The US Intelligence Community’s newest assessment of the jihadist threat


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
You can read the whole thing but the bottom line is simple – in spite of billions spent to fight the group, they don’t appear to be going anywhere and will continue their efforts to make Islam (their version of it) supreme throughout the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. They will continue their efforts to insinuate themselves in Europe and have a burning desire to destroy The Great Satan, as the USA is known.

The full article is @ The US Intelligence Community’s newest assessment of the jihadist threat | FDD's Long War Journal
i think that its a real concern especially for future generations of young Americans Longknife .
i think that its a real concern especially for future generations of young Americans Longknife .

This is the direct result of American meddling in Middle Eastern affairs, starting with the Partition of Palestine, and the installation of the Shah of Iran. Bush's invasion of Iraq gave a whole generation of jihadists a new reason to fight.

i think that its a real concern especially for future generations of young Americans Longknife .

This is the direct result of American meddling in Middle Eastern affairs, starting with the Partition of Palestine, and the installation of the Shah of Iran. Bush's invasion of Iraq gave a whole generation of jihadists a new reason to fight.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I dislike ALL 'bushes' but I don't agree with you on 'gwb' being the main reason for 'jihad' . Even if what you say is true it just doesn't matter because we can't go back in history or time . And while my concern is primarily young Americans , no one that is a Westerner , including Canadians will be unaffected !! See EUROPE DLady !!
The religion of ISLAM has always taught it will rule the world. The two methods to obtain that end are ONE conquest and TWO assimilation. The violent faction of Islam is tired of waiting for assimilation. Our actions are NOT what caused nor sustain terrorism you dumb asses.
The religion of ISLAM has always taught it will rule the world. The two methods to obtain that end are ONE conquest and TWO assimilation. The violent faction of Islam is tired of waiting for assimilation. Our actions are NOT what caused nor sustain terrorism you dumb asses.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- these libs still think that they are going to save themselves by kissing azz . They are sadly mistaken and eventually they will see that and it won't be a pretty sight GySgt !!

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