The UK is falling apart

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Yes, I have hardly been out of the house this year thanks to my unfortunate fall before Christmas.

Stories about the rape of Europe are rife and so you will excuse my nervousness on venturing out to the shop this morning.This is what happened to me.

Its about half a mile from my front door so I took the precaution of carrying a damned big stick in order to beat off any crazed Muslim Savage Rape Gangs I might bump into.

It must have been my lucky day as I was able to get to the shop without incident. Whilst shopping I bumped into the Vicar who told me that he was en route to the local primary school to give the lesson that morning.

I asked him what the subject was and he replied “The importance of honesty in all our dealings”.

Hmmph. I told him that the savage Sharias would cut your tongue out for lying and asked him what consequences of lying he was preaching to our kids.

Oh dear.I wish I hadnt asked.

I think you will agree with me that “Feeling you have let yourself down “ doesnt really compare with getting your tongue filleted.

I lost patience with him and told him that he was responsible for a Britainstan where our sacred Queen now wears a hijab/burka when driving round London in order to deter the Cologne style rape gangs swarming round our blessed white women.

“Well Tommy, I know you have been laid up for a while but its not quite as bad as you are making out. You know that nobody has been convicted of rape in that Cologne thing dont you ? “

Commie, Marxist, Wanker.

On the way home some Paki kid started running after me. I tensed up, gripped my tool and prepared to sell myself dearly.

“Mr Tainant sir” he smirked “You dropped your wallet outside the shop, here you are”.

He reached out and handed me my wallet.


“How do you know my name ?

“I was in school with your son and my Dad is your GP. I washed your car for the scouts as well.”

Cocky little bastard. I took my wallet,counted my money and told him to get back to his bomb building.

Raping savage bastards are everywhere but I managed to get home in one piece. Just !!
Yes, I have hardly been out of the house this year thanks to my unfortunate fall before Christmas.

Stories about the rape of Europe are rife and so you will excuse my nervousness on venturing out to the shop this morning.This is what happened to me.

Its about half a mile from my front door so I took the precaution of carrying a damned big stick in order to beat off any crazed Muslim Savage Rape Gangs I might bump into.

It must have been my lucky day as I was able to get to the shop without incident. Whilst shopping I bumped into the Vicar who told me that he was en route to the local primary school to give the lesson that morning.

I asked him what the subject was and he replied “The importance of honesty in all our dealings”.

Hmmph. I told him that the savage Sharias would cut your tongue out for lying and asked him what consequences of lying he was preaching to our kids.

Oh dear.I wish I hadnt asked.

I think you will agree with me that “Feeling you have let yourself down “ doesnt really compare with getting your tongue filleted.

I lost patience with him and told him that he was responsible for a Britainstan where our sacred Queen now wears a hijab/burka when driving round London in order to deter the Cologne style rape gangs swarming round our blessed white women.

“Well Tommy, I know you have been laid up for a while but its not quite as bad as you are making out. You know that nobody has been convicted of rape in that Cologne thing dont you ? “

Commie, Marxist, Wanker.

On the way home some Paki kid started running after me. I tensed up, gripped my tool and prepared to sell myself dearly.

“Mr Tainant sir” he smirked “You dropped your wallet outside the shop, here you are”.

He reached out and handed me my wallet.


“How do you know my name ?

“I was in school with your son and my Dad is your GP. I washed your car for the scouts as well.”

Cocky little bastard. I took my wallet,counted my money and told him to get back to his bomb building.

Raping savage bastards are everywhere but I managed to get home in one piece. Just !!

I love how you and yours address our social and serious problems of today.

Either pretend they do not exist or ignore them.

Or you can provide an anecdote (real or not it does not matter) and think you have proved a point, that the world is fine and calm as ever.
Yes, I have hardly been out of the house this year thanks to my unfortunate fall before Christmas.

Stories about the rape of Europe are rife and so you will excuse my nervousness on venturing out to the shop this morning.This is what happened to me.

Its about half a mile from my front door so I took the precaution of carrying a damned big stick in order to beat off any crazed Muslim Savage Rape Gangs I might bump into.

It must have been my lucky day as I was able to get to the shop without incident. Whilst shopping I bumped into the Vicar who told me that he was en route to the local primary school to give the lesson that morning.

I asked him what the subject was and he replied “The importance of honesty in all our dealings”.

Hmmph. I told him that the savage Sharias would cut your tongue out for lying and asked him what consequences of lying he was preaching to our kids.

Oh dear.I wish I hadnt asked.

I think you will agree with me that “Feeling you have let yourself down “ doesnt really compare with getting your tongue filleted.

I lost patience with him and told him that he was responsible for a Britainstan where our sacred Queen now wears a hijab/burka when driving round London in order to deter the Cologne style rape gangs swarming round our blessed white women.

“Well Tommy, I know you have been laid up for a while but its not quite as bad as you are making out. You know that nobody has been convicted of rape in that Cologne thing dont you ? “

Commie, Marxist, Wanker.

On the way home some Paki kid started running after me. I tensed up, gripped my tool and prepared to sell myself dearly.

“Mr Tainant sir” he smirked “You dropped your wallet outside the shop, here you are”.

He reached out and handed me my wallet.


“How do you know my name ?

“I was in school with your son and my Dad is your GP. I washed your car for the scouts as well.”

Cocky little bastard. I took my wallet,counted my money and told him to get back to his bomb building.

Raping savage bastards are everywhere but I managed to get home in one piece. Just !!

I love how you and yours address our social and serious problems of today.

Either pretend they do not exist or ignore them.

Or you can provide an anecdote (real or not it does not matter) and think you have proved a point, that the world is fine and calm as ever.

I can see that you are relieved that I made it through the day. As you can see the UK is falling apart and you just want to make politics out of it.
Yes, I have hardly been out of the house this year thanks to my unfortunate fall before Christmas.

Stories about the rape of Europe are rife and so you will excuse my nervousness on venturing out to the shop this morning.This is what happened to me.

Its about half a mile from my front door so I took the precaution of carrying a damned big stick in order to beat off any crazed Muslim Savage Rape Gangs I might bump into.

It must have been my lucky day as I was able to get to the shop without incident. Whilst shopping I bumped into the Vicar who told me that he was en route to the local primary school to give the lesson that morning.

I asked him what the subject was and he replied “The importance of honesty in all our dealings”.

Hmmph. I told him that the savage Sharias would cut your tongue out for lying and asked him what consequences of lying he was preaching to our kids.

Oh dear.I wish I hadnt asked.

I think you will agree with me that “Feeling you have let yourself down “ doesnt really compare with getting your tongue filleted.

I lost patience with him and told him that he was responsible for a Britainstan where our sacred Queen now wears a hijab/burka when driving round London in order to deter the Cologne style rape gangs swarming round our blessed white women.

“Well Tommy, I know you have been laid up for a while but its not quite as bad as you are making out. You know that nobody has been convicted of rape in that Cologne thing dont you ? “

Commie, Marxist, Wanker.

On the way home some Paki kid started running after me. I tensed up, gripped my tool and prepared to sell myself dearly.

“Mr Tainant sir” he smirked “You dropped your wallet outside the shop, here you are”.

He reached out and handed me my wallet.


“How do you know my name ?

“I was in school with your son and my Dad is your GP. I washed your car for the scouts as well.”

Cocky little bastard. I took my wallet,counted my money and told him to get back to his bomb building.

Raping savage bastards are everywhere but I managed to get home in one piece. Just !!

I love how you and yours address our social and serious problems of today.

Either pretend they do not exist or ignore them.

Or you can provide an anecdote (real or not it does not matter) and think you have proved a point, that the world is fine and calm as ever.

I can see that you are relieved that I made it through the day. As you can see the UK is falling apart and you just want to make politics out of it.
FYI. Peaceful or non-violent Muslims in the UK are not the only victims. So are Brits and their lifestyles, but I do not hear you lamenting about their fears.

Islamic Statistics on violence, rape, terror, sharia, isis, and welfare

Britain, about 1/2 of Muslims support ISIS, ICM (Mirror) Poll 2015: 1.5 Million British Muslims support the Islamic State, about half the total population."

In 2012, it emerged that over a thousand mostly white young girls in the northern England town of Rotherham were systematically groomed, trafficked, beaten and sexually abused by rape gangs consisting of mainly Pakistani Muslim men. Areport released earlier this monthconfirmed that the local Labour government council and the police covered up this horror because they were afraid of being characterized as racist or politically incorrect.

Councillors and police accused of having sex with Rotherham victims

Percentage of British Muslims that approval of Suicide Bombings, "Populus Poll (2006): 12% of young Muslims in Britain (and 12% overall) believe that suicide attacks against civilians in Britain can be justified. 1 in 4 support suicide attacks against British troops."

"GfK NOP: 28% of British Muslims want Britain to be an Islamic state."
Your GFK and Populous links dont work.
The mirror article doesnt match the headline.Its bogus.
Having said that I give us weeks before the Mooslims kill all of us in our beds.

We are doomed I tell ya.................................................
Your GFK and Populous links dont work.
The mirror article doesnt match the headline.Its bogus.
Having said that I give us weeks before the Mooslims kill all of us in our beds.

We are doomed I tell ya.................................................

Well all the links came from the same main article.

Be that as it may, I will accept you think all these fears of radical and unruly Islams in the UK is totally unwarranted. And you think we should be dismissing any serious efforts to do anything about it.

That's fine. I think we are wasting money and efforts trying to stop alleged "human causing" climate change and its awful repercussions. Also we could save some money wasted on trying to stop an asteroid from hitting earth. But Islamic terrorism and the growth of angry Muslims in the UK and Europe and the USA. No, we definitely are not in agreement there.
There are part os London with over 50% Muslim population, Sharia rules and Bobbies are afraid to enter.
There are part os London with over 50% Muslim population, Sharia rules and Bobbies are afraid to enter.
Some streets are nearer 99% and they sacrifice sheep outside their local Spar every night. The Spars are only allowed to employ young asian boys who get gang raped after they clock off every night. The schools are male only and there are only two subjects taught.
Sharia law and Bomb making.

I was nearly gang raped today by a young whelp who used my supposedly lost wallet as a ruse to ingratiate himself to me. They will stop at nothing.
Yes, I have hardly been out of the house this year thanks to my unfortunate fall before Christmas.

Stories about the rape of Europe are rife and so you will excuse my nervousness on venturing out to the shop this morning.This is what happened to me.

Its about half a mile from my front door so I took the precaution of carrying a damned big stick in order to beat off any crazed Muslim Savage Rape Gangs I might bump into.

It must have been my lucky day as I was able to get to the shop without incident. Whilst shopping I bumped into the Vicar who told me that he was en route to the local primary school to give the lesson that morning.

I asked him what the subject was and he replied “The importance of honesty in all our dealings”.

Hmmph. I told him that the savage Sharias would cut your tongue out for lying and asked him what consequences of lying he was preaching to our kids.

Oh dear.I wish I hadnt asked.

I think you will agree with me that “Feeling you have let yourself down “ doesnt really compare with getting your tongue filleted.

I lost patience with him and told him that he was responsible for a Britainstan where our sacred Queen now wears a hijab/burka when driving round London in order to deter the Cologne style rape gangs swarming round our blessed white women.

“Well Tommy, I know you have been laid up for a while but its not quite as bad as you are making out. You know that nobody has been convicted of rape in that Cologne thing dont you ? “

Commie, Marxist, Wanker.

On the way home some Paki kid started running after me. I tensed up, gripped my tool and prepared to sell myself dearly.

“Mr Tainant sir” he smirked “You dropped your wallet outside the shop, here you are”.

He reached out and handed me my wallet.


“How do you know my name ?

“I was in school with your son and my Dad is your GP. I washed your car for the scouts as well.”

Cocky little bastard. I took my wallet,counted my money and told him to get back to his bomb building.

Raping savage bastards are everywhere but I managed to get home in one piece. Just !!

I love how you and yours address our social and serious problems of today.

Either pretend they do not exist or ignore them.

Or you can provide an anecdote (real or not it does not matter) and think you have proved a point, that the world is fine and calm as ever.

I can see that you are relieved that I made it through the day. As you can see the UK is falling apart and you just want to make politics out of it.

All down to the likes of you and the Scots that think they can go it alone but still have the bank account of the English to fall back on. As I keep asking you what have you got that the EU needs for them to admit you into the fold. You would lose the support of NATO as well, leaving you with nothing.
Your GFK and Populous links dont work.
The mirror article doesnt match the headline.Its bogus.
Having said that I give us weeks before the Mooslims kill all of us in our beds.

We are doomed I tell ya.................................................

Doing your ostrich act again tainted, burying your head in the sand and hoping the problems will go away
There are part os London with over 50% Muslim population, Sharia rules and Bobbies are afraid to enter.
And that should never have come to be. Not in Britain, not in Europe, and not in Dearborn, Michigan. What other culture or people can get away with such isolation and mob rule to where the police will not even go?
Very concerned about the Islamifiction of the UK. Even London now has a Paki Mayor who has already told City Hall staff to cover up their ankles and stop wearing crosses and other Christian ephemera.

So I have just attended the meeting of the local parish council where our community policeman gives a monthly crime report.

This is the gist of it.

PC Taylor tells the meeting that the number of reported incidents reported has risen from the previous month to 6.

Three of these were inconsiderate parking near the chip shop, one was a nasty incident of littering near the church. There was a domestic dispute and also a car which had bald tyres.

Any Questions ?

So I asked him how many of the perps were Muslims.

"Well Mr Tainant I could not say. We do not collect that type of data. However ,without giving the game away, I think we all know who had the domestic."

This answer did not shock me. We have known for years that the Police and Elites have always colluded in order to disguise their multi cultural experiment. We have to use our gut instinct to give us an understanding of what is going on.

"What strategies do you have in place to combat the rise of Muslim Extremism in our community and in particular the growth of the Savage Muslim Rape Gangs who roam our streets preying on white women including the drunken ones who were, lets be honest, asking for it."

I wont bore you with his answer which was insubstantial and unsurprising. To cut it short there is no strategy at all and all of us White Christian folk are left to our own defences. We actually pay taxes for this privilege.

We need to dig deep into our Faith and display those central tenets held by all Christians.

Viz, suspicion,observation and pre-emptive strikes.No mercy must be shown. If it looks like a Muslim, if it smells like a Muslim it is a Muslim. There is no need to go round the back to look for a tail.

Of course while our way of life is under threat from this quarter the HOMO lobby is busy colonising our PUBLIC TOILETS with their own brand of degenerate limp wristed perversion.

Such is life in MULTICULTURAL Britainistan.

God Save the Queen. (the proper one and not some marxist commie nancy boy mincing round the place)
Very concerned about the Islamifiction of the UK. Even London now has a Paki Mayor who has already told City Hall staff to cover up their ankles and stop wearing crosses and other Christian ephemera.

So I have just attended the meeting of the local parish council where our community policeman gives a monthly crime report.

This is the gist of it.

PC Taylor tells the meeting that the number of reported incidents reported has risen from the previous month to 6.

Three of these were inconsiderate parking near the chip shop, one was a nasty incident of littering near the church. There was a domestic dispute and also a car which had bald tyres.

Any Questions ?

So I asked him how many of the perps were Muslims.

"Well Mr Tainant I could not say. We do not collect that type of data.

This answer did not shock me. We have known for years that the Police and Elites have always colluded in order to disguise their multi cultural experiment. We have to use our gut instinct to give us an understanding of what is going on.

"What strategies do you have in place to combat the rise of Muslim Extremism in our community and in particular the growth of the Savage Muslim Rape Gangs who roam our streets preying on white women including the drunken ones who were, lets be honest, asking for it."

I wont bore you with his answer which was insubstantial and unsurprising. To cut it short there is no strategy at all and all of us White Christian folk are left to our own defences. We actually pay taxes for this privilege.

We need to dig deep into our Faith and display those central tenets held by all Christians.

Viz, suspicion,observation and pre-emptive strikes.No mercy must be shown. If it looks like a Muslim, if it smells like a Muslim it is a Muslim. There is no need to go round the back to look for a tail.

Of course while our way of life is under threat from this quarter the HOMO lobby is busy colonising our PUBLIC TOILETS with their own brand of degenerate limp wristed perversion.

Such is life in MULTICULTURAL Britainistan.

God Save the Queen. (the proper one and not some marxist commie nancy boy mincing round the place)

And if I worked there I would tell him where to go and then instigate a wrongful dismissal case. I would buy/make the biggest cross I could and hang it around my neck and have all my trousers hacked a foot above my feet to see what he did.

Was he looking at you knowingly, along with the other people, when he said "However ,without giving the game away, I think we all know who had the domestic."
No Kidding, London just got their first Islamic Mayor.
You are already in the toilet.

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