Top 4 Obamacare Complaints

Uh-oh, running from the facts [MENTION=18701]NYcarbineer[/MENTION]?!? Yeah, I didn't think you'd want to learn the truth about Obamcare. Don't want to be enlightened and face having the foundation of your socialism shaken by facts :eusa_doh:

Hannity never lied. Deep down, you know it too.

I proved that Hannity lied; I don't need affirmation from you.

Uh, no you didn't you delusional buffoon. You didn't prove one lie.

First of all you ignorant buffoon, your propagana story (that only moron's like you believe) never talked to Hannity. They talked to his guests. So at best you have that the people he interviewed lied (and how is he supposed to control what other people he interviews say?!). But sadly you don't even have that.

Meanwhile, I have a left-wing institution which supported Obama admitting they have to cut $300 million per year from their budget and cut working people for, the private sector (who will end up on the government teat) because of Obamacare.

Want to try again [MENTION=18701]NYcarbineer[/MENTION]? Because so far, this is not going well for you. :lol:

Funny that the guy who did the factchecking on Hannity's guests was able to make a few phone calls and ask a few questions to get the truth.

I think we know why Hannity or his people didn't do that.

lol, the guy named Cox claimed he couldn't hire anyone and had to keep his people at parttime because of Obamacare.

Turned out he has FOUR employees!!!! Yes, 46 less than the 50 employee limit where Obamacare kicks in.
So far the results of Obamacare for me and mine:

1. Our premiums have been increased by about 38%.

2. Our deductibles and copays have been roughy doubled.

3. Numerous things that were once covered no longer are. Absolutely nothing that wasn't covered before has been added.

4. Because so many clinics, hospitals, and doctors offices are being forced to lay off staff, there is less sanitation, waits for service are far longer, and there is increased consolidation that is not to the patient's advantage.

5. My hubbie's doctor that he dearly loves is taking early retirement because he can no longer stomach the mountain of increased red tape, restrictions, and stupid rules imposed by Obamacare. And this is happening more and more. Among the 10 different specialists that my elderly aunt and uncle are seeing for numerous medical problems, one--count him ONE--is American born.

6. And on top of the government website woes, there is this in the small print: privacy of personal and medical information cannot be guaranteed.

But this is the greatest thing to happen in America since sliced bread, yes?

Do you know how fake this sounds?? I don't believe you. And why do you call it, "USMB", coffee shop?? After being greeted quite coldly in this thread, it should be called, "Conservatives Welcome Only", coffee shop.

Really. You were treated coldly in that thread? Not that it has anything to do with this, but let's review. (I keep VERY good records)

Your first post in the Coffee Shop was 8-15-2010 and from that point until 9-12-2010, you were greeted by numerous other folks in the Coffee Shop and you made more than 40 posts interacting with people and were treated in a most friendly manner by everybody - rudely by nobody.

And I can quickly think of a half dozen regulars in the Coffee Shop crowd now who are quite decidedly left of center but who are very much family and quite beloved there—quite a few others who have stopped in now and then.

Post #4087 in which I personally greeted you
And a warm USMB Coffee Shop welcome to RINATA!!! who is a first timer today. Welcome, welcome. We hope you find a happy niche here as so many of us have!'

Rinata makes Member #98. Two more folks and we have an even 100.

You have not visited Coffee Shop II.

Perhaps you would like to revise and extend your remarks?

So maybe if you were more honest you wouldn't remember so poorly. And what many of us know to be true would not seem so 'fake' to you. I have nothing to gain by lying about it. And I am the one living it.

Edit to make sure [MENTION=21173]Rinata[/MENTION] sees this since the threads were merged in the process of making the post.
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So far the results of Obamacare for me and mine:

1. Our premiums have been increased by about 38%.

2. Our deductibles and copays have been roughy doubled.

3. Numerous things that were once covered no longer are. Absolutely nothing that wasn't covered before has been added.

4. Because so many clinics, hospitals, and doctors offices are being forced to lay off staff, there is less sanitation, waits for service are far longer, and there is increased consolidation that is not to the patient's advantage.

5. My hubbie's doctor that he dearly loves is taking early retirement because he can no longer stomach the mountain of increased red tape, restrictions, and stupid rules imposed by Obamacare. And this is happening more and more. Among the 10 different specialists that my elderly aunt and uncle are seeing for numerous medical problems, one--count him ONE--is American born.

6. And on top of the government website woes, there is this in the small print: privacy of personal and medical information cannot be guaranteed.

But this is the greatest thing to happen in America since sliced bread, yes?

Do you know how fake this sounds?? I don't believe you. And why do you call it, "USMB", coffee shop?? After being greeted quite coldly in this thread, it should be called, "Conservatives Welcome Only", coffee shop.

Really. You were treated coldly in that thread? Not that it has anything to do with this, but let's review. (I keep VERY good records)

Your first post in the Coffee Shop was 8-15-2010 and from that point until 9-12-2010, you were greeted by numerous other folks in the Coffee Shop and you made more than 40 posts interacting with people and were treated in a most friendly manner by everybody - rudely by nobody.

And I can quickly think of a half dozen regulars in the Coffee Shop crowd now who are quite decidedly left of center but who are very much family and quite beloved there—quite a few others who have stopped in now and then.

Post #4087 in which I personally greeted you
And a warm USMB Coffee Shop welcome to RINATA!!! who is a first timer today. Welcome, welcome. We hope you find a happy niche here as so many of us have!'

Rinata makes Member #98. Two more folks and we have an even 100.

You have not visited Coffee Shop II.

Perhaps you would like to revise and extend your remarks?

So maybe if you were more honest you wouldn't remember so poorly. And what many of us know to be true would not seem so 'fake' to you. I have nothing to gain by lying about it. And I am the one living it.

You lied. That has not happened to your health insurance plan.
Complaint #1: I can't log in

Complaint #2: My info's not right

Complaint #3: The costs are too high

Complaint #4: My employer is raising my premiums because of Obamacare

Top 4 Obamacare Complaints - Yahoo Finance

Complaint #5: Yurt is a chronic complainer... :lol:

And inflamatory thread title in violation of Zone rules. The thread title is inflamatory as it is not about Yurt or his family. It is meant only to inflame

Good point. Trolls like Yurtie used to be referred to as flamers long ago on internet message boards in the early 90s.
Here's Top-10


Top 10 Obama Lies | Human Events

1. Americans want higher taxes: During the debate over raising the debt ceiling, President Obama said that 80% of Americans support including higher taxes as part of the deal. But a Rasmussen poll taken the same week showed that only 34% believe a tax hike should be included in a debt-ceiling agreement.

2. Mother denied health insurance: During his presidential campaign, Obama said that his mother died of cancer after being denied coverage for a preexisting condition. He used her image in a campaign ad, repeated the claim in debates, and used the same rhetoric as President when he tried to sell ObamaCare to the American people. But a new book by New York Times reporter Janny Scott says that Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham, had health insurance through her employer and was only denied disability insurance.

3. Tax restraint for middle and lower class: Obama pledged during his campaign and throughout his presidency not to raise taxes on families making less than $250,000. But ObamaCare’s individual mandate will hit many under the $250,000 mark. (Obama’s own Justice Department said the mandate was a tax, not a penalty, when it argued its constitutionality.) Not to mention a higher federal cigarette tax and countless other “fees” in the health care law that hit the middle and lower class.

4. Shovel-ready jobs: When Obama was selling his $787 billion stimulus package, he consistently bragged about how shovel-ready construction jobs would be funded across the nation. Even the President later admitted that was a lie, when he told the New York Times: “There’s no such thing as shovel-ready projects.”

5. Keep your doctor: President Obama repeatedly pledged that under his health care measure, Americans would be able to keep their doctors. However, with rising costs, many employers will dump their health care plans and force workers into the state health care exchanges (unless you belong to one of the unions getting ObamaCare waivers.) A survey by McKinsey & Company found that more than 30% of companies will discontinue coverage for their workers.

6. No lobbyists: During the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama said: “We have the chance to tell all those corporate lobbyists that the days of them setting the agenda in Washington are over. … I don’t take a dime of their money, and when I am President, they won’t find a job in my White House.” At least a dozen former lobbyists got top jobs in his administration at the beginning of his presidency, according to Politico, and National Public Radio reported the Obama administration was granting waivers to lobbyists to circumvent the ban.

7. Foreign money in campaigns: During his 2010 State of the Union address, and again during the 2010 midterm elections, Obama railed against foreign money influencing U.S. elections. The only problem was that there was no evidence to support the charge or, as Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, in the State of the Union audience, silently mouthed, “Not true.”

8. Arizona immigration law: During the battle over Arizona’s immigration law, President Obama said: “Now suddenly if you don’t have your papers and you took your kid out to get ice cream, you can be harassed, that’s something that could potentially happen.” Uh, actually, Mr. President, it couldn’t. The law would allow law enforcement officials to inquire about immigration status only when there is suspicion of a crime being committed.

9. Transparency: Obama pledged that transparency would be a top priority, but his administration refused to grant one-third of the Freedom of Information Act requests, according to an Associated Press analysis. He also was dishonest about transparency when he said that health-care negotiations would be televised on C-SPAN and that he would wait five days to sign a bill so people would have a chance to read it online.

10. Constitutional oath: During his January 2009 inauguration, Barack Obama pledged to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,” yet he has consistently ignored the 10th Amendment giving powers not enumerated in the Constitution to the states. Exhibit No. 1: ObamaCare.
Yeah stupid, "inaction" is the best course as it's not the business of the federal government.

Big Pharma and Big Insurance pour trillions of dollars a year into Washington. They fund elections and apply massive lobbying pressure. Meaning: the government already has its hands all over the market because of private sector financial pressure.

Consider the Patent System?

This is where the nanny state builds a monopoly-fence around the products of the private sector, so they can charge 1,000X production costs for drugs without being disciplined by market competition.

Washington is where big corporations go for subsidies, bailouts, regulatory favors and virtual monopolies in the form of a corrupt patent system based on pure Big Government intervention. Whenever someone wants to repeal some of the ill-begotten gains of Lobbying Industrial Complex we hear cries of socialism. Drug industry sales are inflated by 290 billion a year because the private sector benefits from government intervention in the market . The last thing on earth the private sector wants is a free market; this is why they fund elections and flock to Washington.

Our political system and news sources are owned by a private sector which has distorted markets more than FDR could have ever dreamed. Please turn off talk radio and try to study some of this stuff. Don't take my word for it. Research why corporations fund elections and create lobbying empires. They're paying for the right to fleece the taxpayer . . . as they quietly funnel money into FOX and Limbaugh so as to distract uneducated morons with horror stories about gays, illegals, welfare queens and food stamps.

We all agree that competitive markets are better at allocating resources and setting prices than any government bureaucrat, but then we started 4th grade and realized that the people talking most about free markets were the ones who had distorted it the most.

Now it's big pharma and big insurance.....Once again a flaming lib gives Obama a hall pass.
Do you know how fake this sounds?? I don't believe you. And why do you call it, "USMB", coffee shop?? After being greeted quite coldly in this thread, it should be called, "Conservatives Welcome Only", coffee shop.

Really. You were treated coldly in that thread? Not that it has anything to do with this, but let's review. (I keep VERY good records)

Your first post in the Coffee Shop was 8-15-2010 and from that point until 9-12-2010, you were greeted by numerous other folks in the Coffee Shop and you made more than 40 posts interacting with people and were treated in a most friendly manner by everybody - rudely by nobody.

And I can quickly think of a half dozen regulars in the Coffee Shop crowd now who are quite decidedly left of center but who are very much family and quite beloved there—quite a few others who have stopped in now and then.

Post #4087 in which I personally greeted you
And a warm USMB Coffee Shop welcome to RINATA!!! who is a first timer today. Welcome, welcome. We hope you find a happy niche here as so many of us have!'

Rinata makes Member #98. Two more folks and we have an even 100.

You have not visited Coffee Shop II.

Perhaps you would like to revise and extend your remarks?

So maybe if you were more honest you wouldn't remember so poorly. And what many of us know to be true would not seem so 'fake' to you. I have nothing to gain by lying about it. And I am the one living it.

You lied. That has not happened to your health insurance plan.

It hasn't? Could you convince my husband of that? He is really bummed that his doctor is quitting. Maybe you better tell the doctor that he isn't quitting for the reasons he stated either. I will leave it to the people in real life who know me and participate on this forum or who read in from now and then to judge whether I am lying. I feel pretty certain they don't think so.
Here's Top-10


Top 10 Obama Lies | Human Events

1. ...


10. Constitutional oath: During his January 2009 inauguration, Barack Obama pledged to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,” yet he has consistently ignored the 10th Amendment giving powers not enumerated in the Constitution to the states. Exhibit No. 1: ObamaCare.

Proof positive [MENTION=19543]Geaux4it[/MENTION] is a Class A Imbecile

Obamacare/PPACA was enacted by a duly.elected Congress and signed into law by a duly elected President.

Supreme Court decision.

Move on -- is more than just a dot org .
And that is the devil in the details isn't it. A blind man should be able to see that the purpose of Obamacare was NEVER to provide more affordable healthcare. The CBO and other experts had already confirmed that wasn't going to happen not all that long after this abominable legislation was passed. And we have not had an honest media to inform us so most of the Obama worshippers don't know that. Or they don't give a shit. If it exalts Obama it is all good and we'll just ignore all the negative consequences.

But the truth is Obamacare was designed to do one thing and one thing only--to destroy the private healthcare system in America and put government in charge of everything and thereby hold power over the people as never before.

Private health insurance was destroying us. It was only after Obamacare became law that private insurance was forced to lower their rates. Not sure if you've ever worked but when you quit, lose your job, leave it for any reason, you're insured for an amount of time but then after that, you used to have to pay for private insurance on your own. $600 a month was commonplace.

Please tell me what we are supposed to return to if by some miracle you were successful in repealing Obamacare? Private insurance? Repubs certainly have no affordable alternatives.

Your party needs to get to work earning back that 24 billion they lost when they decided to shutdown government.

Sarah, I was working for a hospital when Medicare first went into effect. One of my jobs was meeting with the uninsured or underinsured to work out a payment plan for them when they lacked the cash to pay their hospital bill. We worked out a satisfactory payment plan with every single one of them. Without exception.

Another part of my job was researching and tracking costs for various products and equipment the hospital used, so I was very conscious of what those costs were. If one company went up, I knew where we could get something of equal quality at a more favorable cost. And usually the company that then lost our business would be more conducive to negotiating a better price to get us back.

So on both the customer end and consumer ends of the medical business I knew what the numbers were. And I saw them start increasing noticably almost from the day Medicare went into effect. As well as being aware of the almost automatic fraud because the government didn't question the stuff that was being charged to it so long as the charge was something covered. I worked for three other hospitals over the next years always in administration where I had access to costs, and watched a wonderful, compassionate, efficient system dissolve into red tape, endless paperwork, and sharply escalating costs purely due to government involvement. Government not only short circuited the free market system, but it was adding so many rules and regulations as well as appointing more and more liberal judges who sided almost always with the plaintiffs.

The free market system forces providers AND insurance companies to offer products that people want and that people can afford to buy. We had the best medical system in the world. And government involvement ruined it. And now the left wants to give the same government who screwed it up royally control over all of it.

It just boggles the mind.

I was living in South Carolina at the end of the 80's into the early 90's.
In the local paper appeared a story about medical care pricing as to how pricing related to the manner by which the patient paid the bill.
The story told of an older couple who had gone to the hospital. The husband experiencing chest pains. The man was treated for the condition and released. Upon discharge the wife neglected to tell the discharge nurse the method of payment would be Medicare.
The couple was handed a bill for a little under $200.
Realizing her error, the wife goes back to the desk and informs the nurse about the mistake.
The nurse redid the bill under Medicare. The charge went up to nearly $600. Of course the couple paid the same amount.
So instead of the couple paying the $200 in cash, account closed. The taxpayers got stuck with a $400 bill. And the couple STILL paid $200.
Sometimes I really despise how our government functions. Or doesn't function.
And is anybody else picking up on the fact that the Obama worshippers are simply beside themselves that the personal testimonies some of us are giving here might soil the shining symbol of what the Obama Administration is all about--socialized medicine among other things? Why else would they accuse us of lying?

Beside themselves? They're declaring everyone with such tales of woe to be outright liars.

I'll be happy to believe Foxfyre when she provides verifiable supporting evidence for her claims about her woes.

She gave out plenty of information.
You imply she is making up her account because you don't like it. Her story does not fit the lib template.
The free market has not worked re healthcare for a very long time now. Not since the government chose to take over a large portion of it via Medicare and Medicaid and started mandating that insurance companies do this and do that which has cost everybody much more than they otherwise would have to pay for health insurance.

In a free market system, insurance companies would have to tailor policies so that people could afford to buy them or the insurance company would go out of business. Medical providers would have to tailor services so that people could afford them or go out of business. The government has very deep pockets and very low credibility in discerning and controlling abuse of access to government services; therefore ANYTHING government gets involved in will almost always cost much more than it will cost if it is left to the private sector to do.

Had the government focused on people who, for whatever reason, could not buy insurance through the free market system--that would be a very small percentage of the population, it would have done a good thing. Forcing everybody into the same system will cost us all most likely thousands every year and health care will suffer.

The statists can't see that because they will defend to their last breath a leftist government no matter what it does. But the rest are allowed to see the truth.

Anyone who wants a true 'free market' in healthcare wants a situation where the market serves those who can pay the market price,

and those who can't, well, they go without. That is what you want, but that is what you will never get.

That's a load of horse shit. The auto insurance marketplace is representative of a free market. And it is highly competitive. Prices reflect that competitiveness.
So? You have to register to vote too. What's the faux outrage over having to register at a website before you use it. Fuck, you have to register with Yahoo before you can get a fantasy football team lol.

You people are raising the bar on hilarity.

Idiot.....signing up does not mean that there is any endorsement or any purchase.
All it means is that somebody looked at the sight which means nothing until they actually purchase the product being offered.
So when YOU throw out those 95,000 and 145,000 really means nothing to the popularity of your messiah's signature legislation.
Now does that 'splain it for you? Hmmmmm?

You're one of the least intelligent posters on this forum and that is quite a bar to clear.

Are you even aware that these policies don't go into effect until January?

So says the board idiot. :rolleyes:

You're the one that seen a need to throw out those numbers.....not me.
Here's Top-10


Top 10 Obama Lies | Human Events

1. ...


10. Constitutional oath: During his January 2009 inauguration, Barack Obama pledged to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,” yet he has consistently ignored the 10th Amendment giving powers not enumerated in the Constitution to the states. Exhibit No. 1: ObamaCare.

Proof positive [MENTION=19543]Geaux4it[/MENTION] is a Class A Imbecile

Obamacare/PPACA was enacted by a duly.elected Congress and signed into law by a duly elected President.

Supreme Court decision.

Move on -- is more than just a dot org .

The Bill was passed without a republican vote, and the Supreme Court only took up whether it was a fee or a tax. Roberts legislated that it was a tax.
Here's Top-10


Top 10 Obama Lies | Human Events

1. ...


10. Constitutional oath: During his January 2009 inauguration, Barack Obama pledged to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,” yet he has consistently ignored the 10th Amendment giving powers not enumerated in the Constitution to the states. Exhibit No. 1: ObamaCare.

Proof positive [MENTION=19543]Geaux4it[/MENTION] is a Class A Imbecile

Obamacare/PPACA was enacted by a duly.elected Congress and signed into law by a duly elected President.

Supreme Court decision.

Move on -- is more than just a dot org .

The Bill was passed without a republican vote, and the Supreme Court only took up whether it was a fee or a tax. Roberts legislated that it was a tax.

Indeed- And what congress voted on was not a tax, but a fee as Obama called it. After it was deemed a tax by the courts it should of gone back for vote on the new language.
The free market has not worked re healthcare for a very long time now. Not since the government chose to take over a large portion of it via Medicare and Medicaid and started mandating that insurance companies do this and do that which has cost everybody much more than they otherwise would have to pay for health insurance.

In a free market system, insurance companies would have to tailor policies so that people could afford to buy them or the insurance company would go out of business. Medical providers would have to tailor services so that people could afford them or go out of business. The government has very deep pockets and very low credibility in discerning and controlling abuse of access to government services; therefore ANYTHING government gets involved in will almost always cost much more than it will cost if it is left to the private sector to do.

Had the government focused on people who, for whatever reason, could not buy insurance through the free market system--that would be a very small percentage of the population, it would have done a good thing. Forcing everybody into the same system will cost us all most likely thousands every year and health care will suffer.

The statists can't see that because they will defend to their last breath a leftist government no matter what it does. But the rest are allowed to see the truth.

Anyone who wants a true 'free market' in healthcare wants a situation where the market serves those who can pay the market price,

and those who can't, well, they go without. That is what you want, but that is what you will never get.

Point? The market price has skyrocketed because of government influence, now you cry it's too expensive can't the government just give it to you for free and double, tripple, quadruple bill those other people that have more than you?

Your health care is more important than my health care because you have less money than me? I have to sell my house to fund your health care? Where does your desire to live forever end? Should we spend 1trillion just for your health care needs? 10trillion? What is the top end of the amount that we have to spend on you to make you comfortable?
Government 'interference'...Let's be clear on this salient point.
This is true because in Marxism, in its classical form, the government confiscates ALL private property of every kind and redistributes it to the people as it chooses. The whole basis of Marxism is based on the theory that if the wealth can be taken away from the wealthy, then all will be better off. Everybody will own everything.

In our system, taxation is just a polite, politically correct, term for confiscating wealth from those who have it.

It long ago lost its intended purpose which was an equitable and least oppressive way to fund the necessary functions of government as specified in the Constitution.

Particularly our "progressive" taxation scheme punishes the successful. I understand the need for taxation, to a point. But everyone should be required to chip in to foot the bill, not just those who have some wealth. I would suggest that those supporting confiscation of wealth read about the Fair Tax, but they have proven themselves lacking in reading comprehension and too driven by the party line.

Does the fair tax include a provision to raise the $113,700 income cap for payroll taxes?
