This is definitely a lawless presidency

On grounds that he won the election.
Nope! An illegal election by a criminal has been exposed.

That one jumped the shark right there.
Anyone on the Right have something intelligent to debate? Lol!

When you have something more intelligent to offer than "illegal election", let us know.
I don't need to. You are not a requirement for something to be true. The evidence speaks for itself. I don't need your approval.

The problem the libs have here is that they don't have the votes to depose President Trump. You need 2/3 of the Senators, and they just don't have them. There is no reason for any of Trump's people to testify. They have their 5th Amendment rights and they just aren't going to do it.

IMHO, the Democrats really need to concentrate on the Senate races next year, and concentrate on getting that 2/3 majority so they can try and dispose of President Trump in 2021

Time to impeach when you have Trump using his own lawyers to instruct Cohen through emails to keep it all under wraps about Trump Tower Moscow. We are way past time that this thug and the rest of his mafia crew needs to be put on ice. Why should Cohen be the only one to fall in this criminal ring who was working for Trump? What a horrible situation we find ourselves with this mobster type president. Unbelievable!
And Republicans couldn't care less that Trump is a lawless president.
I mean seriously, when you read these posts from the Trump cultists on this board, their behavior typed out in words, is more than disturbing. There is a demonic force about trump they just can't let go. All the criminality, the lying, the racism, the misogyny, the hate, really has brought out the worst in human behavior. If Trump were to call on his cultists today and tell them to go out and murder anyone they thought was a liberal, many really would do it. That's how off the grid about human decency they have become. The devil has got them by the balls, and all decent human beings have is their our vote, to repair this insanity.

Time to impeach when you have Trump using his own lawyers to instruct Cohen through emails to keep it all under wraps about Trump Tower Moscow. We are way past time that this thug and the rest of his mafia crew needs to be put on ice. Why should Cohen be the only one to fall in this criminal ring who was working for Trump? What a horrible situation we find ourselves with this mobster type president. Unbelievable!

^^^ Desperate is as desperate does ^^^
And desperate is for those who bring a basket of shit to a real debate. Why did you bring us a basket of shit?

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

But keep up the pathetic work! That's how we'll get Trump 2020!
With his criminal rap sheet, I doubt it. But I do think demonic forces such as Trump cultism will have an effect. A sad reality, but true.

Oh Jeebus, get help.
I am. I'm drumming up votes to rid us of this insanity called Trump cultism.
Nope! An illegal election by a criminal has been exposed.

That one jumped the shark right there.
Anyone on the Right have something intelligent to debate? Lol!

When you have something more intelligent to offer than "illegal election", let us know.
I don't need to. You are not a requirement for something to be true. The evidence speaks for itself. I don't need your approval.

The problem the libs have here is that they don't have the votes to depose President Trump. You need 2/3 of the Senators, and they just don't have them. There is no reason for any of Trump's people to testify. They have their 5th Amendment rights and they just aren't going to do it.

IMHO, the Democrats really need to concentrate on the Senate races next year, and concentrate on getting that 2/3 majority so they can try and dispose of President Trump in 2021

The best thing democrats could do for themselves is to ignore Trump from here until the election, and focus on producing legislation. They, however, are as likely to do that as my rainbow farting unicorn is to take up the banjo.
Nope! An illegal election by a criminal has been exposed.

That one jumped the shark right there.
Anyone on the Right have something intelligent to debate? Lol!

When you have something more intelligent to offer than "illegal election", let us know.
I don't need to. You are not a requirement for something to be true. The evidence speaks for itself. I don't need your approval.

The problem the libs have here is that they don't have the votes to depose President Trump. You need 2/3 of the Senators, and they just don't have them. There is no reason for any of Trump's people to testify. They have their 5th Amendment rights and they just aren't going to do it.

IMHO, the Democrats really need to concentrate on the Senate races next year, and concentrate on getting that 2/3 majority so they can try and dispose of President Trump in 2021
This isn't about elections any more. This is about saving the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, the rule of law. Restoring decency to this country, while Trump tries to tear it down. That's what is at stake. Preserving all of that, and getting rid of a monster. Because the cultists at this point are too far gone. They haven't the senses God gave them to see what they are doing to this country.
^^^ Desperate is as desperate does ^^^
And desperate is for those who bring a basket of shit to a real debate. Why did you bring us a basket of shit?

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

But keep up the pathetic work! That's how we'll get Trump 2020!
With his criminal rap sheet, I doubt it. But I do think demonic forces such as Trump cultism will have an effect. A sad reality, but true.

Oh Jeebus, get help.
I am. I'm drumming up votes to rid us of this insanity called Trump cultism.

Funny how you think that's what you're accomplishing. But keep it up!
I brought up the Clinton's because you're claiming obstruction of justice took place by Trump and I simply showed you what a REAL obstruction of justice looks like! None of that took place by Trump. He didn't destroy evidence. He didn't make deals to get the case dropped. The Clinton's DID just that!
And so did Mueller with all the incidents with McGhan he described. This is obstruction in overdrive right now, and nothing about obstruction was ever found on Clinton. That train has already left. So you can stop making a fool of yourself.

Nothing was ever "found" on Clinton because the FBI Director did something that's almost NEVER done...he came out and declared that Hillary Clinton wasn't guilty of breaking the law because she wasn't "sophisticated" enough to know that she WAS breaking the law! That's something that isn't the FBI's privy. They don't determine guilt. That's left to prosecutors. Yet just days after Loretta Lynch met with Bill Clinton in their secret tarmac get together...James Comey declares that Clinton won't be charged with a crime even though it was OBVIOUS that she'd committed a number of them...and the reason was...that she wasn't "sophisticated" enough to know she was doing wrong! That my a farce! I'm hard pressed to name ANYONE who understands how the game is played in Washington better than Hillary Clinton.
That one jumped the shark right there.
Anyone on the Right have something intelligent to debate? Lol!

When you have something more intelligent to offer than "illegal election", let us know.
I don't need to. You are not a requirement for something to be true. The evidence speaks for itself. I don't need your approval.

The problem the libs have here is that they don't have the votes to depose President Trump. You need 2/3 of the Senators, and they just don't have them. There is no reason for any of Trump's people to testify. They have their 5th Amendment rights and they just aren't going to do it.

IMHO, the Democrats really need to concentrate on the Senate races next year, and concentrate on getting that 2/3 majority so they can try and dispose of President Trump in 2021

The best thing democrats could do for themselves is to ignore Trump from here until the election, and focus on producing legislation. They, however, are as likely to do that as my rainbow farting unicorn is to take up the banjo.
They won't, because it is their Constitutional duty to voters to address the problem today. We are dealing with a cult, and their leader is a wanta be dictator like Putin.
That one jumped the shark right there.
Anyone on the Right have something intelligent to debate? Lol!

When you have something more intelligent to offer than "illegal election", let us know.
I don't need to. You are not a requirement for something to be true. The evidence speaks for itself. I don't need your approval.

The problem the libs have here is that they don't have the votes to depose President Trump. You need 2/3 of the Senators, and they just don't have them. There is no reason for any of Trump's people to testify. They have their 5th Amendment rights and they just aren't going to do it.

IMHO, the Democrats really need to concentrate on the Senate races next year, and concentrate on getting that 2/3 majority so they can try and dispose of President Trump in 2021

The best thing democrats could do for themselves is to ignore Trump from here until the election, and focus on producing legislation. They, however, are as likely to do that as my rainbow farting unicorn is to take up the banjo.

You are undoubtably right.

In 2016, Mrs. Clinton spent a billion dollars on Hate Ads against Donald Trump. But she spent almost no time at all talking about her plans as President, or praise for Obamacare, or the Obama economy or Obama Foreign policy. Nothing, not a syllable of positivity, only negativity.

That doesn't work. OTOH, President Trump talked about returning America to greatness. Quite a diff, positivity contrasted with negative vibes.
And desperate is for those who bring a basket of shit to a real debate. Why did you bring us a basket of shit?

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

But keep up the pathetic work! That's how we'll get Trump 2020!
With his criminal rap sheet, I doubt it. But I do think demonic forces such as Trump cultism will have an effect. A sad reality, but true.

Oh Jeebus, get help.
I am. I'm drumming up votes to rid us of this insanity called Trump cultism.

Funny how you think that's what you're accomplishing. But keep it up!
My accomplishments are pointing out the obvious illegal behavior of this fake president who is trying to tear down our institutions. I will keep it up. My families safety depends on it.
Anyone on the Right have something intelligent to debate? Lol!

When you have something more intelligent to offer than "illegal election", let us know.
I don't need to. You are not a requirement for something to be true. The evidence speaks for itself. I don't need your approval.

The problem the libs have here is that they don't have the votes to depose President Trump. You need 2/3 of the Senators, and they just don't have them. There is no reason for any of Trump's people to testify. They have their 5th Amendment rights and they just aren't going to do it.

IMHO, the Democrats really need to concentrate on the Senate races next year, and concentrate on getting that 2/3 majority so they can try and dispose of President Trump in 2021

The best thing democrats could do for themselves is to ignore Trump from here until the election, and focus on producing legislation. They, however, are as likely to do that as my rainbow farting unicorn is to take up the banjo.

You are undoubtably right.

In 2016, Mrs. Clinton spent a billion dollars on Hate Ads against Donald Trump. But she spent almost no time at all talking about her plans as President, or praise for Obamacare, or the Obama economy or Obama Foreign policy. Nothing, not a syllable of positivity, only negativity.

That doesn't work. OTOH, President Trump talked about returning America to greatness. Quite a diff, positivity contrasted with negative vibes.
He failed miserably by using the office for his own financial wealth, and now he is caught up in the exposure.
That one jumped the shark right there.
Anyone on the Right have something intelligent to debate? Lol!

When you have something more intelligent to offer than "illegal election", let us know.
I don't need to. You are not a requirement for something to be true. The evidence speaks for itself. I don't need your approval.

The problem the libs have here is that they don't have the votes to depose President Trump. You need 2/3 of the Senators, and they just don't have them. There is no reason for any of Trump's people to testify. They have their 5th Amendment rights and they just aren't going to do it.

IMHO, the Democrats really need to concentrate on the Senate races next year, and concentrate on getting that 2/3 majority so they can try and dispose of President Trump in 2021
This isn't about elections any more. This is about saving the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, the rule of law. Restoring decency to this country, while Trump tries to tear it down. That's what is at stake. Preserving all of that, and getting rid of a monster. Because the cultists at this point are too far gone. They haven't the senses God gave them to see what they are doing to this country.

Oh, bullshit! You progressives are willing to scrap the Constitution...the Bill of Rights...the Declaration of Independence and the rule of law if it gets you back in power! You can't stand that Clinton lost a race in which she cheated fellow Democrats...made a mockery of the primary debates...flaunted our campaign finance laws by running a pay for play scheme at the State Department that raked in millions of dollars that she then used to help pay part of the salaries of her election campaign staff...and paid foreign agents to smear her political opponent with a series of phony dossiers!
^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

But keep up the pathetic work! That's how we'll get Trump 2020!
With his criminal rap sheet, I doubt it. But I do think demonic forces such as Trump cultism will have an effect. A sad reality, but true.

Oh Jeebus, get help.
I am. I'm drumming up votes to rid us of this insanity called Trump cultism.

Funny how you think that's what you're accomplishing. But keep it up!
My accomplishes are pointing out the obvious illegal behavior of this fake president who is trying to tear down our institutions. I will keep it up. My families safety depends on it.

How do you plan to pay for your part of the New Green Deal? The price tag is $94 Trillion, and that doesn't include other Democrat Programs like reparations for black people and resolving the problem of bovine flatulence
That one jumped the shark right there.
Anyone on the Right have something intelligent to debate? Lol!

When you have something more intelligent to offer than "illegal election", let us know.
I don't need to. You are not a requirement for something to be true. The evidence speaks for itself. I don't need your approval.

The problem the libs have here is that they don't have the votes to depose President Trump. You need 2/3 of the Senators, and they just don't have them. There is no reason for any of Trump's people to testify. They have their 5th Amendment rights and they just aren't going to do it.

IMHO, the Democrats really need to concentrate on the Senate races next year, and concentrate on getting that 2/3 majority so they can try and dispose of President Trump in 2021
This isn't about elections any more. This is about saving the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, the rule of law. Restoring decency to this country, while Trump tries to tear it down. That's what is at stake. Preserving all of that, and getting rid of a monster. Because the cultists at this point are too far gone. They haven't the senses God gave them to see what they are doing to this country.

And you are symptomatic of why the democrats are incapable of governing. They have an extreme base that demands they remove Trump from office, even though their best shot, in the form of a multi year, multi million dollar investigation, came up short. Instead of taking a step back and preparing to oust the president at the ballot box, the rabid base demands ever more and more extreme measures. They fail to realize their cause was severely damaged by the Mueller report.
When you have something more intelligent to offer than "illegal election", let us know.
I don't need to. You are not a requirement for something to be true. The evidence speaks for itself. I don't need your approval.

The problem the libs have here is that they don't have the votes to depose President Trump. You need 2/3 of the Senators, and they just don't have them. There is no reason for any of Trump's people to testify. They have their 5th Amendment rights and they just aren't going to do it.

IMHO, the Democrats really need to concentrate on the Senate races next year, and concentrate on getting that 2/3 majority so they can try and dispose of President Trump in 2021

The best thing democrats could do for themselves is to ignore Trump from here until the election, and focus on producing legislation. They, however, are as likely to do that as my rainbow farting unicorn is to take up the banjo.

You are undoubtably right.

In 2016, Mrs. Clinton spent a billion dollars on Hate Ads against Donald Trump. But she spent almost no time at all talking about her plans as President, or praise for Obamacare, or the Obama economy or Obama Foreign policy. Nothing, not a syllable of positivity, only negativity.

That doesn't work. OTOH, President Trump talked about returning America to greatness. Quite a diff, positivity contrasted with negative vibes.
He failed miserably by using the office for his own financial wealth, and now he is caught up in the exposure.

You are full of shit on that. Obama and Clinton increased their wealth a hundred fold by being president.

Trump isn't making any more money at all.
Anyone on the Right have something intelligent to debate? Lol!

When you have something more intelligent to offer than "illegal election", let us know.
I don't need to. You are not a requirement for something to be true. The evidence speaks for itself. I don't need your approval.

The problem the libs have here is that they don't have the votes to depose President Trump. You need 2/3 of the Senators, and they just don't have them. There is no reason for any of Trump's people to testify. They have their 5th Amendment rights and they just aren't going to do it.

IMHO, the Democrats really need to concentrate on the Senate races next year, and concentrate on getting that 2/3 majority so they can try and dispose of President Trump in 2021
This isn't about elections any more. This is about saving the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, the rule of law. Restoring decency to this country, while Trump tries to tear it down. That's what is at stake. Preserving all of that, and getting rid of a monster. Because the cultists at this point are too far gone. They haven't the senses God gave them to see what they are doing to this country.

Oh, bullshit! You progressives are willing to scrap the Constitution...the Bill of Rights...the Declaration of Independence and the rule of law if it gets you back in power! You can't stand that Clinton lost a race in which she cheated fellow Democrats...made a mockery of the primary debates...flaunted our campaign finance laws by running a pay for play scheme at the State Department that raked in millions of dollars that she then used to help pay part of the salaries of her election campaign staff...and paid foreign agents to smear her political opponent with a series of phony dossiers!
The only one's standing up for it today are progressives, proving Republicans never did. You don't turn the other way and trash your oath to office by allowing a criminal in the WH to do everything this country says is counter to our beliefs. That's the bull shit you allowed to go on.
Anyone on the Right have something intelligent to debate? Lol!

When you have something more intelligent to offer than "illegal election", let us know.
I don't need to. You are not a requirement for something to be true. The evidence speaks for itself. I don't need your approval.

The problem the libs have here is that they don't have the votes to depose President Trump. You need 2/3 of the Senators, and they just don't have them. There is no reason for any of Trump's people to testify. They have their 5th Amendment rights and they just aren't going to do it.

IMHO, the Democrats really need to concentrate on the Senate races next year, and concentrate on getting that 2/3 majority so they can try and dispose of President Trump in 2021

The best thing democrats could do for themselves is to ignore Trump from here until the election, and focus on producing legislation. They, however, are as likely to do that as my rainbow farting unicorn is to take up the banjo.
They won't, because it is their Constitutional duty to voters to address the problem today. We are dealing with a cult, and their leader is a wanta be dictator like Putin.

^^^ Perfect case in point and why the democrats are incapable of governing. At this point, their base is far too deep in Trump hate mania to do allow them to do their jobs. They should be locked in a room by themselves and fed fake headlines about how important they are until after the election is over, then sent home.
Anyone on the Right have something intelligent to debate? Lol!

When you have something more intelligent to offer than "illegal election", let us know.
I don't need to. You are not a requirement for something to be true. The evidence speaks for itself. I don't need your approval.

The problem the libs have here is that they don't have the votes to depose President Trump. You need 2/3 of the Senators, and they just don't have them. There is no reason for any of Trump's people to testify. They have their 5th Amendment rights and they just aren't going to do it.

IMHO, the Democrats really need to concentrate on the Senate races next year, and concentrate on getting that 2/3 majority so they can try and dispose of President Trump in 2021
This isn't about elections any more. This is about saving the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, the rule of law. Restoring decency to this country, while Trump tries to tear it down. That's what is at stake. Preserving all of that, and getting rid of a monster. Because the cultists at this point are too far gone. They haven't the senses God gave them to see what they are doing to this country.

And you are symptomatic of why the democrats are incapable of governing. They have an extreme base that demands they remove Trump from office, even though their best shot, in the form of a multi year, multi million dollar investigation, came up short. Instead of taking a step back and preparing to oust the president at the ballot box, the rabid base demands ever more and more extreme measures. They fail to realize their cause was severely damaged by the Mueller report.
Except it didn't come up short. Nadler's reading of the report, quoting Mueller gives the Left 100% confidence that this investigation was the right thing to do. The Left accomplished getting to the truth with the Mueller report.
When you have something more intelligent to offer than "illegal election", let us know.
I don't need to. You are not a requirement for something to be true. The evidence speaks for itself. I don't need your approval.

The problem the libs have here is that they don't have the votes to depose President Trump. You need 2/3 of the Senators, and they just don't have them. There is no reason for any of Trump's people to testify. They have their 5th Amendment rights and they just aren't going to do it.

IMHO, the Democrats really need to concentrate on the Senate races next year, and concentrate on getting that 2/3 majority so they can try and dispose of President Trump in 2021
This isn't about elections any more. This is about saving the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, the rule of law. Restoring decency to this country, while Trump tries to tear it down. That's what is at stake. Preserving all of that, and getting rid of a monster. Because the cultists at this point are too far gone. They haven't the senses God gave them to see what they are doing to this country.

Oh, bullshit! You progressives are willing to scrap the Constitution...the Bill of Rights...the Declaration of Independence and the rule of law if it gets you back in power! You can't stand that Clinton lost a race in which she cheated fellow Democrats...made a mockery of the primary debates...flaunted our campaign finance laws by running a pay for play scheme at the State Department that raked in millions of dollars that she then used to help pay part of the salaries of her election campaign staff...and paid foreign agents to smear her political opponent with a series of phony dossiers!
The only one's standing up for it today are progressives, proving Republicans never did. You don't turn the other way and trash your oath to office by allowing a criminal in the WH to do everything this country that is counter to our beliefs. That's the bull shit you allowed to go on.

Ah...there it is...Trump is "counter to our beliefs"! That's what's really got you foaming at the mouth! It's not that Trump has done anything's that he doesn't have the same political VIEWS as you do!
When you have something more intelligent to offer than "illegal election", let us know.
I don't need to. You are not a requirement for something to be true. The evidence speaks for itself. I don't need your approval.

The problem the libs have here is that they don't have the votes to depose President Trump. You need 2/3 of the Senators, and they just don't have them. There is no reason for any of Trump's people to testify. They have their 5th Amendment rights and they just aren't going to do it.

IMHO, the Democrats really need to concentrate on the Senate races next year, and concentrate on getting that 2/3 majority so they can try and dispose of President Trump in 2021
This isn't about elections any more. This is about saving the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, the rule of law. Restoring decency to this country, while Trump tries to tear it down. That's what is at stake. Preserving all of that, and getting rid of a monster. Because the cultists at this point are too far gone. They haven't the senses God gave them to see what they are doing to this country.

And you are symptomatic of why the democrats are incapable of governing. They have an extreme base that demands they remove Trump from office, even though their best shot, in the form of a multi year, multi million dollar investigation, came up short. Instead of taking a step back and preparing to oust the president at the ballot box, the rabid base demands ever more and more extreme measures. They fail to realize their cause was severely damaged by the Mueller report.
Except it didn't come up short. Nadler's reading of the report, quoting Mueller gives the Left 100% confidence that this investigation was the right thing to do. The Left accomplished getting to the truth with the Mueller report.

Yes, the truth that there was no conspiracy between Trump and the Russians. Had the investigation not been done, we would still be hearing from the usual suspects that there was. You know, because they have to time to read stuff the investigators couldn't.

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