This will no doubt interest the climate watchers of the forum

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
This isn't spin folks. This is a realistic examination of FACTS about models and global climate patterns.
Would we all feel better knowing that we can't manage climate and that climate will not end our life on Earth?
Or do you prefer the disaster is on us people?

Suppose you were told you are going to die in an auto wreck? And you know very well you are a very safe driver. But they persisted in getting into your face pronouncing you will die unless you totally stop driving? This analogy is how they are terrifying the public by two things. First they blame humans for global warming at the same time when asked if Man can manage climate, they shout in unison, absolutely not. Well if man can't manage Climate globally, why try to scare them to death?

For some easier perspective;
Then one looks at levels of CO2 over long time spans, like hundreds of millions of years and you gain a more accurate perspective of one versus the other, how thy relate, or don't ...

what I want to know is who was around millions of yrs ago to record what happened and how did that info survive all these yrs to be include it in those graphs??

the earth has an experation date and we dont know when that is,,

sleep on that,,
Most of these are derived from data gleaned from ice core samples and geological digs, etc. My understanding is it has to do a variety of chemical analysis, fossils, etc. A rather complex matrix of data and sources.

Here's one of the search pages I used and as can be seen, the interpretations can vary a bit.

Main point I'm trying to make is that when viewed and charted over just a few tens of thousands of years it can look more dramatic than when you change to hundreds of thousands of years or better yet millions.

Earth's "experation" (sp. = expiration) date depends mostly on the Sun. It is about 4.5+ billion years old and Earth is close behind that, and most predictions are that the Sun has a few billion more years before starts the death process so planet Earth looks to be around for sometime still.

Now a related question might be how long the hydrosphere, air and water/atmosphere and oceans will last in a state to support life. That also looks to be a probable scale of a few billion years more, barring humans don't do large scale nuclear weapons blasts across the globe.

Another search page of listings/results;
the earth has an experation date and we dont know when that is

Expiration ... we do know (approximately) when ... and it's a LONG, LONG, LONG way around. Much further away than hominids have been roaming this earth

I think it's safe to say, it's a bit too early to panic.

This isn't spin folks. This is a realistic examination of FACTS about models and global climate patterns.

It is so spin ... not one scrap of actual science ... just 17 minutes of political spin ... just because you're right doesn't make it scientific ... just means you're right ...

You've got the New Speak juju going good here ... I think what you mean is that computational fluid mechanics is prone to error, not that modeling the climate using Stefan-Boltzmann Law is wrong ... and make sure you specify which computer results you're critical of ... the scientific media presents the distribution curve, it's only commercial media that makes discreet claims ...


Have we already forgotten the lessons from George Orwell's 1984 ... a fearful People will trust their government to protect them, and if there's nothing to fear, the People won't trust government ... government can and will create fear ... Republicans are already railing on Muslims, Democrats on the environment ...

All to hide pork-barrel CR after pork-barrel CR ... we're letting both parties rob us blind while our President performs [deleted] on the Saudi Crown Prince ..
Climate change is real. It has been going on for billions of years and it has resulted in most of all the species that ever lived on earth to go extinct. If nothing else gets us before then climate change will probably be the end of humans one of these days.

Man made global warming is bullshit.
Climate change is real.
Of course. So is manmade climate change.
It has been going on for billions of years
Manmade climate change has been going on since the Industrial Revolution when we started burning massive amount of fossil fuel and putting billions of tons of CO2 into the air.
and it has resulted in most of all the species that ever lived on earth to go extinct.
That statement is an attempt to distract from a very real and very sad point. The current rate of extinctions is not only many, many times greater than the typical background rate, it is many times higher than the extinction rate experienced during any of the five mass extinctions of the past. That you think its morally acceptable to try to hide that fact is absolutely reprehensible, you asshole fuckwad piece of shit.
If nothing else gets us before then climate change will probably be the end of humans one of these days.
Climate change from natural factors almost always takes place at rates many orders of magnitude more slowly than it is taking place today. If there were no manmade climate change taking place, humans would easily adapt to the natural changes
Man made global warming is bullshit.
You have not given us the tiniest sliver of evidence to think that might be true. Not - one - sliver.
Of course. So is manmade climate change.

Manmade climate change has been going on since the Industrial Revolution when we started burning massive amount of fossil fuel and putting billions of tons of CO2 into the air.

That statement is an attempt to distract from a very real and very sad point. The current rate of extinctions is not only many, many times greater than the typical background rate, it is many times higher than the extinction rate experienced during any of the five mass extinctions of the past. That you think its morally acceptable to try to hide that fact is absolutely reprehensible, you asshole fuckwad piece of shit.

Climate change from natural factors almost always takes place at rates many orders of magnitude more slowly than it is taking place today. If there were no manmade climate change taking place, humans would easily adapt to the natural changes

You have not given us the tiniest sliver of evidence to think that might be true. Not - one - sliver.

AGW is nothing more than a religion for idiots that don't know jackshit about science.

...and a way for scammers to get rich.
Most of these are derived from data gleaned from ice core samples and geological digs, etc. My understanding is it has to do a variety of chemical analysis, fossils, etc. A rather complex matrix of data and sources.

Here's one of the search pages I used and as can be seen, the interpretations can vary a bit.

Main point I'm trying to make is that when viewed and charted over just a few tens of thousands of years it can look more dramatic than when you change to hundreds of thousands of years or better yet millions.

Earth's "experation" (sp. = expiration) date depends mostly on the Sun. It is about 4.5+ billion years old and Earth is close behind that, and most predictions are that the Sun has a few billion more years before starts the death process so planet Earth looks to be around for sometime still.

Now a related question might be how long the hydrosphere, air and water/atmosphere and oceans will last in a state to support life. That also looks to be a probable scale of a few billion years more, barring humans don't do large scale nuclear weapons blasts across the globe.

Another search page of listings/results;
that means they made a guess based on assumptions,,
Expiration ... we do know (approximately) when ... and it's a LONG, LONG, LONG way around. Much further away than hominids have been roaming this earth

I think it's safe to say, it's a bit too early to panic.

View attachment 854497
approximatly is a long long long time down the road??

I can guess my next bowel movement better than that,,

OH you fogrgot to post your proof of that,,
This isn't spin folks. This is a realistic examination of FACTS about models and global climate patterns.
Near it's beginning, your video claimed that "the anthropogenic origin of global warming is merely an unproven conjecture. It is solely from complex computer programs known as general circulation models [GCMs]. On the contrary, scientific literature has highlighted natural variability that these models have failed to recreate". That's not just spin, it's lies. That video is NOT a realistic examination of the facts and huge swaths of the evidence supporting AGW are completely empirical in nature - observations of the real world, not the output of GCMs.

Anthropogenic global warming (AGW) is not an unproven conjecture. It is a VERY widely accepted scientific theory that is supported by absolute MOUNTAINS of evidence and has NEVER been falsified despite extensive efforts by advocates for the fossil fuel industry. No evidence has EVER been found suggesting that any natural process, cycle or event could have produced the observed warming.
Would we all feel better knowing that we can't manage climate and that climate will not end our life on Earth?
Or do you prefer the disaster is on us people?
You seem to be suggesting that we should not tell people they are at risk because it will upset them. Is that actually your position?
Suppose you were told you are going to die in an auto wreck? And you know very well you are a very safe driver.
Safe drivers get killed in auto wrecks every day Robert.
But they persisted in getting into your face pronouncing you will die unless you totally stop driving? This analogy is how they are terrifying the public by two things. First they blame humans for global warming at the same time when asked if Man can manage climate, they shout in unison, absolutely not. Well if man can't manage Climate globally, why try to scare them to death?
I find your characterization inaccurate. Humans have gotten themselves into this situation by burning fossil fuels. We always knew that doing so produced air pollution and we have made great progress cleaning up fossil combustion systems, filtering out sooty particulates, eliminating lead and so forth. And so, by the construction of enormous portions of our physical infrastructure, we thoroughly incorporated fossil fuel use into human culture well before discovering what it was doing to the Earth's climate. Now we find ourselves between a rock and a hard place. We have to stop burning fossil fuels as rapidly and completely as possible even while our demand for energy grows by leaps and bounds but even under the best of circumstances, that is going to take too much time, enormous effort and piles and piles of money. We are also facing stiff resistance from the fossil fuel industries to whom this is an existential threat; we are attempting to eliminate them and so, of course, they are fighting back. I guarantee you that somewhere behind the curtains your video was written by and paid for by fossil fuel interests. There is no debate among climate scientists as to the existence of global warming or of its cause but the PR wizards employed by the fossil fuel industries want us to believe there is. It is an exact and intentional analog of the PR effort employed by the tobacco industry in the face of medical research showing their products caused cancer.

AGW is a threat to humanity. We should have started dealing with it in earnest decades back. It is likely too late to avoid some of the serious suffering it will engender. It is FAR too late to indulge in the sort of deceptive practices fossil fuel PR has been pushing on the uninformed. Humanity needs to objectively educate itself and act, quickly and with full commitment.

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