Theology Of Global Warming Takes A Tumble


Senior Member
Jun 25, 2004
USS Abraham Lincoln
very interesting POV and the developments will continue... seems like the GW conventional wisdom was bogus.,00.html


The Theology of Global Warming

August 8, 2005; Page A10

Almost unnoticed, the theology of global warming has in recent weeks suffered a number of setbacks. In referring to the theology of global warming, one is not focusing on evidence of the earth's warming in recent decades, particularly in the Arctic, but rather on the widespread insistence that such warming is primarily a consequence of man's activities -- and that, if only we collectively had the will, we could alter our behavior and stop the warming of the planet.

It was Michael Crichton who pointed out in his Commonwealth Club lecture some years ago that environmentalism had become the religion of Western elites. Indeed it has. Most notably, the burning of fossil fuels (a concomitant of economic growth and rising living standards) is the secular counterpart of man's Original Sin. If only we would repent and sin no more, mankind's actions could end the threat of further global warming. By implication, the cost, which is never fully examined, is bearable. So far the evidence is not convincing. It is notable that 13 of the 15 older members of the European Union have failed to achieve their quotas under the Kyoto accord -- despite the relatively slow growth of the European economies.

The drumbeat on global warming was intended to reach a crescendo during the run-up to the summit at Gleneagles. Prime Minister Blair has been a leader in the global warming crusade. (Whether his stance reflects simple conviction or the need to propitiate his party's Left after Iraq is unknown.) In the event, for believers, Gleneagles turned out to be a major disappointment.

On the eve of the summit, the Economic Committee of the House of Lords released a report sharply at variance with the prevailing European orthodoxy. Some key points were reported in the Guardian, a London newspaper not hostile to that orthodoxy:
continue article @ LINK
It is interesting to me how complicated humans are.
Whether or not our use of fossil fuel and other human activities are responsible for global warming, the earth is on a warming cycle. It might be wise for us to do what we can to reduce our affect on that cycle, but it seems we arent taking it very seriously, as this article seems to indicate.
sagegirl said:
It is interesting to me how complicated humans are.
Whether or not our use of fossil fuel and other human activities are responsible for global warming, the earth is on a warming cycle. It might be wise for us to do what we can to reduce our affect on that cycle, but it seems we arent taking it very seriously, as this article seems to indicate.

If we can warm up the earth enough maybe a nuclear winter will be easier to survive. :)
The debate continues...

Global Warming Doubt Dispelled? Not Really
By Steven Milloy, Fox News
August 19, 2005

Is the debate now over for skeptics of global warming hysteria? Readers of USA Today may certainly have that impression. “Satellite and weather-balloon research released today removes a last bastion of scientific doubt about global warming, researchers say,” reported USA Today on Aug.12.

Certainly the USA Today report was partially correct – the researchers did, in fact, “say” [read “claim”] that “the last bastion of scientific doubt” had been removed. But claims and reality often don’t match up.

for full article:,2933,166150,00.html
sagegirl said:
It is interesting to me how complicated humans are.
Whether or not our use of fossil fuel and other human activities are responsible for global warming, the earth is on a warming cycle. It might be wise for us to do what we can to reduce our affect on that cycle, but it seems we arent taking it very seriously, as this article seems to indicate.

Yes. Let's all lay down and die. Praise Death. environmentalism==nihilism.

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