The structural disadvantage in the quest to save democracy.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017

The Election Is Rigged All Right … FOR Trump (actually, all Repub presidential candidates)

A good reminder from Gerald F. Seib of the structural advantages Donald Trump and Republicans continues to enjoy heading into 2024:

The Republican advantage is so pronounced that [Charlie] Cook estimates that President Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee, will have to win the national popular vote by four to seven percentage points to win in the Electoral College, much as he did in 2020 when he won the popular vote by 4.5% over Trump.

What is the consequence of this structural advantage? The disastrous presidencies of Dubya and the Orange Menace. The Crazy running amok in the House (that one's due to gerrymandering). Congressional dysfunction and gridlock. A SC packed with extremist conservatives. The possibility an unqualified despot and potential felon could be re-elected.

The Election Is Rigged All Right … FOR Trump (actually, all Repub presidential candidates)

A good reminder from Gerald F. Seib of the structural advantages Donald Trump and Republicans continues to enjoy heading into 2024:

What is the consequence of this structural advantage? The disastrous presidencies of Dubya and the Orange Menace. The Crazy running amok in the House (that one's due to gerrymandering). Congressional dysfunction and gridlock. A SC packed with extremist conservatives. The possibility an unqualified despot and potential felon could be re-elected.

I don't think it's necessary to comment on the juvenile nature of that particular denial of a rigged system.........but I do so enjoy exposing your puerile proclivities.
I don't think it's necessary to comment on the juvenile nature of that particular denial of a rigged system.........but I do so enjoy exposing your puerile proclivities.

It's not rigged, it's working as intended. The Presidency and the Senate were never designed to represent a majority of the voters. The Presidency represents a population weighted majority of the States, and the Senate represents all States equally.

The people are represented at the federal level by the House.
That's the strange part ... Republicans took the Democrats to the cleaners in 2020 ... swept into the State Houses and drew all the new congressional boundaries for the next ten years ...

Why would Democrats rig the elections against themselves? ... are they really that stupid? ... almost as bad as MAGA Mike Johnson ...
I can appreciate how badly you want to believe that the Founders intended for the minority to rule...........but they didn't. The EC is an historical anachronism, erroneously formed because the Founders could not foresee future events.

They wanted the majority to not oppress the minority, or at the time the small States.

They also understood individual States can tailor their own laws to suit their own people. Not everything has to be done at the federal level, and in fact we do too much stuff at the federal level already.
They wanted the majority to not oppress the minority, or at the time the small States.

They also understood individual States can tailor their own laws to suit their own people. Not everything has to be done at the federal level, and in fact we do too much stuff at the federal level already.
Educate yourself.


The Election Is Rigged All Right … FOR Trump (actually, all Repub presidential candidates)

A good reminder from Gerald F. Seib of the structural advantages Donald Trump and Republicans continues to enjoy heading into 2024:

What is the consequence of this structural advantage? The disastrous presidencies of Dubya and the Orange Menace. The Crazy running amok in the House (that one's due to gerrymandering). Congressional dysfunction and gridlock. A SC packed with extremist conservatives. The possibility an unqualified despot and potential felon could be re-elected.
Biden sucks, he cheated to get in. So you get what you deserve.
I can appreciate how badly you want to believe that the Founders intended for the minority to rule...........but they didn't. The EC is an historical anachronism, erroneously formed because the Founders could not foresee future events.
No they wanted all states to be represented. Not just a few big cities. So it's working out as it was planned.

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