This Wall will be Amazing

Could this not be done in a better manner?

If this wall means people just build tunnels, then it doesn't work.

What works is things that can prevent the tunnels, and you don't need a wall for that.
You start digging a tunnel somewhere and show us how easy it is, especially with guards watching.

If you even watched the video, you'd understand how rediculous you are on so many levels
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It'll be an ecological disaster and very aesthetically unappealing..

It's a natural cliff or mountain along the Southern border.
It blends in so we'll, it's invisible from 1/2 mile away.

I love exposing all these nattering nabobs of negativity on the left.
I'm for the wall for humanitarian purpose of stopping those risking their lives and children's lives trekking through the desert along with other positive aspects that it would provide. With 19 million visitors from Mexico each year arriving legally, I'm disappointed we're not hearing what is planned to deal with those overstaying their welcome. Bottom line in my view is that if cost are clearly controlled, I'll settle for a half-ass solution over nothing being done.
Why do you think anything other than a wall is nothing?
I'm for the wall for humanitarian purpose of stopping those risking their lives and children's lives trekking through the desert along with other positive aspects that it would provide. With 19 million visitors from Mexico each year arriving legally, I'm disappointed we're not hearing what is planned to deal with those overstaying their welcome. Bottom line in my view is that if cost are clearly controlled, I'll settle for a half-ass solution over nothing being done.
Why do you think anything other than a wall is nothing?
Because the invasion can it be stopped without it. Next Demonrat or gutless rino, and it's over.

Democrats and rinos are fine with the invasion.
Could this not be done in a better manner?

If this wall means people just build tunnels, then it doesn't work.

What works is things that can prevent the tunnels, and you don't need a wall for that.
You start digging a tunnel somewhere and show us how easy it is, especially with guards watching.

If you even watched the video, you'd understand how rediculous you are on so many levels

I didn't say it was easy. I also didn't say it was impossible.

Also, if you didn't flinging insults at the first fucking post, you'd realize that you could have such technology WITHOUT A WALL.

This is the problem. People pretend that the wall is essential.

Do you the "wall" in Israel? It's 90% fence. They have a wall to stop SNIPERS in certain places. How much of a problem are snipers at the border?

It's the problem with you people, quick to insult, quick to have an opinion, and very slow in actually making any sense.

All of those issues can be dealt with with technology. Technology that already exists and is being used to protect animals who's migratory paths are crossed by interstate highways that once regularly killed thousands of critters every year but which are now being built to not be able to do that any longer.
Physical means will not stop those that come legally but don't leave.

That's true.

But Trump is far more active in the areas of detection, apprehension, and deportation than any of our past Presidents have been. The problem is while I.C.E. has been successful at picking up and detaining a lot of undesirable illegals there are a couple who have managed to lead relatively respectable, lawful and productive lives, such as the pizza delivery-man with those two charming little daughters. These basically good people have captured the hearts of most Americans and is villainizing Trump's deportation policy. I think the way around this problem is emergency legislation which will make exceptions in the example of illegals who have shown themselves to be unusually excellent candidates for citizenship and grant them application extensions. There are extremely few of these.

As for the rest -- out!
I think the way around this problem is emergency legislation which will make exceptions in the example of illegals who have shown themselves to be unusually excellent candidates for citizenship and grant them application extensions.
I don't. It's a slap in the face of those who played by the rules.

I wouldn't think of walking into another country and just settling down as if I had some right to b there.
Illegals destroy the environment much more than a wall. They use up natural resources, drive down wages, live in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions that cause health problems and usage of limited medical resources that remain unpaid. Etc.
I'm for the wall for humanitarian purpose of stopping those risking their lives and children's lives trekking through the desert along with other positive aspects that it would provide. With 19 million visitors from Mexico each year arriving legally, I'm disappointed we're not hearing what is planned to deal with those overstaying their welcome. Bottom line in my view is that if cost are clearly controlled, I'll settle for a half-ass solution over nothing being done.

Could this not be done in a better manner?

If this wall means people just build tunnels, then it doesn't work.

What works is things that can prevent the tunnels, and you don't need a wall for that.
He said they can detect it and fill them in. After a couple failed attempts at tunneling. They will stop.
I am no illegal hugger, but I keep thinking about Regan begging to tear down walls. Now, wouldn't it be better, and more fitting, if we expected immigrants to be certified (perfectly within the realm of technology) and employers be required to ask for proof of immigration status? Make it Mandatory! Only a idiot, illegals or liberals would oppose that. It would be cost effective, and would address all the issues. A wall? Get rid of that and put that funding into ICE.
Reagan talked about tearing down walls that kept people in, not keeping people out.

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