Top 4 Obamacare Complaints

Private health insurance was destroying us.

First of all, nothing could be further from the truth. I had the most amazing, affordable, and comprehensive healthcare plan known to man (cost me next to nothing).

This is why I disdain the right and their "I got mine, now pull up the ladder" attitude.

Who was paying for your care so that it cost you next to nothing, you dumb bastard?

It's not all about you, you stupid prick. There are 300,000,000 other people who live here too.

So by your own standards and comments, build your own fucking roads, schools, and utilities.
Stay out of public parks, don't fucking go near Yellowstone.
Buy bottled water and boil it.

Your selfishness is boundless and so is your stupidity.
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Inside the Fox News lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare -

How stupid do you have to be to refuse to save money and help your family because you hate the President?

How stupid do you have to be to not understand that Obamacare has caused rates to skyrocket 200% and then to support that insanity simply because you love the fact that the president has a little "d" next to his name and tells you what you want to hear? :cuckoo:

Actually, the facts are that since Obamacare has begun implementation, premiums have gone up less than 4% two straight years now after 12 previous years where premiums went up anywhere from 12-15% every single year.

I know it's hard for Republicans to actually allow facts into their hot-air-filled echo chamber up on Bullshit Mountain, but those are the real numbers.

The only places that are still seeing dramatic increases in premiums are states with Republican or Teabagger Governors who are doing their best to avoid having to implement Obamacare at all.
Seriously [MENTION=18701]NYcarbineer[/MENTION], are you really this stupid or is this an act in an attempt to be a troll?

The federal government steals over $100 billion from Ohioans in the form of Obamacare taxes (18 new taxes in Obamacare alone). For the first 3 years of the Medicaid "expansion", the federal government will cover 100% of the costs. After that, they will cover 90%.

All Kasich did was ensure that as much of Ohio's money as possible - which should never leave the state in the first place - returns to Ohio. Otherwise that $130 billion leaves Ohio forever and goes to another state. Just another glaring example of how unconstitutional Obamacare is (not to mention a glaring example of your ignorance).

Kasich and a lot of other R governors were against the expansion and resisting it before they were for it. They have subsequently come to see the light.

The medicaid expansion will cover millions of working poor and Kasich is reluctantly applying for it. Ohio citizens are telling him what to do now. Thankfully though that means he'll be gone soon.

Since you are a Dumbocrat (which means an uneducated high school drop out who wants to live as a parasite mooching off of hard working people), please have someone read my post above which you responded too... :eusa_doh:

They were not "for it". They are still not "for it". They will never be "for it". But when unconstitutional federal government uses force, the best you can do is deal with the system within the parameters of how it was built.

This is exactly why they say:

"Liberalism - ideas so good they have to be forced on other people!"

The Supreme Court ruled on Obamacare. The Medicaid expansion is voluntary.
Why will no one take me up on my healthcare challenge?

Because 1) giving people unlimited funds for health care will bury this country and 2) making things freely available turns otherwise good people into abusers of our system. We don't have enough money to spend millions of dollars on every citizen and every illegal immigrant that comes to this country. The money does not exist.

If people don't have to pay for things the stuff they "want" become must haves.

There is not enough money or health care available on the planet to pay for the things that people would like to have for nothing.

We made just our Emergency Care free and look what that did to our hospitals. According to straw polls here in TX, fully 70% of all Emergency Room care is now being handed out for free to illegal immigrants and drug abusers that line up every day for their free fix, funded by paying consumers in higher hospital costs.

Free markets, under capitalism, do not work when government forces the people providing the products to give their labor and product away and then double bill their paying customers. The customers quickly find out they are being screwed and the market collapses.
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There is a big difference between signing up and purchasing. You have to sign up just to see what's in it....sounds familiar, huh?
As far as's either the fed exchange or the state other options are available, so I have no idea what your drivel is driveling :confused:

And that is the devil in the details isn't it. A blind man should be able to see that the purpose of Obamacare was NEVER to provide more affordable healthcare. The CBO and other experts had already confirmed that wasn't going to happen not all that long after this abominable legislation was passed. And we have not had an honest media to inform us so most of the Obama worshippers don't know that. Or they don't give a shit. If it exalts Obama it is all good and we'll just ignore all the negative consequences.

But the truth is Obamacare was designed to do one thing and one thing only--to destroy the private healthcare system in America and put government in charge of everything and thereby hold power over the people as never before.

Private health insurance was destroying us. It was only after Obamacare became law that private insurance was forced to lower their rates. Not sure if you've ever worked but when you quit, lose your job, leave it for any reason, you're insured for an amount of time but then after that, you used to have to pay for private insurance on your own. $600 a month was commonplace.

Please tell me what we are supposed to return to if by some miracle you were successful in repealing Obamacare? Private insurance? Repubs certainly have no affordable alternatives.

Your party needs to get to work earning back that 24 billion they lost when they decided to shutdown government.

Sarah, I was working for a hospital when Medicare first went into effect. One of my jobs was meeting with the uninsured or underinsured to work out a payment plan for them when they lacked the cash to pay their hospital bill. We worked out a satisfactory payment plan with every single one of them. Without exception.

Another part of my job was researching and tracking costs for various products and equipment the hospital used, so I was very conscious of what those costs were. If one company went up, I knew where we could get something of equal quality at a more favorable cost. And usually the company that then lost our business would be more conducive to negotiating a better price to get us back.

So on both the customer end and consumer ends of the medical business I knew what the numbers were. And I saw them start increasing noticably almost from the day Medicare went into effect. As well as being aware of the almost automatic fraud because the government didn't question the stuff that was being charged to it so long as the charge was something covered. I worked for three other hospitals over the next years always in administration where I had access to costs, and watched a wonderful, compassionate, efficient system dissolve into red tape, endless paperwork, and sharply escalating costs purely due to government involvement. Government not only short circuited the free market system, but it was adding so many rules and regulations as well as appointing more and more liberal judges who sided almost always with the plaintiffs.

The free market system forces providers AND insurance companies to offer products that people want and that people can afford to buy. We had the best medical system in the world. And government involvement ruined it. And now the left wants to give the same government who screwed it up royally control over all of it.

It just boggles the mind.
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Kasich and a lot of other R governors were against the expansion and resisting it before they were for it. They have subsequently come to see the light.

The medicaid expansion will cover millions of working poor and Kasich is reluctantly applying for it. Ohio citizens are telling him what to do now. Thankfully though that means he'll be gone soon.

Since you are a Dumbocrat (which means an uneducated high school drop out who wants to live as a parasite mooching off of hard working people), please have someone read my post above which you responded too... :eusa_doh:

They were not "for it". They are still not "for it". They will never be "for it". But when unconstitutional federal government uses force, the best you can do is deal with the system within the parameters of how it was built.

This is exactly why they say:

"Liberalism - ideas so good they have to be forced on other people!"

The Supreme Court ruled on Obamacare.

Wrong, it ruled on the mandate/tax only.
So far the results of Obamacare for me and mine:

1. Our premiums have been increased by about 38%.

2. Our deductibles and copays have been roughy doubled.

3. Numerous things that were once covered no longer are. Absolutely nothing that wasn't covered before has been added.

4. Because so many clinics, hospitals, and doctors offices are being forced to lay off staff, there is less sanitation, waits for service are far longer, and there is increased consolidation that is not to the patient's advantage.

5. My hubbie's doctor that he dearly loves is taking early retirement because he can no longer stomach the mountain of increased red tape, restrictions, and stupid rules imposed by Obamacare. And this is happening more and more. Among the 10 different specialists that my elderly aunt and uncle are seeing for numerous medical problems, one--count him ONE--is American born.

6. And on top of the government website woes, there is this in the small print: privacy of personal and medical information cannot be guaranteed.

But this is the greatest thing to happen in America since sliced bread, yes?

But...but...but, so many who couldn't afford care before now can! Now quit yer bitchin'! Hope you don't mind that 60-grit condom the government is about to shove up, I think you understand.
an example of how the middle class is being destroyed by Obama and his marxist redistribution program....:mad:

I kind of don't believe these sob stories. They just don't sound credible. They do sound contrived.

Most of the useful know at least someone in the same position. Personally I know a few because we are for the most part the unwashed non-union middle class, the ones taking most of it on the chin

You no doubt run about, flaunting your guns and bibles, racist to the core.
The free market has not worked re healthcare for a very long time now. Not since the government chose to take over a large portion of it via Medicare and Medicaid and started mandating that insurance companies do this and do that which has cost everybody much more than they otherwise would have to pay for health insurance.

In a free market system, insurance companies would have to tailor policies so that people could afford to buy them or the insurance company would go out of business. Medical providers would have to tailor services so that people could afford them or go out of business. The government has very deep pockets and very low credibility in discerning and controlling abuse of access to government services; therefore ANYTHING government gets involved in will almost always cost much more than it will cost if it is left to the private sector to do.

Had the government focused on people who, for whatever reason, could not buy insurance through the free market system--that would be a very small percentage of the population, it would have done a good thing. Forcing everybody into the same system will cost us all most likely thousands every year and health care will suffer.

The statists can't see that because they will defend to their last breath a leftist government no matter what it does. But the rest are allowed to see the truth.

Anyone who wants a true 'free market' in healthcare wants a situation where the market serves those who can pay the market price,

and those who can't, well, they go without. That is what you want, but that is what you will never get.
95,000 signed up in New York. 145,000 signed up in California.

275,000 Ohioans will be eligible to benefit from the Medicaid expansion that REPUBLICAN Governor John Kasich just signed on to.

btw, think about Kasich getting on board. Haven't the rightwing inmates around here spent hundreds of posts worth of trying to convince us all how horribly unpopular Obamacare is?

Hated, in fact, all across America?

Why wouldn't a REPUBLICAN then, like Kasich, act in accordance with that supposed unpopularity?

If Obamacare is so reviled by such a wide swath of American, why isn't Kasich not only following his own opinion, but also the supposed opinion of the American people,

and just saying 'NO!!' to Obamacare? see, it doesn't take a whole lot of mental effort to just stop and think a moment about what the Right tries to tell you,

to realize that the Right is invariably full of shit and lies.
There is a big difference between signing up and purchasing. You have to sign up just to see what's in it....sounds familiar, huh?
As far as's either the fed exchange or the state other options are available, so I have no idea what your drivel is driveling :confused:

Do you deny the Holocaust as well?

lol, you people are flailing like zombies.
Do tell.

What about the ACA is "marxist".

Include some proof as the form of links.

Thanks in advance.

It's a redistribution of wealth from young to old.

Ah, not to worry. As soon as this atrocity has taken a firm hold, health care for the old will be categorized as being cost-ineffective and they will be denied care due to dwindling resources.
The free market has not worked re healthcare for a very long time now. Not since the government chose to take over a large portion of it via Medicare and Medicaid and started mandating that insurance companies do this and do that which has cost everybody much more than they otherwise would have to pay for health insurance.

In a free market system, insurance companies would have to tailor policies so that people could afford to buy them or the insurance company would go out of business. Medical providers would have to tailor services so that people could afford them or go out of business. The government has very deep pockets and very low credibility in discerning and controlling abuse of access to government services; therefore ANYTHING government gets involved in will almost always cost much more than it will cost if it is left to the private sector to do.

Had the government focused on people who, for whatever reason, could not buy insurance through the free market system--that would be a very small percentage of the population, it would have done a good thing. Forcing everybody into the same system will cost us all most likely thousands every year and health care will suffer.

The statists can't see that because they will defend to their last breath a leftist government no matter what it does. But the rest are allowed to see the truth.

Anyone who wants a true 'free market' in healthcare wants a situation where the market serves those who can pay the market price,

and those who can't, well, they go without. That is what you want, but that is what you will never get.

Point? The market price has skyrocketed because of government influence, now you cry it's too expensive can't the government just give it to you for free and double, tripple, quadruple bill those other people that have more than you?

Your health care is more important than my health care because you have less money than me? I have to sell my house to fund your health care? Where does your desire to live forever end? Should we spend 1trillion just for your health care needs? 10trillion? What is the top end of the amount that we have to spend on you to make you comfortable?
Private health insurance was destroying us.

First of all, nothing could be further from the truth. I had the most amazing, affordable, and comprehensive healthcare plan known to man (cost me next to nothing).

This is why I disdain the right and their "I got mine, now pull up the ladder" attitude.

Who was paying for your care so that it cost you next to nothing, you dumb bastard?

It's not all about you, you stupid prick. There are 300,000,000 other people who live here too.

So by your own standards and comments, build your own fucking roads, schools, and utilities.
Stay out of public parks, don't fucking go near Yellowstone.
Buy bottled water and boil it.

Your selfishness is boundless and so is your stupidity.

And there you have it folks... communism.

If you care so much about the other 330,000,000 people in America, why don't you pay for them [MENTION=41423]NoTeaPartyPleez[/MENTION]? Because you don't give a flying fuck about anyone when it's your money. But you are all too happy to spend other people's money. It's all about free shit for you and bringing down other people to your level rather than raising yourself up to theirs. And that's why you Dumbocrats keep pointing to inferior nations like England and Canada. Because you want to lower the standard of the U.S. to their level.

By the way, your comment about "pull the ladder up" comment made zero sense. That's what Dumbocrats like Barack Obama do stupid. I don't want the ladder pulled up - I welcome anyone who did what I did to enjoy the same healthcare I enjoyed. But sorry, you can't do that by staying home and smoking weed while living off of the government. And that's ultimately what you Dumbocrats want - everything Bill Gates has while putting in none of the effort that he did.

Oh - and as far as roads goes (the same typical tired response by you Dumbocrats), those were paid for by my local taxes. I've never called my local officials about my local taxes. I've also never called my local officials about trampling on my Constitutional rights. Part of that is because I wield tremendous power at the local level - just as our founders intended.

Sadly, you parasites figured out that the money runs out at the local level and so you've unconstitutionally taken everything to the federal level. Now we're $17 trillion in debt and on the verge of collapse, but you morons are still calling for more spending and more entitlements. Clearly you idiots have figured out that the money also runs out at the federal level eventually as well. How tragic that all of you are that stupid.
95,000 signed up in New York. 145,000 signed up in California.

275,000 Ohioans will be eligible to benefit from the Medicaid expansion that REPUBLICAN Governor John Kasich just signed on to.

btw, think about Kasich getting on board. Haven't the rightwing inmates around here spent hundreds of posts worth of trying to convince us all how horribly unpopular Obamacare is?

Hated, in fact, all across America?

Why wouldn't a REPUBLICAN then, like Kasich, act in accordance with that supposed unpopularity?

If Obamacare is so reviled by such a wide swath of American, why isn't Kasich not only following his own opinion, but also the supposed opinion of the American people,

and just saying 'NO!!' to Obamacare? see, it doesn't take a whole lot of mental effort to just stop and think a moment about what the Right tries to tell you,

to realize that the Right is invariably full of shit and lies.
There is a big difference between signing up and purchasing. You have to sign up just to see what's in it....sounds familiar, huh?
As far as's either the fed exchange or the state other options are available, so I have no idea what your drivel is driveling :confused:

And that is the devil in the details isn't it. A blind man should be able to see that the purpose of Obamacare was NEVER to provide more affordable healthcare. The CBO and other experts had already confirmed that wasn't going to happen not all that long after this abominable legislation was passed. And we have not had an honest media to inform us so most of the Obama worshippers don't know that. Or they don't give a shit. If it exalts Obama it is all good and we'll just ignore all the negative consequences.

But the truth is Obamacare was designed to do one thing and one thing only--to destroy the private healthcare system in America and put government in charge of everything and thereby hold power over the people as never before.

Yeah right Obamacare is doing terrible things to private insurance like requiring them to get their medical loss ratios up to 85%,

compared to Medicare, that awful government program, that has a medical loss ratio of 98%.
Inside the Fox News lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare -

How stupid do you have to be to refuse to save money and help your family because you hate the President?

How stupid do you have to be to not understand that Obamacare has caused rates to skyrocket 200% and then to support that insanity simply because you love the fact that the president has a little "d" next to his name and tells you what you want to hear? :cuckoo:

Actually, the facts are that since Obamacare has begun implementation, premiums have gone up less than 4% two straight years now after 12 previous years where premiums went up anywhere from 12-15% every single year.

I know it's hard for Republicans to actually allow facts into their hot-air-filled echo chamber up on Bullshit Mountain, but those are the real numbers.

The only places that are still seeing dramatic increases in premiums are states with Republican or Teabagger Governors who are doing their best to avoid having to implement Obamacare at all.

Those numbers are so "real" that you have to take out conservative states and you have no links to back up your "facts". Meanwhile, I've loaded this board with link after link after link - most from radical left-wing Huffpo just so I didn't have to listen to you little liberal bitches cry that the information didn't count because it was from Glenn Beck or Fox.

You lose...
And is anybody else picking up on the fact that the Obama worshippers are simply beside themselves that the personal testimonies some of us are giving here might soil the shining symbol of what the Obama Administration is all about--socialized medicine among other things? Why else would they accuse us of lying?

Beside themselves? They're declaring everyone with such tales of woe to be outright liars.
95,000 signed up in New York. 145,000 signed up in California.

275,000 Ohioans will be eligible to benefit from the Medicaid expansion that REPUBLICAN Governor John Kasich just signed on to.

btw, think about Kasich getting on board. Haven't the rightwing inmates around here spent hundreds of posts worth of trying to convince us all how horribly unpopular Obamacare is?

Hated, in fact, all across America?

Why wouldn't a REPUBLICAN then, like Kasich, act in accordance with that supposed unpopularity?

If Obamacare is so reviled by such a wide swath of American, why isn't Kasich not only following his own opinion, but also the supposed opinion of the American people,

and just saying 'NO!!' to Obamacare? see, it doesn't take a whole lot of mental effort to just stop and think a moment about what the Right tries to tell you,

to realize that the Right is invariably full of shit and lies.
There is a big difference between signing up and purchasing. You have to sign up just to see what's in it....sounds familiar, huh?
As far as's either the fed exchange or the state other options are available, so I have no idea what your drivel is driveling :confused:

So? You have to register to vote too. What's the faux outrage over having to register at a website before you use it. Fuck, you have to register with Yahoo before you can get a fantasy football team lol.

You people are raising the bar on hilarity.
Complaint #1: I can't log in

Complaint #2: My info's not right

Complaint #3: The costs are too high

Complaint #4: My employer is raising my premiums because of Obamacare

Top 4 Obamacare Complaints - Yahoo Finance

Many conservatives will complain in lock step fashion about Obamacare based on little more than rumor and in uendo. A good portion of these people aren't covered by any kind of healthcare or are paying exorbitant fees.

At some point, probably late at night, and probably cajoled by his wife who's the one who has to try to stretch the dollars every month, middle class conservatives are going to investigate the rates and plans for the first time on their own. My strong bet is that they're going to find a significant savings over what they're paying now, OR they'll find that they can afford health insurance for the first time in years or maybe the first time in their lives. That's when they'll face a decision as to whether to sign up or not. If they have at least as much sense as God gave a goat, they'll take advantage of something that will save them a lot of money (and maybe even their lives some day).

That's when they'll face another choice. Do they tell people, or do they keep it a secret that they signed up?

You write that like they have some kind of choice. Really?
And is anybody else picking up on the fact that the Obama worshippers are simply beside themselves that the personal testimonies some of us are giving here might soil the shining symbol of what the Obama Administration is all about--socialized medicine among other things? Why else would they accuse us of lying?

Beside themselves? They're declaring everyone with such tales of woe to be outright liars.

Yep. Probably all who will take the Obama penalty for not getting insurance--that is by far the cheapest way to go--don't really give a damn about what it is costing any of the rest of us. But its easy to call us a liar purely because they don't want to believe us. But they won't call Obama a liar on the strength that just about every single thing Obama promised about this whole boondoggle was a blatant lie.

Or I might be unfair there because if he believed it was the truth, he was not technically a liar. He was an incompetent idiot instead.

So take your pick folks. . . .
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