The Upside of the Sequester - A Democratic Congress after 2014.

The plan is certainly to use the sequester and increased spending to finally break the republicans and put the nation under one party rule. For that to happen all of the dire predictions have to come true. Planes really do have to idle in the hangars, criminals really do have to be released, as obama has already begun to do. obama has to take steps to create the armageddon he predicted. Then the public has to be so stupid they don't know he's doing it deliberately. The public has to be so utterly dumbed down and drugged up that they won't realize that these conditions came along with obama.

According to the white house, the worst case scenario is that nothing bad happens as a result of the sequester.

The big sequester gamble: How badly will the cuts hurt? - Washington Post
“The good news is, the world doesn’t end March 2. The bad news is, the world doesn’t end March 2,” said Emily Holubowich, a Washington health-care lobbyist who leads a coalition of 3,000 nonprofit groups fighting the cuts. “The worst-case scenario for us is the sequester hits and nothing bad really happens.

The worst case scenario is that the American public isn't hurt badly enough. What can obama do to make it really hurt, bad, right where people live? Then can he really get the public to believe that he's not doing it deliberately, leaving no trail to his door? That's the way to a permanent democrat majority.
The plan is certainly to use the sequester and increased spending to finally break the republicans and put the nation under one party rule. For that to happen all of the dire predictions have to come true. Planes really do have to idle in the hangars, criminals really do have to be released, as obama has already begun to do. obama has to take steps to create the armageddon he predicted. Then the public has to be so stupid they don't know he's doing it deliberately. The public has to be so utterly dumbed down and drugged up that they won't realize that these conditions came along with obama.

According to the white house, the worst case scenario is that nothing bad happens as a result of the sequester.

The big sequester gamble: How badly will the cuts hurt? - Washington Post
“The good news is, the world doesn’t end March 2. The bad news is, the world doesn’t end March 2,” said Emily Holubowich, a Washington health-care lobbyist who leads a coalition of 3,000 nonprofit groups fighting the cuts. “The worst-case scenario for us is the sequester hits and nothing bad really happens.

The worst case scenario is that the American public isn't hurt badly enough. What can obama do to make it really hurt, bad, right where people live? Then can he really get the public to believe that he's not doing it deliberately, leaving no trail to his door? That's the way to a permanent democrat majority.

What about there isn't a noticeable change, because we don't have much to do with the federal government in our everyday lives, but the economy goes into a recession, just like the austerity program in Europe caused? That's what the economists are on record for predicting.

spending has produced positive GDP uninterrupted since June of 09 - no surer way exists to reduce the deficit than a growing economy, and likewise nothing will increase the deficit more than a stagnant one - the direction of Tea Party Republicans as the same Great Recession.

hello , the Q4 gdp was after readjustment from -.1% to, =.1%...thats 1/10th not 1.0 by the way...the economy is dead on its feet.

the TP wants spending cut, obama got his revenues, it was time for his "balance" thats is cuts, we cut a BS 2% of the growth built into the new federals depts budgets in the new federal year which starts October the cuts in the end are only for the next 7 months of the budget you know anything about this , at all?
The plan is certainly to use the sequester and increased spending to finally break the republicans and put the nation under one party rule. For that to happen all of the dire predictions have to come true. Planes really do have to idle in the hangars, criminals really do have to be released, as obama has already begun to do. obama has to take steps to create the armageddon he predicted. Then the public has to be so stupid they don't know he's doing it deliberately. The public has to be so utterly dumbed down and drugged up that they won't realize that these conditions came along with obama.

According to the white house, the worst case scenario is that nothing bad happens as a result of the sequester.

The big sequester gamble: How badly will the cuts hurt? - Washington Post
“The good news is, the world doesn’t end March 2. The bad news is, the world doesn’t end March 2,” said Emily Holubowich, a Washington health-care lobbyist who leads a coalition of 3,000 nonprofit groups fighting the cuts. “The worst-case scenario for us is the sequester hits and nothing bad really happens.

The worst case scenario is that the American public isn't hurt badly enough. What can obama do to make it really hurt, bad, right where people live? Then can he really get the public to believe that he's not doing it deliberately, leaving no trail to his door? That's the way to a permanent democrat majority.

What about there isn't a noticeable change, because we don't have much to do with the federal government in our everyday lives, but the economy goes into a recession, just like the austerity program in Europe caused? That's what the economists are on record for predicting.

What about there isn't a noticeable change, because we don't have much to do with the federal government in our everyday lives,

You are dreaming. Several have made statements reminding the people that there is no real cut but that the only cuts were made to the amount of increase. The people will realize it as things go on and nothing changes to affect their lives....

Whether they do or not, its the message that matters. And the GOP's message, whatever it really is, is coming across as putting the rich people's concerns far and above any other issue.

The GOP agreed to tax increases for the rich at the beginning of the year. Duuuuh

That was over 3 days ago so it doesn't count anymore.......
I want to see a zero deficit.

I'll bet you voted for Bush and have the nerve to say that.

How many times must I repeat myself........

Just because Bush spent too damn much doesn't mean that Obama should double down on it..

Time to wake up America.....

You need to wake up and know spending to create jobs is what a government is suppose to do during bad economic times. Do you want to spend decades with a fucked up economy?
Did I hear Obama talking about fixing roads and bridges again the other day?

Same song and dance.

Government jobs and increased spending does not fix shit......
The plan is certainly to use the sequester and increased spending to finally break the republicans and put the nation under one party rule. For that to happen all of the dire predictions have to come true. Planes really do have to idle in the hangars, criminals really do have to be released, as obama has already begun to do. obama has to take steps to create the armageddon he predicted. Then the public has to be so stupid they don't know he's doing it deliberately. The public has to be so utterly dumbed down and drugged up that they won't realize that these conditions came along with obama.

According to the white house, the worst case scenario is that nothing bad happens as a result of the sequester.

The big sequester gamble: How badly will the cuts hurt? - Washington Post
“The good news is, the world doesn’t end March 2. The bad news is, the world doesn’t end March 2,” said Emily Holubowich, a Washington health-care lobbyist who leads a coalition of 3,000 nonprofit groups fighting the cuts. “The worst-case scenario for us is the sequester hits and nothing bad really happens.

The worst case scenario is that the American public isn't hurt badly enough. What can obama do to make it really hurt, bad, right where people live? Then can he really get the public to believe that he's not doing it deliberately, leaving no trail to his door? That's the way to a permanent democrat majority.

What about there isn't a noticeable change, because we don't have much to do with the federal government in our everyday lives, but the economy goes into a recession, just like the austerity program in Europe caused? That's what the economists are on record for predicting.

Austerity in Europe was caused because these countries ran out of money and could not borrow any more because lenders wouldn't lend. The government could not pay its bills and labeled the inability to meet obligations austerity. Americans like Michael Bloomberg and Paul Krugman believe that even if the United States can't find anyone to borrow from, we can always print and endless supply of money. That doesn't result in austerity, there is plenty of money. There is money on the scale of that experienced by the Weimar Republic and today what Zimbabwe has. Austerity didn't cause recession in Europe, austerity is the result of recession in Europe.
My prediction

People will see how I just showed that you are a shit spewing blow-hard with no ability to back up what you say

You haven't shown shit.

And back up what?

I'm making a prediction.

It's based on events that have already transpired.

Get your head out of your ass.
I'll bet you voted for Bush and have the nerve to say that.

How many times must I repeat myself........

Just because Bush spent too damn much doesn't mean that Obama should double down on it..

Time to wake up America.....

You need to wake up and know spending to create jobs is what a government is suppose to do during bad economic times. Do you want to spend decades with a fucked up economy?

Why don't you look at what happened in Japan when they decided that government spending would fix the economy?
The plan is certainly to use the sequester and increased spending to finally break the republicans and put the nation under one party rule. For that to happen all of the dire predictions have to come true. Planes really do have to idle in the hangars, criminals really do have to be released, as obama has already begun to do. obama has to take steps to create the armageddon he predicted. Then the public has to be so stupid they don't know he's doing it deliberately. The public has to be so utterly dumbed down and drugged up that they won't realize that these conditions came along with obama.

According to the white house, the worst case scenario is that nothing bad happens as a result of the sequester.

The big sequester gamble: How badly will the cuts hurt? - Washington Post
“The good news is, the world doesn’t end March 2. The bad news is, the world doesn’t end March 2,” said Emily Holubowich, a Washington health-care lobbyist who leads a coalition of 3,000 nonprofit groups fighting the cuts. “The worst-case scenario for us is the sequester hits and nothing bad really happens.

The worst case scenario is that the American public isn't hurt badly enough. What can obama do to make it really hurt, bad, right where people live? Then can he really get the public to believe that he's not doing it deliberately, leaving no trail to his door? That's the way to a permanent democrat majority.

What about there isn't a noticeable change, because we don't have much to do with the federal government in our everyday lives, but the economy goes into a recession, just like the austerity program in Europe caused? That's what the economists are on record for predicting.

Austerity in Europe was caused because these countries ran out of money and could not borrow any more because lenders wouldn't lend. The government could not pay its bills and labeled the inability to meet obligations austerity. Americans like Michael Bloomberg and Paul Krugman believe that even if the United States can't find anyone to borrow from, we can always print and endless supply of money. That doesn't result in austerity, there is plenty of money. There is money on the scale of that experienced by the Weimar Republic and today what Zimbabwe has. Austerity didn't cause recession in Europe, austerity is the result of recession in Europe.


First off..which country in Europe are you talking about?
Second off..What? Why the heck are you talking about the Weimar Republic and Zimbabwe? The Weimar Republic was established at the end of WWI and was living under the extremely restrictive Treaty of Versailles. And what period are you referencing when you discuss Zimbabwe?

The Recession in Europe has roots in this the way.
Well, I correctly predicted that the ACA decision assured President Obama a second term. Welp...this will assure a Democratic majority in both houses of congress.

You can take that to the bank.


As a democrat voter I was for a national health care plan, but I've changed my mind at least when it comes to Obamacare. I know people that are struggling as it is and will be faced with a mandatory fine next year. This is not going to help democrats get votes. ACA is a nightmare waiting to happen.
Democrats have maintained at least 2/3 if not 100 perrcent of the power at times (2009-2011) since 2007. Blaming the minority party in power and/or the predecessor will only last so long. America is tired, poor, and underemployed. As the Presidential Election repeated 2008 in 2012, so to will mid terms in 2014 by repeating midterms of 2010.
I'll bet you voted for Bush and have the nerve to say that.

How many times must I repeat myself........

Just because Bush spent too damn much doesn't mean that Obama should double down on it..

Time to wake up America.....

You need to wake up and know spending to create jobs is what a government is suppose to do during bad economic times. Do you want to spend decades with a fucked up economy?

Uhhh.. no.. it is not.. the increased govt spending is even MORE of a strain on the economy and those who pay taxes... money spent within the economy would stimulate for more SUSTAINABLE jobs.. jobs with govt spending are unsustainable
My prediction

People will see how I just showed that you are a shit spewing blow-hard with no ability to back up what you say

You haven't shown shit.

And back up what?

I'm making a prediction.

It's based on events that have already transpired.

Get your head out of your ass.

You said it is almost literally guaranteed.. what do you have to lose if you are so fucking sure of yourself??

You are nothing more than a common shit spewer with no backbone, no guts, and with nothing actually behind anything you spew... as I have shown

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