This COMPLETE DESTRUCTION of Cain by the MSM will be the new standard we can expect

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
This isn't about guilt or innocence. No proof is truly known beyond he said she said. Many a man were found guilty or innocent with less proof.

This is about the personal destruction of a candidate based merely on the words of a couple people. This destruction is done through beating the drums of a story that offered less proof than the actual words and action of Rev Wright or Aeyrs.

Our media is now officially in charge of who can make a splash in politics and who can't and that's just wrong. Now don't get me wrong I believe that the story was worthy of being reported once or twice but with no new evidence the constant barrage of this story in the media was unethical by journalistic standards. The story was hyped to the point that any person seeking their 15 minutes of fame could now put themselves in the limelight with just the slightest involvement with Cain in the past.

The Duke Lacross team is a perfect example of the power of the media. They had everyone convicting the team by simply pounding the story over and over.

Weather or not you believe Cain was the right man for the job one thing is sure. He is an eligible American that deserved a fair shake in the process. He did not receive that fair shake. Being a journalist used to be a dignified job. Now its about ratings and sales.

Future elections will never be the same.
Can you imagine what its going to be like when he is POTUS?

This kind of garbage journalism is exactly why I wont watch any of them.... including Fox News.
Weather or not you believe Cain was the right man for the job one thing is sure. He is an eligible American that deserved a fair shake in the process. He did not receive that fair shake. Being a journalist used to be a dignified job. Now its about ratings and sales.

Future elections will never be the same.

Death by a thousand cuts.
This is nothing new. And you can thank Fox news. They're leading the charge on this.
This isn't about guilt or innocence. No proof is truly known beyond he said she said. Many a man were found guilty or innocent with less proof.

This is about the personal destruction of a candidate based merely on the words of a couple people. This destruction is done through beating the drums of a story that offered less proof than the actual words and action of Rev Wright or Aeyrs.

Our media is now officially in charge of who can make a splash in politics and who can't and that's just wrong. Now don't get me wrong I believe that the story was worthy of being reported once or twice but with no new evidence the constant barrage of this story in the media was unethical by journalistic standards. The story was hyped to the point that any person seeking their 15 minutes of fame could now put themselves in the limelight with just the slightest involvement with Cain in the past.

The Duke Lacross team is a perfect example of the power of the media. They had everyone convicting the team by simply pounding the story over and over.

Weather or not you believe Cain was the right man for the job one thing is sure. He is an eligible American that deserved a fair shake in the process. He did not receive that fair shake. Being a journalist used to be a dignified job. Now its about ratings and sales.

Future elections will never be the same.
And any wonder why good people will NEVER run for office?

It is bloodsport of destruction.
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yes the MSM made Cain change his story 3-4 times. The MSM, Cain, and the NRA are all in on it together just to punk you.

seriously this is what?, the 4th-5th time you have brought up this argument in a thread?

It seems apparent you don't understand the timeline of what has happened and why.
It seems you never will and no matter how many facts about Cain are thrown in your face, that bubble you enclose yourself in won't pop.

Cain got a fair shake. He had his 1, 2, 3 times to explain himself. He didnt and got caught up in the lie. This is what liars do when caught. They make up more lies, and more lies in order to try to get out of the lie.

This is the first time I've brought up this analysis. If your sensibilities are so tender that my posts bother you I suggest you stop clicking on them. Your constant whining is pathetic.
Every time I watch Chrissy and Sargaent Schultz, I actually feel sorry for the 15 gerbils trapped between the both of them that cannot escape during their news programs.
yes the MSM made Cain change his story 3-4 times. The MSM, Cain, and the NRA are all in on it together just to punk you.

seriously this is what?, the 4th-5th time you have brought up this argument in a thread?

It seems apparent you don't understand the timeline of what has happened and why.
It seems you never will and no matter how many facts about Cain are thrown in your face, that bubble you enclose yourself in won't pop.

Cain got a fair shake. He had his 1, 2, 3 times to explain himself. He didnt and got caught up in the lie. This is what liars do when caught. They make up more lies, and more lies in order to try to get out of the lie.

This is the first time I've brought up this analysis. If your sensibilities are so tender that my posts bother you I suggest you stop clicking on them. Your constant whining is pathetic.
PlasmaBalless has no life. He enjoys being offended.
Our media is now officially in charge of who can make a splash in politics and who can't and that's just wrong. Now don't get me wrong I believe that the story was worthy of being reported once or twice but with no new evidence the constant barrage of this story in the media was unethical by journalistic standards. The story was hyped to the point that any person seeking their 15 minutes of fame could now put themselves in the limelight with just the slightest involvement with Cain in the past.
Sorry Gramps, this just doesn’t hold water.

If Cain were a democrat you’d be bitching there wasn’t enough coverage.

You and no one else on the right has provided any evidence as to bias; the media are a business, all they’re interested in is making money – Cain’s a big seller right now, particularly after today.
yes the MSM made Cain change his story 3-4 times. The MSM, Cain, and the NRA are all in on it together just to punk you.

seriously this is what?, the 4th-5th time you have brought up this argument in a thread?

It seems apparent you don't understand the timeline of what has happened and why.
It seems you never will and no matter how many facts about Cain are thrown in your face, that bubble you enclose yourself in won't pop.

Cain got a fair shake. He had his 1, 2, 3 times to explain himself. He didnt and got caught up in the lie. This is what liars do when caught. They make up more lies, and more lies in order to try to get out of the lie.

This is the first time I've brought up this analysis. If your sensibilities are so tender that my posts bother you I suggest you stop clicking on them. Your constant whining is pathetic.
PlasmaBalless has no life. He enjoys being offended.

ironic considering the whining of republicans in this thead........
Our media is now officially in charge of who can make a splash in politics and who can't and that's just wrong. Now don't get me wrong I believe that the story was worthy of being reported once or twice but with no new evidence the constant barrage of this story in the media was unethical by journalistic standards. The story was hyped to the point that any person seeking their 15 minutes of fame could now put themselves in the limelight with just the slightest involvement with Cain in the past.
Sorry Gramps, this just doesn’t hold water.

If Cain were a democrat you’d be bitching there wasn’t enough coverage.

You and no one else on the right has provided any evidence as to bias; the media are a business, all they’re interested in is making money – Cain’s a big seller right now, particularly after today.

obviously you missed the post where I admitted that Fox did it to Obama.

Guess you just wanted to make a point rather than be correct.
This is nothing new. And you can thank Fox news. They're leading the charge on this.

The attempt is not new. The success is. This will change EVERY future election.

And yes Fox News tried the same thing on Obama but failed.

If I recall... most, if not all of the chargers were true.

And did any of his "followers" listen?

No but that wasn't my point. Fox targeted the voices and opinions of others. Which is fine but to beat the same drum over and over without NEW info is just wrong. Doesn't matter which outlet does it.
This isn't about guilt or innocence. No proof is truly known beyond he said she said. Many a man were found guilty or innocent with less proof.

This is about the personal destruction of a candidate based merely on the words of a couple people. This destruction is done through beating the drums of a story that offered less proof than the actual words and action of Rev Wright or Aeyrs.

Our media is now officially in charge of who can make a splash in politics and who can't and that's just wrong. Now don't get me wrong I believe that the story was worthy of being reported once or twice but with no new evidence the constant barrage of this story in the media was unethical by journalistic standards. The story was hyped to the point that any person seeking their 15 minutes of fame could now put themselves in the limelight with just the slightest involvement with Cain in the past.

The Duke Lacross team is a perfect example of the power of the media. They had everyone convicting the team by simply pounding the story over and over.

Weather or not you believe Cain was the right man for the job one thing is sure. He is an eligible American that deserved a fair shake in the process. He did not receive that fair shake. Being a journalist used to be a dignified job. Now its about ratings and sales.

Future elections will never be the same.

Or you just live a clean life where no one can accuse you of anything. Or we get over this kind of thing and admit it doesn't matter.

Republicans have no room to bitch about this after going after Clinton they way they did, and Democrats have no room to bitch after going after Clarance Thomas the way they did.

Regardless of the details, I think this whole incident shows that Cain is not ready for the job. He had 10 days or 10 years to prepare for this reckoning, and he was caught flatfooted.

Sorry, I want a guy who can think on his feet.

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