The "Weinerdog" is oficially a crackpot..

For you specifically? No. It's not worth the effort.

You lack the cognitive skills. I've been down this road before with you..and you have rote answers for any point.

That's what I thought. Stupid fucks like you are all talk and no action or as we say in Texas "all hat and no cattle".

I'm glad you remembered the last time you got pwned debating me and I don't blame you at all for conceding.

Your concession is duly noted.

Go fuck yourself you whiny little maggot. You "t'aint" worth the effort to swat.

Now that we've gotten over bein' all polite and all...

Calm down Nancy, it's not my fault you're too afraid to engage me in a debate. I mean hell after the last embarrassing ass whooping you got, you have every right to be afraid.

But if you happen to change your mind, which I'm sure you won't, I'll be back tomorrow.

What "false" information?

There's been some clear violations of ethical code in the SCOTUS recently..particularly by Scalia. And there are several cases coming up that both Thomas and Scalia have clear conflict of interest issues.
They should voluntarily recuse themselves...but it seems they have no intention of doing so. That leave it up to Congress to get involved..unfortunately.

Can you give specifics?

For you specifically? No. It's not worth the effort.

You lack the cognitive skills. I've been down this road before with you..and you have rote answers for any point.

don't tell me... now you're an expert on the fuckin' supreme court too ? shallow why can't you ever admit getting trounced ?
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That's what I thought. Stupid fucks like you are all talk and no action or as we say in Texas "all hat and no cattle".

I'm glad you remembered the last time you got pwned debating me and I don't blame you at all for conceding.

Your concession is duly noted.

Go fuck yourself you whiny little maggot. You "t'aint" worth the effort to swat.

Now that we've gotten over bein' all polite and all...

Calm down Nancy, it's not my fault you're too afraid to engage me in a debate. I mean hell after the last embarrassing ass whooping you got, you have every right to be afraid.

But if you happen to change your mind, which I'm sure you won't, I'll be back tomorrow.


Still a whiny little maggot..I see. sort remind me of the guy that gets a beat down..stands up toothless and battered..with both eyes black..and says, "See? I told ya I could kick your ass!"

Best just to stay down Luke. But if you want another mental ass beating..I will be more then happy to oblige.
Can you give specifics?

For you specifically? No. It's not worth the effort.

You lack the cognitive skills. I've been down this road before with you..and you have rote answers for any point.

don't tell me... now you're an expert on the fuckin' supreme court too ? shallow why can't you ever admit getting trounced ?

Don't me you are an expert on the Supreme Court..

Washingmachine..I don't ever get "trounced"..
For you specifically? No. It's not worth the effort.

You lack the cognitive skills. I've been down this road before with you..and you have rote answers for any point.

don't tell me... now you're an expert on the fuckin' supreme court too ? shallow why can't you ever admit getting trounced ?

Don't me you are an expert on the Supreme Court..

Washingmachine..I don't ever get "trounced"..

if you think so... i'm not sure what that means... but, if you think so, that's what's important to you. i'm not, you do.
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and samson's avatar is way scarier than yours...
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At least you folks don't have the shame as I do.....He's my Congressman...I have no idea why I share this
information other then the fact that I might be trying to unburden my heavy soul.Living in NY I am totally
up to my ARSE in Democrats....
At least you folks don't have the shame as I do.....He's my Congressman...I have no idea why I share this
information other then the fact that I might be trying to unburden my heavy soul.Living in NY I am totally
up to my ARSE in Democrats....

You could move to Jersey. It's chock full of leeches that work in NYC.
At least you folks don't have the shame as I do.....He's my Congressman...I have no idea why I share this
information other then the fact that I might be trying to unburden my heavy soul.Living in NY I am totally
up to my ARSE in Democrats....

i would trade you straight up weiner for pat leahy, i know he's a senator, but what the heck
Michelle Bachman and Sean Hannity drove him right over the cliff tonight. It was hilarious.
coming up for reelection every two years isn't easy for an american politician.
here is weiner trying to score some cheap points, loser.
another back door to keeping obamercair.

Anthony Weiner - Conflicted Clarence Thomas

PolitiFact | Rep. Anthony Weiner: Law clear that Justice Clarence Thomas must recuse himself from health care case

Remember all the backroom deals Obama and his cronies had with the health insurance companies when creating the Obamacare bill? Did Weiner speak out against that? I hope so.

judges are required to recuse if they are biased or if there is an APPEARANCE of bias.

i don't believe the president is subject to the same concerns. I also don't recall you complaining when Cheney devised our energy policy in the back room with oil company and auto company execs and lobbyists.

just sayin.
Difference is the gov't doesn't tell us we have to buy enrgy, they do in the healthcare law, that is the difference, that is unconstitutional and socialist. Idiots.
coming up for reelection every two years isn't easy for an american politician.
here is weiner trying to score some cheap points, loser.
another back door to keeping obamercair.

Anthony Weiner - Conflicted Clarence Thomas

PolitiFact | Rep. Anthony Weiner: Law clear that Justice Clarence Thomas must recuse himself from health care case

Did you post these links to try and show Weiner in a bad light? Did you actually read what you posted? It says there is still clear debate on the law.
Remember all the backroom deals Obama and his cronies had with the health insurance companies when creating the Obamacare bill? Did Weiner speak out against that? I hope so.

judges are required to recuse if they are biased or if there is an APPEARANCE of bias.

i don't believe the president is subject to the same concerns. I also don't recall you complaining when Cheney devised our energy policy in the back room with oil company and auto company execs and lobbyists.

just sayin.
Difference is the gov't doesn't tell us we have to buy enrgy, they do in the healthcare law, that is the difference, that is unconstitutional and socialist. Idiots.

Part of that energy policy was attacking Iraq. It was outlined by the PNAC.

Fucking Conservatives and their Unconstitutional dreams of Empire at the expense of the Taxpayer and the slaughter of innocents.
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You, an alleged attorney should know that Weiner doesn't have a argument. You should read section Title 28 of the U.S. Code.

I am quite familiar with the rule.

How can you not think he has a conflict or an apparent bias?
Because legal experts say so. Typical libs, when they know they have lost they go after the deciding judges. Idiots.

we're talking about what a law requires. generally one looks at the law in order to ascertain that.

it's really pathetic that people like you actually believe what you type.

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