To the Woman and Child Who Sat at Table 9

How often does this happen to you, going to a 'nice' restaurant and dealing, not with poorly behaved children, but with a child with autism who may not be able to behave properly? Is this woman never allowed to go out to a nice meal?

Do babysitters not exist where you live?

It was a family style restaurant. Do you not understand the concept????
Taking a piss is natural, but do you want me to fill up a bottle while you're trying to enjoy your meal?

Do you go to a restaurant to piss?

So you're of course implying that women go to restaurants for the sole purpose of breastfeeding in public.

Good to know.

No, she goes to a restaurant to eat.

If that's a tough concept, I'll explain it to you later

I gotta go find find a restaurant to take a piss
How often does this happen to you, going to a 'nice' restaurant and dealing, not with poorly behaved children, but with a child with autism who may not be able to behave properly? Is this woman never allowed to go out to a nice meal?

Do babysitters not exist where you live?

You apparently don't know anything about autism. You can't leave an autistic kid with just anyone.
so is having sex and jerking off.... :eusa_shhh:


Taking a piss is natural, but do you want me to fill up a bottle while you're trying to enjoy your meal?

Having certain medical conditions make this a reality. Happens all the time. But since the individual covers the offending bottle or adult diaper nobody cares

Guess we'll just have to have strip searches at restaurants to assure nobody's offended?
oh nice... emotional blackmail is now being used.

sorry, i work in the industry and your issues and problems should not spill over onto other costumers. I am sorry your kid has issues.... but i really don't care. Leave it at home... and get it a sitter.

what makes these parents feel... becasue they have to go through putting up with a problem child... that others should just smile and be happy they have to suffer through it as well?

You just nailed it.:clap2::clap2:
I thought it was a more expensive place.....but nevertheless...still...all walks of life people deserve to enjoy a night time out in peace! don't you agree?

There is no right to not be offended or bothered.

Don't want to be bothered by kids? Don't eat where a steak dinner, 2 drinks, and a kid's meal totals $16
Coz I got news for ya....that's where working people that have been hard at it all week tend to go to have some time out with their family

Good point, you have to pay to play these days.
You know........................if a woman wants to flop out a breast to feed her child because of the choice she and her husband made as to how to feed their child, kudos to them. However....................if I want to watch the way that humans have fed their children for a long time (i.e. breastfeeding), she shouldn't be offended if I check out the way she feeds her child. Maybe I'm doing a quality check to make sure she does it the right way.

I have the same policy ABikerSailor, if the titties come out to me they are fair game and I will look I don't give a damn, if you don't want me to look don't plop them out.
I don't advocate dine & dash. A loud kid doesn't justify theft.

But if they haven't ordered yet... yeah.
It isn't theft if they haven't finished their meal. One doesn't spend good money to eat in a disturbing environment.
If there is a disturbance (like a kid acting up) that prevents me from enjoying my evening in an upscale restaurant, first step is to bring it to the attention of the manager, and advise that we will leave if the situation is not brought under control. After while, if the situation persists, and my meal hasn't arrived yet, I will leave and pay only for my drinks, no gratuity. If my meal has arrived, I will leave, and pay for my meal, but similarly will leave no tip. You surely don't tip if a distraction prevents you from enjoying your evening, especially when restaurant staff refuses to acknowledge the situation when brought to their attention.

I find though that in most cases, restaurant staff will indeed take care of the issue. They do this as they don't want to lose their customers, resulting in a loss of business, and in many cases, no tips.
All of you would think differently if you had an autistic child.
this society claims to love kids....

Bones who said that? My experience is the opposite people seem to have less patience for little ones these days, hell people don't even want kids in airplanes or restaurants anymore.

Did you even read the letter? It's most likely a family restaurant for God sake! Nobody would argue that your not correct in upscale environments.

( bangs head against the brick wall )
When our kids were young and we went out for dinner, we went to family friendly resturants. We did not take our kids to Ruth Chris, or some other fancy place for adults.
Family restaurant doesn't mean dysfunctional family restaurant. We are all not your family and shouldn't be obligated to act like it. You do not have the right to visit your problems onto others and it's unfortunate that it's even an issue, people used to know these things.

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