The Upside of the Sequester - A Democratic Congress after 2014.

Look at your avatar!

Look at your own

My avatar just points out Bush was backwards and Bush isn't a political party jumping over a cliff. You're as partisan as they come.

Partisan is in the eye of the beholder it seems you say your avatar is not partisan it shows Bush was backwards. Yet most in the media don't question or challenge Obama in a serious way they just accept what he says and follow him and even though Obama has continued many of the Bush trends Gitmo, patriot act, drone strikes, massive spending to name a few the left follows him without question. Her avatar depicts the lefts seemingly blind loyalty to Obama as accurately as you say yours shows how backwards Bush was.
Well, I correctly predicted that the ACA decision assured President Obama a second term. Welp...this will assure a Democratic majority in both houses of congress.

You can take that to the bank.


The ACA had nothing to do with Dictator Obama getting a second term, polling showed a noticeably larger percentage people were against it than for it. What gave Obama a 2nd term was when the idiots like Karl Rove got ahold or Romney after the 1st debate and had him tone it down. Karl Rove is a moron. Romney also did not connect with Americans like he should have, in fact Romney received 4% less of the Mormon vote than John McCain did.

The Repubican Party has no fight, they refused to attack Obama the same way Obama attacked Romney, and Romney came off as not standing for anything, just like most Republicans. Obama won with fewer votes than in 2008, but he still had his voter fraud machine well organized and in place, as well as black panthers using voter intimidation. Aside from that, unless the Republicans actually stand for something other than being the party of surrender, the party of Karl Rove, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell and other establishment trash, they will continue to lose and possibly go the way of the Whig Party.

There are voters like me who in 2014 will not vote for Republicans, simply because voting for a Republican is voting for someone who will find the quickest way to surrender to the Democrats, which translates into a complete waste of a vote. In 2014, I am voting Libertarian and Independent, I am not alone. The ACA had nothing to do with Obama being re-elected, if the Republicans actually had a spine and fought, Obama would be history. The Republican party is its own worst enemy.

bucs90 bloviated:
This is gonna crush the GOP.

No, this will not crush the GOP. The GOP is doing a great job of alienating voters by refusing to stand up and fight and being the party of America-hater, Karl Rove.

This will not crush the GOP, because this is a 2% reduction of an increase. This country survived past government shut downs, the GOP still had control of the House and Senate up until 2006, until George W. Bush cost them their majorities.

In closing, I have no idea if the GOP will hold onto the House or not. I actually could care less, since the GOP is nothing more than a rubber stamp for the Democrat party.

Spot on!

The less the RNC handles it, the more we'll win
The country survived past government shut downs and reductions because it had a different president. When you have a president who sees success the more pain he inflicts, the country might not survive. In order for obama to succeed in his taxing and spending plans, the nation must fail. It must fail painfully.
My prediction

People will see how I just showed that you are a shit spewing blow-hard with no ability to back up what you say

You haven't shown shit.

And back up what?

I'm making a prediction.

It's based on events that have already transpired.

Get your head out of your ass.

If Obama succeeds in carefully covering his tracks between "painful" events caused by the Sequester and the November 2014 elections, then your senario could easliy play out.

If he fails.......then the opposite will be true.

With Republicans dedicated to nothing except establishing hard evidence between any of the dire predictions Obama has made, and his own cupability in manufacturing a "disaster," the Democratic executive has its hands full.

My prediction is that Obama will decide to interceed in Syria to leverage necessary military spending increases needed to add funding to social entitlement programs.

This worked for Kennedy/Johnson in Vietnam.
Did I hear Obama talking about fixing roads and bridges again the other day?

Same song and dance.

Government jobs and increased spending does not fix shit......

So what if a bridge or two collapse right?

Road crews are out there every day. Bridges do get worked on and even replaced all the time. It doesn't create more jobs, it just gives the same people more work to do.....
Did I hear Obama talking about fixing roads and bridges again the other day?

Same song and dance.

Government jobs and increased spending does not fix shit......

So what if a bridge or two collapse right?

Road crews are out there every day. Bridges do get worked on and even replaced all the time. It doesn't create more jobs, it just gives the same people more work to do.....


Clearly you do not understand that your proposal kills babies.

Government should hire a different crew to work on each bridge, ensuring, on an hourly basis, that the bridge is secure, for years, even decades.

Then, when the bridge fails to collapse under their supervision, they should be rewarded with excellent retirement benefits.

Optimally, all crews will belong to a Union, designed to insure the future of their jobs by voting as a bloc, for government that will represent their interests and the interests of THE PUBLIC, including babies and their mothers who could be killed and maimed in a bridge collapse.

Did I hear Obama talking about fixing roads and bridges again the other day?

Same song and dance.

Government jobs and increased spending does not fix shit......

So what if a bridge or two collapse right?

Road crews are out there every day. Bridges do get worked on and even replaced all the time. It doesn't create more jobs, it just gives the same people more work to do.....

How can you say repairing and replacing infrastructure doesn't create jobs. Without infrastructure you don't have commerce or industry. What's killing us is "defense". Defense has replaced commerce and industry and is money poured down a rat hole considering we have more than enough military to handle any situation we face very easily, but too many interests want to keep the defense gravy train rolling forever.
If the bridge collapses but obama gave the money to fix the bridge to Syrian rebels to the tune of 60 million dollars on top of the 50 million he just gave them, who is responsible for the bridge collapse?
If the bridge collapses but obama gave the money to fix the bridge to Syrian rebels to the tune of 60 million dollars on top of the 50 million he just gave them, who is responsible for the bridge collapse?

Bush of course....
sorry couldn't help myself..:cool:
So what if a bridge or two collapse right?

Road crews are out there every day. Bridges do get worked on and even replaced all the time. It doesn't create more jobs, it just gives the same people more work to do.....

How can you say repairing and replacing infrastructure doesn't create jobs. Without infrastructure you don't have commerce or industry. What's killing us is "defense". Defense has replaced commerce and industry and is money poured down a rat hole considering we have more than enough military to handle any situation we face very easily, but too many interests want to keep the defense gravy train rolling forever.

The jobs are already out there and full. Adding more work to be done will not hire another crew to do it....It's not rocket science.

We have enough military to handle any situation very easily? Really? then why are we still getting the shit kicked out of us in Afghanistan after 11+ years?

Now can we cut defense spending? No doubt. We just did, and at the same time screwed over the military retiree again. Can we cut some more? Certainly, but it has to be done by people who know what they are talking about, not a bunch of idiots in DC.
If the bridge collapses but obama gave the money to fix the bridge to Syrian rebels to the tune of 60 million dollars on top of the 50 million he just gave them, who is responsible for the bridge collapse?

Obama is of course. So is America's attitude that they have to control the world with money and military which we can't afford anymore. This money could be put to better use in this country but war is business and business is good.
Obama won at least partly because of our military adventures, but once in office he became what I consider a terrorist and warmonger, just like bush.
Well, I correctly predicted that the ACA decision assured President Obama a second term. Welp...this will assure a Democratic majority in both houses of congress.

You can take that to the bank.


Lay your access to this site on it....
March 1, 2013

Spending Cuts

"Barring a miracle of bipartisan cooperation over the next 12 hours, the sequester — a series of across-the-board spending cuts — will kick in tonight.

Part of the Budget Control Act of 2011, the sequester will likely shave 700,000 jobs and 0.6 percent worth of growth off the economy. Its cuts were designed to be so crude and damaging they would incentivize all sides to replace it with more well-thought out deficit reduction.

But thanks to the GOP’s single-minded fixation on spending cuts over tax increases, that effort failed. Republicans spent the last two years treating every debate over the deficit as if it were occurring in a historical vacuum, accusing Obama of failing his own commitment to balance, repeatedly scoffing at new tax revenue, and insisting that “it’s finally time” to “get serious” about cutting spending, even as trillions of dollars in cuts mounted.

In short, the GOP has repeatedly thrown the spending cuts from each previous deal down the memory hole, demanding more and more while claiming that Obama and Democrats have unreasonably wanted to balance those cuts with new revenue."

How many times must I repeat myself........

Just because Bush spent too damn much doesn't mean that Obama should double down on it..

Time to wake up America.....

You need to wake up and know spending to create jobs is what a government is suppose to do during bad economic times. Do you want to spend decades with a fucked up economy?

Uhhh.. no.. it is not.. the increased govt spending is even MORE of a strain on the economy and those who pay taxes... money spent within the economy would stimulate for more SUSTAINABLE jobs.. jobs with govt spending are unsustainable

First off, you don't know a damned thing about economics.

Explain how it's a strain on those who pay taxes when the money doesn't come out of their pocket! Explain how a government spending more is a strain on an economy and what kind of an idiot thinks government money is any different than regular money! In this case, you are comparing the government spending money to money that won't be spent in an economy.

The job doesn't have to be sustainable, fool, haven't you ever heard of construction? It's purpose is to construct and not create a career. When the government spends money in ways that give money to people who spend it, something gets done and the economy is stimulated by the extra spending.
Well, I correctly predicted that the ACA decision assured President Obama a second term. Welp...this will assure a Democratic majority in both houses of congress.

You can take that to the bank.


sure, and if he had lost we would never have heard about this...:rolleyes:

so, do you wish to back this up or you just flap ur gums?

(you got that bookmark showing your prophecy handy?)
You mean there are no career construction people? Really? So that framer never becomes a finished carpenter? For instance.....

Remember that the government can pay nothing that it hasn't first taken from someone else. Government expansion of jobs is unsustainable. And temporary jobs don't help much. BTW did you know that even though they say the unemployment number is down there are about 2 million less people working now than there was 5 years ago?
Look at your own

My avatar just points out Bush was backwards and Bush isn't a political party jumping over a cliff. You're as partisan as they come.

Partisan is in the eye of the beholder it seems you say your avatar is not partisan it shows Bush was backwards. Yet most in the media don't question or challenge Obama in a serious way they just accept what he says and follow him and even though Obama has continued many of the Bush trends Gitmo, patriot act, drone strikes, massive spending to name a few the left follows him without question. Her avatar depicts the lefts seemingly blind loyalty to Obama as accurately as you say yours shows how backwards Bush was.

Partisan is what it is. Having an avatar showing Democrats being Sheeple is laughable when it comes from a lock step Republican.

The states refused to allow Gitmo prisoners to be move there, so how is that on Obama? The fact is, why weren't these people tried just after being caught and Obama wasn't in office then.

What is wrong with drone strikes against terrorists? Who crashed the economy and caused the massive spending needed to fix it, in fact, who has kept this economy hostage since crashing it?

If you haven't figured it out yet, Americans are getting tired of your right-wing bullshit.

You claim the media does whatever, but your FOX bullshit news is just as much a part of the media as anything else.
Yeah right, people are going to elect democrats because they lie about the impact of a 2% cut in spending and the president pretends to be a helpless pawn in a political struggle. That looks real good.
Again we see the Misinformation Voter mindless parrot the disinformation from the GOP echo chamber without any thought or research. You ought to know by now that no stat from any Right-wing source is ever accurate and always exaggerated!!!

From the OMB:

As a result of the Congress's failure to act, the law requires the President to issue a
sequestration order today canceling $85 billion in budgetary resources across the Federal
Government for FY 2013. Specifically, OMB calculates that, over the course ofthe fiscal year,
the sequestration requires a 7.8 percent reduction in non-exempt defense discretionary funding
and a 5.0 percent reduction in non-exempt nondefense discretionary funding. The sequestration
also requires reductions of 2.0 percent to Medicare, 5.1 percent to other non-exempt nondefense
mandatory programs, and 7.9 percent to non-exempt defense mandatory programs.
Because these cuts must be achieved over only seven months instead of 12, the effective
percentage reductions will be approximately 13 percent for non-exempt defense programs and 9
percent for non-exempt nondefense programs.
My avatar just points out Bush was backwards and Bush isn't a political party jumping over a cliff. You're as partisan as they come.

Partisan is in the eye of the beholder it seems you say your avatar is not partisan it shows Bush was backwards. Yet most in the media don't question or challenge Obama in a serious way they just accept what he says and follow him and even though Obama has continued many of the Bush trends Gitmo, patriot act, drone strikes, massive spending to name a few the left follows him without question. Her avatar depicts the lefts seemingly blind loyalty to Obama as accurately as you say yours shows how backwards Bush was.

Partisan is what it is. Having an avatar showing Democrats being Sheeple is laughable when it comes from a lock step Republican.

The states refused to allow Gitmo prisoners to be move there, so how is that on Obama? The fact is, why weren't these people tried just after being caught and Obama wasn't in office then.

What is wrong with drone strikes against terrorists? Who crashed the economy and caused the massive spending needed to fix it, in fact, who has kept this economy hostage since crashing it?

If you haven't figured it out yet, Americans are getting tired of your right-wing bullshit.

You claim the media does whatever, but your FOX bullshit news is just as much a part of the media as anything else.

You want to talk Bullshit? Obama has had going into 5 years now to close Gitmo, which would have or could have included trials but he stopped the trials.
No problem with drone strikes to me.
Who crashed the economy? Debatable. Who said Fanny and Freddie had no problems?
Who had the Whitehouse, Senate, And the House for 2 years (and the congress for 2 years before that) and squandered it?
Now who is talking Bullshit?
Yeah right, people are going to elect democrats because they lie about the impact of a 2% cut in spending and the president pretends to be a helpless pawn in a political struggle. That looks real good.
Again we see the Misinformation Voter mindless parrot the disinformation from the GOP echo chamber without any thought or research. You ought to know by now that no stat from any Right-wing source is ever accurate and always exaggerated!!!

From the OMB:

As a result of the Congress's failure to act, the law requires the President to issue a
sequestration order today canceling $85 billion in budgetary resources across the Federal
Government for FY 2013. Specifically, OMB calculates that, over the course ofthe fiscal year,
the sequestration requires a 7.8 percent reduction in non-exempt defense discretionary funding
and a 5.0 percent reduction in non-exempt nondefense discretionary funding. The sequestration
also requires reductions of 2.0 percent to Medicare, 5.1 percent to other non-exempt nondefense
mandatory programs, and 7.9 percent to non-exempt defense mandatory programs.
Because these cuts must be achieved over only seven months instead of 12, the effective
percentage reductions will be approximately 13 percent for non-exempt defense programs and 9
percent for non-exempt nondefense programs.

I don't see there where the Federal Government will still spend 15 million, or is it Billion, more than they did last year....
Uncle Ronnie talked a good game but he was all bark and no bite.

A basic education in government would inform you that it is congress that passes a budget. I suppose he could have not passed the Democratically controlled congresses budget. But then. . . no sitting president had ever even considered running the country with out a budget. What kind of fool hearty idiot president would consider running the country with out a budget simply because he didn't like the party that controlled the congress? :cool:

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