The Theory That Mail-in Voting Is Secure Just Died a Horrible Death

I agree with you. But the problem is corruption. They want 1000s' of MULES to drop off 1000s' of Bogus Ballots into un-controlled un-monitored drop boxes. They want to flood out millions of ballots after that........harvest millions and pay $10 per to fill out and dump.

2000 mules was a fraud. Remember. Trump claimed 3-5 million illegals voted in 2016.

He couldn't find any evidence so his committee was finally disbanded.
If you're disabled, fine use an absentee vote, if you're military ditto. If you're too lazy to go to the voting booth on election day, then don't bother.

what is you are a nurse that works a 12 hour shift and are gone from 6am to 8pm once you add in lunch break and commute?

Elon Musk Posts DEVASTATING Ad Exposing Democrats Plan for Invasion of Illegal Aliens - Ad by Western Lensman​

The how and why of that video is totally wrong, but you did get the what right. Those not in the cult are winning lots more elections, and it looks like that will continue for the forseeable future.

The Theory That Mail-in Voting Is Secure Just

Died a Horrible Death

Actually: The 43% number is not uniform throughout the 50 States
I didn't specifically look at the swing states but I’ll take over-all of them
I may be confused-some states like NJ, PA & NY were significantly higher than 43%.
Someone respectable posited that 43% is the highest known number in first world history almost double second place-never bothered to investigate to see if true or not.
The 2020 presidential was obviously not a secure election. It will also obviously not continue ad infinitum.
My late mother (UK) used to get a form to vote by post. I never knew whether she voted Tory, Labour, or Green. But in her later years, the form sat there well after voting day not filled in. I could have easily ticked a box and posted it, but, that's how easy fraudulent mail in voting can be.

If anyone thinks mail in voting is secure, they fell out of the retard tree and smacked their head off a thousand branches on the way down.

If there was no mail in option and she wanted to vote, I would have had to crack out the wheelchair for her and drive her to the polling station. If someone is crippled and has no one to take them, guess what, life ain't fair.

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