Tom Perez On Meet the Press - Political Schizophrenia


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
On Sunday, the new head of the DNC, Tom Perez, was interviewed on the TV show, Meet the Trump Bashers. I found myself feeling sorry for this guy. Instead of presenting a new plan for Democrats (which they obviously are in great need of), all this guy showed up with, was a warmed-over version of soundly defeated and rejected Hillary Clinton style politics.

Perez claimed that Trump's protectionist message to coal miners in Ohio, was "a lie". Whaaaat ??? Who is going to believe Perez on that ? His 2016 candidate Hillary Clinton crowed about shutting down the coal industry. In contrast, Trump just met with coal industry leaders in the White House, in support of them.

Perez talked about Democrats being for creating jobs. Oh really, Tom ? Problem is when Democrats (Globalists) talk about creating jobs, they don't specify FOR WHOM. With their open border globalist approach, the jobs could be for Mexicans, Chinese, Indians, Filipinos, etc, while all inside US borders. Democrats rarely ever say jobs FOR AMERICANS. Who would the Democrats create jobs for ? The illegal aliens they protect in sanctuary cities ? The foreign STEM workers Obama has been allowing in, taking more jobs away from Americans ? The waves of refugees and other immigrants Democrats love so much ?

Then Perez claimed his dying party was the party of "inclusion".
Well, he might have gotten that one right. Only problem is the Democrats' "inclusion" position includes illegal alien job stealers, economy raiders, welfare leech foreign invaders. Their "inclusion" also includes terrorists like ISIS, that Syrian president Bashar Assad himself, has stated will be mixed in with Syrian refugees (as if we didn't know).

It also includes race rioters, like the ones in Ferguson, MO and Baltimore, MD, created by Obama and his race hustlers (Sharpton, Holder, etc), when they went around to city mayors and governors threatening them with DOJ lawsuits, if the mayors didn't comply with Obama demands to force their cops to stand down, and let the rioters riot. Or give them "space to destroy" as Baltimore mayor Stephanie Rawlings, so eloquently stated it. :rolleyes:

This could go on forever, but it is glaringly evident that the Democrats and their new leader, Tom Perez, (and his Muslim Brotherhood aide, Keith Ellison) are lost in the woods, and are rapidly heading down the road to non-existence.
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