The Worm Has Turned


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Since he was made Attorney General of the United States, Jeff Sessions has been the idiot trumpā€™s loyal lap dog.

And though he has been a blind follower to the idiot trump most of the time, he has carefully kept himself a safe distance from the criminal acts being committed by the idiot trump and his corrupt swamp rats.

Sessions first avoided legal problems with his recusal from the Russian inquiry, which permitted the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. (That really pi$$ed off the idiot trump.) Sessions then remained safe by focusing on making life miserable for Central Americans seeking asylum.

However, as special counsel Mueller continues to score convictions on the idiot trumpā€™s cronies, and federal prosecutors in Manhattan also close in on the idiot trump, Sessions has seen the writing on the wall.

Again refusing to act on orders (threats) from the idiot trump to ā€œimpedeā€ the Mueller investigation, Sessions announced, ā€œ ā€˜While I am Attorney General, the actions of the Department of Justice will not be improperly influenced by political considerations.ā€™ ā€

So, the worm has turned, Sessions has now all but abandoned the idiot trump, where he will twist in the wind as the Mueller investigation and the Manhattan federal prosecutors move forward.

And even more trouble for the idiot trump is brewing on the horizon, state courts have joined the charge. This has the potential to become a massive problem for the idiot trump, as he has absolutely NO power to influence the state court procedures, OR, nullify the convictions.

Of all the idiot trumpā€™s corrupt swamp rats, Sessions carefully kept himself above the fray, so he will be alone on the dock, waving to the idiot trump and his fellow convicts as the boat pushes off, hauling them up the river.

The idiot trump's cultists' alternative reality matches that of their orange-hued hero, and their responses to this OP will reflect this. So, any reply to their foolishness is a waste of time.

Sessions Fires Back After Trump Attack, Says DOJ 'Will Not Be Improperly Influenced'



Number of dead Trump associates.....0
Number of dead Clinton 58....

Anyone with 2 firing synapses can surmise why neither Clinton is in jail! one left to give immunity to!!!!!


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