To the Woman and Child Who Sat at Table 9

When I go out to eat or some relaxation I do not think in terms of PC, OBP(other people's bullshit) or social grace and tolerance in these situations.

I think that I hardly ever go out and when I do it is to take a break from my normal routine. I think about the cash I am laying out and the goal is to relax...

What I do is ask for another seat somewhere else. I am not looking to create a more difficult situation if the child has a disability. If the kid is being a brat that is another story.
A lot of PC BS!

We don't go out to share other people's problems! We go out to enjoy ourselves and have some peace.

Ok kill me now

No, you're in the majority

Me, the noose is in place, the hood over my head, and the fat ladies about to sing!

Exactly...I say fucking selfish bitch...she knows she is going to ruin everybody's night or day out!

But she goes ahead anyhow. Not nice.
A lot of PC BS!

We don't go out to share other people's problems! We go out to enjoy ourselves and have some peace.

Ok kill me now

No, you're in the majority

Me, the noose is in place, the hood over my head, and the fat ladies about to sing!

Exactly...I say fucking selfish bitch...she knows she is going to ruin everybody's night or day out!

But she goes ahead anyhow. Not nice.

Playing devils advocate here:

Maybe mom was tired of the need to not be able to enjoy herself due to her kid, knew her kid could pose a prob but was at the stage where she didn't give a shit either. So she told herself "fuck it, I'm going OUT" and had no sitter, and did indeed go treat herself and those who didn't like it can bark at the moon. Doesn't make her a bitch. Makes her human cuz we all have those modes now and then.

With that said...I can understand her plight..but not on my dime when I want peace while eating. I hope it's a night on someone else's dime. THAT makes ME a bitch. :lmao:
No, you're in the majority

Me, the noose is in place, the hood over my head, and the fat ladies about to sing!

Exactly...I say fucking selfish bitch...she knows she is going to ruin everybody's night or day out!

But she goes ahead anyhow. Not nice.

Playing devils advocate here:

Maybe mom was tired of the need to not be able to enjoy herself due to her kid, knew her kid could pose a prob but was at the stage where she didn't give a shit either. So she told herself "fuck it, I'm going OUT" and had no sitter, and did indeed go treat herself and those who didn't like it can bark at the moon. Doesn't make her a bitch. Makes her human cuz we all have those modes now and then.

With that said...I can understand her plight..but not on my dime when I want peace while eating. I hope it's a night on someone else's dime. THAT makes ME a bitch. :lmao:

Nobody called you a bitch.

If I read the story right, the meal for the mom cost $16. This was not a fine dinning establishment. And it was a steak? Probably an Applebee's type family restaurant.
I was calling myself a bitch, hon. You know...joke, ha ha funny joke? :lmao:
No, you're in the majority

Me, the noose is in place, the hood over my head, and the fat ladies about to sing!

Exactly...I say fucking selfish bitch...she knows she is going to ruin everybody's night or day out!

But she goes ahead anyhow. Not nice.

Playing devils advocate here:

Maybe mom was tired of the need to not be able to enjoy herself due to her kid, knew her kid could pose a prob but was at the stage where she didn't give a shit either. So she told herself "fuck it, I'm going OUT" and had no sitter, and did indeed go treat herself and those who didn't like it can bark at the moon. Doesn't make her a bitch.

It does to the other people trying to enjoy a quiet meal.

We all have our problems. Adults deal with them even when it's not convenient to do so.

TL;DR> Fire-aids.
I know, I know. I was just funnin' with sky cuz I agree with her and the others but wanted to lighten it up a bit. :)

I wanna enjoy my quiet meal and hope mom and her kid goes there when I'm not. Get it? LOL
I think the article said it was a 16 buck meal. Doesn't matter if it was 200 bucks or 5 bucks. If the kid was irking other diners and it was not geared for rowdy children..she should have ordered it to go.
That man sounds a lot like me.
I would have been taken aback by her question as well and can easily see me being supportive, rather than restrictive.

Does the blog or original article even say what type of restaurant this happened in?
Because, with the manager running around and cooking and washing dishes, it sounds a lot like the kind that I run.
A FAMILY restaurant. Not the Chateau Suzette or 4 Seasons.
I thought it was a more expensive place.....but nevertheless...still...all walks of life people deserve to enjoy a night time out in peace! don't you agree?
I thought it was a more expensive place.....but nevertheless...still...all walks of life people deserve to enjoy a night time out in peace! don't you agree?

Yep. Which is why I am for segregation in buses, trains, planes, apartments, restaurants. Kids with the and couples with the singles and couples.
I thought it was a more expensive place.....but nevertheless...still...all walks of life people deserve to enjoy a night time out in peace! don't you agree?

Yep. Which is why I am for segregation in buses, trains, planes, apartments, restaurants. Kids with the and couples with the singles and couples.

yes, well.... in Restaurants is the mos important....people need to eat in peace!
So do those in apartments after a hard day of work. Nothing like coming home and hearing kids screaming outside your patio. :eek:
I thought it was a more expensive place.....but nevertheless...still...all walks of life people deserve to enjoy a night time out in peace! don't you agree?

There is no right to not be offended or bothered.

Don't want to be bothered by kids? Don't eat where a steak dinner, 2 drinks, and a kid's meal totals $16
Coz I got news for ya....that's where working people that have been hard at it all week tend to go to have some time out with their family
I thought it was a more expensive place.....but nevertheless...still...all walks of life people deserve to enjoy a night time out in peace! don't you agree?

Yep. Which is why I am for segregation in buses, trains, planes, apartments, restaurants. Kids with the and couples with the singles and couples.

Good grief.....


How about gays with gays, blacks with blacks, obese with obese, handicapped with disabled????

True, Horty. But do your kids have spitball fights across the table? Does your wife change diapers on the table? Do your kids play tag between tables while playing hide and seek under tablecloths?
I thought it was a more expensive place.....but nevertheless...still...all walks of life people deserve to enjoy a night time out in peace! don't you agree?

Yep. Which is why I am for segregation in buses, trains, planes, apartments, restaurants. Kids with the and couples with the singles and couples.

Good grief.....


How about gays with gays, blacks with blacks, obese with obese, handicapped with disabled????


I am disappointed in you twisting my words when you know damn well that is not what I was alluding to.:(
That man sounds a lot like me.
I would have been taken aback by her question as well and can easily see me being supportive, rather than restrictive.

Does the blog or original article even say what type of restaurant this happened in?
Because, with the manager running around and cooking and washing dishes, it sounds a lot like the kind that I run.
A FAMILY restaurant. Not the Chateau Suzette or 4 Seasons.

There more than just this person to think about. The restaurant is open for business not a private party. This guy should have had the insight to consider others when he made this decision. In fact the man was selfish and only thinking of how he feels rather then serving the best interests of his customers.

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