There's more of you than there used to be


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
The United States of conspiracy: Why, more and more, Americans cling to crazy theories

First, the medium: Bad information spreads like wildfire across the Internet. That's only made worse when many on the Internet are convinced they can't believe anything they see or hear in the corrupt "mainstream media."

Second, the backdrop. Those who harbor deep mistrust of corporations and billionaires are absolutely certain they are plotting against the rest of us.

Add to that our political divisions. The left is certain of a"vast right-wing conspiracy" - and vice versa.

The Southern Poverty Law Center says that right-wing militias are showing "explosive growth." For the first time in American history, we have more than 1,000 hate groups. Many are "Patriot" outfits that, according to the law center, are "conspiracy-minded organizations, which see the federal government as their primary enemy."

The left has its own paranoid wing, convinced that a few corporations move all the levers. On, one finds articles like "H1N1 'Swine Flu' Virus & Toxic Vaccine Conspiracy" and "Bush's Satanic & Witchcraft Bloodlines." On another website, Communist Bob Avakian calls for revolution by drawing comparisons between Jihad and the "McWorld/McCrusade."

We can hope that the increase in conspiratorial thinking is merely periodic, a reflection of a low national mood that seeks to find solace in shadowy plots. In the meantime, America the conspiratocracy remains a democracy where people get to express wild ideas and opinions without censorship or restraint.
the united states of conspiracy: Why, more and more, americans cling to crazy theories

first, the medium: Bad information spreads like wildfire across the internet. That's only made worse when many on the internet are convinced they can't believe anything they see or hear in the corrupt "mainstream media."

second, the backdrop. Those who harbor deep mistrust of corporations and billionaires are absolutely certain they are plotting against the rest of us.

Add to that our political divisions. The left is certain of a"vast right-wing conspiracy" - and vice versa.

the southern poverty law center says
that right-wing militias are showing "explosive growth." for the first time in american history, we have more than 1,000 hate groups. Many are "patriot" outfits that, according to the law center, are "conspiracy-minded organizations, which see the federal government as their primary enemy."

the left has its own paranoid wing, convinced that a few corporations move all the levers. On, one finds articles like "h1n1 'swine flu' virus & toxic vaccine conspiracy" and "bush's satanic & witchcraft bloodlines." on another website, communist bob avakian calls for revolution by drawing comparisons between jihad and the "mcworld/mccrusade."

we can hope that the increase in conspiratorial thinking is merely periodic, a reflection of a low national mood that seeks to find solace in shadowy plots. In the meantime, america the conspiratocracy remains a democracy where people get to express wild ideas and opinions without censorship or restraint.

The United States of conspiracy: Why, more and more, Americans cling to crazy theories

First, the medium: Bad information spreads like wildfire across the Internet. That's only made worse when many on the Internet are convinced they can't believe anything they see or hear in the corrupt "mainstream media."

Second, the backdrop. Those who harbor deep mistrust of corporations and billionaires are absolutely certain they are plotting against the rest of us.

Add to that our political divisions. The left is certain of a"vast right-wing conspiracy" - and vice versa.

The Southern Poverty Law Center says that right-wing militias are showing "explosive growth." For the first time in American history, we have more than 1,000 hate groups. Many are "Patriot" outfits that, according to the law center, are "conspiracy-minded organizations, which see the federal government as their primary enemy."

The left has its own paranoid wing, convinced that a few corporations move all the levers. On, one finds articles like "H1N1 'Swine Flu' Virus & Toxic Vaccine Conspiracy" and "Bush's Satanic & Witchcraft Bloodlines." On another website, Communist Bob Avakian calls for revolution by drawing comparisons between Jihad and the "McWorld/McCrusade."

We can hope that the increase in conspiratorial thinking is merely periodic, a reflection of a low national mood that seeks to find solace in shadowy plots. In the meantime, America the conspiratocracy remains a democracy where people get to express wild ideas and opinions without censorship or restraint.

In the 1970's a commission investigating the JFK assassination came to the conclusion that there had to be more than one shooter. This than is the very definition of conspiracy, yet to this very day if someone suggest there was more than one shooter they are labeled a conspiracy theorist. We are living in a day when anyone speaks out against our government or contradicts it it anyway they are labeled a nut.

The U.S. Constitutions second amendment give all citizens the right to form militia. The article you have provided is just another attack against the rights that have been given to us all in the Constitution. We must remember that the very foundation of this country came into being through the blood and sacrifice of fighting against an oppressive government, and the second amendment was our founding fathers way of allowing us to do the same.

If are founding fathers were with us today, and went against our current government as it is today, than they would be considered conspiracy theorist. I thought the whole meaning of being American was to hold the Constitution sacred, and to stand up and fight to keep it
intact, and preserve the principles of a free people as set forth by our founding fathers.

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