This Wall will be Amazing

Dude, seriously? We aren't talking about cave men here.
The behavior of Cave men (Neanderthals and beyond) was not subject to any superior comparison. But today, while eminent examples of advanced and highly sophisticated societies abound, there are vast numbers of East Indians who routinely shit in the streets of their towns.

My wife and I visited Tamil Nadu, and spent a great deal of time in Chennai (formerly Madras) and yes, the people crap in the streets all of the time. Sanitation ain't a strong point. Even modern buildings have poor plumbing so we stayed in the Leela Palace Chennai because it had its own sewage treatment plant so we could flush the toilets normally. The third world sucks.



As far as I know the only critters migrating between Mexico and America are fliers and won't mind the wall/fence. The other environmental impact argument is that trash will get in the fences in waterways and dam them up... Pretty damn sure we can handle that one with our drone cameras.
Lol. ^living proof that ignorance is bliss.^

Do tell, what land critters are migrating across the border?
Trump's Wall Could Cause Serious Environmental Damage

As far as I know the only critters migrating between Mexico and America are fliers and won't mind the wall/fence. The other environmental impact argument is that trash will get in the fences in waterways and dam them up... Pretty damn sure we can handle that one with our drone cameras.
Lol. ^living proof that ignorance is bliss.^

Do tell, what land critters are migrating across the border?
Trump's Wall Could Cause Serious Environmental Damage

"Could" means probably won't. But that is English. Do you not speak it?
Dude, seriously? We aren't talking about cave men here.
The behavior of Cave men (Neanderthals and beyond) was not subject to any superior comparison. But today, while eminent examples of advanced and highly sophisticated societies abound, there are vast numbers of East Indians who routinely shit in the public streets of their towns.
What does that have to do with tRump's ridiculous wall?

As far as I know the only critters migrating between Mexico and America are fliers and won't mind the wall/fence. The other environmental impact argument is that trash will get in the fences in waterways and dam them up... Pretty damn sure we can handle that one with our drone cameras.
Lol. ^living proof that ignorance is bliss.^

Do tell, what land critters are migrating across the border?
Trump's Wall Could Cause Serious Environmental Damage

"Could" means probably won't. But that is English. Do you not speak it?
In what language does "could" mean "probably won't"?

'cause that ain't what it means in English.

  1. past of can1.
    • used to indicate possibility.
      "they could be right"
And Mexico is going to pay for it
Yep. One way or another. It's a lot less expensive than the burden on the Taxpayer


Once you build the wall, the maintenance has to take place….and you still have to patrol it. There are no savings.
Especially when you consider that most come in and overstay their visas…the wall will do nothing about immigration.
As far as I know the only critters migrating between Mexico and America are fliers and won't mind the wall/fence. The other environmental impact argument is that trash will get in the fences in waterways and dam them up... Pretty damn sure we can handle that one with our drone cameras.
Lol. ^living proof that ignorance is bliss.^

Do tell, what land critters are migrating across the border?
Trump's Wall Could Cause Serious Environmental Damage

"Could" means probably won't. But that is English. Do you not speak it?
In what language does "could" mean "probably won't"?

'cause that ain't what it means in English.

  1. past of can1.
    • used to indicate possibility.
      "they could be right"

As a predictor it is a worthless word. it is so worthless that well known charlatans such as palm readers and psychics use it before any other.

As far as I know the only critters migrating between Mexico and America are fliers and won't mind the wall/fence. The other environmental impact argument is that trash will get in the fences in waterways and dam them up... Pretty damn sure we can handle that one with our drone cameras.
Lol. ^living proof that ignorance is bliss.^

Do tell, what land critters are migrating across the border?
Trump's Wall Could Cause Serious Environmental Damage

No where in there does it talk about any migrating land animals along the border...

First off, the article stupidly assumes "massive concrete wall running from San Diego to Brownsville, Texas" - including daming rivers - and with no environmental oversight. Yet no one has suggested that so the article fails from the get-go.

Second off, the article cites "free movement" not the /migration/ of land animals.

Third off, the article cites "They've spotted wolves, ocelots and even jaguars along the border walls." Well the only animal there that "migrates" at all is wolves, and they only migrate if following prey species - there are no migrating prey species for the wolves to be hunting, thus nope wolves are not "migrating" there - they're just seen around there - like birds, insects, lizards, rodents, etc. Ocelots and jaguars don't hunt migrating species at all, so nope there too.

Finally, the article literally has to go into the "environmental impact" of producing the fucking concrete for their invented concrete wall. It's a farce bullshit article from start to finish...

This is my problem with you arm chair greenies; you have no idea what you're talking about and make up bullshit worst possible case, sky is falling, scenario's, then pretend that's what's going to happen if we do anything but leave the land pristine and untouched. It's crap. The sick part is you know it's crap, but you'll still push it around like it's meaningful because you're either a) that disingenuous or b) that fucking stupid. Either way, in general you're all incapable of serious adult discussion on the matter.
And Mexico is going to pay for it
Yes they will, the American $$$ going to Mexico will be severely truncated.
And Mexico is going to pay for it
Yep. One way or another. It's a lot less expensive than the burden on the Taxpayer


Once you build the wall, the maintenance has to take place….and you still have to patrol it. There are no savings.
Especially when you consider that most come in and overstay their visas…the wall will do nothing about immigration.

Well...Since Democrats want to abolish ICE we'll need a wall more than ever.
Illegals destroy the environment much more than a wall. They use up natural resources, drive down wages, live in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions that cause health problems and usage of limited medical resources that remain unpaid. Etc.
Dude, seriously? We aren't talking about cave men here.
We're talking about illegals, lady.
Lol. ^living proof that ignorance is bliss.^

Do tell, what land critters are migrating across the border?
Trump's Wall Could Cause Serious Environmental Damage

"Could" means probably won't. But that is English. Do you not speak it?
In what language does "could" mean "probably won't"?

'cause that ain't what it means in English.

  1. past of can1.
    • used to indicate possibility.
      "they could be right"

As a predictor it is a worthless word. it is so worthless that well known charlatans such as palm readers and psychics use it before any other.
Lmao! Don't like the definition so try to substitute your own.

Don't think that's gonna fly kid.

"Could" means probably won't. But that is English. Do you not speak it?
In what language does "could" mean "probably won't"?

'cause that ain't what it means in English.

  1. past of can1.
    • used to indicate possibility.
      "they could be right"

As a predictor it is a worthless word. it is so worthless that well known charlatans such as palm readers and psychics use it before any other.
Lmao! Don't like the definition so try to substitute your own.

Don't think that's gonna fly kid.

Like I said cupcake, "could" is the universally used word of charlatans and scam artists.
Illegals destroy the environment much more than a wall. They use up natural resources, drive down wages, live in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions that cause health problems and usage of limited medical resources that remain unpaid. Etc.
Dude, seriously? We aren't talking about cave men here.
We're talking about illegals, lady.
I ain't a lady, kid.

Immigrants are not savages.
Illegals destroy the environment much more than a wall. They use up natural resources, drive down wages, live in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions that cause health problems and usage of limited medical resources that remain unpaid. Etc.
Dude, seriously? We aren't talking about cave men here.
We're talking about illegals, lady.
I ain't a lady, kid.

Immigrants are not savages.
I ain't a dude, olden.

Human trafficking is to cartels what prohibition was to the Mafia.

"Could" means probably won't. But that is English. Do you not speak it?
In what language does "could" mean "probably won't"?

'cause that ain't what it means in English.

  1. past of can1.
    • used to indicate possibility.
      "they could be right"

As a predictor it is a worthless word. it is so worthless that well known charlatans such as palm readers and psychics use it before any other.
Lmao! Don't like the definition so try to substitute your own.

Don't think that's gonna fly kid.

Like I said cupcake, "could" is the universally used word of charlatans and scam artists.
Lmao! Still funny.
Once you build the wall, the maintenance has to take place….and you still have to patrol it. There are no savings.

Especially when you consider that most come in and overstay their visas…the wall will do nothing about immigration.
You're right about the common occurrence of overstaying visas. But the reason for such common occurrence is the relative lack of corrective attention to it, a problem which is about to undergo serious change. Those who overstay their visa will no longer be ignored but will be actively pursued by I.C.E. and there will be penalties. Once that becomes known there will be far fewer example of overstaying visas.

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