The Truth of what the Republicans are doing in republican states


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2021
Republican controlled states are basically doing to the people they think are "undesirable" the exact same things the Nazis did in the 1930s to the Jews before the Holocaust started: they're trying to make life as miserable for them as possible so that they will voluntarily just leave.
Throughout much of the 1930s the Nazis didn't intend on mass executions of Jews, but rather just wanted them to vacate all of Germany (and then Europe), so they imposed all kinds of laws and restrictions against Jews to make life unbearable for them. However, antisemitism was so rampant around the world (especially in the US) that other countries wouldn't take in Jewish refugees fleeing the horrible conditions for them in Germany, so that's when the Nazis decided to just round them up and kill as many as they could.
States like Florida are right now in those early stages of doing exactly what the Nazis did. They're trying to purge their borders of anyone they don't like by trying to pass legislation that will make life there unbearable for them. They want those people to feel like even if their job and family are there, that life in those states is no longer tenable for them and they'll feel like they have no choice but to leave.
Republican controlled states are basically doing to the people they think are "undesirable" the exact same things the Nazis did in the 1930s to the Jews before the Holocaust started: they're trying to make life as miserable for them as possible so that they will voluntarily just leave.
Throughout much of the 1930s the Nazis didn't intend on mass executions of Jews, but rather just wanted them to vacate all of Germany (and then Europe), so they imposed all kinds of laws and restrictions against Jews to make life unbearable for them. However, antisemitism was so rampant around the world (especially in the US) that other countries wouldn't take in Jewish refugees fleeing the horrible conditions for them in Germany, so that's when the Nazis decided to just round them up and kill as many as they could.
States like Florida are right now in those early stages of doing exactly what the Nazis did. They're trying to purge their borders of anyone they don't like by trying to pass legislation that will make life there unbearable for them. They want those people to feel like even if their job and family are there, that life in those states is no longer tenable for them and they'll feel like they have no choice but to leave.
so explain what blue states are doing to drive away people....they are moving to red states in droves...thousands every week I am thinking blue states need more room for those lovely tent cities popping up everywhere in utopia land
Republican controlled states are basically doing to the people they think are "undesirable" the exact same things the Nazis did in the 1930s to the Jews before the Holocaust started: they're trying to make life as miserable for them as possible so that they will voluntarily just leave.
Throughout much of the 1930s the Nazis didn't intend on mass executions of Jews, but rather just wanted them to vacate all of Germany (and then Europe), so they imposed all kinds of laws and restrictions against Jews to make life unbearable for them. However, antisemitism was so rampant around the world (especially in the US) that other countries wouldn't take in Jewish refugees fleeing the horrible conditions for them in Germany, so that's when the Nazis decided to just round them up and kill as many as they could.
States like Florida are right now in those early stages of doing exactly what the Nazis did. They're trying to purge their borders of anyone they don't like by trying to pass legislation that will make life there unbearable for them. They want those people to feel like even if their job and family are there, that life in those states is no longer tenable for them and they'll feel like they have no choice but to leave.
No, they aren't.

You are just throwing a tantrum because you want to get to impressionable children in order to manipulate their sexual identity.
Republican controlled states are basically doing to the people they think are "undesirable" the exact same things the Nazis did in the 1930s to the Jews before the Holocaust started: they're trying to make life as miserable for them as possible so that they will voluntarily just leave.
Throughout much of the 1930s the Nazis didn't intend on mass executions of Jews, but rather just wanted them to vacate all of Germany (and then Europe), so they imposed all kinds of laws and restrictions against Jews to make life unbearable for them. However, antisemitism was so rampant around the world (especially in the US) that other countries wouldn't take in Jewish refugees fleeing the horrible conditions for them in Germany, so that's when the Nazis decided to just round them up and kill as many as they could.
States like Florida are right now in those early stages of doing exactly what the Nazis did. They're trying to purge their borders of anyone they don't like by trying to pass legislation that will make life there unbearable for them. They want those people to feel like even if their job and family are there, that life in those states is no longer tenable for them and they'll feel like they have no choice but to leave.
Reality meet Mamooth, Mamooth, reality. I see you two have never met.
You need to leave the bar and get out into real America. While liberals are working hard and raising their families, conservatives are collecting subsidies and badmouthing their country. That's why there are so many more conservatives here, the liberals have jobs and lives.
No, they aren't.

You are just throwing a tantrum because you want to get to impressionable children in order to manipulate their sexual identity.
Did you get a good hategasm from that, perv?

The way you act isn't normal. That's why decent people shield their children and pets from people like you
You need to leave the bar and get out into real America. While liberals are working hard and raising their families, conservatives are collecting subsidies and badmouthing their country. That's why there are so many more conservatives here, the liberals have jobs and lives.
This is intended as some sort of bizarre satire, right?

You can't be THAT stupid, can you?

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