This Wall will be Amazing

I hope it turns out like this. A mile a day, and permanent. And it looks good too.

"Build the dang fence wall!"

A border wall like that is stupid. It's going to mess up local economies and destroy animal migration routes.

Only the animals attempting to illegally migrate. Those who follow the path to legal migration will be welcomed with open arms.
I hope it turns out like this. A mile a day, and permanent. And it looks good too.

"Build the dang fence wall!"

All nice and good but about that tunnel, the guy seems to think that people will build a tunnel right at the wall! The one thing the mexican crime ring has shown is that they can start a mile back inside a house and build a tunnel right under your feet and bring it up on a dime inside a building on the USA side. We need sophisticated tunnel detection as well, maybe mobile GPR run the length of the border once a month.
I hope it turns out like this. A mile a day, and permanent. And it looks good too.

"Build the dang fence wall!"

All nice and good but about that tunnel, the guy seems to think that people will build a tunnel right at the wall! The one thing the mexican crime ring has shown is that they can start a mile back inside a house and build a tunnel right under your feet and bring it up on a dime inside a building on the USA side. We need sophisticated tunnel detection as well, maybe mobile GPR run the length of the border once a month.

So no wall? That's rediculous. Why put locks on the front door when most front doors have glass windows???

If a wall stops 99% (and it will), it's done its job.

And yes, tunnels are EASY to detect, easy to fill, and VERY difficult to dig.

It's an EXCUSE and not a problem.
I don't. It's a slap in the face of those who played by the rules.

I wouldn't think of walking into another country and just settling down as if I had some right to b there.
Of course you're right. But he's not the only one who will be punished for his unlawful action. Have you seen his two little daughters. They will suffer along with his very nice wife, a that fact which has produced a bump in the road for Trump's policy -- which I strongly support.

I do agree with you and I'm definitely on your side. But when I see those little girls I can't help looking for a way to accommodate them. They are incredibly cute -- and his wife seems like such a good woman. He's been working very hard and they have made a nice, clean home for themselves. So I'm inclined to believe there should be some consideration available in exceptional circumstances.

It's true that he committed a crime, but criminal court judges often issue exceptional rulings when there are exceptional circumstances -- suspended sentences, etc.
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I don't. It's a slap in the face of those who played by the rules.

I wouldn't think of walking into another country and just settling down as if I had some right to b there.
Of course you're right. But he's not the only one who will be punished for his unlawful action. Have you seen his two little daughters. They will suffer along with his very nice wife, a that fact which has produced a bump in the road for Trump's policy -- which I am strongly in favor of.

I do agree with you and I'm definitely on your side. But when I see those little girls I can't help looking for a way to accommodate them. They are incredibly cute -- and his wife seems like such a good woman. He's been working very hard and they have made a nice, clean home for themselves. So I'm inclined to believe there should be some consideration available in exceptional circumstances.

It's true that he committed a crime, but criminal court judges often issue exceptional rulings when there are exceptional circumstances -- suspended sentences, etc.
Those who have lived crime free in the US for years will be eligible to apply from their homelands, and no doubt accepted to return legally, with SS#'s to pay their income taxes like everyone else.
I hope it turns out like this. A mile a day, and permanent. And it looks good too.

"Build the dang fence wall!"

All nice and good but about that tunnel, the guy seems to think that people will build a tunnel right at the wall! The one thing the mexican crime ring has shown is that they can start a mile back inside a house and build a tunnel right under your feet and bring it up on a dime inside a building on the USA side. We need sophisticated tunnel detection as well, maybe mobile GPR run the length of the border once a month.

So no wall?

WALL. I just want MORE THAN WALL. I want GPR, sophisticated electronics, rabid police dogs trained to tear your arm off, killer robots that detect movement in the night, and guard towers with orders to shot anything that moves within a hundred feet of the wall.

Then I want repaid for it. Mexico's new Prez has invited Trump down. Obviously, he's scared. He ought to be. At some point, we are going to hit Mexico where they are softest with the deal that they either adjust our trade where our savings over time repay us the cost of this, or we knife 'em in the back.

Any illegal found in this country over 17 1/2 is to be shot on sight and the body dumped back in Mexico. No trials, no rights. Any minors are left alive and turned over Mexican authorities at the border. If we can have ZERO TOLERANCE in our schools for a kid drawing a doodle, then we can certainly have it for alien invasion.
toobfreak said:
The one thing the mexican crime ring has shown is that they can start a mile back inside a house and build a tunnel right under your feet and bring it up on a dime inside a building on the USA side.
Druggers Seem To Be Leery
Of Letting Thousands Just Flood On Through 'Em
They Need To Keep Their Tunnels Secret
I'm for the wall for humanitarian purpose of stopping those risking their lives and children's lives trekking through the desert along with other positive aspects that it would provide. With 19 million visitors from Mexico each year arriving legally, I'm disappointed we're not hearing what is planned to deal with those overstaying their welcome. Bottom line in my view is that if cost are clearly controlled, I'll settle for a half-ass solution over nothing being done.
Why do you think anything other than a wall is nothing?

I view the wall as only half the solution. I want to hear proposals to deal with the problem of those not leaving when their welcome is over with. I'd settle for a wall but perhaps that money could be used for a more complete solution.
Death Angel said:
At the very least, the cost difference between hosting these illegals ($134,000,000,000 per year) and the relatively small cost of a real wall ($10.7 billion)

As far as I know the only critters migrating between Mexico and America are fliers and won't mind the wall/fence. The other environmental impact argument is that trash will get in the fences in waterways and dam them up... Pretty damn sure we can handle that one with our drone cameras.
Illegals destroy the environment much more than a wall. They use up natural resources, drive down wages, live in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions that cause health problems and usage of limited medical resources that remain unpaid. Etc.
Dude, seriously? We aren't talking about cave men here.

As far as I know the only critters migrating between Mexico and America are fliers and won't mind the wall/fence. The other environmental impact argument is that trash will get in the fences in waterways and dam them up... Pretty damn sure we can handle that one with our drone cameras.
Lol. ^living proof that ignorance is bliss.^

Do tell, what land critters are migrating across the border?
I hope it turns out like this. A mile a day, and permanent. And it looks good too.

"Build the dang fence wall!"

A border wall like that is stupid. It's going to mess up local economies and destroy animal migration routes.

ROTFL, we sure don't want to mess up the 'local economies'... Drug cartels, coyote's running & raping their 'trafficees', corrupt Mexican LEO's bribe industry... that would be a crying shame :crybaby: but on the upside the US would save tens of billions a year!

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