Toronto’s rent crisis: Minimum wage would have to hit $40 an hour for workers to be able to afford to live here, report finds


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Police States aren't cheap. The average price of a cottage in rural Ontario is $800k! We are an insolvent system, morally and economically.

Save some of us please.

Capitalism's rules of 'supply and demand' have reached it's limits and so now the rules need to be adjusted. This is how China has already started making the necessary adjustments.

China elevating hundreds of millions of people up out of poverty should have meaning to the US first, where the problem has become most critical.

There! I've started your topic out for you, on a meaningful track! Forget about your imaginings of the police wanting to get you and join in the discussion.
China elevating hundreds of millions of people up out of poverty
What's your definition of poverty, duck? China's is $2.30/day. That is EXTREME poverty in the western world. Not even Turdeau would lower Canadian standard of living to that level. You've managed to show your stupidity once again.

BEIJING, April 1, 2022— Over the past 40 years, the number of people in China with incomes below $1.90 per day – the International Poverty Line as defined by the World Bank to track global extreme poverty– has fallen by close to 800 million. With this, China has contributed close to three-quarters of the global reduction in the number of people living in extreme poverty. At China’s current national poverty line, the number of poor fell by 770 million over the same period.
What's your definition of poverty, duck? China's is $2.30/day. That is EXTREME poverty in the western world. Not even Turdeau would lower Canadian standard of living to that level. You've managed to show your stupidity once again.
Poverty isn't measured in $$'s per hour my friend. It's measured in quality of life. But in any case that's not the issue I raised on capitalism reaching the critical point.
China has contributed close to three-quarters of the global reduction in the number of people living in extreme poverty. At China’s current national poverty line, the number of poor fell by 770 million over the same period.
Yes, that's the point! China is an emerging country still but it's heading in the right direction.

My comment to shocked was to point out that capitalism is running up against a brick wall and the situation in America is even worse than it is in Toronto. Americans on this board tell us so, and you too acknowledge it!

China is experimenting with a new way for capitalism that I call socially responsible government. And their success is acknowledged by you and anyone else who isn't in denial on account of being patriotic Americans.

Are you going be become a denialist on this too?

Discussion or tantrum my friend, it's always up to you!
Poverty isn't measured in $$'s per hour
That is correct, duck. The World Bank measures it in $$ per DAY--and very few of those. LMAO, No one in the US or even in commie Canada makes that low of a wage per hour--indeed in the US that level is about 16 times that of China. So you think the quality of life for those at poverty level in China is better than that of those at US poverty level? Run along, you're stupid.
Americans on this board tell us so,
Au contraire. Capitalism constantly adjusts poverty levels and responds to it. Case in point is the current increases in minimum wages in the US. Supply and demand works flawlessly until commies stick their fingers in it--then there is demand and no supply because China figures if one suffers, all must suffer. That thinking kills innovation as the Chinese model has clearly shown. Now STFU, your ignorance on a wide scale is exhausting.
That is correct, duck. The World Bank measures it in $$ per DAY--and very few of those. LMAO, No one in the US or even in commie Canada makes that low of a wage per hour--indeed in the US that level is about 16 times that of China. So you think the quality of life for those at poverty level in China is better than that of those at US poverty level?
Suffice to say that people waiting tables for tourists in Cuba are living a better lifestyle than the 70,000 homeless Americans in Los Angelos alone! Whatever you need to say on that is fine, but then we're going to get back to the issue.
Au contraire. Capitalism constantly adjusts poverty levels and responds to it. Case in point is the current increases in minimum wages in the US. Supply and demand works flawlessly until commies stick their fingers in it--then there is demand and no supply because China figures if one suffers, all must suffer. That thinking kills innovation as the Chinese model has clearly shown. Now STFU, your ignorance on a wide scale is exhausting.

Didn't you just post the facts on China elevating hundreds of millions up out of poverty? And that China is credited with 2/3's of the success?

Our mutual friend 'shockedcanadian' has raised the issue on the need for $40/hour to exist in Toronto. I've pointed out that many American cities are worse. Do we still disagree on that?

And so now we can relate the facts on capitalism running up against a brick wall, vs. China's solution, on which we have finally found common ground.

If you expect me to reply to you, you're going to have to stop the childish behaviour and address 'shockedcanadian's' topic.
You apparently missed the standard of poverty--by western standards--Chinese haven't even reached the poverty level -- they would need to increase their definition by 16 times to reach US poverty level. Spouting the same nonsense over and over again just reinforces the fact that you are ignorant, duck. Give it up.
You apparently missed the standard of poverty--by western standards--Chinese haven't even reached the poverty level -- they would need to increase their definition by 16 times to reach US poverty level. Spouting the same nonsense over and over again just reinforces the fact that you are ignorant, duck. Give it up.
Tell that to L.A.'s 70,000 homeless people on the streets.
And tell shockedcanadian how you feel about his topic too.

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