Bulhaney is a female why can't he produce eggs? Is he trans-gender? I don't think so.

3). If Tommy Tucker is a duck why can't he fly? Is he trans-species? I don't think so.

4). If George Bush Junior is intelligent why doesn't he know the difference between Ukraine and Iraq? Is he trans-cerebral? I don't think so.
People with histrionic personality disorder look around and realize they do not get the attention they seek unless they are a complete freakazoid.
This includes tattoos and piercings. Oh! Sorry! I mean "body modifications" or "body enhancement". I guess they were born in the wrong body and they are merely administering post-naissance rectification.
It is true that what a human believes is true. It is also true that this does not mean that another human will believe the same, nor is obliged to. It is a fact that believing that others must conform to an individual's beliefs is a sign of, to put it mildly, a very delicate mental state.
Almost everyone has wished to be quite different from who he or she is. That is not exceptional. Everyone has 'trans'-itioned into a person who accepts, or at least learns to live with, what they can and cannot change. The attempt to obscure this reality is actually an attempt to control language and, thereby, thought.
So, if you can "feel" a different sex/gender, can you "feel" a different race? Can a white girl "feel" like she's an oppressed minority black woman? Can a 65 yr old man "feel" like he's 25 and demand to be called as such?

They do not feel a different sex, just a different gender.

There is a difference between gender and sex.
It's an honest question, because it follows the exact same logic, which is very simple:

"If I feel it, it is, and should be respected by all, or else you're a bigot"

That's basically the mantra, I don't think any leftist/woke LGBTQ activist could deny it.

So, if you can "feel" a different sex/gender, can you "feel" a different race? Can a white girl "feel" like she's an oppressed minority black woman? Can a 65 yr old man "feel" like he's 25 and demand to be called as such?

And if you say no, aren't you a bigot for denying their supposed right to feel how they believe they are?

Anyone who accepts transgenderism but does not accept transracialism is a racist and a bigot.
The difference is gender is a made up construct in these cases, and they are trying to get it to equal sex.

That's why they demand men compete in sports with women.

Gender as applied to people has always been a made up construct.

I agree they are, and anyone that allows them to equate sex and gender is helping their cause.

If we would limit sports and bathroom and the like to sex and not gender most of these problems are solved.
Gender as applied to people has always been a made up construct.

I agree they are, and anyone that allows them to equate sex and gender is helping their cause.

If we would limit sports and bathroom and the like to sex and not gender most of these problems are solved.

No, because the other side doesn't want that. They want everyone to believe in their constructed reality or else.
No, because the other side doesn't want that. They want everyone to believe in their constructed reality or else.

And by going along with it people are helping their cause.

Every time someone uses gender instead of sex they are helping the cause of those that want things like trans in women's sports and them in women's bathrooms.
And by going along with it people are helping their cause.

Every time someone uses gender instead of sex they are helping the cause of those that want things like trans in women's sports and them in women's bathrooms.

If you don't you get called a bigot or worse.

Nice attempt to flip the issue onto the people opposing it, but that dog doesn't hunt.
If you don't you get called a bigot or worse.

Oh dear, people will call you names.

How awful.

Nice attempt to flip the issue onto the people opposing it, but that dog doesn't hunt.

The people opposing it are hurting their cause by allowing the other side to dictate the terms

But hey, at least people will not call you names, we cannot have that.

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