the world we live in

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

Separation is a good thing, it leads to diverse, and unique peoples, the opposite leads to in the beginning stages conflict, and turmoil, and eventually extinction of diverse, and unique peoples.
The extinction of diverse and unique people is the fascist agenda.

So tell me...why do I live in the most diverse county in America yet it's run by Republicans/Conservatives?
I do think for myself, explain who's telling you Fascism is wrong, who is it?

1.) The establishment.

2.) The anti-establishment.

The correct answer is the establishment is telling you Fascism is wrong.

Who else could possibly be telling you since WW2, constantly kicking, and screaming Fascism is wrong with the World, but the establishment?

These ideals you tout of are the ideas of the establishment.

Furthermore, no Fascism didn't kill more than Communism, or Capitalism, so why is it so hated?

Yes, I do believe Fascism is hated because it's the antithesis of Globalism, and the elites are Globalists seeking for a one World government, one World religion ( Atheism) and a one World heritage ( Mixed)

This just makes the masses easier to control, and easier to extract profits off of.
You will gladly follow orders of the establishment to prevent those you call scum as having the rights and liberty you enjoy in
Hudson Valley

The establishment has spread out Global companies in the name of "Liberty" and expanded labor, and immigration in the name of "Liberty"

They want us to lose what is Human about us, our heritage, and turn us into something robotic to serve them.

As for what I support, I'd support cracking down on hiring those who hire illegals.
Why doesn't the establishment do this?
Maybe because this is part of their globalist plot?
We are a nation of immigrants. You want to cherry-pick who belongs here and who doesn't. Again, we already covered that so stop repeating yourself. This thread is about the nature of the cycle. You are once again on the wrong side of history and are going up against those who have the numbers and momentum to change the corrupt world we live in.

Join us or lose the war, again.
In what way do you hope to change the corrupt world we live in? What do you believe is the corrupting influence?
Money is the corrupting influence. All of our institutions are bought and paid for by special interests. We have perpetual war and countless bailouts. Anything can cause a panic on Wall Street to cause a 1929 type crash with a result of 30% + unemployment and worldwide food riots.

We are already in need of a federal jobs program and a new New Deal but we are facing militarized police who want maga.

So you cant make a buck because you're a moron.
What's worse? Criminals making all the money, or, big business?
Big business is a tax collector for the criminals. A genius scam to fund for-profit wars.

So when a corporation builds a product that I like, and I trade them an amount of money that I'm willing to part with in exchange for said product, I've actually had my money taken from me by force? Voluntary trade is theft? Lol.
Hold my hand and I'll try to walk you through this. Corporations no longer pay taxes but instead force labor to pay a tax on their earnings. That is not the intent of taxation of profit. Labor is earned so what the crooks are doing is getting big business to collect a tax on labor in exchange for tax exemption on their profits.
What's worse? Criminals making all the money, or, big business?
Big business is a tax collector for the criminals. A genius scam to fund for-profit wars.

So when a corporation builds a product that I like, and I trade them an amount of money that I'm willing to part with in exchange for said product, I've actually had my money taken from me by force? Voluntary trade is theft? Lol.
Hold my hand and I'll try to walk you through this. Corporations no longer pay taxes but instead force labor to pay a tax on their earnings. That is not the intent of taxation of profit. Labor is earned so what the crooks are doing is getting big business to collect a tax on labor in exchange for tax exemption on their profits.

Stop jacking up corporate taxes and regulations and they wont need to pass the expense on to consumers.
You will gladly follow orders of the establishment to prevent those you call scum as having the rights and liberty you enjoy in
Hudson Valley

The establishment has spread out Global companies in the name of "Liberty" and expanded labor, and immigration in the name of "Liberty"

They want us to lose what is Human about us, our heritage, and turn us into something robotic to serve them.

As for what I support, I'd support cracking down on hiring those who hire illegals.
Why doesn't the establishment do this?
Maybe because this is part of their globalist plot?
We are a nation of immigrants. You want to cherry-pick who belongs here and who doesn't. Again, we already covered that so stop repeating yourself. This thread is about the nature of the cycle. You are once again on the wrong side of history and are going up against those who have the numbers and momentum to change the corrupt world we live in.

Join us or lose the war, again.
In what way do you hope to change the corrupt world we live in? What do you believe is the corrupting influence?
Money is the corrupting influence. All of our institutions are bought and paid for by special interests. We have perpetual war and countless bailouts. Anything can cause a panic on Wall Street to cause a 1929 type crash with a result of 30% + unemployment and worldwide food riots.

We are already in need of a federal jobs program and a new New Deal but we are facing militarized police who want maga.

So you cant make a buck because you're a moron.
You can't have an adult conversation because you are retarded.
What's worse? Criminals making all the money, or, big business?
Big business is a tax collector for the criminals. A genius scam to fund for-profit wars.

So when a corporation builds a product that I like, and I trade them an amount of money that I'm willing to part with in exchange for said product, I've actually had my money taken from me by force? Voluntary trade is theft? Lol.
Hold my hand and I'll try to walk you through this. Corporations no longer pay taxes but instead force labor to pay a tax on their earnings. That is not the intent of taxation of profit. Labor is earned so what the crooks are doing is getting big business to collect a tax on labor in exchange for tax exemption on their profits.

Are you in the average range of age for antifa?
The establishment has spread out Global companies in the name of "Liberty" and expanded labor, and immigration in the name of "Liberty"

They want us to lose what is Human about us, our heritage, and turn us into something robotic to serve them.

As for what I support, I'd support cracking down on hiring those who hire illegals.
Why doesn't the establishment do this?
Maybe because this is part of their globalist plot?
We are a nation of immigrants. You want to cherry-pick who belongs here and who doesn't. Again, we already covered that so stop repeating yourself. This thread is about the nature of the cycle. You are once again on the wrong side of history and are going up against those who have the numbers and momentum to change the corrupt world we live in.

Join us or lose the war, again.
In what way do you hope to change the corrupt world we live in? What do you believe is the corrupting influence?
Money is the corrupting influence. All of our institutions are bought and paid for by special interests. We have perpetual war and countless bailouts. Anything can cause a panic on Wall Street to cause a 1929 type crash with a result of 30% + unemployment and worldwide food riots.

We are already in need of a federal jobs program and a new New Deal but we are facing militarized police who want maga.

So you cant make a buck because you're a moron.
You can't have an adult conversation because you are retarded.

I'm the antifa dream member if I was senseless.
The wife and I without a a degree between us have succeeded far beyond the American dream.
Whats your excuse Jr.?
What's worse? Criminals making all the money, or, big business?
Big business is a tax collector for the criminals. A genius scam to fund for-profit wars.

So when a corporation builds a product that I like, and I trade them an amount of money that I'm willing to part with in exchange for said product, I've actually had my money taken from me by force? Voluntary trade is theft? Lol.
Hold my hand and I'll try to walk you through this. Corporations no longer pay taxes but instead force labor to pay a tax on their earnings. That is not the intent of taxation of profit. Labor is earned so what the crooks are doing is getting big business to collect a tax on labor in exchange for tax exemption on their profits.

Well, corporations definitely need to be regulated, they like passing on their jobs to foreigners, be it Mexicans here, or Chinese abroad, they also like passing on the taxes of illegal immigrants onto the masses, then there they go paying real Americans part time jobs, so they don't get benefits, and then once again they like passing on the tax burden of lack of healthcare, and lack of wages onto the tax payer.

I really don't know how people insist that Capitalism is the most patriotic, or Conservative system, if anything it's far from it, even much the opposite of patriotic, and Conservative values.
The establishment has spread out Global companies in the name of "Liberty" and expanded labor, and immigration in the name of "Liberty"

They want us to lose what is Human about us, our heritage, and turn us into something robotic to serve them.

As for what I support, I'd support cracking down on hiring those who hire illegals.
Why doesn't the establishment do this?
Maybe because this is part of their globalist plot?
We are a nation of immigrants. You want to cherry-pick who belongs here and who doesn't. Again, we already covered that so stop repeating yourself. This thread is about the nature of the cycle. You are once again on the wrong side of history and are going up against those who have the numbers and momentum to change the corrupt world we live in.

Join us or lose the war, again.
In what way do you hope to change the corrupt world we live in? What do you believe is the corrupting influence?
Money is the corrupting influence. All of our institutions are bought and paid for by special interests. We have perpetual war and countless bailouts. Anything can cause a panic on Wall Street to cause a 1929 type crash with a result of 30% + unemployment and worldwide food riots.

We are already in need of a federal jobs program and a new New Deal but we are facing militarized police who want maga.

So you cant make a buck because you're a moron.
You can't have an adult conversation because you are retarded.

You're not adult enough to prosper in America. It requires hard work and dedication.
Your demands are childish and reveal your lack of determination.
Money is the corrupting influence. All of our institutions are bought and paid for by special interests. We have perpetual war and countless bailouts. Anything can cause a panic on Wall Street to cause a 1929 type crash with a result of 30% + unemployment and worldwide food riots.

We are already in need of a federal jobs program and a new New Deal but we are facing militarized police who want maga.
You expect to overcome the corrupting influence by using government to redistribute the wealth? That is a failed strategy. We are witnessing the failures first hand. Besides, it is in essence........ fascist. :rolleyes-41:

Surprising post coming from someone with an avatar like that. I would figure you support the rising up of the workers to seize the means of production! All that excess labor value going to the Proletariat!
I do believe in reorganizing the means of production. However, redistribution schemes are antithetical to that belief. They are designed to prop up the capitalist method of production.

That is how the fascists came to power in Europe and why we got the New Deal. To save capitalism.
Corporations have been redistributing the wealth upward since the dawn of civilization. Wall Street recently stole $13 trillion out of the economy with zero prosecutions.

Why is Wall Street allowed to keep their stolen wealth?

Well, as a Fascist I believe in the Council system, where in theory elected Council members would help manage Corporations between all 3 parties the workers, the owners, and the state.

It's actually a great idea, and can be expanded to Hollywood, and media too.

That's why the elite hate Fascism so much, it puts them on a short-leash.

Furthermore, Fascists wouldn't tolerate all the outsourcing jobs to China, or insourcing workers from Mexico.

Why does everyone hate Fascism so much, sounds like a good compromise, but then again people have become so nutty, and illogical these days.
Everyone hates fascism because we know you kids are afraid of the world we live in and need a safespace to a world you want to live in.
You expect to overcome the corrupting influence by using government to redistribute the wealth? That is a failed strategy. We are witnessing the failures first hand. Besides, it is in essence........ fascist. :rolleyes-41:

Surprising post coming from someone with an avatar like that. I would figure you support the rising up of the workers to seize the means of production! All that excess labor value going to the Proletariat!
I do believe in reorganizing the means of production. However, redistribution schemes are antithetical to that belief. They are designed to prop up the capitalist method of production.

That is how the fascists came to power in Europe and why we got the New Deal. To save capitalism.
Corporations have been redistributing the wealth upward since the dawn of civilization. Wall Street recently stole $13 trillion out of the economy with zero prosecutions.

Why is Wall Street allowed to keep their stolen wealth?

Well, as a Fascist I believe in the Council system, where in theory elected Council members would help manage Corporations between all 3 parties the workers, the owners, and the state.

It's actually a great idea, and can be expanded to Hollywood, and media too.

That's why the elite hate Fascism so much, it puts them on a short-leash.

Furthermore, Fascists wouldn't tolerate all the outsourcing jobs to China, or insourcing workers from Mexico.

Why does everyone hate Fascism so much, sounds like a good compromise, but then again people have become so nutty, and illogical these days.
Everyone hates fascism because we know you kids are afraid of the world we live in and need a safespace to a world you want to live in.

Everybody hates Fascism, because a bunch of elite Jews, and Brits kicked, and screamed about it, and made sure it was erased from the future, because they feared it would be a real threat.

I mean look at British Freemason Churchill, he did declare war on Nazis for invading Poland, but he didn't declare war on Soviets for also invading Poland.
then ended up taking out Mussolini before Hitler.

To me his goal was to stomp out Fascism, not to stop brutality, or save Poland, or anything else.

Especially not when he sold out Poland to the Soviets.

Especially not when he killed many Indians in the Bengali Famine of 1943, or killed many civilians in Dresden firebombing.

The fact of the matter, is the Allies were every bit as brutal, the only difference is the Allies are still brutal, and yet there you go kicking, and screaming about the almost non-existent Fascist.
You expect to overcome the corrupting influence by using government to redistribute the wealth? That is a failed strategy. We are witnessing the failures first hand. Besides, it is in essence........ fascist. :rolleyes-41:

Surprising post coming from someone with an avatar like that. I would figure you support the rising up of the workers to seize the means of production! All that excess labor value going to the Proletariat!
I do believe in reorganizing the means of production. However, redistribution schemes are antithetical to that belief. They are designed to prop up the capitalist method of production.

That is how the fascists came to power in Europe and why we got the New Deal. To save capitalism.
Corporations have been redistributing the wealth upward since the dawn of civilization. Wall Street recently stole $13 trillion out of the economy with zero prosecutions.

Why is Wall Street allowed to keep their stolen wealth?

Well, as a Fascist I believe in the Council system, where in theory elected Council members would help manage Corporations between all 3 parties the workers, the owners, and the state.

It's actually a great idea, and can be expanded to Hollywood, and media too.

That's why the elite hate Fascism so much, it puts them on a short-leash.

Furthermore, Fascists wouldn't tolerate all the outsourcing jobs to China, or insourcing workers from Mexico.

Why does everyone hate Fascism so much, sounds like a good compromise, but then again people have become so nutty, and illogical these days.
Everyone hates fascism because we know you kids are afraid of the world we live in and need a safespace to a world you want to live in.

You're a fuken clown.
Afraid of the world we live in? The wife and I took that world by storm through hard work and dedication.
Neither of us has a college degree yet we sit at the top end of 5% wage earners.
You stupid fucks are just a bunch of lazy assholes who feel entitled to a living.
Surprising post coming from someone with an avatar like that. I would figure you support the rising up of the workers to seize the means of production! All that excess labor value going to the Proletariat!
I do believe in reorganizing the means of production. However, redistribution schemes are antithetical to that belief. They are designed to prop up the capitalist method of production.

That is how the fascists came to power in Europe and why we got the New Deal. To save capitalism.
Corporations have been redistributing the wealth upward since the dawn of civilization. Wall Street recently stole $13 trillion out of the economy with zero prosecutions.

Why is Wall Street allowed to keep their stolen wealth?

Well, as a Fascist I believe in the Council system, where in theory elected Council members would help manage Corporations between all 3 parties the workers, the owners, and the state.

It's actually a great idea, and can be expanded to Hollywood, and media too.

That's why the elite hate Fascism so much, it puts them on a short-leash.

Furthermore, Fascists wouldn't tolerate all the outsourcing jobs to China, or insourcing workers from Mexico.

Why does everyone hate Fascism so much, sounds like a good compromise, but then again people have become so nutty, and illogical these days.
Everyone hates fascism because we know you kids are afraid of the world we live in and need a safespace to a world you want to live in.

Everybody hates Fascism, because a bunch of elite Jews, and Brits kicked, and screamed about it, and made sure it was erased from the future, because they feared it would be a real threat.

I mean look at British Freemason Churchill, he did declare war on Nazis for invading Poland, but he didn't declare war on Soviets for also invading Poland.
then ended up taking out Mussolini before Hitler.

To me his goal was to stomp out Fascism, not to stop brutality, or save Poland, or anything else.

Especially not when he sold out Poland to the Soviets.

Especially not when he killed many Indians in the Bengali Famine of 1943, or killed many civilians in Dresden firebombing.

The fact of the matter, is the Allies were every bit as brutal, the only difference is the Allies are still brutal, and yet there you go kicking, and screaming about the almost non-existent Fascist.
Dude, you keep proving your need to follow orders with every post. You want to join the resistance to quash fascism but you are afraid of what your friends will think.
I do believe in reorganizing the means of production. However, redistribution schemes are antithetical to that belief. They are designed to prop up the capitalist method of production.

That is how the fascists came to power in Europe and why we got the New Deal. To save capitalism.
Corporations have been redistributing the wealth upward since the dawn of civilization. Wall Street recently stole $13 trillion out of the economy with zero prosecutions.

Why is Wall Street allowed to keep their stolen wealth?

Well, as a Fascist I believe in the Council system, where in theory elected Council members would help manage Corporations between all 3 parties the workers, the owners, and the state.

It's actually a great idea, and can be expanded to Hollywood, and media too.

That's why the elite hate Fascism so much, it puts them on a short-leash.

Furthermore, Fascists wouldn't tolerate all the outsourcing jobs to China, or insourcing workers from Mexico.

Why does everyone hate Fascism so much, sounds like a good compromise, but then again people have become so nutty, and illogical these days.
Everyone hates fascism because we know you kids are afraid of the world we live in and need a safespace to a world you want to live in.

Everybody hates Fascism, because a bunch of elite Jews, and Brits kicked, and screamed about it, and made sure it was erased from the future, because they feared it would be a real threat.

I mean look at British Freemason Churchill, he did declare war on Nazis for invading Poland, but he didn't declare war on Soviets for also invading Poland.
then ended up taking out Mussolini before Hitler.

To me his goal was to stomp out Fascism, not to stop brutality, or save Poland, or anything else.

Especially not when he sold out Poland to the Soviets.

Especially not when he killed many Indians in the Bengali Famine of 1943, or killed many civilians in Dresden firebombing.

The fact of the matter, is the Allies were every bit as brutal, the only difference is the Allies are still brutal, and yet there you go kicking, and screaming about the almost non-existent Fascist.
Dude, you keep proving your need to follow orders with every post. You want to join the resistance to quash fascism but you are afraid of what your friends will think.

No.....we recognize fascism for what it is. And you're it.
I do believe in reorganizing the means of production. However, redistribution schemes are antithetical to that belief. They are designed to prop up the capitalist method of production.

That is how the fascists came to power in Europe and why we got the New Deal. To save capitalism.
Corporations have been redistributing the wealth upward since the dawn of civilization. Wall Street recently stole $13 trillion out of the economy with zero prosecutions.

Why is Wall Street allowed to keep their stolen wealth?

Well, as a Fascist I believe in the Council system, where in theory elected Council members would help manage Corporations between all 3 parties the workers, the owners, and the state.

It's actually a great idea, and can be expanded to Hollywood, and media too.

That's why the elite hate Fascism so much, it puts them on a short-leash.

Furthermore, Fascists wouldn't tolerate all the outsourcing jobs to China, or insourcing workers from Mexico.

Why does everyone hate Fascism so much, sounds like a good compromise, but then again people have become so nutty, and illogical these days.
Everyone hates fascism because we know you kids are afraid of the world we live in and need a safespace to a world you want to live in.

Everybody hates Fascism, because a bunch of elite Jews, and Brits kicked, and screamed about it, and made sure it was erased from the future, because they feared it would be a real threat.

I mean look at British Freemason Churchill, he did declare war on Nazis for invading Poland, but he didn't declare war on Soviets for also invading Poland.
then ended up taking out Mussolini before Hitler.

To me his goal was to stomp out Fascism, not to stop brutality, or save Poland, or anything else.

Especially not when he sold out Poland to the Soviets.

Especially not when he killed many Indians in the Bengali Famine of 1943, or killed many civilians in Dresden firebombing.

The fact of the matter, is the Allies were every bit as brutal, the only difference is the Allies are still brutal, and yet there you go kicking, and screaming about the almost non-existent Fascist.
Dude, you keep proving your need to follow orders with every post. You want to join the resistance to quash fascism but you are afraid of what your friends will think.

Nonsense, I want to squash Communism, and Capitalism.
Corporations have been redistributing the wealth upward since the dawn of civilization. Wall Street recently stole $13 trillion out of the economy with zero prosecutions.

Why is Wall Street allowed to keep their stolen wealth?

Well, as a Fascist I believe in the Council system, where in theory elected Council members would help manage Corporations between all 3 parties the workers, the owners, and the state.

It's actually a great idea, and can be expanded to Hollywood, and media too.

That's why the elite hate Fascism so much, it puts them on a short-leash.

Furthermore, Fascists wouldn't tolerate all the outsourcing jobs to China, or insourcing workers from Mexico.

Why does everyone hate Fascism so much, sounds like a good compromise, but then again people have become so nutty, and illogical these days.
Everyone hates fascism because we know you kids are afraid of the world we live in and need a safespace to a world you want to live in.

Everybody hates Fascism, because a bunch of elite Jews, and Brits kicked, and screamed about it, and made sure it was erased from the future, because they feared it would be a real threat.

I mean look at British Freemason Churchill, he did declare war on Nazis for invading Poland, but he didn't declare war on Soviets for also invading Poland.
then ended up taking out Mussolini before Hitler.

To me his goal was to stomp out Fascism, not to stop brutality, or save Poland, or anything else.

Especially not when he sold out Poland to the Soviets.

Especially not when he killed many Indians in the Bengali Famine of 1943, or killed many civilians in Dresden firebombing.

The fact of the matter, is the Allies were every bit as brutal, the only difference is the Allies are still brutal, and yet there you go kicking, and screaming about the almost non-existent Fascist.
Dude, you keep proving your need to follow orders with every post. You want to join the resistance to quash fascism but you are afraid of what your friends will think.

Nonsense, I want to squash Communism, and Capitalism.
Please explain how fascism can squash any form of corrupt government by making the people your enemy.
Corporations have been redistributing the wealth upward since the dawn of civilization. Wall Street recently stole $13 trillion out of the economy with zero prosecutions.

Why is Wall Street allowed to keep their stolen wealth?

Well, as a Fascist I believe in the Council system, where in theory elected Council members would help manage Corporations between all 3 parties the workers, the owners, and the state.

It's actually a great idea, and can be expanded to Hollywood, and media too.

That's why the elite hate Fascism so much, it puts them on a short-leash.

Furthermore, Fascists wouldn't tolerate all the outsourcing jobs to China, or insourcing workers from Mexico.

Why does everyone hate Fascism so much, sounds like a good compromise, but then again people have become so nutty, and illogical these days.
Everyone hates fascism because we know you kids are afraid of the world we live in and need a safespace to a world you want to live in.

Everybody hates Fascism, because a bunch of elite Jews, and Brits kicked, and screamed about it, and made sure it was erased from the future, because they feared it would be a real threat.

I mean look at British Freemason Churchill, he did declare war on Nazis for invading Poland, but he didn't declare war on Soviets for also invading Poland.
then ended up taking out Mussolini before Hitler.

To me his goal was to stomp out Fascism, not to stop brutality, or save Poland, or anything else.

Especially not when he sold out Poland to the Soviets.

Especially not when he killed many Indians in the Bengali Famine of 1943, or killed many civilians in Dresden firebombing.

The fact of the matter, is the Allies were every bit as brutal, the only difference is the Allies are still brutal, and yet there you go kicking, and screaming about the almost non-existent Fascist.
Dude, you keep proving your need to follow orders with every post. You want to join the resistance to quash fascism but you are afraid of what your friends will think.

Nonsense, I want to squash Communism, and Capitalism.

Capitalism is fantastic for those with ambition.
Not sure why you'd want to quash it,those same ambitious people create jobs or contribute to the tax base in ways that no other class comes close.
Well, as a Fascist I believe in the Council system, where in theory elected Council members would help manage Corporations between all 3 parties the workers, the owners, and the state.

It's actually a great idea, and can be expanded to Hollywood, and media too.

That's why the elite hate Fascism so much, it puts them on a short-leash.

Furthermore, Fascists wouldn't tolerate all the outsourcing jobs to China, or insourcing workers from Mexico.

Why does everyone hate Fascism so much, sounds like a good compromise, but then again people have become so nutty, and illogical these days.
Everyone hates fascism because we know you kids are afraid of the world we live in and need a safespace to a world you want to live in.

Everybody hates Fascism, because a bunch of elite Jews, and Brits kicked, and screamed about it, and made sure it was erased from the future, because they feared it would be a real threat.

I mean look at British Freemason Churchill, he did declare war on Nazis for invading Poland, but he didn't declare war on Soviets for also invading Poland.
then ended up taking out Mussolini before Hitler.

To me his goal was to stomp out Fascism, not to stop brutality, or save Poland, or anything else.

Especially not when he sold out Poland to the Soviets.

Especially not when he killed many Indians in the Bengali Famine of 1943, or killed many civilians in Dresden firebombing.

The fact of the matter, is the Allies were every bit as brutal, the only difference is the Allies are still brutal, and yet there you go kicking, and screaming about the almost non-existent Fascist.
Dude, you keep proving your need to follow orders with every post. You want to join the resistance to quash fascism but you are afraid of what your friends will think.

Nonsense, I want to squash Communism, and Capitalism.

Capitalism is fantastic for those with ambition.
Not sure why you'd want to quash it,those same ambitious people create jobs or contribute to the tax base in ways that no other class comes close.

Capitalism is what we have, a lot of jobs going to foreigners be it by importing illegals from Mexico, or exporting jobs to China, all to maximize profit for the elite at our expense.

Not only is this bringing down the tax base, undermining our wages, and cutting Americans out of jobs, it's become an outright threat to National security, as a rather hostile China is built up much more powerful, and a rather hostile Mexican fifth column is built up within the U.S.A.

This is not to our benefit, this is to the benefits to the elites, only to get maximum profits at the whims of the masses, and not caring about this nation what so ever.

Furthermore, Capitalism also means Hollywood, media, and colleges all brainwashing the masses into a Liberal stupor.

It's completely grotesque.

Capitalism is what's leading us to our demise.

If only someone had the balls way back to stand up to these scumbags, but now they think they are almighty.
Well, as a Fascist I believe in the Council system, where in theory elected Council members would help manage Corporations between all 3 parties the workers, the owners, and the state.

It's actually a great idea, and can be expanded to Hollywood, and media too.

That's why the elite hate Fascism so much, it puts them on a short-leash.

Furthermore, Fascists wouldn't tolerate all the outsourcing jobs to China, or insourcing workers from Mexico.

Why does everyone hate Fascism so much, sounds like a good compromise, but then again people have become so nutty, and illogical these days.
Everyone hates fascism because we know you kids are afraid of the world we live in and need a safespace to a world you want to live in.

Everybody hates Fascism, because a bunch of elite Jews, and Brits kicked, and screamed about it, and made sure it was erased from the future, because they feared it would be a real threat.

I mean look at British Freemason Churchill, he did declare war on Nazis for invading Poland, but he didn't declare war on Soviets for also invading Poland.
then ended up taking out Mussolini before Hitler.

To me his goal was to stomp out Fascism, not to stop brutality, or save Poland, or anything else.

Especially not when he sold out Poland to the Soviets.

Especially not when he killed many Indians in the Bengali Famine of 1943, or killed many civilians in Dresden firebombing.

The fact of the matter, is the Allies were every bit as brutal, the only difference is the Allies are still brutal, and yet there you go kicking, and screaming about the almost non-existent Fascist.
Dude, you keep proving your need to follow orders with every post. You want to join the resistance to quash fascism but you are afraid of what your friends will think.

Nonsense, I want to squash Communism, and Capitalism.
Please explain how fascism can squash any form of corrupt government by making the people your enemy.

Fascism was made the enemy by even more murderous Communists, and Capitalists.

Fascism probably killed nearly 30 million, the Communists killed near 100 million, as have the Capitalists also killed near 100 million.

I don't know why they kicked, and screamed Fascism as the "Monster"

How is that true??
Obviously the elite hates Fascism, which means that we should be Fascists.

Indeed, Fascism is the opposite of Globalism, with a closed circuit autarky economy that is self sustained, furthermore it is Nationalist, and puts heritage first, and is anti-Immigration.

This is all anti-Globalist, and the elite is Globalist.

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