This is why I carry a gun


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Maybe instead of a camera the reporter should carry a gun. It took the caller three times to get through too 911

Wave after wave of young men surged forward to take turns punching and kicking their victim.

The victim's friend, a young woman, tried to pull him back into his car. Attackers came after her, pulling her hair, punching her head and causing a bloody scratch to the surface of her eye. She called 911. A recording told her all lines were busy. She called again. Busy. On her third try, she got through and, hysterical, could scream only their location.

A beating at Church and Brambleton | |
The officer pointed to public housing in the area and said large groups of teenagers look for trouble on the weekends. "It's what they do," he told Forster.
People feel the need to carry guns (in most cases) because they are SCARED.

People feel the need to carry guns (in most cases) because they are SCARED.


The people who carry are not stupid enough to think like those who don't carry. I have been jumped by more than four people at one time in my younger days I handled the situation, now that I am much older I doubt the outcome would be the same.
Maybe instead of a camera the reporter should carry a gun. It took the caller three times to get through too 911

Wave after wave of young men surged forward to take turns punching and kicking their victim.

The victim's friend, a young woman, tried to pull him back into his car. Attackers came after her, pulling her hair, punching her head and causing a bloody scratch to the surface of her eye. She called 911. A recording told her all lines were busy. She called again. Busy. On her third try, she got through and, hysterical, could scream only their location.

A beating at Church and Brambleton | |
When deady force is necessary, there's no effective substitute for a gun.

Certain people would disarm you and leave you little recourse in such situations - all so they can feel safe in knowing that only criminals have guns.
Maybe instead of a camera the reporter should carry a gun. It took the caller three times to get through too 911

Wave after wave of young men surged forward to take turns punching and kicking their victim.

The victim's friend, a young woman, tried to pull him back into his car. Attackers came after her, pulling her hair, punching her head and causing a bloody scratch to the surface of her eye. She called 911. A recording told her all lines were busy. She called again. Busy. On her third try, she got through and, hysterical, could scream only their location.

A beating at Church and Brambleton | |
When deady force is necessary, there's no effective substitute for a gun.

Certain people would disarm you and leave you little recourse in such situations - all so they can feel safe in knowing that only criminals have guns.
Yep I'm much to old to get in a fight with more than 6 people at one time. I will shoot you if the numbers are higher.
People feel the need to carry guns (in most cases) because they are SCARED.


No, we carry weapons because we wish to be PREPARED. As the old saying goes, "it is far better to have a gun and not need it then to need a gun and not have it."
Maybe instead of a camera the reporter should carry a gun. It took the caller three times to get through too 911

Wave after wave of young men surged forward to take turns punching and kicking their victim.

The victim's friend, a young woman, tried to pull him back into his car. Attackers came after her, pulling her hair, punching her head and causing a bloody scratch to the surface of her eye. She called 911. A recording told her all lines were busy. She called again. Busy. On her third try, she got through and, hysterical, could scream only their location.

A beating at Church and Brambleton | |
When deady force is necessary, there's no effective substitute for a gun.

Certain people would disarm you and leave you little recourse in such situations - all so they can feel safe in knowing that only criminals have guns.
Yep I'm much to old to get in a fight with more than 6 people at one time. I will shoot you if the numbers are higher.
Most anti-gun types do not have the physical, emotional or intellectual means necessary to defend themselves - so, they rely on the state to do it, and thus become depentand on the state for protection.

Quitye natually, these people feel inferior to those that -do- have the physical, emotional and intellectual means necessary to defend themselves; to soothe their wounded egos, they seek to have the state disarm those people so that they too become depentand on the state for protection.

When deady force is necessary, there's no effective substitute for a gun.

Certain people would disarm you and leave you little recourse in such situations - all so they can feel safe in knowing that only criminals have guns.
Yep I'm much to old to get in a fight with more than 6 people at one time. I will shoot you if the numbers are higher.
Most anti-gun types do not have the physical, emotional or intellectual means necessary to defend themselves - so, they rely on the state to do it, and thus become depentand on the state for protection.

Quitye natually, these people feel inferior to those that -do- have the physical, emotional and intellectual means necessary to defend themselves; to soothe their wounded egos, they seek to have the state disarm those people so that they too become depentand on the state for protection.

Thing about the law it's not obligated to protect anyone.
People feel the need to carry guns (in most cases) because they are SCARED.

Isn't fear a natural response to the rampant gun crime in the US and all those whacked-out law abiding citizens jsut waiting for someone to look at them wromg so they can wig out and shoot up a Burger King?

Gioven that, isn't the perceived need to carry a gun justified?

Are you one of those people who want to argue that the threat of guns is so bad that no one should have one, but not so bad that people need them?


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