Time to dust off the 25th Amendment

Is the President doing his best to protect the American people from Islamic terrorism?

  • No

    Votes: 12 70.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 5 29.4%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
If the President isn't going to unleash hell and wipe ISIS out he needs to resign his office for someone who will. If he doesn't, then Congress needs to impeach him and take over.

It's becomming painfully clear the President has no interest in protecting the people he swore an oath to God to do. We're actually worse off now than on the day before 9/11. ISIS is running amok thorugh Syria, Iraq, Libya, and where ever else and he does nothing. So he needs to resign. If we're really any kind of democratic nation then let's put it to a vote:

Do you have faith the President is doing his best to protect you from Islamic terrorists? Yes or no.
Ignorant nonsense.

The president has no interest in sending Americans to the ME to die in a pointless, never-ending war.

Attempting to engage ISIS in a conventional ground war is exactly what the terrorists want: it would justify their anti-West rhetoric and succeed in only strengthening ISIS.

The president is showing wisdom and restraint by not making the mistake of perceiving ISIS as some sort of legitimate military entity that can be defeated using conventional methods.

It's becoming painfully clear that many Americans are falling prey to their fear and ignorance.

The fear, ignorance, and stupidity exhibited by this thread's premise is what represents the greatest threat to America and the American people, not ISIS.
No no no... You don't understand, Delta! It's our presence in the middle east! We're creating more terrorists than we're killing! They are pissed that Bush invaded a sovereign nation! Obama is going to talk to them and make them like us again because he has a Muslim name and everything!
No no no... You don't understand, Delta! It's our presence in the middle east! We're creating more terrorists than we're killing! They are pissed that Bush invaded a sovereign nation! Obama is going to talk to them and make them like us again because he has a Muslim name and everything!

Only creating more than we kill because we aren't using the right ordanance.
No no no... You don't understand, Delta! It's our presence in the middle east! We're creating more terrorists than we're killing! They are pissed that Bush invaded a sovereign nation! Obama is going to talk to them and make them like us again because he has a Muslim name and everything!

Only creating more than we kill because we aren't using the right ordanance.

Well.. and the fact that we've not really been killing any since 2008 when Obama took office.
You both need to go on record and vote then. Quit talking like you believe in something and not vote to back it up. Let's see you put your rep on record.
No no no... You don't understand, Delta! It's our presence in the middle east! We're creating more terrorists than we're killing! They are pissed that Bush invaded a sovereign nation! Obama is going to talk to them and make them like us again because he has a Muslim name and everything!

I think you and Delta totally need to sign up and go fight that war.

Because that would totally prevent disgruntled inspectors from shooting up their co-workers, somehow.
BO should have been impeached and removed from office long ago, if there truly was a two party system and equal branches of government. Being a black liberal, he can do whatever he wants. He is untouchable.
Really annoying that RWNJs continue with this lie about Obama. Is it a lie or are they just stupid?

Why do they pretend they don't know that President Obama has carried out the most attacks against ISIL (7000) and the coalition of allies who follow his lead have made more than 2000 attacks?

Why do pretend they don't know that the 5 million soldiers in the ME countries are pretty much doing nothing. Same with Israel who have 300-400 nukes we gave them. Bibi was just here asking for more money for defense but he hasn't done much with what we already gave him.

RWNJs are still lying about Osama bin Laden. They're also pretending that President Obama has not killed more terrorists than anyone on earth.

But, wow - mention Pooting and the RWNJ traitors swoon. He still hasn't done much but according to the Obama haters, he duh man, he's a "real leader". Fact is, he's leading from behind but hey, he takes off his shirt and shoots endangered tigers so the RWNJs love him.

You dummies will want to vote for Cruz though. I just saw him saying 'we are at war and we need a boots on the ground war prez'. He wants more money for the 1%. Yep, buy those tanks we would park next to the hundreds we already don't use. And how about more airplanes that don't fly?

Yep - that's what the RWNJ traitors want.
No no no... You don't understand, Delta! It's our presence in the middle east! We're creating more terrorists than we're killing! They are pissed that Bush invaded a sovereign nation! Obama is going to talk to them and make them like us again because he has a Muslim name and everything!

I think you and Delta totally need to sign up and go fight that war.

Because that would totally prevent disgruntled inspectors from shooting up their co-workers, somehow.

Nope... I'm done with it. Don't really care what happens anymore. Terrorism is a thing we're going to live with and learn to accept as a daily part of life now thanks to liberals. Maybe one day you'll all decide you need to fight them instead of Christians and then you can send your kids off to fight. If not, oh fucking well... it was all a bunch of fun while it lasted.

My days of trying to talk some sense into the left on this are over. You get what you deserve.
If the President isn't going to unleash hell and wipe ISIS out he needs to resign his office for someone who will. If he doesn't, then Congress needs to impeach him and take over.

It's becomming painfully clear the President has no interest in protecting the people he swore an oath to God to do. We're actually worse off now than on the day before 9/11. ISIS is running amok thorugh Syria, Iraq, Libya, and where ever else and he does nothing. So he needs to resign. If we're really any kind of democratic nation then let's put it to a vote:

Do you have faith the President is doing his best to protect you from Islamic terrorists? Yes or no.
Better yet...why not let Russia, France and England do it?
Ignorant nonsense.

The president has no interest in sending Americans to the ME to die in a pointless, never-ending war.

No need. He's inviting them here, to kill Americans on our own turf. And trying, as always, to further deny us the means to defend ourselves.

He needs to be impeached, put on trial for treason, and on conviction, put before a firing squad.
Nope... I'm done with it. Don't really care what happens anymore. Terrorism is a thing we're going to live with and learn to accept as a daily part of life now thanks to liberals. Maybe one day you'll all decide you need to fight them instead of Christians and then you can send your kids off to fight. If not, oh fucking well... it was all a bunch of fun while it lasted.

My days of trying to talk some sense into the left on this are over. You get what you deserve.

Guy, I have a much better idea.

Why don't we stop pissing them off.

My first policy would be, completely throw the Zionists under the bus. stop supporting them, stop selling them weapons, stop vetoing resolutions against their daily atrocities in the UN.

The second thing I would do is pull all troops out of that region, and invest the hundreds of billions we spend on military waste into energy independence.

The third thing I would do is create a mandetory draft of the children of the rich, politicians and loudmouth assholes on Hate Radio. These folks would be put in an elite airborne infantry division that will the first deployed to the Middle East the next time we decide we think they might have a weapon we don't like.

Stop pissing them off and stop funding them. Give the people who instigate these wars real skin in the game. That actually sounds like a plan.

But people like you will huff and puff that they hate us because "they hate our freedom" or some such silly shit the Oil Companies and Zionists tell you to say because you are stupid.

You see, The Muslims aren't attacking Japan. They aren't attacking Chile. They are attacking countries that attack them directly or by proxie.

Maybe if you guys fought your own damned wars, instead of getting some poor kids to do it, you'd be less keen on it.
Ignorant nonsense.

The president has no interest in sending Americans to the ME to die in a pointless, never-ending war.

Attempting to engage ISIS in a conventional ground war is exactly what the terrorists want: it would justify their anti-West rhetoric and succeed in only strengthening ISIS.

The president is showing wisdom and restraint by not making the mistake of perceiving ISIS as some sort of legitimate military entity that can be defeated using conventional methods.

It's becoming painfully clear that many Americans are falling prey to their fear and ignorance.

The fear, ignorance, and stupidity exhibited by this thread's premise is what represents the greatest threat to America and the American people, not ISIS.

New shipment of Obama kneepads getting used ASAP
Nope... I'm done with it. Don't really care what happens anymore. Terrorism is a thing we're going to live with and learn to accept as a daily part of life now thanks to liberals. Maybe one day you'll all decide you need to fight them instead of Christians and then you can send your kids off to fight. If not, oh fucking well... it was all a bunch of fun while it lasted.

My days of trying to talk some sense into the left on this are over. You get what you deserve.

Guy, I have a much better idea.

Why don't we stop pissing them off.

My first policy would be, completely throw the Zionists under the bus. stop supporting them, stop selling them weapons, stop vetoing resolutions against their daily atrocities in the UN.

The second thing I would do is pull all troops out of that region, and invest the hundreds of billions we spend on military waste into energy independence.

The third thing I would do is create a mandetory draft of the children of the rich, politicians and loudmouth assholes on Hate Radio. These folks would be put in an elite airborne infantry division that will the first deployed to the Middle East the next time we decide we think they might have a weapon we don't like.

Stop pissing them off and stop funding them. Give the people who instigate these wars real skin in the game. That actually sounds like a plan.

But people like you will huff and puff that they hate us because "they hate our freedom" or some such silly shit the Oil Companies and Zionists tell you to say because you are stupid.

You see, The Muslims aren't attacking Japan. They aren't attacking Chile. They are attacking countries that attack them directly or by proxie.

Maybe if you guys fought your own damned wars, instead of getting some poor kids to do it, you'd be less keen on it.
Joey you were doing okay until you went off the rails at point three. Showing your left wing tyrannical nature.

And of course, you don't know shit about history. The history of Islam is conquest, murder, enslavement, intolerance, hate, destruction, etc....but you somehow missed that, even though 1500 years of history shouts at you.
Mass shooters and terrorists have one thing in common, anger. Thanks to media progress in the world, every and anyone can see a new way to express your anger to the world: mass killing. With the thought out in the world, the only way to combat it is swifter response to an event. That means a more heavily armed public.

Sure you could try to make guns harder to obtain and someone who has visited an extremist area of the world with other profile matches should not be given a permit. Pipe bombs don't need a permit. Gun-free zones are just a misspelling of kill zones.
It is time we finally repeal the 3rd Amendment

No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law

If we quartered soldiers in peoples homes, we would not have to worry about terrorist attacks
If the President isn't going to unleash hell and wipe ISIS out he needs to resign his office for someone who will. If he doesn't, then Congress needs to impeach him and take over.

It's becomming painfully clear the President has no interest in protecting the people he swore an oath to God to do. We're actually worse off now than on the day before 9/11. ISIS is running amok thorugh Syria, Iraq, Libya, and where ever else and he does nothing. So he needs to resign. If we're really any kind of democratic nation then let's put it to a vote:

Do you have faith the President is doing his best to protect you from Islamic terrorists? Yes or no.

No no no... You don't understand, Delta! It's our presence in the middle east! We're creating more terrorists than we're killing! They are pissed that Bush invaded a sovereign nation! Obama is going to talk to them and make them like us again because he has a Muslim name and everything!

No no no... You don't understand, Delta! It's our presence in the middle east! We're creating more terrorists than we're killing! They are pissed that Bush invaded a sovereign nation! Obama is going to talk to them and make them like us again because he has a Muslim name and everything!

I think you and Delta totally need to sign up and go fight that war.

Because that would totally prevent disgruntled inspectors from shooting up their co-workers, somehow.

Delta, do you mind if I use your thread to ask this question of some of these people, it is pertinent!?!?!?!

IF Hitler had escaped Germany and fled to any country in the world, would the United States and Britain had the right to declare war on that nation IF that nation refused to give him up?

If you say "yes, we should/could/definitely would declare war, then Obama and the lefts argument that ISIS/ISIL is not a country goes up in smoke. The decree then becomes..................."we declare war on the ISLAMIC state, and any country that houses, or gives them comfort, a state of war then exists between us!"

War over, ISIL destroyed, PERIOD! No country is going to take the chance to house Islamic terrorists and NOT give them up, if the US says, do it or we are at war.

And when I say "war," I mean "war!" Not these Mickey Mouse police action, we don't shoot because of civilians bullshit.

I forget which great philosopher it was, but he stated that "every generation should experience war." We haven't had war since 1945, because we NEVER really tried to win. If we did, nobody would mess with us, and you who insist on no war would have a reason to. WAR SUCKS! Put ISIL through it for 5 days, they no longer exist if it is a a REAL WAR! And no COUNTRY would touch them with a 10 foot pole as far as give them aid or comfort, because war is hell............a real war. That is why we avoid them, unless the world has to remember why we can not have them, and why we are better off dealing with our problems collectively.
Guy, I have a much better idea.

Why don't we stop pissing them off.

My first policy would be, completely throw the Zionists under the bus.

Okay... so once we've exterminated all the Jews everyone will be happy, is that the idea? :dunno:

What's pissing them off is YOU not adopting their 5th century radical religious beliefs. That means, condemning homosexuals as abominable evil that must be eradicated. That means, making your women subservient to their men. That means, using your children as sex servants. That means, condemning and killing all Christians and anyone else who doesn't subscribe to Sharia law. That means, establishing an Islamic Caliphate from Spain to Indonesia.

If you're not ready to support those things you better think twice about your "better idea" because that is what they have called for in their Fatwas and religious teachings. Just because you share their common hatred of Jews doesn't mean you've got them all figured out.

My first policy would be to marginalize your ass and then frog-march you out of this country or execute you for treason as a terrorist sympathizer.
Joey you were doing okay until you went off the rails at point three. Showing your left wing tyrannical nature.

Not at all. I think the most fucked up thing we did was get rid of the draft when we should have reformed it. I think that if every American was required to perform two years of public service, it would solve a host of problems. But we should make it fair, not like it was in Vietnam where the rich were given exemptions and the poor went off to fight the war. Make the rich fight their own damned wars, make their kids come back in body bags, and you can bet, we won't fight a war without a damned good reason and a damned solid strategy.

You know, like FDR had in WWII.

And of course, you don't know shit about history. The history of Islam is conquest, murder, enslavement, intolerance, hate, destruction, etc....but you somehow missed that, even though 1500 years of history shouts at you.

And how is that different than most of the first 1800 years of Christianity as a religion? The fact that Islam only dominates parts of two contintents (Africa and Asia) and Christianity dominates parts of SIX should tell you which religion has been pretty ruthless in wiping out religions they don't agree with.


The Middle East has had communities of Christians, Jews, Mandean, Zoroasterians, Hindus, Yazidis, Druze, etc.

MEANWHILE- when was the last time you met a worshiper of Odin or Zeus or Quezacoatl? When was the last time you met an Arian or an Albigsenian or a Gnostic or a Deist? Christians have done a pretty good job of wiping these people out.

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