Time to re-think public restrooms and showers

It was the REASON for gender specific restrooms IN THE FIRST PLACE!
Prove it.

Look at the signs, are you blind

One says women (a gender) the other men's (a gender).

Proceed oh, hatted one

Plus, I submit building plans on a very regular basis. Most demand two SEPERATE restrooms.........

Specifically divided by GENDER. If I wish I may add a unisex to those, but those are not mandated.
So we only have your word that restrooms were set up dividing the sexes because rape. Kewl.

Go ahead and quote where I said that.

Maybe your hats on too tight.
It was the REASON for gender specific restrooms IN THE FIRST PLACE!
Prove it.

Look at the signs, are you blind

One says women (a gender) the other men's (a gender).

Proceed oh, hatted one

Plus, I submit building plans on a very regular basis. Most demand two SEPERATE restrooms.........

Specifically divided by GENDER. If I wish I may add a unisex to those, but those are not mandated.
So we only have your word that restrooms were set up dividing the sexes because rape. Kewl.

Oh, I never said that. Here's a link

Section 890
Again as I stated you do not like my answer to your strawman question and thread because it does not suit your agenda of hate...

So let do it again:

I do not care what sexuality a teenage girl is when she is showering with your daughter nor will I ask her nor will I be like you wondering about someone sexuality while I am sitting on the toilet.

You should worry about your own sexuality and less about what some teenage girl might be!

Yet another deflection, where in my question do I bring up the other party(s) being a teenage girl?

One more time then:

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

Good god

You are such a dullard with your jejune responses to me...

You write about your fourteen year old daughter, and again I do not care if a teenage lesbian is showering in the shower with your daughter because it is none of my business nor will I ask the teenage girl about their sexuality like you would nor do I sit on the toilet wondering if the teenage girl is a lesbian like you do.

Once more then, where in the question do I reference age or sex of the other people in the damn shower?

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

I never said you mentioned the age of other people in the shower nor did I mention that you claimed their sex either, so why twist what I wrote?

Simple, you dislike the response and reject the answer because it does not suit your agenda of hate.

So please read this once more and see if your brain can absorb what I am writing but so far you have proven that even a dullard is smarter than you!

Again, I do not care if a teenage lesbian shares a shower with your fourteen year old daughter nor will wonder about their possible sexuality nor would I be thinking about it while I am on a toilet.

Now while are you such a perverted and demented individual?

Also you do mention fourteen year old girl, so you do mention the sex and age of the girl in the shower, but let not focus on that but instead let focus on the sick idea that you sit on a toilet wondering about the sexuality of someone in a shower!

You say you don't care if a teenage lesbian shares the gym shower with my 14 year old daughter. You've indicated that many times. You understand that the lesbian finds females attractive in the same way a 14 year old boy would.

Does gender matter or does it not? And why?

I would oppose a policy of the male being allowed in that gym shower room with my daughter based on gender. In fact I argue that gender really shouldn't matter, sexuality should.

What say you? I think I'm going to here crickets.

If you hear crickets then you must be outside because I have answered your silly strawman questions so far, and now you admit you have less of a problem with gender and more of a problem with someone sexuality which make you a perverted demented bigot that write silly strawman arguments...

So once again I will write it this way seeing you are bringing up the age of your daughter once again and I do not care if a teenage lesbian is showering with your daughter. I do not worry about the sexuality of others that might share a shower with your daughter. I do not sit on a toilet wondering if the guy next to me is gay.

I can see you sitting at Chic-Fil-A and your daughter excuses herself to use the restroom and you then see a butch looking woman with a page boy haircut entering the same restroom and you jumping up and running quickly demanding to know her sexuality because you fear a lesbian might be entering the same restroom with your daughter...

Now it make me wonder why you are so worry about something you did not care about before the same sex marriage ruling?

Also if it is a choice between a Teenage Boy or Teenage Lesbian showering with your daughter which one would you object less to?
Yet another deflection, where in my question do I bring up the other party(s) being a teenage girl?

One more time then:

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

Good god

You are such a dullard with your jejune responses to me...

You write about your fourteen year old daughter, and again I do not care if a teenage lesbian is showering in the shower with your daughter because it is none of my business nor will I ask the teenage girl about their sexuality like you would nor do I sit on the toilet wondering if the teenage girl is a lesbian like you do.

Once more then, where in the question do I reference age or sex of the other people in the damn shower?

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

I never said you mentioned the age of other people in the shower nor did I mention that you claimed their sex either, so why twist what I wrote?

Simple, you dislike the response and reject the answer because it does not suit your agenda of hate.

So please read this once more and see if your brain can absorb what I am writing but so far you have proven that even a dullard is smarter than you!

Again, I do not care if a teenage lesbian shares a shower with your fourteen year old daughter nor will wonder about their possible sexuality nor would I be thinking about it while I am on a toilet.

Now while are you such a perverted and demented individual?

Also you do mention fourteen year old girl, so you do mention the sex and age of the girl in the shower, but let not focus on that but instead let focus on the sick idea that you sit on a toilet wondering about the sexuality of someone in a shower!

You say you don't care if a teenage lesbian shares the gym shower with my 14 year old daughter. You've indicated that many times. You understand that the lesbian finds females attractive in the same way a 14 year old boy would.

Does gender matter or does it not? And why?

I would oppose a policy of the male being allowed in that gym shower room with my daughter based on gender. In fact I argue that gender really shouldn't matter, sexuality should.

What say you? I think I'm going to here crickets.

If you hear crickets then you must be outside because I have answered your silly strawman questions so far, and now you admit you have less of a problem with gender and more of a problem with someone sexuality which make you a perverted demented bigot that write silly strawman arguments...

So once again I will write it this way seeing you are bringing up the age of your daughter once again and I do not care if a teenage lesbian is showering with your daughter. I do not worry about the sexuality of others that might share a shower with your daughter. I do not sit on a toilet wondering if the guy next to me is gay.

I can see you sitting at Chic-Fil-A and your daughter excuses herself to use the restroom and you then see a butch looking woman with a page boy haircut entering the same restroom and you jumping up and running quickly demanding to know her sexuality because you fear a lesbian might be entering the same restroom with your daughter...

Now it make me wonder why you are so worry about something you did not care about before the same sex marriage ruling?

Also if it is a choice between a Teenage Boy or Teenage Lesbian showering with your daughter which one would you object less to?


There is no less, nor should there be in a world that gender is only equal to sexuality.

Get it, it is your sides argument. You came up with it, now defend it.
You know what else Pop? There is no communal peeing in the women's room. We have stalls with locks. Big gov is already protecting us from feral gay peeps. Lmao.

So that's why men are excluded from the woman's rooms?

Ok then

I think I am seeing a pattern here, and the question should be why you want to be allow into a shower with underage girls?

You keep on mentioning men being excluded and writing about how lesbians and men both like women, so I am now to the opinion you want to be allow to be a perverted old man that can shower with underage girls!

Your opinion means nothing.

Read fool.

I want ANYONE EXCLUDED that finds the gender attractive REGARDLESS of gender.

Got it.

It was the REASON for gender specific restrooms IN THE FIRST PLACE!

I posed a question indicating it was a bad idea to do what you acuse me of wanting.

You couldn't answer it.

Ironic as hell dude

What is hilarious to me is you caring about a subject matter that you did not even care about until after last Friday ruling by the USSC allowing Same Sex Marriage to be legal...

Only a demented perverted bigot sit on the toilet wondering if his teenage daughter is showering with a teen age lesbian or if the guy next to him might be gay.

Do you see gay people everywhere and fear if touched you might get a sense of style, want to own a poodle, make fine food dishes, travel to Europe, and listen to ABBA?

If so then you have real issues that need to be attended to, and please seek medical help soon before you scar your family with your mental illness...
You are such a dullard with your jejune responses to me...

You write about your fourteen year old daughter, and again I do not care if a teenage lesbian is showering in the shower with your daughter because it is none of my business nor will I ask the teenage girl about their sexuality like you would nor do I sit on the toilet wondering if the teenage girl is a lesbian like you do.

Once more then, where in the question do I reference age or sex of the other people in the damn shower?

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

I never said you mentioned the age of other people in the shower nor did I mention that you claimed their sex either, so why twist what I wrote?

Simple, you dislike the response and reject the answer because it does not suit your agenda of hate.

So please read this once more and see if your brain can absorb what I am writing but so far you have proven that even a dullard is smarter than you!

Again, I do not care if a teenage lesbian shares a shower with your fourteen year old daughter nor will wonder about their possible sexuality nor would I be thinking about it while I am on a toilet.

Now while are you such a perverted and demented individual?

Also you do mention fourteen year old girl, so you do mention the sex and age of the girl in the shower, but let not focus on that but instead let focus on the sick idea that you sit on a toilet wondering about the sexuality of someone in a shower!

You say you don't care if a teenage lesbian shares the gym shower with my 14 year old daughter. You've indicated that many times. You understand that the lesbian finds females attractive in the same way a 14 year old boy would.

Does gender matter or does it not? And why?

I would oppose a policy of the male being allowed in that gym shower room with my daughter based on gender. In fact I argue that gender really shouldn't matter, sexuality should.

What say you? I think I'm going to here crickets.

If you hear crickets then you must be outside because I have answered your silly strawman questions so far, and now you admit you have less of a problem with gender and more of a problem with someone sexuality which make you a perverted demented bigot that write silly strawman arguments...

So once again I will write it this way seeing you are bringing up the age of your daughter once again and I do not care if a teenage lesbian is showering with your daughter. I do not worry about the sexuality of others that might share a shower with your daughter. I do not sit on a toilet wondering if the guy next to me is gay.

I can see you sitting at Chic-Fil-A and your daughter excuses herself to use the restroom and you then see a butch looking woman with a page boy haircut entering the same restroom and you jumping up and running quickly demanding to know her sexuality because you fear a lesbian might be entering the same restroom with your daughter...

Now it make me wonder why you are so worry about something you did not care about before the same sex marriage ruling?

Also if it is a choice between a Teenage Boy or Teenage Lesbian showering with your daughter which one would you object less to?


There is no less, nor should there be in a world that gender is only equal to sexuality.

Get it, it is your sides argument. You came up with it, now defend it.

My side?

( As I chuckle at your stupidity )

My side is I do not care if some kid want to shower in the same public shower that your daughter uses. if the kid has Lesbian feelings that does not change my opinion.

Now let get to the root of why you fear the dreaded Lesbian?

Is it because she has better sense than you?

Is it because she drives a more manly vehicle than you?

Is it because she pulls off the baseball cap and flannel better than you?

Also let to get to the root of why you wonder about teenage girls sexuality?

Mr. Herbert are you a pervert?
Once more then, where in the question do I reference age or sex of the other people in the damn shower?

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

I never said you mentioned the age of other people in the shower nor did I mention that you claimed their sex either, so why twist what I wrote?

Simple, you dislike the response and reject the answer because it does not suit your agenda of hate.

So please read this once more and see if your brain can absorb what I am writing but so far you have proven that even a dullard is smarter than you!

Again, I do not care if a teenage lesbian shares a shower with your fourteen year old daughter nor will wonder about their possible sexuality nor would I be thinking about it while I am on a toilet.

Now while are you such a perverted and demented individual?

Also you do mention fourteen year old girl, so you do mention the sex and age of the girl in the shower, but let not focus on that but instead let focus on the sick idea that you sit on a toilet wondering about the sexuality of someone in a shower!

You say you don't care if a teenage lesbian shares the gym shower with my 14 year old daughter. You've indicated that many times. You understand that the lesbian finds females attractive in the same way a 14 year old boy would.

Does gender matter or does it not? And why?

I would oppose a policy of the male being allowed in that gym shower room with my daughter based on gender. In fact I argue that gender really shouldn't matter, sexuality should.

What say you? I think I'm going to here crickets.

If you hear crickets then you must be outside because I have answered your silly strawman questions so far, and now you admit you have less of a problem with gender and more of a problem with someone sexuality which make you a perverted demented bigot that write silly strawman arguments...

So once again I will write it this way seeing you are bringing up the age of your daughter once again and I do not care if a teenage lesbian is showering with your daughter. I do not worry about the sexuality of others that might share a shower with your daughter. I do not sit on a toilet wondering if the guy next to me is gay.

I can see you sitting at Chic-Fil-A and your daughter excuses herself to use the restroom and you then see a butch looking woman with a page boy haircut entering the same restroom and you jumping up and running quickly demanding to know her sexuality because you fear a lesbian might be entering the same restroom with your daughter...

Now it make me wonder why you are so worry about something you did not care about before the same sex marriage ruling?

Also if it is a choice between a Teenage Boy or Teenage Lesbian showering with your daughter which one would you object less to?


There is no less, nor should there be in a world that gender is only equal to sexuality.

Get it, it is your sides argument. You came up with it, now defend it.

My side?

( As I chuckle at your stupidity )

My side is I do not care if some kid want to shower in the same public shower that your daughter uses. if the kid has Lesbian feelings that does not change my opinion.

Now let get to the root of why you fear the dreaded Lesbian?

Is it because she has better sense than you?

Is it because she drives a more manly vehicle than you?

Is it because she pulls off the baseball cap and flannel better than you?

Also let to get to the root of why you wonder about teenage girls sexuality?

Mr. Herbert are you a pervert?

OMG, the butthurt

You're simply a troll now

Funny how when I flip the issue how your side makes gender and biology a priority

Laughing my ass off cuz time after time I've answered that I oppose non segregated showers and restrooms, and you must project.

Too friggin funny.
It was the REASON for gender specific restrooms IN THE FIRST PLACE!
Prove it.

Look at the signs, are you blind

One says women (a gender) the other men's (a gender).

Proceed oh, hatted one

Plus, I submit building plans on a very regular basis. Most demand two SEPERATE restrooms.........

Specifically divided by GENDER. If I wish I may add a unisex to those, but those are not mandated.
So we only have your word that restrooms were set up dividing the sexes because rape. Kewl.

Oh, I never said that. Here's a link

Section 890
What does that have to do with the historical separating by gender?
I never said you mentioned the age of other people in the shower nor did I mention that you claimed their sex either, so why twist what I wrote?

Simple, you dislike the response and reject the answer because it does not suit your agenda of hate.

So please read this once more and see if your brain can absorb what I am writing but so far you have proven that even a dullard is smarter than you!

Again, I do not care if a teenage lesbian shares a shower with your fourteen year old daughter nor will wonder about their possible sexuality nor would I be thinking about it while I am on a toilet.

Now while are you such a perverted and demented individual?

Also you do mention fourteen year old girl, so you do mention the sex and age of the girl in the shower, but let not focus on that but instead let focus on the sick idea that you sit on a toilet wondering about the sexuality of someone in a shower!

You say you don't care if a teenage lesbian shares the gym shower with my 14 year old daughter. You've indicated that many times. You understand that the lesbian finds females attractive in the same way a 14 year old boy would.

Does gender matter or does it not? And why?

I would oppose a policy of the male being allowed in that gym shower room with my daughter based on gender. In fact I argue that gender really shouldn't matter, sexuality should.

What say you? I think I'm going to here crickets.

If you hear crickets then you must be outside because I have answered your silly strawman questions so far, and now you admit you have less of a problem with gender and more of a problem with someone sexuality which make you a perverted demented bigot that write silly strawman arguments...

So once again I will write it this way seeing you are bringing up the age of your daughter once again and I do not care if a teenage lesbian is showering with your daughter. I do not worry about the sexuality of others that might share a shower with your daughter. I do not sit on a toilet wondering if the guy next to me is gay.

I can see you sitting at Chic-Fil-A and your daughter excuses herself to use the restroom and you then see a butch looking woman with a page boy haircut entering the same restroom and you jumping up and running quickly demanding to know her sexuality because you fear a lesbian might be entering the same restroom with your daughter...

Now it make me wonder why you are so worry about something you did not care about before the same sex marriage ruling?

Also if it is a choice between a Teenage Boy or Teenage Lesbian showering with your daughter which one would you object less to?


There is no less, nor should there be in a world that gender is only equal to sexuality.

Get it, it is your sides argument. You came up with it, now defend it.

My side?

( As I chuckle at your stupidity )

My side is I do not care if some kid want to shower in the same public shower that your daughter uses. if the kid has Lesbian feelings that does not change my opinion.

Now let get to the root of why you fear the dreaded Lesbian?

Is it because she has better sense than you?

Is it because she drives a more manly vehicle than you?

Is it because she pulls off the baseball cap and flannel better than you?

Also let to get to the root of why you wonder about teenage girls sexuality?

Mr. Herbert are you a pervert?

OMG, the butthurt

You're simply a troll now

Funny how when I flip the issue how your side makes gender and biology a priority

Laughing my ass off cuz time after time I've answered that I oppose non segregated showers and restrooms, and you must project.

Too friggin funny.

So you support segregation?

Now you're admitting you want white only heterosexual showers and toilets?

Hitler would be so proud of you!

Also your thread is a trollish one so please take note you started the trolling and dislike the fact I have answered your silly strawman question and pointed out the fact you are a racist demented perverted toilet sitting dullard...

Mr. Herbert why are you such a pervert?
Is a teenage lesbian girl following your teenage daughter into the restroom the same as a 45 year old man following her into the restroom?
You say you don't care if a teenage lesbian shares the gym shower with my 14 year old daughter. You've indicated that many times. You understand that the lesbian finds females attractive in the same way a 14 year old boy would.

Does gender matter or does it not? And why?

I would oppose a policy of the male being allowed in that gym shower room with my daughter based on gender. In fact I argue that gender really shouldn't matter, sexuality should.

What say you? I think I'm going to here crickets.

If you hear crickets then you must be outside because I have answered your silly strawman questions so far, and now you admit you have less of a problem with gender and more of a problem with someone sexuality which make you a perverted demented bigot that write silly strawman arguments...

So once again I will write it this way seeing you are bringing up the age of your daughter once again and I do not care if a teenage lesbian is showering with your daughter. I do not worry about the sexuality of others that might share a shower with your daughter. I do not sit on a toilet wondering if the guy next to me is gay.

I can see you sitting at Chic-Fil-A and your daughter excuses herself to use the restroom and you then see a butch looking woman with a page boy haircut entering the same restroom and you jumping up and running quickly demanding to know her sexuality because you fear a lesbian might be entering the same restroom with your daughter...

Now it make me wonder why you are so worry about something you did not care about before the same sex marriage ruling?

Also if it is a choice between a Teenage Boy or Teenage Lesbian showering with your daughter which one would you object less to?


There is no less, nor should there be in a world that gender is only equal to sexuality.

Get it, it is your sides argument. You came up with it, now defend it.

My side?

( As I chuckle at your stupidity )

My side is I do not care if some kid want to shower in the same public shower that your daughter uses. if the kid has Lesbian feelings that does not change my opinion.

Now let get to the root of why you fear the dreaded Lesbian?

Is it because she has better sense than you?

Is it because she drives a more manly vehicle than you?

Is it because she pulls off the baseball cap and flannel better than you?

Also let to get to the root of why you wonder about teenage girls sexuality?

Mr. Herbert are you a pervert?

OMG, the butthurt

You're simply a troll now

Funny how when I flip the issue how your side makes gender and biology a priority

Laughing my ass off cuz time after time I've answered that I oppose non segregated showers and restrooms, and you must project.

Too friggin funny.

So you support segregation?

Now you're admitting you want white only heterosexual showers and toilets?

Hitler would be so proud of you!

Also your thread is a trollish one so please take note you started the trolling and dislike the fact I have answered your silly strawman question and pointed out the fact you are a racist demented perverted toilet sitting dullard...

Mr. Herbert why are you such a pervert?

Trolling trolling. ^^^^^^
It was the REASON for gender specific restrooms IN THE FIRST PLACE!
Prove it.

Look at the signs, are you blind

One says women (a gender) the other men's (a gender).

Proceed oh, hatted one

Plus, I submit building plans on a very regular basis. Most demand two SEPERATE restrooms.........

Specifically divided by GENDER. If I wish I may add a unisex to those, but those are not mandated.
So we only have your word that restrooms were set up dividing the sexes because rape. Kewl.

Oh, I never said that. Here's a link

Section 890
What does that have to do with the historical separating by gender?

You need code from how far back.
If you hear crickets then you must be outside because I have answered your silly strawman questions so far, and now you admit you have less of a problem with gender and more of a problem with someone sexuality which make you a perverted demented bigot that write silly strawman arguments...

So once again I will write it this way seeing you are bringing up the age of your daughter once again and I do not care if a teenage lesbian is showering with your daughter. I do not worry about the sexuality of others that might share a shower with your daughter. I do not sit on a toilet wondering if the guy next to me is gay.

I can see you sitting at Chic-Fil-A and your daughter excuses herself to use the restroom and you then see a butch looking woman with a page boy haircut entering the same restroom and you jumping up and running quickly demanding to know her sexuality because you fear a lesbian might be entering the same restroom with your daughter...

Now it make me wonder why you are so worry about something you did not care about before the same sex marriage ruling?

Also if it is a choice between a Teenage Boy or Teenage Lesbian showering with your daughter which one would you object less to?


There is no less, nor should there be in a world that gender is only equal to sexuality.

Get it, it is your sides argument. You came up with it, now defend it.

My side?

( As I chuckle at your stupidity )

My side is I do not care if some kid want to shower in the same public shower that your daughter uses. if the kid has Lesbian feelings that does not change my opinion.

Now let get to the root of why you fear the dreaded Lesbian?

Is it because she has better sense than you?

Is it because she drives a more manly vehicle than you?

Is it because she pulls off the baseball cap and flannel better than you?

Also let to get to the root of why you wonder about teenage girls sexuality?

Mr. Herbert are you a pervert?

OMG, the butthurt

You're simply a troll now

Funny how when I flip the issue how your side makes gender and biology a priority

Laughing my ass off cuz time after time I've answered that I oppose non segregated showers and restrooms, and you must project.

Too friggin funny.

So you support segregation?

Now you're admitting you want white only heterosexual showers and toilets?

Hitler would be so proud of you!

Also your thread is a trollish one so please take note you started the trolling and dislike the fact I have answered your silly strawman question and pointed out the fact you are a racist demented perverted toilet sitting dullard...

Mr. Herbert why are you such a pervert?

Trolling trolling. ^^^^^^

No rebuttal?

You can proclaim something is trollish but the reality your OP is the most trollish part of this thread and your refusal to accept other posters opinion on the matter and just agreeing to disagree is just the typical tactic by sexually perverted dullards, so why are you like that?
Is a teenage lesbian girl following your teenage daughter into the restroom the same as a 45 year old man following her into the restroom?

How about a 14 year old boy following her in. I'd object to either although I am unsure what rational legal basis I could argue now

Is the 14 year old boy gay or straight?

Now before you ask what difference does it make it is you that object to a teenage lesbian girl showering with your daughter because the teenage lesbian is like a straight boy to you, so if the boy is gay would it matter to you he is showering with your daughter see he like boys?

Also for me I am not really caring but just wanting to read your radical nutter responses...

Mr. Herbert do you think about all this stuff while on the toilet, and that is why your thoughts are usually full of crap?
Prove it.

Look at the signs, are you blind

One says women (a gender) the other men's (a gender).

Proceed oh, hatted one

Plus, I submit building plans on a very regular basis. Most demand two SEPERATE restrooms.........

Specifically divided by GENDER. If I wish I may add a unisex to those, but those are not mandated.
So we only have your word that restrooms were set up dividing the sexes because rape. Kewl.

Oh, I never said that. Here's a link

Section 890
What does that have to do with the historical separating by gender?

You need code from how far back.
I don't need code from anytime. I'd like you to prove what you've been saying about gender separated restrooms.

There is no less, nor should there be in a world that gender is only equal to sexuality.

Get it, it is your sides argument. You came up with it, now defend it.

My side?

( As I chuckle at your stupidity )

My side is I do not care if some kid want to shower in the same public shower that your daughter uses. if the kid has Lesbian feelings that does not change my opinion.

Now let get to the root of why you fear the dreaded Lesbian?

Is it because she has better sense than you?

Is it because she drives a more manly vehicle than you?

Is it because she pulls off the baseball cap and flannel better than you?

Also let to get to the root of why you wonder about teenage girls sexuality?

Mr. Herbert are you a pervert?

OMG, the butthurt

You're simply a troll now

Funny how when I flip the issue how your side makes gender and biology a priority

Laughing my ass off cuz time after time I've answered that I oppose non segregated showers and restrooms, and you must project.

Too friggin funny.

So you support segregation?

Now you're admitting you want white only heterosexual showers and toilets?

Hitler would be so proud of you!

Also your thread is a trollish one so please take note you started the trolling and dislike the fact I have answered your silly strawman question and pointed out the fact you are a racist demented perverted toilet sitting dullard...

Mr. Herbert why are you such a pervert?

Trolling trolling. ^^^^^^

No rebuttal?

You can proclaim something is trollish but the reality your OP is the most trollish part of this thread and your refusal to accept other posters opinion on the matter and just agreeing to disagree is just the typical tactic by sexually perverted dullards, so why are you like that?

I don't respond to trolls

Except to explain to trolls that I dont
My side?

( As I chuckle at your stupidity )

My side is I do not care if some kid want to shower in the same public shower that your daughter uses. if the kid has Lesbian feelings that does not change my opinion.

Now let get to the root of why you fear the dreaded Lesbian?

Is it because she has better sense than you?

Is it because she drives a more manly vehicle than you?

Is it because she pulls off the baseball cap and flannel better than you?

Also let to get to the root of why you wonder about teenage girls sexuality?

Mr. Herbert are you a pervert?

OMG, the butthurt

You're simply a troll now

Funny how when I flip the issue how your side makes gender and biology a priority

Laughing my ass off cuz time after time I've answered that I oppose non segregated showers and restrooms, and you must project.

Too friggin funny.

So you support segregation?

Now you're admitting you want white only heterosexual showers and toilets?

Hitler would be so proud of you!

Also your thread is a trollish one so please take note you started the trolling and dislike the fact I have answered your silly strawman question and pointed out the fact you are a racist demented perverted toilet sitting dullard...

Mr. Herbert why are you such a pervert?

Trolling trolling. ^^^^^^

No rebuttal?

You can proclaim something is trollish but the reality your OP is the most trollish part of this thread and your refusal to accept other posters opinion on the matter and just agreeing to disagree is just the typical tactic by sexually perverted dullards, so why are you like that?

I don't respond to trolls

Except to explain to trolls that I dont

Sure, and why are you fixated on someone sexuality?

Are you afraid if a Lesbian is in the same restroom your daughter will like Flannel, Baseball Caps, and want to drive a truck?

You do know you can not become gay or a lesbian by sharing a toilet or shower with them, and your daughter has a higher chance of being raped by some sick perverted man that worries about the sexuality of women than by a lesbian, right?

Also seeing you equate lesbians being like straight boys then my question to you is would you object if a gay 14 year old boy showered in the same shower with your daughter seeing he likes boys and not girls?
Look at the signs, are you blind

One says women (a gender) the other men's (a gender).

Proceed oh, hatted one

Plus, I submit building plans on a very regular basis. Most demand two SEPERATE restrooms.........

Specifically divided by GENDER. If I wish I may add a unisex to those, but those are not mandated.
So we only have your word that restrooms were set up dividing the sexes because rape. Kewl.

Oh, I never said that. Here's a link

Section 890
What does that have to do with the historical separating by gender?

You need code from how far back.
I don't need code from anytime. I'd like you to prove what you've been saying about gender separated restrooms.

You can't see the signs?

The code, which has the force of law behind it, mandates seperate Ravi. Historically that is how it is. Privacy and safety are the reasons. If you have any information to the contrary, be so kind as to supply.

Regardless, they are mandated seperate (by gender) ,but equal
OMG, the butthurt

You're simply a troll now

Funny how when I flip the issue how your side makes gender and biology a priority

Laughing my ass off cuz time after time I've answered that I oppose non segregated showers and restrooms, and you must project.

Too friggin funny.

So you support segregation?

Now you're admitting you want white only heterosexual showers and toilets?

Hitler would be so proud of you!

Also your thread is a trollish one so please take note you started the trolling and dislike the fact I have answered your silly strawman question and pointed out the fact you are a racist demented perverted toilet sitting dullard...

Mr. Herbert why are you such a pervert?

Trolling trolling. ^^^^^^

No rebuttal?

You can proclaim something is trollish but the reality your OP is the most trollish part of this thread and your refusal to accept other posters opinion on the matter and just agreeing to disagree is just the typical tactic by sexually perverted dullards, so why are you like that?

I don't respond to trolls

Except to explain to trolls that I dont

Sure, and why are you fixated on someone sexuality?

Are you afraid if a Lesbian is in the same restroom your daughter will like Flannel, Baseball Caps, and want to drive a truck?

You do know you can not become gay or a lesbian by sharing a toilet or shower with them, and your daughter has a higher chance of being raped by some sick perverted man that worries about the sexuality of women than by a lesbian, right?

Also seeing you equate lesbians being like straight boys then my question to you is would you object if a gay 14 year old boy showered in the same shower with your daughter seeing he likes boys and not girls?

Hey troll, I have, and will continue to argue for separation between those with sexual attraction toward each other.

Now somehow you will project again

But that's what trolls do

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