Top 4 Obamacare Complaints

And is anybody else picking up on the fact that the Obama worshippers are simply beside themselves that the personal testimonies some of us are giving here might soil the shining symbol of what the Obama Administration is all about--socialized medicine among other things? Why else would they accuse us of lying?

Beside themselves? They're declaring everyone with such tales of woe to be outright liars.

I'll be happy to believe Foxfyre when she provides verifiable supporting evidence for her claims about her woes.
It is Marxist because it exists on the concept that the haves according to their means will provide for the have nots according to their needs.

That's a pretty unique take.

So basically what you are saying, if we can use this "definition" as a standard..

Is that every single form of government is "Marxist".

Well except Anarchy.

Because to a large extent, every government does this..through taxation.

However, Marxism, in it's classical form doesn't really need to do this because it doesn't need to engage in taxation.

This is true because in Marxism, in its classical form, the government confiscates ALL private property of every kind and redistributes it to the people as it chooses. The whole basis of Marxism is based on the theory that if the wealth can be taken away from the wealthy, then all will be better off. Everybody will own everything.

In our system, taxation is just a polite, politically correct, term for confiscating wealth from those who have it.

It long ago lost its intended purpose which was an equitable and least oppressive way to fund the necessary functions of government as specified in the Constitution.

Particularly our "progressive" taxation scheme punishes the successful. I understand the need for taxation, to a point. But everyone should be required to chip in to foot the bill, not just those who have some wealth. I would suggest that those supporting confiscation of wealth read about the Fair Tax, but they have proven themselves lacking in reading comprehension and too driven by the party line.
That's a pretty unique take.

So basically what you are saying, if we can use this "definition" as a standard..

Is that every single form of government is "Marxist".

Well except Anarchy.

Because to a large extent, every government does this..through taxation.

However, Marxism, in it's classical form doesn't really need to do this because it doesn't need to engage in taxation.

Obamacare is just a part of the class struggle....notice how Obama in his speech today addressed the poor and needy....his proleteriat....

a socialist order is the goal....with communism ultimately replacing capitalism....Obama's goal is to take healthcare out of the free market and place it under Government control.....

The cold war is over, dude.

Alas, it sometimes seems as if the bigger threat to America since the Soviet Union went belly up is a resurgence of fascism all over the word.

Including here in the good ol' boy USA.

Surely you cannot be talking about your boi, obama, and his acolytes, pelosi and reid?
That's a pretty unique take.

So basically what you are saying, if we can use this "definition" as a standard..

Is that every single form of government is "Marxist".

Well except Anarchy.

Because to a large extent, every government does this..through taxation.

However, Marxism, in it's classical form doesn't really need to do this because it doesn't need to engage in taxation.

This is true because in Marxism, in its classical form, the government confiscates ALL private property of every kind and redistributes it to the people as it chooses. The whole basis of Marxism is based on the theory that if the wealth can be taken away from the wealthy, then all will be better off. Everybody will own everything.

In our system, taxation is just a polite, politically correct, term for confiscating wealth from those who have it.

It long ago lost its intended purpose which was an equitable and least oppressive way to fund the necessary functions of government as specified in the Constitution.

Particularly our "progressive" taxation scheme punishes the successful. I understand the need for taxation, to a point. But everyone should be required to chip in to foot the bill, not just those who have some wealth. I would suggest that those supporting confiscation of wealth read about the Fair Tax, but they have proven themselves lacking in reading comprehension and too driven by the party line.

Does the fair tax include a provision to raise the $113,700 income cap for payroll taxes?
Inside the Fox News lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare -

How stupid do you have to be to refuse to save money and help your family because you hate the President?

How stupid do you have to be to not understand that Obamacare has caused rates to skyrocket 200% and then to support that insanity simply because you love the fact that the president has a little "d" next to his name and tells you what you want to hear? :cuckoo:

Actually, the facts are that since Obamacare has begun implementation, premiums have gone up less than 4% two straight years now after 12 previous years where premiums went up anywhere from 12-15% every single year.

I know it's hard for Republicans to actually allow facts into their hot-air-filled echo chamber up on Bullshit Mountain, but those are the real numbers.

The only places that are still seeing dramatic increases in premiums are states with Republican or Teabagger Governors who are doing their best to avoid having to implement Obamacare at all.

The facts are, obamacare was not implemented until October 1, 2013. Only some provisions took effect, none of which had anything to do with premiums. I know it's hard for democrats to actually allow facts to filter into the obama smoke brains. But that's what really happened.
Do tell.

What about the ACA is "marxist".

Include some proof as the form of links.

Thanks in advance.

It is Marxist because it exists on the concept that the haves according to their means will provide for the have nots according to their needs.

That's a pretty unique take.

So basically what you are saying, if we can use this "definition" as a standard..

Is that every single form of government is "Marxist".

Well except Anarchy.

Because to a large extent, every government does this..through taxation.

However, Marxism, in it's classical form doesn't really need to do this because it doesn't need to engage in taxation.

No need to tax what you've already confiscated...oh, my bad, "nationalized".
This is true because in Marxism, in its classical form, the government confiscates ALL private property of every kind and redistributes it to the people as it chooses. The whole basis of Marxism is based on the theory that if the wealth can be taken away from the wealthy, then all will be better off. Everybody will own everything.

In our system, taxation is just a polite, politically correct, term for confiscating wealth from those who have it.

It long ago lost its intended purpose which was an equitable and least oppressive way to fund the necessary functions of government as specified in the Constitution.

Particularly our "progressive" taxation scheme punishes the successful. I understand the need for taxation, to a point. But everyone should be required to chip in to foot the bill, not just those who have some wealth. I would suggest that those supporting confiscation of wealth read about the Fair Tax, but they have proven themselves lacking in reading comprehension and too driven by the party line.

Does the fair tax include a provision to raise the $113,700 income cap for payroll taxes?

Not as long as the social security benefits are capped for those same individuals. Which they are.

But in my Fair Tax plan, we would slowly and carefully, so as not to break faith with those we have enslaved with it, transfer social security and all other such programs to the states to manage as they see fit. No such mandatory programs would ever again be a prerogative or function of the federal government. I am sick and tired of encouraging poverty in lieu of personal responsibility.
I proved that Hannity lied; I don't need affirmation from you.

Uh, no you didn't you delusional buffoon. You didn't prove one lie.

First of all you ignorant buffoon, your propagana story (that only moron's like you believe) never talked to Hannity. They talked to his guests. So at best you have that the people he interviewed lied (and how is he supposed to control what other people he interviews say?!). But sadly you don't even have that.

Meanwhile, I have a left-wing institution which supported Obama admitting they have to cut $300 million per year from their budget and cut working people for, the private sector (who will end up on the government teat) because of Obamacare.

Want to try again [MENTION=18701]NYcarbineer[/MENTION]? Because so far, this is not going well for you. :lol:

Hannity actually repeated the $600million number for the cost of building the website, which has been proven to be a lie by glenn beck's own "the blaze."

the number is actually $95million

still a gross number

Hannity still lied though

$95M was the original contract award in 2011.
Bulloney, the poor and uninsured receive emergency room care at public and private hospitals. Private hospitals charged the care under costs determined by Chargemaster, with no insurance company or Medicare watchdog, the costs were highly inflated. When stable the patient was transferred to a county/public hospital on the local taxpayers dime and the for profit or non profit hospital charged off inflated fees to off-set their bottom line.

Please name the poor who were ineligible to be insured under Medicaid prior to Obamacare. Take your time. I'll wait.

Now admittedly Obamacare has mandated that more affluent people now be qualified for Medicaid which is why some 26 states have opted out of that system altogether and the Supreme Court agreed with them that they could.

If government had stayed out of healthcare altogether in the first place, however, I'm pretty sure the insurance companies would be offering affordable insurance packages to the people. They would have to in order to stay in business.

Were pre-retirement-age adults without children eligible for Medicaid? In every state?

Yes, but did that demographic feel they needed, or wanted, to be forced to purchase insurance...or else.
That idiot is fucking nutz..

Oops! Looks like two trailer-park broads just got exposed (again) for their profound ignorance of what is going on in their nation and in their government... :eusa_whistle:

Obamacare = 198% Increase in Georgia Health Insurance Rates

Obamacare = 198% Increase in Georgia Health Insurance Rates

Wow - this one is a 300% increase. Why so quiet over ther [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION]? :lmao:

Obamacare Increases Man's Premiums 300%, Supporters Call It a Success Story | Cato @ Liberty spread misinformation? What does it get you?
I just got a letter from my insurance company saying that i "now have an opportunity to access coverage under the provisions of ACA".

Translation: We're dropping you and now you get to be part of the worst piece of domestic legislation in America's history.

I was paying $400 a year with this Insurance company. I wonder how much more i'll be forced to pay when i get signed up for Boondogglecare (if i can ever access the fucked-up website).

If nothing else in the world could persuade Obama worshippers of the folly of this boondoggle, that 'fucked up' website should. The government has had four years and has spent hundreds and hundreds of our tax dollars (or passed the bill on to our grandchildren) to create a website that would allow Obamacare to work. And it has been a total disaster.

Four years. Hundreds of millions of dollars. And they couldn't produce a product that would work. But you same people want the same government to have whatever control over our healthcare that it chooses to have. And believes every P.R. lie they put out there for the gullible to gobble up despite:
Obama said
-- it would save tax dollars. (Fact: it will cost mega billions if not trillions more.)

-- If we like our current healthcare plan we can keep it. (Fact: millions are losing their healthcare coverage and are being forced to go without or use the government exchange.)

-- If we like our doctor we can keep him. (Fact: my husband and I have both lost our primary physicians purely due to Obamacare.)

--- Premiums for the young and healthy will go up a bit - will go down for most Americans. (Fact: that is true for some living in California or New York State. Almost everywhere else a lot of people, including those of us on fixed incomes, are seeing huge increase in our premiums.)

We have been lied to again and again and again, and yet the Obama worshippers keep waving their flags and dutifully chirping the assigned talking points.

It is mind boggling.

October 21, 2013 2:14 pm

NBC’s Chuck Todd bluntly asked White House spokesman Jay Carney Monday who “misled” President Obama by letting him make promises about the Obamacare website that it has been simply unable to meet.

Carney said Obama was frustrated and focused on making improvements, but Todd kept asking who “let him down” and continued to pound away at the administration’s inability to explain what has gone so wrong with the website:

CHUCK TODD: Five days before the launch, the president said it’s a website where you can compare and purchase affordable health care plans, the same way you shop for a plane ticket on Kayak. Who misled him? Who misled the president on this? Are you telling me five days before that somebody let the president go out to the American public to give this speech and say this and make this promise? In fact, the next line is: I promise you, this is a lot easier, it’s like booking a hotel or plane ticket. Who let him down?

JAY CARNEY: The president’s frustrated. He made that clear in his remarks today, and we’re focused on making improvements so that the millions of Americans who want affordable health insurance are getting the best consumer experience possible, as opposed to Monday morning quarterbacking.

TODD: Is he let down? Did somebody –

CARNEY: Again, what I’ll tell you as I mentioned earlier, I think, is that there’s no question that the volumes exceeded substantially expectations and that the testing that was done was based on –

TODD: Adding a server would have fixed it in a heartbeat. That isn’t the issue, right?

CARNEY: I”m pretty confident you’re not a –

TODD: I am not a computer science guy.

CARNEY: – you haven’t written code in your day.

TODD: I understand that but if this were simply a traffic issue, that’s fixable fast, isn’t it?

CARNEY: What I would tell you is, as I said earlier, is that the volume far exceeded expectation and the volume both created problems because of how large it was and exposed other problems and glitches and kinks with the system that are being addressed. You’re not going to get an argument from here that this has not been frustrating. The president himself made that clear, but what he’s focused on is making the consumer experience better for Americans, because even through this process, nearly 20 million folks — there have been nearly 20 million visits to That demonstrates a sustained interest in the array of affordable health care options available to the millions of Americans who haven’t had these options available to them in the past.

TODD: Why should we assume, when HHS puts out in this blog post last night, that they brought in this tech surge, brought in people on the outside? That seems to send the message they don’t know what the problem is. Is that fair? Shouldn’t you assume — you do know what the problem is?

CARNEY: I think you should assume that they’ve identified problems and glitches that need to be fixed and that they brought in this team to continue the effort and put in place the tools and processes to monitor and identify parts of the website where individuals are examining –

TODD: If you knew the problems, would you not be screaming up and down, ‘We have found the problem, we’re working on a solution.’

CARNEY: I think we are finding problems and we’re working on solutions. I can’t — When you have tech experts at any major tech operation, you’re constantly monitoring your operations, finding glitches and problems and fixing them, and that’s what they’re doing here.
Todd Takes Carney to Task Over Obamacare Flop: 'Who Misled the President on This? | Washington Free Beacon

I so owe you some rep for soon as I can again!
All we had to do was use Canada's system as a model. Try taking their health care away from them. Pry it out of their cold, dead hands. Not going to happen.

So supposedly we used Romney's system from Massachusetts. Except somewhere along the way it got driven into a ditch by the fucking Republicans.

And oh yeah, ask your average resident of Massachusetts if THEY want to get rid of their health care system....Just try.

and yet many canadians come to the US for healthcare

facts, learn them

And Americans flock to both Canada and Mexico for prescription drugs and medical care. In fact, a few years ago a conservate radio host was running ads on his show for medical and/or dental care in some country in Europe. I think it may have been Hungary, but I don't remember exactly.

The fact is that people with money will fly almost anywhere to get the care they want if it's for the right price, or to get treatment that's not approved or available in their own country, or to see a particular doctor who's well regarded in his particular field.

And, if abortion is ever outlawed in this country, I can assure you that wealthy women will fly to Canada or Europe where they can get one.

Without being Canadians, covered by Canadian health care, just how do people pay for those services?
It is Marxist because it exists on the concept that the haves according to their means will provide for the have nots according to their needs.

It's Marxist in concept, though the have nots would be truly screwed if they sign up for Bronze plan. Huge deductibles for those least able to pay. Huge co-pays and little if any coverage for meds. After deductible pays 1/2 of medical costs.

For the truly poor, they get medicaid-which most docs will no longer accept.

So, it's a lose/lose for everyone and more of the economy will be destroyed.

Well, we know that people in general are screwed under Marxist concepts regardless of the socioeconomic factor being considered. The wealthier will flee to more sensible climes if they can, but if they cannot and they are stripped of their property and means of production, they can longer provide opportunity for anybody else. And as the poor never could provide opportunity for anybody other than self-serving politicians and bureaucrats, the poor will become poorer and the culture will no longer be comducive to anybody escaping poverty. The lucky ones will escape to other countries. Most won't.

The Obama worshippers simply cannot bring themselves to understand or embrace free market principles. And they close their eyes and shut off their minds to the fact that if Obamacare indeed sucks as badly next year and beyond as it does now, they will have nowhere else to go because the free market for healthcare will have been destroyed.

And yet, the phoenix may yet rise from the ashes. While my hope of seeing this revival in my lifetime fades with every passing bill, I hope my grandchildren will yet witness the rebirth of a great nation.
Oops! Looks like two trailer-park broads just got exposed (again) for their profound ignorance of what is going on in their nation and in their government... :eusa_whistle:

Obamacare = 198% Increase in Georgia Health Insurance Rates

Obamacare = 198% Increase in Georgia Health Insurance Rates

Wow - this one is a 300% increase. Why so quiet over ther @Seawytch? :lmao:

Obamacare Increases Man's Premiums 300%, Supporters Call It a Success Story | Cato @ Liberty, not the district of columbia) going.
Complaint #1: I can't log in

Complaint #2: My info's not right

Complaint #3: The costs are too high

Complaint #4: My employer is raising my premiums because of Obamacare

Top 4 Obamacare Complaints - Yahoo Finance

Then come up with a solution because when my spouse had cancer:

1. I couldn't get the insurance company to confirm diagnosis, therefore no chemo.

2. The oncologist told us he would take our insurance and then said he wouldn't.

3. We were hit with secondary and tertiary physican's bills who were not in our network.

4. The insurance company, Empire Blue, didn't pay the bills for over six months so we were getting dunned by the doc's office.

5. The final bill for my spouse's care came to $1,300,000.00 for three years.

So shut the fuck up or come up with a better plan than this.

Oh, and let me add that this insurance was through a major Ivy League university where my spouse worked....Not Podunk, AL.

my solution all along has been to expand medicare.

if you weren't such a moronic hack you would have realized this.

how embarrassing for you.

Hint: moronic hacks are usually devoid of the sense of shame that would engender embarrassment.
95,000 signed up in New York. 145,000 signed up in California.

275,000 Ohioans will be eligible to benefit from the Medicaid expansion that REPUBLICAN Governor John Kasich just signed on to.

btw, think about Kasich getting on board. Haven't the rightwing inmates around here spent hundreds of posts worth of trying to convince us all how horribly unpopular Obamacare is?

Hated, in fact, all across America?

Why wouldn't a REPUBLICAN then, like Kasich, act in accordance with that supposed unpopularity?

If Obamacare is so reviled by such a wide swath of American, why isn't Kasich not only following his own opinion, but also the supposed opinion of the American people,

and just saying 'NO!!' to Obamacare? see, it doesn't take a whole lot of mental effort to just stop and think a moment about what the Right tries to tell you,

to realize that the Right is invariably full of shit and lies.
There is a big difference between signing up and purchasing. You have to sign up just to see what's in it....sounds familiar, huh?
As far as's either the fed exchange or the state other options are available, so I have no idea what your drivel is driveling :confused:

So? You have to register to vote too. What's the faux outrage over having to register at a website before you use it. Fuck, you have to register with Yahoo before you can get a fantasy football team lol.

You people are raising the bar on hilarity.

Idiot.....signing up does not mean that there is any endorsement or any purchase.
All it means is that somebody looked at the sight which means nothing until they actually purchase the product being offered.
So when YOU throw out those 95,000 and 145,000 really means nothing to the popularity of your messiah's signature legislation.
Now does that 'splain it for you? Hmmmmm?
So far the results of Obamacare for me and mine:

1. Our premiums have been increased by about 38%.

2. Our deductibles and copays have been roughy doubled.

3. Numerous things that were once covered no longer are. Absolutely nothing that wasn't covered before has been added.

4. Because so many clinics, hospitals, and doctors offices are being forced to lay off staff, there is less sanitation, waits for service are far longer, and there is increased consolidation that is not to the patient's advantage.

5. My hubbie's doctor that he dearly loves is taking early retirement because he can no longer stomach the mountain of increased red tape, restrictions, and stupid rules imposed by Obamacare. And this is happening more and more. Among the 10 different specialists that my elderly aunt and uncle are seeing for numerous medical problems, one--count him ONE--is American born.

6. And on top of the government website woes, there is this in the small print: privacy of personal and medical information cannot be guaranteed.

But this is the greatest thing to happen in America since sliced bread, yes?

Do you know how fake this sounds?? I don't believe you. And why do you call it, "USMB", coffee shop?? After being greeted quite coldly in this thread, it should be called, "Conservatives Welcome Only", coffee shop.
There is a big difference between signing up and purchasing. You have to sign up just to see what's in it....sounds familiar, huh?
As far as's either the fed exchange or the state other options are available, so I have no idea what your drivel is driveling :confused:

So? You have to register to vote too. What's the faux outrage over having to register at a website before you use it. Fuck, you have to register with Yahoo before you can get a fantasy football team lol.

You people are raising the bar on hilarity.

Idiot.....signing up does not mean that there is any endorsement or any purchase.
All it means is that somebody looked at the sight which means nothing until they actually purchase the product being offered.
So when YOU throw out those 95,000 and 145,000 really means nothing to the popularity of your messiah's signature legislation.
Now does that 'splain it for you? Hmmmmm?

You're one of the least intelligent posters on this forum and that is quite a bar to clear.

Are you even aware that these policies don't go into effect until January?

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